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Member for: 2.9 years

scp: 12 (+13/-1)
ccp: 2 (+3/-1)
votes given: 12 (+12/-0)
score: 14


spermgun 1 point 2.9 years ago

Ask yourself, if my psychic powers work why do I need to check my phone?

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=60d1512a7fcc1

spermgun 0 points 2.9 years ago

air ships are an excellent way to relieve congestion over land bridges.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60d145aa39b93

I guess Charles Lindbergh and Pluto have something in common after all. They were both overrated entities for several decades.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=60d14bcb62487

spermgun 0 points 2.9 years ago

The only mass deaths I am expecting to see from covid, in any form, are from those who lost their lives due to irresponsible spending and economic damage caused by do nothing lockdowns and pseudoscientific health lunacy. For example, deaths from people who have had socioeconomic ladder kicked out from their "betters" above them and will lose access to healthcare, housing, or peace of mind in general. Another example would be the loss in education and socialization that will do exponential damage to our youth and to future generations of americans that have been thrown to the wolves for a little bit of comfort to anyone who could do anything about it.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=60cd02221e063

spermgun 1 point 2.9 years ago

Because people don't like being aware that others hold no loyalty to them whatsoever. People want the blinders on because that let's them focus on the things they care about. As long as the distributed reality distortion fields are operational we can all just not give a shit because it doesn't effect us. But once those reality distortion fields start to dissipate and other people's bullshit starts effecting you then it could get ugly because we are all more deadly than ever and worse at communication and rational thinking than ever. We are teetering on a world full of retarded superheros going to war with each other. So we can see first hand of the fabric of society begins to shred when objectively bad actors prey upon the system.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=60d14bcb62487