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Community for : 2.6 years

/v/CryptoReality is dedicated to the pragmatic and rational examination of crypto currency and related technologies such as blockchain, De-Fi, Fin-tech, etc.

Our goal is to be an alternative to the overwhelming number of "crypto shill" social media bubbles, who have an inherent conflict of interest between reporting what's really going on in the industry and what's in the material interest of "investors."

We showcase objective news, critical analysis and fallacy-free debate and discussion.

Owner: MichaelStewart


Crazy story gets a little crazier: "most - or roughly 98% of its (FTX) creditors - would get back 118% of what they had on the FTX platform the day the company entered Chapter 11 bankruptcy."     (
submitted by Sector2 to CryptoReality 3 weeks ago (+6/-0)
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"Bankman-Fried was sentenced to 25 years in prison. He plans to appeal his sentence and conviction. In retrospect, considering that those who had money in his bankrupt exchange got as much as a 42% return, he may well end up with a reduced sentence."

Thought I recently read he got a huge reduction, but maybe that was just speculation.
Someone is rigging dodgecoin and possibly ethereum prices/values      (CryptoReality)
submitted by oppressed to CryptoReality 1 month ago (+2/-1)
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Dodgecoin and ethereum goes up then down by 5% almost every 48-hour period. Meaning somebody is buying large amounts when the price is low, which raises the global price by decreasing supply, and then they sell it for a profit. Then the price goes back down since there is more supply, so they can buy large amounts again. They keep repeating this process to make free money.

Coinbase can give notifications of price changes to your email, and this rigged crypto pricing has been happening for months.

But can it be proven?
Consume a Digital token economy     (
submitted by UncleDoug to CryptoReality 4 months ago (+3/-1)
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CBDC FUTURE: Banks Will Tokenize Customer Deposits Before Rolling Out CBDCs

Cash will still be available, but it will be more volatile and less valuable, so come and collect your expiring digital tokens.

All of the zoomers will adopt the digital wallet day one because of convenience, fashion and CurrentThingTM.
/r/buttcoin is being censored; undoubtedly by the jew     (
submitted by MichaelStewart to CryptoReality 12 months ago (+0/-2)
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Odd Thomas     (
submitted by UncleDoug to CryptoReality 1.3 years ago (+41/-0)
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Diverse Crypto     (
submitted by UncleDoug to CryptoReality 1.4 years ago (+58/-1)
65 comments last comment...
FTX leverage     (
submitted by UncleDoug to CryptoReality 1.5 years ago (+41/-0)
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Central banks are considering their own digital currencies.     (
submitted by UncleDoug to CryptoReality 1.6 years ago (+41/-1)
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Ethereum Co-Founder Welcomes "Crypto Winter" To Flush Out Speculation, Says Canadian Tyranny Bolsters Need For Decentralization     (
submitted by FalseRealityCheck to CryptoReality 2.3 years ago (+12/-0)
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Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of the Ethereum blockchain, says the digital-asset universe may actually benefit from the current retreat in coin prices that’s cast a chill on investors and is being referred to as another crypto winter.

“The people who are deep into crypto, and especially building things, a lot of them welcome a bear market,” Buterin said during an interview with Bloomberg.

“They welcome the bear market because when there are these long periods of prices moving up by huge amounts like it does -- it does obviously make a lot of people happy -- but it does also tend to invite a lot of very short-term speculative attention.”
What a Crypto Winter ACTUALLY looks like (2018 Bear Market Edition)     (
submitted by MichaelStewart to CryptoReality 2.3 years ago (+1/-0)
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Which cryptos have you made the most money from, and how much did you make(specific amounts are not required)?     (CryptoReality)
submitted by UrCoolerOlderBrother to CryptoReality 2.4 years ago (+3/-2)
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I'll start; Harmony-ONE, Raven Coin-RVN, and a small dex on the ONE network called OpenSwap - Oswap/Xswap. I made a few grand off a few hundred. Nothing life changing.
Is Bitcoin a Ponzi scheme? Part 2     (
submitted by MichaelStewart to CryptoReality 2.6 years ago (+4/-3)
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Is Bitcoin Money?     (
submitted by MichaelStewart to CryptoReality 2.6 years ago (+3/-3)
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Yes it’s true, money is just a social contract. Money is whatever we agree should be used to facilitate trade, but there are many things of value we trade all the time: art, sports cards, classic cars, precious metals, jewelry… Yes, bitcoin is easily divisible which makes it a better unit of account than random collectibles, but no better than dollars. The ability to divide something by a billion is not a meaningful advantage, and even if it was, you can’t defeat the incumbent by only being 10% better.

In fact the volatility of Bitcoin’s price makes it a pretty terrible medium of exchange, who will want to receive Bitcoin as payment for goods and services if by the time they pay their bills the value has dropped 10%? The reality is that very few people are using bitcoin to pay taxes, buy burritos or finance their homes.

In the end, it all comes down to being a store of value. Anything is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it, but history is littered with things that had value one day and none the next. It reminds me of a story Nassim Taleb tells in The Black Swan, a turkey can live its entire life thinking humans are their best friends: taking care of them, keeping them safe from predators, feeding them… then one day, Thanksgiving arrives.

Calling bitcoin money isn’t enough to make it money if it doesn’t meet any of the criteria for something to be money and if it’s not being used as money in the real economy.

Market cap is the solution

It seems all Bitcoin debates ultimately end in a case for increased market cap because the volatility will end with more liquidity. The problem is that we can’t say a higher market cap is justified just because we want it. A higher market cap can only be justified by increased use, usefulness and adoption of the technology. The promise of value comes first, market cap comes second.

Bitcoin’s genius is its ability to convince people that market cap alone is the desired outcome, not value, and price is the only lever to influence market cap — providing a self-serving argument for those pursuing speculative returns to pretend they have altruistic motives; simultaneously arguing for a better new de-centralized world while begging whales for “pumps” and manipulation to drive the price higher.

Ultimately the best way to get more liquidity in the market is to increase volume. The best way to increase volume is to make Bitcoin useful for something other than gambling. Bitcoin mania behaves exactly like we would expect a massive collaboration (conspiracy?) to defraud the public would behave.

If it looks like a duck…
Is Bitcoin a Ponzi scheme?     (
submitted by MichaelStewart to CryptoReality 2.6 years ago (+4/-3)
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People compare investing in Bitcoin to a Ponzi scheme. Let's investigate.
Is Bitcoin an Investment?     (
submitted by MichaelStewart to CryptoReality 2.6 years ago (+2/-3)
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Investments should create value. They should fund inventions, creations, discoveries or contribute something meaningful to humanity. Bitcoin is an environmental catastrophe, wasting massive amounts of electricity to enable trading computer bits back and forth producing nothing in the process. Bitcoin exchanges are almost exclusively used to speculate on the price of bitcoin. That’s not investing, that’s gambling. Many people can become skilled at gambling and consistently make money, that doesn’t make it investing.

To the moon!

The biggest mistake Bitcoin advocates have made is measuring success using price. Bitcoin will not succeed by settling for being a better, richer, longer lasting Ponzi scheme.
Bitcoin hits $67922     (
submitted by MichaelStewart to CryptoReality 2.6 years ago (+1/-1)

One day, this will all end.

It won't be $BTC = 0.

Instead, it will be $BTC = $1mil, but a loaf of bread will cost $10mil.
Cryptocurrencies: A Necessary Scam?     (
submitted by shitface9000 to CryptoReality 2.5 years ago (+0/-1)
White House Wants Crypto Rules as a Matter of National Security     (
submitted by FalseRealityCheck to CryptoReality 2.3 years ago (+1/-1)
Blockchain, meet social credit     (
submitted by UncleDoug to CryptoReality 2.3 years ago (+1/-0)
Fbi To Form New Digital Currency Unit As Justice Dept Taps New Crypto Czar     (
submitted by FalseRealityCheck to CryptoReality 2.3 years ago (+2/-0)

The U.S. Justice Department has tapped a seasoned computer crimes prosecutor to lead its new national cryptocurrency enforcement team and announced on Thursday that the FBI is launching a unit for blockchain analysis and virtual asset seizure. The creation of the "virtual asset exploitation" unit at the FBI comes on the heels of the Justice Department's largest-ever financial seizure.
Blockchain - Innovation or Illusion? Full Documentary     (
submitted by MichaelStewart to CryptoReality 1.4 years ago (+0/-0)
Crypto: In Memoriam     (
submitted by MichaelStewart to CryptoReality 1.4 years ago (+1/-1)
Crypto: The World’s Greatest Scam     (
submitted by MichaelStewart to CryptoReality 1.3 years ago (+3/-1)
Economic reforms and CBDC reality     (
submitted by UncleDoug to CryptoReality 1 year ago (+0/-0)

The dollar system will collapse. It’s already started. Every day you’ll read another story that some major country – it could be India, it could be China

The same can be said about the Ukraine war, this has stifled the competitiveness of Europe as an economic powerhouse that does not encourage trade. The proxy war means global economies are now trading with South Asian partners more frequently.

“By linking its economy and currency to politics, the US is practically undermining the foundations of its dominance.
[Bizonacci] Funds Are Safu - Binance      (
submitted by MichaelStewart to CryptoReality 6 months ago (+0/-0)