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Member for: 3 years

scp: 2567 (+3092/-525)
ccp: 2707 (+3751/-1044)
votes given: 4752 (+4729/-23)
score: 5274


Owner of:
Mod of:

try 0 points 2 weeks ago

not true, Fed.

ALS (JosephGoebbels) is trying to get perma-banned on 109 sites : voat.xyz, Ruqqus, ConsumeProduct....

memes about you:

- https://files.catbox.moe/5y04am.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/7pt4eu.jpg ( 8K : https://files.catbox.moe/h6hm4q.jpg )
- https://files.catbox.moe/090evr.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/2p7115.jpg ( 8K : https://files.catbox.moe/onkfr3.jpg )
- https://files.catbox.moe/q51735.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/qjjb2h.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/bo1cym.jpg ( 8K : https://files.catbox.moe/lc6dcc.jpg )
- https://files.catbox.moe/6y90o1.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/tm55qe.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/gs48sw.jpg ( 8K : https://files.catbox.moe/d6i1en.jpg )
- https://files.catbox.moe/284bv2.jpg ( 8K : https://files.catbox.moe/mxjh1d.jpg )
- etc, etc, etc.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=663238f247b17

try 0 points 2 weeks ago

> I ask again. Who is als? Wait... Anti liberal society?

@antiliberalsociety is a team of US DHS Fed contractors, multiply banned here, now known as JosephGoebbels for the last two weeks. They control web sites by disenchanting content posters.

For DOWNVOTE ABUSE Ruqqus and ConPro also banned him, (u/JosephGoebbels5 on ConPro site)

votes given as of this hour by ALS (JG5) : **votes given: 1271 (+847/-424)**

50.00% max

max cap downvotes per his many shill alts.


JG5 is a team of people, and the original was called antiliberalsociety on old voat and had a far higher IQ level than the current typist for JG5 on this site.

refer in :

> the real original high IQ antiliberalsociety KNEW how to spell "ALLUDING"
> "ALLUDING" has two Ls in it not one, and starts with the letter A , not E, you stupid fake version of antiliberalsociety.

> You dull witted Fed glownigger kookifier, "space is fake and gay" doxxing Fed boy.

> u/TallestSkil ( @Tallest_Skil ) can confirm that the original real fed team that typed for antiliberalsociety ( JG5 on Con Pro ), was vastly more educated and far higher IQ portrayed.

> Feds can't fake high IQ.

= = = = = = = =

He also typed soar when JG5 meant "sore".... he wrote...

> You always were a **soar** loser.

It's "sore loser", not flying loser.

The original very high IQ Fed that used to type for JG5 (antiliberalsociety) , 8 years ago to 3 years ago was erudite , used proper grammar, avoided these weekly homonym word substitution typos, rarely misspelled, and was thread-constructive.

JG5 ( JosephGoebbels5 ) was called antiliberalsociety


Wow! Read back 7 years (he manually wiped all comments 100% prior to that archiving site's advent.)

Read back 7 years, and compare THAT original JG5 team, with these new lower IQ DHS contractors/employees.



That's old voat, but on new voat....

JG5 was banned for getting caught downvoting new NatSoc memes I made, using his main alt and his CD5 sockpuppet.

= = = ==

another thread to read :


= = = = =

**JG5 a US DHS contractor team of 2 Feds sharing one main alt?**

Proof of only two brief gaps of 3.5 hours in 30 hours :

**PROOF JG5 only took TWO 3.5 hour breaks from ConPro in 30 straight hours!:**

page 1 of timed 30 hours of comments : https://archive.ph/JOIxd

page 2 of timed 30 hours of comments : https://archive.ph/swGdp

page 3 of timed 30 hours of comments : https://archive.ph/v5R7t

page 4 of timed 30 hours of comments : https://archive.ph/pxaYX

page 5 of timed 30 hours of comments : https://archive.ph/mxFKv

- Is JG5 account bot-assisted?

- Are JG5 a team of two Feds?

I archived the 30 hours for proof. Anyone can confirm

= = = = = =

JG5 and CD5 are "kookifier" personas :

Feds often claim **"the Earth is flat, man never traveled into outer space, man never landed on moon, nazi bases are under the antarctic, no such thing smaller than an atom, etc"**

There is an abundance of many kookifiers on this ConPro site and **they often erase their past evidence**, but I preserve it in archives :


**CD5 (an alt of JG5)**:
archived screenshot : https://files.catbox.moe/md0o2w.png
archived : https://archive.ph/nK3Nj


JG5: numerous, often:

many more examples of fed JG5 kookifying with proven links in here :

= = =
**nazi underground antarctic bases kookifier post by JosephGoebbels5 (as SturmGewehr03)** :
= = =
**space is fake and gay kookifier post JosephGoebbels5** : :
= = =
**space is fake and gay kookifier post JosephGoebbels5** : :
= = =
**space is fake and gay kookifier comment by JosephGoebbels5** : :
= = =

JosephGoebbels5 is definitely a Fed of some kind, he (ALS) was kicked off voat.xyz 8 hours after the admin discovered he and his CD5 also downvoted me over 327 times in one week ! shown here on the night he got banned once :

See that highlighted section!? Wow!

> I got over 327 downvotes FROM ONE USER the last few days, 140 in one day

327 downvotes was ALS (JosephGoebbels5), and "system" was sickened by that Fed pest and **BANNED JosephGoebbels5 mere hours before I typed those words in that thread**.

JosephGoebbels5 keeps lying saying it was about arguing over line art with a mod. He was banned from multiple sites for getting caught downvote brigading.

THATS THE REAL REASON Fed ALS (JG5) was banned twice on one site and once on another (((Ruqqus))).

The main admin confirmed it.

I never downvoted anyone or anything, but he is a actual real Fed glownigger, and a kookifier (space is fake and gay, nazi bases under arctic ice, etc). The admin "system" banned antiliberalsociety (JosephGoebbels5) less than 12 hours after he tallied 327 downvotes from him in about 72 hours on me. (((Ruqqus))) also banned him for similar "vote abuse". JG5 got caught downvoting my Jew Naming memes.

Like most Feds he has a variety of "tells", and posting nothing but hundreds of 7 year old 4Chan NatSoc memes was one of them, but now several months ago he deleted over 900 threads or more to help cover this fact up.

= = = =

WHY DOES THE FED JosephGoebbels5 KEEP POSTING DISENCHANTING PORN TO CONPRO! Literal non-humor gay porn :


See? Disgusting gay porn by that fed! Does a woman sometimes type using his Fed account?


= = = = = =


**CognitiveDissident5 is not just a Fed, but a proven alt of JosephGoebbels5** :


See? Goddamned shocking but true.

CognitiveDissident5 is a US employed Fed kookifier larping by reposting other sites south african White nationalist content, and historically awake the same hours as JG5, and caught by some admins downvoting the same exact deep nested content of mine at the same time.


He is a team sharing his fed logins, probably US DHS contractors : read : https://archive.ph/FGTLE


@system should ban you for a third time, Fed

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=663238f247b17

try 1 point 2 weeks ago

good job.

2 million views on X of that last night! Thanks, Alex Jones! :

Alex Jones : The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government

12:31 PM · Apr 30, 2024 - 2 million views in one day!

Send your normie relatives the Alex Jones X link, before Elon Musk shoahs it.

**2 million views in one day!!!!**

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=66323f7ea8d20

try 1 point 2 weeks ago

> Welcome back niggerfaggot. Hadn't seen your username in a while.

over 2.6 years, basically.
I was feeling sentimental, maudlin, and a tad nostalgic.
I don't predict staying, due to too many downvoting shills, but I might upload some new site-exclusive humor memes, for old times sake.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=6631ac85d7ce7

try 1 point 2 weeks ago


**1,031 expulsions of jews**

**Not 109!**

And no such list of countries totaling 109 exists on internet that does not list nations multiple times, like repeating France, etc.

old repeating errant meme of 109 : https://files.catbox.moe/j02rf7.png , https://media.communities.win/post/ywSC9cavRJyO.png

**It's 1,031 on Dec 2020 list. And 2021 Yemen would be possibly 1,032.**

Fully referenced, six link choices :


html dump : https://archive.ph/VS3Ww


(click refresh if it initially displays as HTML markup code)




= = = =

2016 A.D. – Santa Rosa, Guatemala was the 1,031st (2 within a few years)

If Yemen had Jews, and GOVERNMENT de facto expelled Yemen Jews (not so-called rebels) then it will rise to a higher number...

2021 : Last Remaining Jews Expelled from Yemen by Houthis:


Houthi do not speak for any elected level of their government yet. But it is almost a "de facto" 2021 completion of a expulsion.


**The Jews keep trying to spread fake information that it was 109 events but it was 1,032 expulsions well documented as above.**


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66308092dd82f

try 0 points 2 weeks ago

Not me, Fed. But you post gay porn there... :

WHY DOES THE FED JosephGoebbels5 KEEP POSTING DISENCHANTING PORN TO CONPRO! Literal non-humor gay porn :


See? Disgusting gay porn by that fed!


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66303ebb26d5d

try 0 points 2 weeks ago

memes about you:

- https://files.catbox.moe/5y04am.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/7pt4eu.jpg ( 8K : https://files.catbox.moe/h6hm4q.jpg )
- https://files.catbox.moe/090evr.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/2p7115.jpg ( 8K : https://files.catbox.moe/onkfr3.jpg )
- https://files.catbox.moe/q51735.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/qjjb2h.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/bo1cym.jpg ( 8K : https://files.catbox.moe/lc6dcc.jpg )
- https://files.catbox.moe/6y90o1.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/tm55qe.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/gs48sw.jpg ( 8K : https://files.catbox.moe/d6i1en.jpg )
- https://files.catbox.moe/284bv2.jpg ( 8K : https://files.catbox.moe/mxjh1d.jpg )
- etc, etc, etc.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66303ebb26d5d

try -1 points 2 weeks ago*


**U are a known Fed team, antiliberalsociety, you use max downvotes to ruin upgoat**:

votes given as of this hour by you : **1187 (+791/-396)**

50.00% max

max cap downvotes per your many shill alts. You were often banned for abuse of me and other builders on many sites, even ConPro, you Fed.


JG5 is a team of people, and the original was called antiliberalsociety on old voat and had a far higher IQ level than the current typist for JG5 on this site.

refer in :

> the real original high IQ antiliberalsociety KNEW how to spell "ALLUDING"
> "ALLUDING" has two Ls in it not one, and starts with the letter A , not E, you stupid fake version of antiliberalsociety.

> You dull witted Fed glownigger kookifier, "space is fake and gay" doxxing Fed boy.

> u/TallestSkil ( @Tallest_Skil ) can confirm that the original real fed team that typed for antiliberalsociety ( JG5 on Con Pro ), was vastly more educated and far higher IQ portrayed.

> Feds can't fake high IQ.

= = = = = = = =

He also typed soar when JG5 meant "sore".... he wrote...

> You always were a **soar** loser.

It's "sore loser", not flying loser.

The original very high IQ Fed that used to type for JG5 (antiliberalsociety) , 8 years ago to 3 years ago was erudite , used proper grammar, avoided these weekly homonym word substitution typos, rarely misspelled, and was thread-constructive.

JG5 ( JosephGoebbels5 ) was called antiliberalsociety


Wow! Read back 7 years (he manually wiped all comments 100% prior to that archiving site's advent.)

Read back 7 years, and compare THAT original JG5 team, with these new lower IQ DHS contractors/employees.



That's old voat, but on new voat....

JG5 was banned for getting caught downvoting new NatSoc memes I made, using his main alt and his CD5 sockpuppet.

= = = ==

another thread to read :


= = = = =

**JG5 a US DHS contractor team of 2 Feds sharing one main alt?**

Proof of only two brief gaps of 3.5 hours in 30 hours :

**PROOF JG5 only took TWO 3.5 hour breaks from ConPro in 30 straight hours!:**

page 1 of timed 30 hours of comments : https://archive.ph/JOIxd

page 2 of timed 30 hours of comments : https://archive.ph/swGdp

page 3 of timed 30 hours of comments : https://archive.ph/v5R7t

page 4 of timed 30 hours of comments : https://archive.ph/pxaYX

page 5 of timed 30 hours of comments : https://archive.ph/mxFKv

- Is JG5 account bot-assisted?

- Are JG5 a team of two Feds?

I archived the 30 hours for proof. Anyone can confirm

= = = = = =

JG5 and CD5 are "kookifier" personas :

Feds often claim **"the Earth is flat, man never traveled into outer space, man never landed on moon, nazi bases are under the antarctic, no such thing smaller than an atom, etc"**

There is an abundance of many kookifiers on this ConPro site and **they often erase their past evidence**, but I preserve it in archives :


**CD5 (an alt of JG5)**:
archived screenshot : https://files.catbox.moe/md0o2w.png
archived : https://archive.ph/nK3Nj


JG5: numerous, often:

many more examples of fed JG5 kookifying with proven links in here :

= = =
**nazi underground antarctic bases kookifier post by JosephGoebbels5 (as SturmGewehr03)** :
= = =
**space is fake and gay kookifier post JosephGoebbels5** : :
= = =
**space is fake and gay kookifier post JosephGoebbels5** : :
= = =
**space is fake and gay kookifier comment by JosephGoebbels5** : :
= = =

JosephGoebbels5 is definitely a Fed of some kind, he (ALS) was kicked off voat.xyz 8 hours after the admin discovered he and his CD5 also downvoted me over 327 times in one week ! shown here on the night he got banned once :

See that highlighted section!? Wow!

> I got over 327 downvotes FROM ONE USER the last few days, 140 in one day

327 downvotes was ALS (JosephGoebbels5), and "system" was sickened by that Fed pest and **BANNED JosephGoebbels5 mere hours before I typed those words in that thread**.

JosephGoebbels5 keeps lying saying it was about arguing over line art with a mod. He was banned from multiple sites for getting caught downvote brigading.

THATS THE REAL REASON Fed ALS (JG5) was banned twice on one site and once on another (((Ruqqus))).

The main admin confirmed it.

I never downvoted anyone or anything, but he is a actual real Fed glownigger, and a kookifier (space is fake and gay, nazi bases under arctic ice, etc). The admin "system" banned antiliberalsociety (JosephGoebbels5) less than 12 hours after he tallied 327 downvotes from him in about 72 hours on me. (((Ruqqus))) also banned him for similar "vote abuse". JG5 got caught downvoting my Jew Naming memes.

Like most Feds he has a variety of "tells", and posting nothing but hundreds of 7 year old 4Chan NatSoc memes was one of them, but now several months ago he deleted over 900 threads or more to help cover this fact up.

= = = =

WHY DOES THE FED JosephGoebbels5 KEEP POSTING DISENCHANTING PORN TO CONPRO! Literal non-humor gay porn :


See? Disgusting gay porn by that fed! Does a woman sometimes type using his Fed account?


= = = = = =


**CognitiveDissident5 is not just a Fed, but a proven alt of JosephGoebbels5** :


See? Goddamned shocking but true.

CognitiveDissident5 is a US employed Fed kookifier larping by reposting other sites south african White nationalist content, and historically awake the same hours as JG5, and caught by some admins downvoting the same exact deep nested content of mine at the same time.


He is a team sharing his fed logins, probably US DHS contractors : read : https://archive.ph/FGTLE

@system should ban you for a third time, Fed

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66303ebb26d5d

try 0 points 2 weeks ago*

> It's owned by kikes.

No. It is NOT owned by Jews, its only run by Jews, as I and one other financial forensic hacker learned. I won't ever doxx or divulge more about patriots.win. Doxxing is a tool of ANTIFA Jews.

The main two admins of patriots.win are BIO-Jews, and are :
- https://scored.co/u/Doggos ( aka shared login u/C , aka u/win )
- https://scored.co/u/-f-b-i-

**BOTH are centrist part-biological Jews. Very censoring, and provably centrist, not conservative**

Though this week my posts sometimes got over 1,400 upvotes, and at times 2,000 upvotes on patriots, my memes I make that MOCK DEMOCRATS get mysteriously CENSORED and deleted!

**Patriots.win DELETES my original memes mocking Democrats, often!**

below , I prove admins also deleted these anti-Democrat memes I made for TheDonald, and more:

- https://files.catbox.moe/w2eqzl.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/zakenm.jpg 8k
- https://files.catbox.moe/9ni8su.jpg 2k
- https://files.catbox.moe/rmndnz.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/4pwcty.jpg 8K
- https://files.catbox.moe/2yrpcu.jpg

My DELETED MEMES on TheDonald by ADL :

+197 upvotes! My meme Deleted by ADL democrats running TheDonald:
😆 Twitter's new ANTI-SEMITISM filter might have consequences !? 😂
- https://files.catbox.moe/w2eqzl.jpg
proof of (((admin))) deletion of my nice jpg meme : https://archive.is/jdcJI

+75 , My meme Deleted by ADL democrats running TheDonald:
- https://files.catbox.moe/zakenm.jpg 8k
- https://files.catbox.moe/oq4jat.jpg 2k
proof of (((admin))) deletion of my nice jpg meme : https://archive.is/9mhio

My meme Deleted by ADL democrats running TheDonald:
- https://files.catbox.moe/9ni8su.jpg
proof of (((admin))) deletion of my nice jpg meme : https://archive.is/hxj7d

+45 upvotes , My meme Deleted by ADL democrats running TheDonald:
by ADL democrats running TheDonald :
- https://files.catbox.moe/rmndnz.jpg
proof of (((admin))) deletion of my nice jpg meme : https://archive.is/2amx4

My meme DELETED by democrats running TheDonald :
My 8K monitor master image :
- https://files.catbox.moe/4pwcty.jpg 8K
proof of (((admin))) deletion of my nice jpg meme : https://archive.is/wQKKa

My meme Rapidly deleted by democrats running TheDonald :
- https://files.catbox.moe/2yrpcu.jpg
proof of (((admin))) deletion of my nice jpg meme : https://archive.is/PK8Kh

= = = = =

UNBELIEVABLE CENSORSHIP of my custom site-unique memes!


- https://files.catbox.moe/w2eqzl.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/zakenm.jpg 8k
- https://files.catbox.moe/9ni8su.jpg 2k
- https://files.catbox.moe/rmndnz.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/4pwcty.jpg 8K
- https://files.catbox.moe/2yrpcu.jpg

(((admins))) of TheDonald deleted those funny memes I made, and many more.

= = = = = =


Scored.co illuminati even pressure EJGeneric **to delete my funny custom memes**! .... :


Fuck My Life! The Jews won again. They always seem to win.

CENTRIST JEW MODS, paid by ADL, also DELETED this popular thread!!!!


THE JEW MODS DELETED MY POPULAR THREAD on\ March 17 2024 of a major story about Jewish RINOS spending $50 million to stop Trump!

🚨🚨 Unbelievable but TRUE!! 🚨🚨 Republican Voters Against Trump (RVAT), headed by Bill Kristol (a rare Joooish Republican) will run over $50 million in TV ads to stop Trump in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin !!!! His non-Christian partners want OPEN BORDERS 🚨

https://unscored.arete.network/c/TheDonald/p/17si9wW6Aq/ BEFORE (((MOD))) deletion by centrist Jew mods on patriots.Jews!

deleted and shoahed and POPULAR :

= = = = ==

= = = =



They used new Shadowban code of Feb 2024 to totally hide the deletion too!!!

DELETED THREAD discussing new shadowban code in Feb 2024!!! !! Holy Fuck u/ C DELETED it !
remnants : https://scored.co/c/Meta/p/17sP6Z9x7k/-scoredco-censorship-recently-we/c
archive :

= = = =


silent deletion !
archive of : https://unscored.arete.network/c/TheDonald/p/17sP6ZAEVO/

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

TL/DR: Centrist Jews run most of scored.co. This is partly why 95% of my 3 new memes I make every day go to other sites the last year, though I gave scored.co about 1,000 earlier : https://scored.co/search?query=(humor&community=ourgreateststrength

all I typed is 100% true.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66303ebb26d5d

try 0 points 2 weeks ago

> I wouldn't mind making the votes transparent


ALS is back now, downvoting to his max on content here again.

Antiliberalsociety = JosephGoebbels

stats now :

> votes given: 1067 (+711/-356)

his 50.000% max cap

**ALL those downvotes in less than 2 weeks!!!!!**


fucking stop the destruction by that Fed team.

fucking block or reverse all his alts downvoting abilities

do something

save your site

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=661736efcb86d

try 1 point 2 weeks ago*

> Has ALS come back with an alt yet?

Antiliberalsociety = JosephGoebbels

ALS ( the US DHS contractor Fed team ) , aka JosephGoebbels here, is now unbanned the 3rd time here on voat, and is extremely active :


see ?

Antiliberalsociety = JosephGoebbels

stats now :

> votes given: 1067 (+711/-356)

his 50.000% max cap!

**ALL those downvotes in less than 2 weeks!!!!!**


= = = =

As for me, I have not logged in as @try in 5 months, so I had not seen this 5 month old question.

ALS was banned from ConsumeProduct for 5 months so far DUE TO MANY TOXIC FACTORS, including using his many downvoting alts on new meme content.

I do not know why @system allows the many alts of Antiliberalsociety to infest and downvote content producers

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=655a96cadc2a0

try -3 points 5 months ago

Hi rabbi.

"**Shut it DOWN**! The Goyim know! They are onto us!"

https://files.catbox.moe/amfm8d.jpg (new AI)

https://files.catbox.moe/5g71nz.jpg (new AI)

https://files.catbox.moe/i5plsc.jpg (new AI)

https://files.catbox.moe/84mv4x.png (new AI)

https://files.catbox.moe/2gt91g.jpg (new AI)

https://files.catbox.moe/oqde1x.jpg (new AI)

https://files.catbox.moe/bfk89r.jpg (new AI)

https://files.catbox.moe/w6ctzw.png (new AI)

https://files.catbox.moe/gdw22d.jpg (new AI)

https://files.catbox.moe/ygu3hz.jpeg (new AI)

https://files.catbox.moe/85efd1.jpg (new AI)

/v/funny viewpost?postid=655ac7401371c

try -1 points 5 months ago

true. Details, https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=655a96cadc2a0&commentid=655ae9939aeeb

= = =

See you in another 2 or 3 months for another Jew-Shill-Infestation-Status-Check.

I miss this server. 2 years and counting.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=655ac7401371c

try 1 point 5 months ago*

I, @try ONLY LOGGED IN every 90 days or so, for 2 years, to check health of this site, and to promote AI news on rare occasions

I AM NOT AN ACTIVE ALTS THE LAST 100 days on voat.xyz EXCEPT these alts of the FUN FACT SCIENTIST :

- https://www.voat.xyz/profile?user=postymcrepost&view=submissions

- https://www.voat.xyz/profile?user=root&view=submissions

- https://www.voat.xyz/profile?user=oursenilepresident&view=submissions

thats it.

I logged in as @try to set the matter straight.

I wanted to help uplift this server, but its too infested, and needs control of shill downvotes.

= = = =

you can read about my personas here :


LOTS of info on me.

= = = = =

@correctness , @bobdole9 , @Anus_Expander , @Gowithit

As for my personas on many sites:
- mr one sentence
- Southern macho guy
- highschool kid pretending he's not in high school
- focused nigger hater
- **FUN FACT SCIENTIST (this one)**
- gun and hunting fan
- my bookish overly read historian
- the two sides devils advocate
- the hands on craftsman
- MAGA loyalist
- the bible thumper religious dude
- gender unknown possible rare woman
- NatSoc guy
- asian college dude
- WP fan
- Netherlands guy
- etc etc etc.

NONE have been on voat.xyz/talk/etc EXCEPT @try persona, THE FUN FACT SCIENTIST.

I barely ever am here except for health status checks.

I would like to come back, but we need 7 other builders.

I got -12 unfiar downvotes on ne funny meme content I had made just for this site :


-12 ?!??!!? -12 ????!?!?!?


It was all by proven Jews of SBBH : https://archive.ph/2Ws0T

I never lie, ever.

= = == =

TL/DR: @try (and my alts) do NOT LOG INTO THIS SERVER except on periodic occasions, betweeen 60 to 90 days, historically. I made a dozen memes for just this site, but a day ago I finally gave them to scored.co : https://scored.co/search?query=(humor&community=ourgreateststrength


P.S. ALS (@antiliberalsociety) ,the toxic fed, was BANNED FOREVER on ConsumeProduct weeks ago!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=655a96cadc2a0

try -3 points 11 months ago*

**Correct. OP is WRONG**

voat.xyz rapidly died from 90% users fleeing BECAUSE I @try left 1.7 years ago :


See? I left at the peak and user participation rapidly and steadily dwindled as Feds an Jews increased their ruin here.

- antiliberalsociety ( aka TwiceBanned , Scatholic, ChuckysBack)
- mumbleberry ( many alts)
- mods protecting gabara and paid Jew shills like the protector : CynaBuns

eventually @system banned all three, but took too long

He took too long to ban als (https://archive.ph/jg9O0#selection-5519.1-5518.9) then let als back in, so I left and rapidly built up the new ConPro

80% of my ConPro memes are in this single search command :


look at 650 funny memes

Jew naming memes on this talk.lol site get shoahed, oddly.

All jew naming content is brazenly downvoted by paid leftist shills the admin , @system, permits to ruin his content post feeds.


OMG! Look! and its not just my Jew Naming posts not allowed on voat.xyz (talk.lol), its ANY post critical of Israel or Jews. I have proof of that in the following two links :


part two:



NO jew naming allowed to hit front page of voat.xyz site anymore, proven in those links!

voat.xyz site is provably fully subverted.

95% of voat.xyz users fled in 1.7 years after I left, from the Fed and jew shills as this "not too accurate" chart shows of the sites demise : https://files.catbox.moe/uzt995.png

system could trivially make code changes to slow down these shill accounts and their site samage but wont

TL/DR: The site died when the funny memes left. The meme lords like @try left in disgust.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=6473a69666e4f

try 4 points 2.7 years ago*

Its not a funny thread or a funny thing happening to this vital free speech resource.

Gabara seeks to make this site 100.0% free of Jew naming, and is off to a good start.

Paid Leftists infiltrated 2021 SBBH and then SBBH made sure that goatpen.co is 100% free of a single anti-Jew anti-Israel post topic out of the top 235 posts on front page as proven here! :

[i]DANGER ! talk.lol is NEXT! EXPOSED!!! Jew-Infested Goatpen! NOT ONE single Jew Named in 235 of 235 posts! Proof supplied![/i]


The fate of this site is sealed. There are far far too many paid leftists and they attacking the last educated authentic users ONE or TWO at a time per day, as I predicted weeks ago.

Alt accounts who have not posted topic posts in over 2 weeks SHOULD NOT GET TO BE ANONYMOUS when downvoting topic posts against the same user too many times!

One and only one tool exists to stop paid leftists from destroying free speech web sites that feature anonymous downvotes... limiting downvotes against a single target from a single attacker by making them NON-anonymous and revealed to all if downvoted in rapid succession.

This week I explained how code could be written to save this site before it became infested over 40% by paid leftist shills destroying talk.lol :


See that? It's all in that long comment.

Far higher thresholds on anonymous downvoting of forum topics would have saved this site, if done 3 weeks ago.

[b]Whatever. I am done with this site. Each day the average total IQ level drops ever lower.[/b]

Soon its top 80 posts will be 100% free of Jew Naming in any material way.

JIDF/ADL/SPLC/MOSSAD/ShareBlue can have this site as well.

I get more net results tending to my own efforts on the many other semi-free-speech-sites that paid leftists do not seem to hate as much as here (poal.co , gab.ai , consumeproduct, chans.

[b]We should be mourning the death of this site[/b]
The primary metric of its death, is if not one material "Jew Naming" post is on the first 80 front /All topics visible to non-logged in users, and little conservative news, and lots of gibberish, drama (like this thread), and JIDF approved filler.

All competing "semi-free-speech" sites , because of my labors, now all feature copious and regular posts Naming the Jew. I am proud of my handiwork, but did lay off for about a week, realizing that I was being maybe too much of a zealot and breaking AOU too much. At this exact point in time we have 5 good "ALMOST-pure-free-speech" social forums to enjoy, and one rapidly dying or dead "100%-pure-free-speech" social forum that honors legal freedom to : "incite hatred of Jews" "post line art" "post links to legal erotica" "wish violence on Jews" "belittle African IQ DNA" "name Jews" "type the words 'nigger' or 'kike'" , and more freedoms banned on the almost-free-speech-sites.

There is provably only one existing 100% free speech site, and it has many enemies, and you are using it now.

Soon in mere weeks, [b]2021-SBBH will complete the transformation of this site into a non-jew-naming garbage heap[/b], like I proved with my link to the site they had total control over : https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost.php?postid=613252a546c53

Paid leftists harrass what few non-subverting builders remain, like @KCobain27, and then Paid leftists harrass ironically the anti-erotica high IQ builders like ALS and Granite after they will run off KCobain27, or anyone that seeks to post good topics to /All.

Too many anon downvote shill accounts are here and jew leftist alts auto-downvoted many GREAT topics -5 today like this :

*The first two injections were just practice jabs.:*

A Week ago system revealed one alt downvoted just my CCP alone, not SCP, ~328 times in mere days (up to Sept 1)

I'll probably revisit this site if system implements any of my various strongly suggested methods to limit the paid leftists anon downvote brigading.

Don't bother engaging me for any elicited comment replies nor PMs. I may not see them for a few weeks, and all the vile paid-leftist hate waiting when I do log in again one day is anti-motivational against any normal desire to check my PMs.

To expound upon all the proven Leftist enemies of this 'hate speech' site, you merely have to read back through my last two or three weeks of comments and search for my thoughts on Soros and related topics :


Have fun, everyone.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6137eadf0d14a

try -1 points 2.7 years ago


I got [b]~328 downvotes FROM ONE paid leftist user alone[/b] in a few days up to wed 11:27 pm sep 1 (from admin)

I will always expose these downvote brigaders.

you and your paid jew leftist alts auto-downvoted many topics -5 today like this :

*The first two injections were just practice jabs.:*

WTF! kikes!

Downvotes are done in matched pairs to keep posts at "0" or very close to "0" if it is a topic critical of Jews, Isreal, or by a Jew Namer educated user.

I tried to help save this web site today and posted EIGHT assorted good posts. The first 6 were immediately in moments totaling "-1" total CCP.

so yeah, I will bitch about the paid leftists that are enemies of free speech web sites that offer Naming of Jews.

granite_Pill noticed strange downvoting of cryptocurrency topics and cryptocurrency comments, assumedly by leftists that are in league with jew bankers.

blumen4alles is downvoted relentlessly by fundamentalist conservatives that hate erotica links in /Playboy on this 100% free speech web site. But blumen4alles is also a builder here, so the damage is pernicious and could also be from paid leftists.

One new paid leftist started rampant downvoting of users here mere days after being let in : https://www.voat.xyz/profile.php?user=Bumblebee

votes given: 414 (+281/-133) -133 in mere DAYS!

Thats possibly a mumbleberry alt


votes given: 8408 (+5605/-2803) [b]-2803 downvotes in 2 months!!!![/b]

see? same post style for comments and upvoted itself from other alts to get ability to downvote :


This site is infested with paid leftists

they seek to ratio topics to peg them at "0", some of my posts critical of Israel were pegged -5 to +4 to suppress the post.

Like this one : -5 to +4 :
[i]CATER TO JUDAISM, GOY! Aug 26th 2021 - New Jersey condo to resume Shabbat elevator service after (((residents))) sue and demand elevators never can skip a floor on Saturdays. Button pressing is evil ![/i]


or this -7 vs +5 anti Israel post of mine :

[i]New revelations! -- Multiple Jew exploits probably in Voat user's Phones ! Israel’s Unit 8200 Produces Spyware Far More Powerful Than Pegasus; and Mossad, Shin Bet Use It. Jews in 2021 infest Android and iPhones remotely![/i]:

See? The Jews really wanted that to never hit /All front page.

The jews paid to shoah that factual fresh TECHNOLOGY post using contractors here with -7 votes.

Paid Leftists infiltrated 2021 SBBH and then SBBH made sure that goatpen.co is 100% free of a single anti-Jew anti-Israel post topic out of the top 235 posts on front page as proven here! :

[i]DANGER ! talk.lol is NEXT! EXPOSED!!! Jew-Infested Goatpen! NOT ONE single Jew Named in 235 of 235 posts! Proof supplied![/i]


The fate of this site is sealed. There are far far too many paid leftists and they attacking the last educated authentic users ONE or TWO at a time per day, as I predicted weeks ago.

Alt accounts who have not posted topic posts in over 2 weeks SHOULD NOT GET TO BE ANONYMOUS when downvoting topic posts against the same user too many times!

One and only one tool exists to stop paid leftists from destroying free speech web sites that feature anonymous downvotes... limiting downvotes against a single target from a single target by making them NON-anonymous and revealed to all if downvoted in rapid succession.

This week I explained how code could be written to save this site before it became infested over 40% by paid leftist shills destroying talk.lol :


See that? It's all in that long comment.

Far higher thresholds on anonymous downvoting of forum topics would have saved this site, if done 3 weeks ago.

[b]Whatever. I am done with this site. Each day the average total IQ level drops ever lower.[/b]

Soon its top 80 posts will be 100% free of Jew Naming in any material way.

JIDF/ADL/SPLC/MOSSAD/ShareBlue can have this site as well.

/v/AnonTalk viewpost?postid=6137779f544f2

try 0 points 2.7 years ago

> and thank you to all the shit posters

No, most are destructive downvoters.

Worse they are subverting this site to chase away any high IQ Jew Namers remaining on this 'hate speech' site they are paid to ruin.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6137d4290c1c9

try 0 points 2.7 years ago

I get the vaxxtard prophesy, but...

He was creating straw man arguments to get elected, and now creating fake drama to print money for health Gibs.

Democrats historically hate funding research, so that speech is not about funding research.

Biden video clip is a big lie :

*WaPo gives Biden 'Four Pinocchios' for 'nonsensical' claim that Alzheimer's patients will soon flood hospitals*:


> We consulted with many experts on Alzheimer’s disease, but they were stumped, too. This seems to be a Biden original

Alzheimer’s patients "spend time in hospital beds" but they "end up" in nursing homes and later hospice

To end up in hospitals they would all need to be having prolonged organ failures throughout their body

Hmmm... something only "the Jab" can possibly offer over time.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6137e1f2841ab

try 0 points 2.7 years ago

besides sbbh its now reddit leftists.

Dozens on Reddit and rdrama.net are set to invade and downvote stalk this site's builders, as stated verbatim in this two-day old comment on reddit/rdrama :

> Healthy -- "Wouldn't it be terrible if someone decided to brigade the site with downvotes and pro-leftist content? OH the humanity."

user : https://rdrama.net/logged_out/@Healthy
thread : https://rdrama.net/logged_out/post/12945

See? those cant downvote for a fer days, but the high load of existing paid leftists can and do.

To control /All they apply -3, -4 , or -5 downvotes as jew leftist alts auto-downvoted many topics -5 today like this :

*The first two injections were just practice jabs.*:

That great post got -5 downvotes for no reason, other than annoying Leftists.

/v/TalkDev viewpost?postid=6137c6d0385bb

try -7 points 2.7 years ago

I am saving this web site by reposting posts of mine that are downvoted NEGATIVE (not 0, NEGATIVE) by SBBH leftists and mainly today mumbleberry/Bumblebee alts

I posted 9 nice topics today and nearly all of 9 were vote-stalked auto downvoted

you and your paid jew leftist alts auto-downvoted many topics -5 today like this :

*The first two injections were just practice jabs.*:

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6137cfdb45b9b

try 0 points 2.7 years ago

you and your paid jew leftist alts auto-downvoted many topics -5 today like this :

*The first two injections were just practice jabs.*:

you kike Jew Leftists (mumbleberry/Bumblebee alts?) are a cancer on this site

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6137cc940e634

try 0 points 2.7 years ago

you and your paid jew leftist alts auto-downvoted many topics -5 today like this :

*The first two injections were just practice jabs.*:

you kike Jew Leftists (mumbleberry/Bumblebee alts?) are a cancer on this site

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6137c9ec1a4e9