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Discuss ideas that could cause the White race to be saved that are non-violent and not illegal.

Owner: oppressed


To reach normies On youtube comment sections with WN propaganda, do this     (
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 7 months ago (+19/-1)
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Search "racist" or similar topics, narrow the search to this week, now post propaganda to wake people on those videos. Reply to other people's comments with WN propaganda and links.
White Nationalists need to match the propaganda output of a hypothetical White Nationalist Fox News channel. That's the only way to save the White race because it's the only way to reach and wake millions of White normies. Yet how can we produce that much propaganda output?     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 7 months ago (+0/-0)
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White Nationalists need to match the propaganda output of a hypothetical White Nationalist Fox News channel.

That's the only way to save the White race because it's the only way to reach and wake millions of White normies.

Yet how can we produce that much propaganda output?
Idea: Saving the White race requires we first "mentally crystalize" the requirement for saving the White race: A consistent presence on normie mainstream media.     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 8 months ago (+4/-2)
With all of us having this long-term goal in mind, it could happen.

Every good thing for White people, including ethnostates, depends on having /ourguys/ and /our ideas/ spread far and wide on the mainstream media every day. Nothing less will suffice.
Start a White Nationalist church in a White community and broadcast the services on cable television and internet     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 8 months ago (+6/-3)
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The goal is to foster a sense of community and belonging to a church of Jesus Christ, and to save souls, and to promote peaceful White Nationalism.

Imagine how wonderful it would be to have your church support your race for a change, instead of supporting diversity, inclusion, equal rights, race-blindness and tolerance (things of White Genocide).

Not sure if they're jewish? Offer them licorice.     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by gaperglory to IdeasToSaveWhites 8 months ago (+2/-2)
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Jews can't handle licorice. They think it's disgusting. Its not 100%, but it can be a tipping factor if you're not sure.
Btw, don't like licorice? You aren't white.
elon musk and normies and even jews can be converted to white nationalism     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 9 months ago (+2/-2)
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thats what you guys dont understand. true not everyone can be convinced white nationalism is right, but if u cast your outreach net far and wide, you'll catch some whales occasionally. meaning if u keep redpilling the masses, youll eventually wake up some giants who will stand for our cause. that could make all the difference.

but we really need mainstream media to wake up whites (wuw).

we can butter up some "kings" like elon musk, flattery and prayer might get us somewhere. i have two unbanned white nationalist twitter accounts and i flatter elon. ive redpilled bill maher by getting him to stick up for whites a little. jared taylor videos are the best to show people.
send tweets of praises to thank elon musk, so he will know white advocates are on his side, rooting for him. then he will be less likely to ban us. butter him up     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 9 months ago (+1/-9)
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"Thank you for having our presence on X, Sir @elonmusk, and thank you for having enough cash to save the White race. We are your humble guests, and we want you to succeed.

May Christ save you and keep you"
a presidential platform of low income housing (government projects) for White people, families, and communities.     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 9 months ago (+3/-3)
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When we run pro-White casndidates for office, a good presidential platform would be low income housing (government projects) for White people, families, and communities.

to foster White Wellbeing and White Growth and White Opportunity and White Business and White Comradere and White Fellowship and White Community and White Collectivity

We need White projects so chads like yall can find a few women each and start producing loads of White children that the government can pay for
Press shapes public opinion, and public opinion shapes laws and government.     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 9 months ago (+2/-2)
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Press shapes public opinion, and public opinion shapes laws and government.

That's why all significant and long-term change depends on getting your ideas constantly into the mainstream media/press

How to accomplish that? By turning as many normies into WN as possible, especially normies that are connected to people who work in the press.
A deracinated people cannot stand against a problem that requires racial consciousness (such as the Great Replacement).     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 9 months ago (+3/-1)
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While Whites are colorblind and propagandized with colorblindness in the mainstream media, there is no significant resistance possible against White Genocide.

A deracinated people cannot stand against a problem that requires a racial consciousness.

The Great Replacement is a problem that requires racially consciousness White people in order to solve.

Therefore, your job should to to wake up enough normies that we get an audience and a create a buzz and a demand for WN content that the media will want to satisfy, and thus get a foothold in the msm. Then WN ideas can accelerate as a snowball effect, the Great White Awakening will come about, and White people will wake up exponentially.
i got 400 twitter followers in 24 hours just from riding the He's Jewish trending topic with a meme naming a jew     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 9 months ago (+7/-3)
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We need lots of followers so we can reach and propagandize people like mainstream media does.

Hack: use racial topics when they trend to soar up the ranks.

Click "latest" after you click a trending topic to read the latest discussions about the topic, and participate. Once you see what tweets are heating up, find a meme to make a similar post so yours can go viral too.
White Nationalist movie script idea: The Lords of ZOG     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 10 months ago (+6/-0)
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White Nationalist movie script idea:

The Lords of ZOG

A group of high-IQ, sophisticated and cultured White Nationalists (Hollywood would want to make them terrorists) invent a device that can control a politicians mind from afar. The WN start using it to control the American president's speech when he is talking to foreign leaders, inserting detailed White Nationalist facts and opinions about race and jews in his speech. The president is flabbergasted and offended by himself and thats where the comedy and hijinks ensues. This is similar to Jim Carey's Liar Liar.

We must create good WN movies and culture some day to promote WN ideas.
Pray to Jesus for these White Advocate leaders to have hundreds of millions of dollars funneled to them legally     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 10 months ago (+1/-2)
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Prayer is like having a thousand man army or more at your side. The God of angel armies is always by your side.

Pray to Jesus for these White Advocate leaders to have hundreds of millions of dollars funneled to them legally, and it could help save the White race.

Nick Fuentes, Jared Taylor and American Resaissance, and Jason Köhne, National Justice Party, CGreg Johnson and Counter Currents, and more.

These are kings that should all be wealthy for trying to benefit White people. Prayer can and will make this happen, amen.
Distribute White Nationalist flyers at Trump rallies like NJP did     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 10 months ago (+18/-2)
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Here's a link to them doing it

Distribute White Nationalist flyers at Trump rallies to wake people up. It's a good opportunity to reach politically active Whites. This is a huge step for any WN to take and I recommend bringing some friends.
My biggest idea to save Whites and defeat the jew yet, a Federal lawsuit to end forced racial integration/White Genocide for those who want it, and on these grounds: original content     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 10 months ago (+4/-3)
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A federal lawsuit to end forced racial integration/White Genocide, on these grounds:

1) Diversity destroys the host race through a process known as genetic swamping.

"Naturalists want to keep the two types of crocodile apart so as to avoid genetic swamping.

But White people, if you care about their survival, you're a 'Nazi.'"

Jared Taylor explains this in DO WHITE PEOPLE HAVE A FUTURE:

2) Dviersity causes unmitigated violence against White people since Blacks 35 times more likely to commit violence against whites.

Video proof:


Does that prove so-called "racism" against blacks is justifiable and excusable under the law, and could save lives?

3) Diversity changes the culture, media, and government into a mish-mash or alien races and thoughts which are often harmful to the host race, Whites.

4) With diversity and colorblind anti-racism, Whites get wrongfully blamed and victimized for any disparate outcomes between races.

Examples of victimization Whites go through:

Contant Media harassment of pro-Whites, race realists, White Nationalists, Nick Fuentes, etc. That is in stark contrast to the media's constant promotion and high appraisals of non-White and anti-White ideas.

5) Now you folks can add more


Federal Jurists must Watch Basic Facts About Race in 13 Minutes:
Hot twitter trick to find lots of anti-Whites/normies and wake up on the subject of race:     (
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 10 months ago (+9/-1)

Hot twitter trick to find lots of anti-Whites and wake up on the subject of race:

Search "racism" or similar terms on twitter.

Click "Latest" up on top of page

Now comment on all the latest posts mentioning racism. I like this post:

Blacks 35 times more likely to commit violence against whites.

Video proof:


Does that prove "racism" against blacks could save lives?

Watch Basic Facts About Race in 13 Minutes:

Make White Nationalist AI bots. Also make race realist ethnic ones of Mohummud, the happy merchant, and blacks like this AI Jesus     (
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 11 months ago (+5/-2)

As an idea to save Whites, make redpilling White Nationalist AI bots that chats can watch on livestream and ask questions to, like this AI Jesus.

Also make ethnic race realist bots that spout White Nationalist facts. For example an AI Mohommad bot redpilling us about Arabs and jews on livestream while in the character/voice of an arab.

This AI Jesus can answer in several different characters or accents.
Jobless incels could be most useful in saving the White race     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 11 months ago (+1/-2)
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Jobless incels, or NEETs, can spend lots of time trying to redpill people. Since a lot of Whites need to awake if they are going to save their race, it means jobless incels are most useful for saving Westernkind.

It might even be a plus if the loser is on the autism spectrum, because then he can focus on one thing systematically for long periods of time. He can deconstruct human behaviors and perform them like a robot.

Remember, you can spend all day every day trying to wake up White people, and it could mean all the difference. Perhaps you will redpill that one person or that group of people who will trigger the Great Awakening or create the Ethnostates.
Big time celebrities could get together with Kanye West and Nick Fuentes and sing We Are The World, but with lyrics for saving White people.     (
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 11 months ago (+1/-3)
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ICP might of been wanting an uncensored livestreaming platform where they could keep all their donations. One such potential livestreaming platform is owned by Nick Fuentes. Nick is a friend and employee of Kanye West, and Ye has been abandoned by his black friends like Diddy for criticizing jews.

Now Violent J could offer support to Ye West, and also join streaming if he revives the ICP livestreams.

Big time celebrities could get together with Kanye West and Nick Fuentes and sing We Are The World, but with lyrics for saving White people.

Here is the video for U.S.A. For Africa - We Are the World

Our version of American History X - We need to write a respectable White Nationalist movie script     (
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 12 months ago (+19/-2)
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In our version of American History X, a respectable White man wakes up to racial reality and JQ. Then he joins a positive culture celebrating White people. This group Whites turns the tides on anti-Whiteism and saves the White race. The script follows the events which transpire as a group of White people take back their countries. This will inspire Whites to come together and grieve the loss of their countries and race.

We need Tre Parker from South Park to help iron out this script, he loves working on scripts.
Teach Whites that blacks are homo erectus according to DNA studies     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 1 year ago (+3/-1)
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I can't help but keep thinking that if Whites thought "homo erectus" every time they saw a black, they would evaluate racial diversity differently. They wouldn't try to constantly appease and placate anti-White blacks.

Whites would have a better understanding of negro nature as being homo erectus and would therefore feel it morally rational not to sympathize or fraternize with negroes. Right now Whites are appalled at the idea of pre-judging negroes. Whites have spent the last 60 years trying to make diversity and racial integration stay harmonious and functional.
White Nationalists must secure a consistent and eternal spot in the mainstream media to awaken Whites. That is the "how" for the 14 words.     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 1 year ago (+4/-1)
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Insofar as the jews destroyed the West, the weapon they used was "anti-racism", as programmed through constant mainstream media propaganda exposure.

Constant mainstream media propaganda could also be used to liberate White minds, turning everyone into White Nationalists who save the White Race.

The press shapes public opinion, and as such the mainstream media is imperative to saving the White Race.

Mainstream media control is the quintessential issue of our time, and everything depends on it.

Jews would fight to the last breath to prevent White Nationalists from broadcasting daily in the mainstream media, they would spend billions in time and services to destroy any White Nationalist mainstream media outlet. They know it would save the White race and they would cry powerfully and loudly about it.
turning text file of redplling quotes into a scrolling text ticker     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 1 year ago (+1/-1)
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i have a large text file of quotes about race and jews that could wake whites. i want to make a ticker of text that scrolls the redpilling quotes, like the ticker on cnn. id like to display it somewhere lots of eyes will see it like the bottom of a white nationalist video game.

any ideas or thoughts?
Make professional race realist documentaries original content     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 1 year ago (+7/-1)
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Why can't we make professional race realist documentaries? It could interview pro-Whites and anti-Whites and critique the anti-Whites/anti-racists. It could also interview normies on the fence if there are any.

I wouldn't know how to do this but WN could hire a director and raise funds to film and produce the project.
Write a White Nationalist teen movie script     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 1 year ago (+15/-1)
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Write the script, and get handsome actors and actresses to play cool hand luke White Nationalists in a teen movie, maybe 80's teen movie, and they discuss race eloquently. In this way the film fosters WN culture and ideas. Then collect your accolades at Cannes.

Even as a tiny tiny minority in the world, jews would have the brain power and racial solidarity towards other jews to accomplish this quickly.