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Community for : 3.2 years

Owner: MrGoat


John (((Leibowitz))) Stewart     (
submitted by NationalSocialism to FellowWhites 2 years ago (+63/-0)
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These were taken from his Apple+ tv series, “The Problem with Jon Stewart“.
This is a game two can play      (
submitted by fightknightHERO to FellowWhites 3 years ago (+59/-0)
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This lottie kike bitch is a treasure trove of redpills
i unironically wanna see a holohoax film portrayed by niggers
The jewish executive producer of “Teen mom”     (
submitted by NationalSocialism to FellowWhites 2 years ago (+59/-0)
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As a white person you have a responsibility to represent your race     (FellowWhites)
submitted by Laputois to FellowWhites 3 months ago (+45/-1)
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Pointing out the deficiencies of other races is all good and fine, but as a white person it is incumbent on you to act white. This means refraining from lying, stealing and teaching your children not to lie or steal. It is incumbent on you to construct and maintain a viable civilization repleat with morals and good character. I once traveled to Japan. I liked the hotel robe and asked the front desk to buy one. They refused, but the language barrier prevented me from knowing why. It could be that the employees did not have the authority or a mechanism, or that the pattern on the robe was of the owners personal family pattern. My european co workers told me to just take it as the hotel charged enough that they could incur the loss. I told them as an American and more importantly as a White person I considered myself as an ad-hoc ambassador of both America and the white race and that I could not. I ended up buying a yukata in a local department store.
Fellow White people…     (
submitted by NationalSocialism to FellowWhites 1.3 years ago (+35/-0)
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FBI HILARIOUS MISTAKE! On the Chans FBI shilling for one of their own actual social net honeypots FORGOT TO SWAP IP ADDRESS between sockpuppets! Much Lulz. Too many Diversity Hires in 2021 FBI?     (
submitted by try to FellowWhites 2.8 years ago (+35/-1)
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Not a lot of Jew naming on the FBI site, but has many conservative posts but nothing hard hitting.

Hey guys, wanna meet up and show our gun mods? gun mods? meetup at the range? anyone near new york? guns? meetup? barbecue?
"racism against whites doesn't exist"     (
submitted by fightknightHERO to FellowWhites 3 years ago (+32/-0)
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Is Twitter more jew infested than facebook?
So, where do you see yourself in 10 years?     (
submitted by SumerBreeze to FellowWhites 1 year ago (+26/-0)
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Being white doesn't buy you anything?     (
submitted by Dingo to FellowWhites 3 weeks ago (+21/-0)
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This is a short rebuttal to Jordan Peterson's statement: "Being white doesn't buy you anything."


EDIT: In the title s/white/White.
Also, note that the rebuttal is the second half (at about 2:25).
"Fellow White People" 1100 jews kvetching and larping as white both dissing, listing failings and giving advice on how whites need to act (PDF)     (
submitted by beece to FellowWhites 1.3 years ago (+19/-0)
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This is a copy/paste and not my work. It must have been a crazy amount of effort to compile this.
These christmas celebrating fellow whites SHOCKED at how their baby looks     (
submitted by Cunt to FellowWhites 2.5 years ago (+18/-0)
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It's just a shock I tells you. Looking at the mother and father and two older kids how would they have ever predicted they would have an ugly baby!
Anti-White the movie is directed by Jew Andrew Meyer     (
submitted by NationalSocialism to FellowWhites 2.6 years ago (+13/-1)
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A journalist investigates the growing hatred of white people in America.

(((They))) will gatekeep how Jewish influence is the main culprit for White hatred. This movie is more controlled opposition kosher nonsense.
hit by a car, but...     (
submitted by boekanier to FellowWhites 11 months ago (+12/-2)
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Shifting Shapes     (
submitted by CPU to FellowWhites 3.1 years ago (+8/-0)
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(((Morgan J Freeman))) is excited about White people becoming minorities in their own homelands      (
submitted by NationalSocialism to FellowWhites 2.5 years ago (+8/-0)
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In the very same sentence, these lying jews will tell you it’s a “far-right conspiracy theory”.
Blacks and Mongrels      (
submitted by Boomie to FellowWhites 3.1 years ago (+8/-1)
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"It is only a matter of time before we turn on the unvaccinated" - Nick Cohen     (
submitted by mememeyou to FellowWhites 3.1 years ago (+7/-0)
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"Doctors and, to their credit, government ministers, understand they must allay people’s fears. There’s nothing wrong with reaching out but at some point they will need to take on the propagators of fatally fake news with more vigour. If they do not, we will be in an intolerable position. The poor, among whom ethnic minorities are disproportionately represented, suffer the greatest health inequalities. During the pandemic, they disproportionately risked their lives in frontline services, while experiencing the highest death rates. As the pandemic slows down, they will continue to suffer the highest death rates along with new variants of the old plagues of racism and snobbery."
What a fight in the street is like in Peogressive FaggotAss eastern city” (urban)     (FellowWhites)
submitted by blit416 to FellowWhites 11 months ago (+6/-0)
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So I’m in business clothes, ironed shirt and leather shoes, and I see a guy I know on the street while I’m walking home.
This is a Main Street with all the junkies and whatnot
It’s also supposed to be a gayborhood {aren’t they all in downtown neighborhoods)
the guy I know says he has a bike to give me for a 20 I loaned him a few weeks ago. I’m touched, I was just helping him out when I gave him the 20.
I put my drink down on the hood of a parked truck, and say thanks, and out of nowhere some brown Arab cockcsucker starts FREAKING
“get that shit the fuck off my hood and get the fuck out of here you piece of shit !”
I’m surprised, honestly, he’s like 100% hostile out nowhere, no one saw him coming, he was yelling and pushing, and shit.
I say “PLEASE”
“what the duck did you say to me ?
I say “PLEASE move your cup” , “What’s wrong with you ?” “ Are you just learning English ? you’re asking me to move my cup… No problem… ask… don’t fucking start insulting me and shoving me “
“ FUCK YOU you worthless motherfucker”
So I clock him in the face, hard, and say “PLEASE, mothefucker”
So he tackles me. He’s about twice my size, I still break out of it and say “ Fuck you, ask nicesly, where the hell are you from ?”

Some Reddit master white cuck with his phone out is like “ I called the police, You should get the fuck out of here, you jerk.”
I’m actually pretty calm and say “ What the fuck, I’m FROM here, where exactly should I go ?”
Reddit master says “ No you’re not, you’re not an Indian”

I say “ My great grandfather turned the soil, my grandfather cultivated the soil, my father worked for the government his whole life. we’ve been here from Ireland for 500 years, what the fuck says “Indian” s are the only people from here
Redditlord ”History!”
I say “ What history, what the hell are you babbling about you Cuck faggot.”
Redditlord “Did you call me a cocksucker ?”
me “ Nah I called you a white self-hating cuck faggot, maybe you need to have some black guy bang your girl for you for reparations”
“Why so homophobic, Cuck “ ? He gets All confused and backs off to his phone and waits for his police fr
THEN get this a 5’2”lesbian chick pulls up and starts making mean growly faces at me telling me to “get lost, and take off , and fuck off”.
It was.. like.. kinda cute in a way. All meany little female face.
Like she was doing her best to screw up her face into an intimidating menace face.
It just looked cutesy and sill, like your little sister in Halloween costume as a pirate.

…and then she shoves me I shoved her back. She goes flying. pULLs out a fuxking knife ?
Me: “ So you’re gonna try to kill me because I push harder than you ? Has no one ever told you no in your life ?

L”ME (as only a green/blue haired wee little female can)
I’m a preppy 6.’ 160pound guy … and the entire street went berserk because I didn’t bow down to a girl who was pushing me and waving a knife.

we waited for the cops cause what the fuck, the guy picked a fight with me and then lost.
Some homeless crack lady said I was abusing he chick (that begs from me every single day” ); with the knife…all “You NEVER touch a girl”

The cops handcuff me, drive me home, give me a 65dollar trespassing ?(!)Ticket, and wash their hands of it.
As ALWAYS. THE YOUNG WHITE MAN gets handcuffed. As ALWAYS some cuck Claims “I have no rights it’s native lands ?!
…but honestly the cops were based enough. They COULD have put me in county jail for 2 weeks bullshit processing time. It’s always goddamn 2 weeks bullshit processing.

But I threw the first punch. And I’m goddamn proud.
If ONLY all of you guys threw the first goddamn punch next time some swarthy asshole tries to bully you cause you’re nice and white, and when some little lesbian gets all
tough you fling her away like a little doll, people would have a little more respect for whites,
you could just see shit lining up to blame the whites man for everything. Honestly. Chicks getting involved and threatening me.. when..they get tossed like a dwarf they claim woman privilege.
Soy boys whip out phones and claim “this is native land” to their fat girlfriends applause.

I’m 44. I’ve taken JUST about enough shit in my life. FUCK THAT.
Proud Boys confirms the reason they have a problem with Patriot Front isn't because they think they're 'feds', but because they're white nationalists     (FellowWhites)
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to FellowWhites 11 months ago (+5/-0)
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Handsome Truth is a spic who got breast reduction surgery and hair plugs     (
submitted by Spaceman84 to FellowWhites 8 months ago (+10/-8)
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He’s not even a wop and he has bitch tits like Robert Paulson
Davis Wolfgang Hawke - jewish neo nazi spammer     (
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to FellowWhites 5 months ago (+2/-0)
Check this kike fellow White supremacist gook lover out.     (
submitted by Breeder to FellowWhites 1.6 years ago (+1/-0)
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white bitch pretending to be jewish to attack Israel and get away with antisemitism 😡     (FellowWhites)
submitted by IsraelRespecter to FellowWhites 6 months ago (+4/-6)
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