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Member for: 2.7 years

scp: 25 (+25/-0)
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score: 36


rph999 0 points 1.9 years ago

I have a book and very short textbook that deals with the concept of time - both are free to download at rphalliway.com

Time is a construct based on observed change, and I theorize on several reasons why time travel is most likely impossible/improbable.

Some of the major questions for time travel deal: is it a wormhole type activator? how much energy does that require (1.21 gigawatts)?

Is the time travel a physical phenomenon? If it is on the subatomic level, what is consciousness? Will a "reassembled" version of a person still contain all of the memories, thoughts, personality, knowledge, etc?

What is a soul? Can a consciousness/soul exist in two places at once? (this is much like the clone question)

Is time travel more mental? That is the route I am going with my theory - and I tie into the multiple parallel universe idea as well.
But mental time travel does not allow for interaction unless there is the ability to "take over" a physical form at some point - think ghosts, etc, that do not have the ability to communicate with people.

Very good questions that form the foundation of how to examine the existence of time travel.

Also, since Stephen Hawkins didn't get any visitors (neither did Sheldon on Big Bang Theory) at his party, it seems improbable that the current generation or two has created the ability to physically time travel.


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rph999 1 point 2.6 years ago

Movies and books predict things the same way that technological ideas occur - there is an field of information around all of us that contains all knowledge.

Some people are able to tap into this field better than most - something we can attribute to 'imagination' or the like.

It isn't surprising that books like 1984, etc are called 'instruction manuals' because the imagination of the author could have been fueled by 'seeing' the events from connecting with this knowledge field.

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rph999 1 point 2.7 years ago

Very interesting link on the quantum computers.

In my first book, Time and Technicalities, I talk about the multiverse and how physical travel between them is impossible.

In my second book, (pure fiction at this point), I talk about the Mandela Effect, and propose a hypothesis as to how it occurs.

I do not believe there is a way for anything physical to travel across dimensions or universes - but, the quantum computer can create/simulate the different universes and make it seem like there is information from one universe passing to another.

I haven't heard whether the two predictions - an earth like planet within 40 light years, and the breakthrough in 2023 about parallel universes - are progressing.

My theory is that anything capable of interacting with other universes has to be "outside of time" and supernatural in some way.

Either that, or the entire world around us is a simulation, or a specifically crafted universe just for each of us. Everyone else in the universe is either another version of ourselves, or an NPC that is needed to give us information.

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rph999 0 points 2.7 years ago

Glad you found it.

Thanks for the encouragement.

Book 2 is in need of a bit of editing and test readers, and book 3 is about half done.


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rph999 1 point 2.7 years ago*

Awesome comment.

Thanks for the reply.

A lot of this is more fleshed out in the book - with actual explanations of some of the ideas you talk about.

Time is considered one of the 7 fundamental units in science, which act as axioms for all of the other units.

A big problem for me in the units is that Intensity, Temperature and Current are derived units and can be reduced to kg, m, and s in some form.

I do believe a *change* variable is needed in science, which is still seconds, but Time as defined by calendars has no merit.

I believe time travel is impossible - for the reasons expressed later in the book and text.

And as for free will, my theory uses the idea of the multiverse to explain free will - and that each unique universe/timeline is defined from beginning to end already, but our choices (free will) determine which timeline we ultimately live in.

Edit: an example would be like a huge maze. The maze exists from start to finish, and each person can freely choose which path to take (and in the multiverse will take every path). Nothing restricts choice at all, just that getting to the finish is statistically more likely of an outcome, and therefore would be the majority of the universes.

Because there are so many universes comprising the multiverse, each decision branch is still allowable (actually mandatory) so no matter what choice a person makes they will end up in an active universe/timeline.

The part about George Washington and anything he does is covered by the multiverse theory. Whether he paints the rock or not is already established and we exist in the universes with both the painted and unpainted rock without creating any problems.

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rph999 6 points 2.7 years ago*

Also adding a link to just the "textbook" in case some people want the theory before/along with/instead of the story.

There is a link on my webpage but also can be downloaded here in pdf form:

The "textbook" is also included at the end of the actual book.

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rph999 2 points 2.7 years ago

Thanks for passing it along.

I haven't had much exposure outside of a small circle. I am hoping that some people find the ideas interesting.

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