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Community for : 3.3 years

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Digital ID     (
submitted by UncleDoug to GreatAwakening 2 months ago (+6/-0)
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Kentucky Bill Would Take Step Toward Treating Gold and Silver as Money     (
submitted by iSnark to GreatAwakening 5 months ago (+12/-0)
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What the Great Awakening Looks Like     (
submitted by obvious to GreatAwakening 6 months ago (+6/-0)
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It is up to you and me! Be the awakening!
Vivarium IRL     (
submitted by UncleDoug to GreatAwakening 6 months ago (+9/-0)
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iTs jUst a ConSpIRacy tHEorY!     (
submitted by UncleDoug to GreatAwakening 1.6 years ago (+31/-0)
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Extreme micromanagement over every aspect of your life, and you will be charged accordingly.
Ummm… Q just posted     (
submitted by SeanBox to GreatAwakening 2.0 years ago (+7/-1)
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Tirsoh Cartoons - Commentary about the NWO Takeover, Coexisting Civilizations      (
submitted by TurningTrident to GreatAwakening 2.2 years ago (+1/-0)

Reject the paid detractors or you will not free yourself through knowledge.

Look at everything that is happening, how it's all been predicted by the same types and what they are saying now.

Remember this when they convince you that you are being lied to.

Find out whether they are admitting their own guilt before accepting their distractions.

If you choose not to do this you will continue to suffer and accept the indoctrination of others.
We Shouldnt Have to Live Like This Part 4 - Never Relax!     (
submitted by TurningTrident to GreatAwakening 2.3 years ago (+6/-0)
Excavations and barriers in front of the White House and the Canadian parliament right now!!! What the hell is going on?     (
submitted by GeneralDisarray to GreatAwakening 2.4 years ago (+2/-1)
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This is a massive coincidence, and since I don't believe in coincidences this needs explaining.

How can both af these adjacent countries be having the same construction going on?

Are they building defences?

Are they digging up tunnels or bunkers?

Do we have this going on at parliament buildings in other countries right now?!

Can anyone of you give me an explanation of this?!!!
The final act will be a grandiose illusion that will terrify the clot shot mob into sudden heart attacks! This is how psychopaths kill you.      (GreatAwakening)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to GreatAwakening 2.4 years ago (+5/-3)
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Stop being afraid of what they will do.

It will be terrifying but it will be all illusory.

They want to frighten you to death. Don't believe the danger is real. Their power is all illusions, and that's all it's ever been.

Even that bullshiter Q said a scare event is coming before this ends. Which begs the question why they would allow this if they where on our side?

It's not wwiii, aliens attacking or the moon crashing to earth that will kill us. It's panic, and that's all the danger we face.
So does q still do drops?     (GreatAwakening)
submitted by noonefromnowhere to GreatAwakening 2.6 years ago (+2/-2)
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It's been a while since I last heard about a q drop.
John McAfee's telegram account is showing us five folders with 31T of data in a screenshot! One folder is called Little St James (Epstein island)!!!     (
submitted by GeneralDisarray to GreatAwakening 2.8 years ago (+13/-8)
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None of these folder can be accessed yet but now we can see the folder names!

- Kono

- Little St James

- Mother Lode

- Nakamoto

- SETI Serendip
Many people on twitter are writing "My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us!" Trying to get it trending but I'm not seeing it listed.      (GreatAwakening)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to GreatAwakening 2.8 years ago (+1/-1)
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This doesn't seem to be driven by any message from official sources.

Can any of you see if it's listed as trending?
John McAfee's telegram account is saying that four laptops have been sent to the media! Presumably with lots of dirt on the hard drives that he intends to release.      (
submitted by GeneralDisarray to GreatAwakening 2.8 years ago (+10/-2)
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Not totally convinced since the same account claimed that the clown show would have ended last week!

What do you guys think about this?
Research poll: Do you know what the term "gaslighting" means?     (
submitted by GeneralDisarray to GreatAwakening 2.9 years ago (+3/-1)
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Free Bill Cosby eating pizza     (
submitted by AloisH to GreatAwakening 3.0 years ago (+10/-1)
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In Q land I think that makes him a nigger