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Member for: 2.1 years

scp: 20 (+23/-3)
ccp: 22 (+30/-8)
votes given: 14 (+14/-0)
score: 42

silent drilling a hole in the plastic container     (justice)

submitted by vraud to justice 1 year ago


White smart heads, long story short. I need to drill a hole in the plastic container(rotomoulding) full of liquid. It must be done quiet enough to be barely audible at night.
A hole about diameter of man’s middle finger will be enough, but bigger won’t hurt.
Any good ideas?
Ken Block is dead - BE HAPPY     (UpliftingNews)

submitted by vraud to UpliftingNews 1.4 years ago


A man promoting electric cars is dead.
Let applaud this miracle.
Why no one has killed modern jews ?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by vraud to AskUpgoat 2.1 years ago


I see that everyone is crying about how bad the jews are. They think they know more than the others. They talk a lot, but they don't do anything.
The question arises because a lot of people live in canada as well as america, and this fact is important because these same people have the ability to buy guns.
No rightist has yet come up with the idea that a sniper rifle can actually shoot rockefellers? gates? rotschilds? pharmaceutial ceos?
even the m4 equivalents with the right scopes will be lethal from further distances
It puzzles me, because for example Canadians are spit in the face, and these idiots go to demonstrations with billboards. what do they want to do with these billboards? hit the security guards with them?
It's all a big laughing stock, with no direct threat to the people below or the people above not even mentioning to the whole system.
Even their demonstrations are not visible in the European countries where i come from, no media have reported anything and they won't, so the argument that it will stimulate people in other parts is also out of the question. how can you have hope in a media that is in every way controlled by the same people they are protesting against and in front of.