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Community for : 3.2 years



WTF I love PJW now     (
submitted by NationalSocialism to BannedFromSocialMedia 2 years ago (+90/-0)
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This Picture Really Pisses Off the Cunt Who Killed Her Unborn Child     (
submitted by SparklingWiggle to BannedFromSocialMedia 2.7 years ago (+36/-0)
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If you have a social media sock puppet account post this picture. Only do it once or the kikes that own the platform will permaban the account. The cunt is a member of the British Parliament and run a very sophisticated algorith to hunt for it. Flipping it and distorting the coloring will still get tracked, so it must really make them angry. Fuck her and her fucking clown husband. Fuck the kikes. Fuck the jab that keeps on killing.

Edit: I appear to be wrong about her nationality and position. She is American and a nutjob.

She stalks people and files DMCA takedowns for screenshots.
Driving while (not) black (enough) can be lethal!     (
submitted by Redhairin to BannedFromSocialMedia 2.9 years ago (+17/-0)
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Chimpouts don't care whether you're white or brown...if you ain't black, you're a target.
Me and the boys on our way back to Twitter after Elon Musk bought off the site.     (
submitted by Trumpman1488 to BannedFromSocialMedia 2.1 years ago (+18/-2)
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Oklahoma city bombing was a false flag attk.     (
submitted by gaperglory to BannedFromSocialMedia 9 months ago (+13/-0)
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Funny... how did I not know this?
LinkedIn has banned me for life for making 3 truthful comments     (
submitted by carnold03 to BannedFromSocialMedia 2.4 years ago (+13/-2)
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LinkedIn is the sole judge, jury, and executioner of what constitutes “misleading or inaccurate” information and whether you violate their user agreement. They can terminate you at any time, for any reason. You have no recourse.

Because I made 3 truthful, accurate statements that some people at LinkedIn considered to be misleading or inaccurate, my account (built up over nearly 20 years) is now permanently deleted.

They could have simply restricted my ability to post. Instead, they chose to expunge my entire identity so nobody will ever know I existed. Wow. Instead of simply restricting my ability to post, they basically wiped out my entire identity so nobody can even see who I am anymore or what I accomplished. My resume is gone. My awards are gone. Nobody can even find out I ever existed.

I didn’t even get a chance to copy my profile before they wiped me out. All my contacts are gone. The record of my 7 companies I started: gone.

No one will be able to lookup my history there anymore. It’s like burning books in the library.

Wikipedia did the same thing to me. They removed the mention that I received a National Caring Award as retribution for speaking out about vaccine safety.

This can happen to you if you too disagree with mainstream thought.

America today is about conformity with mainstream thought. If you disagree, you lose your job, lose your ability to communicate, and they remove any record of your existence.

I’m now lifetime banned on Medium, Twitter, LinkedIn, and sendgrid. The reason I am not yet banned on Facebook and YouTube is because I never post there anymore. That’s the trick. Just stop posting anything that goes against mainstream thinking and you won’t be banned.

Article continues here:
Think about how it has shaped our nations that for the past 60 years no one has been allowed on tv or in mainstream media who opposed the Great Replacement, or who was a race realist, or who was an open White Identitarian at all. That's not just something, in a democracy it's everything.     (BannedFromSocialMedia)
submitted by oppressed to BannedFromSocialMedia 1 month ago (+5/-1)
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Think about how it has shaped our nations that for the past 60 years no one has been allowed on tv or in mainstream media who opposed the Great Replacement, or who was a race realist, or who was an open White Identitarian at all.

That's not just something in a democracy, it's everything.
Welp I lost youtube account #3. Must have been all the nigger and faggot remarks I left on "shorts" videos.     (BannedFromSocialMedia)
submitted by RobertJHarsh to BannedFromSocialMedia 1.8 years ago (+4/-0)
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I doubt it. It must have been going after some of those pro-Ukraine channels. Oh well. I find that social media is honestly an exercise in futility because sooner or later everyone gets the ban hammer, even if you're posting bible verses. 90% of social media content is monetized consumer/propaganda trash that just begs that the channel owner be insulted. Anyway, fuck the jews and the new world order.
Situation Update, March 15th, 2021 - Make your assets INVISIBLE before the govt. LOOTING begins     (
submitted by christianmusicreleases to BannedFromSocialMedia 3.2 years ago (+3/-1)
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Crowder demonetized on jewtube     (
submitted by v0atmage to BannedFromSocialMedia 3.2 years ago (+2/-0)
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Out of Shadows: The Out Of Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content.     (
submitted by christianmusicreleases to BannedFromSocialMedia 2.7 years ago (+3/-2)
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Interview from 2018 discussing vaccines and social engineering – Jay Dyer     (
submitted by shitface9000 to BannedFromSocialMedia 7 months ago (+0/-0)
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