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Member for: 2.8 years

scp: 510 (+585/-75)
ccp: 61 (+81/-20)
votes given: 215 (+215/-0)
score: 571


**nice. I have newer May 2024 version :**


/v/memesharing viewpost?postid=66339d6d592cb

LIES by media.

It was Muslims hired by MOSSAD and equipped by MOSSAD :

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=65ff611c3e311

The REAL News!

Over 2 dozen links ! MASSACRE IN RUSSIA - VERY FRESH , VERY RARE, videos and photos. All real.
Many of these are being censored off websites this hour. Israel got creating Muslim terror, to get US more involved.
4 Muslims given free rifles and flamethrower, and paid 500,000 rubles ($ 5,418 US dollars total) first installment half.
one flew into Russia from Turkey
Killed 120, hospitalized 145
CNN admits CIA warned moscow
Abdul Hakim al-Shishani was the destination MOSSAD paid the terrorists to drive to meet

in timeline order

- [2024.03- Tajikistan muslims paid by MOSSAD to false flag Ukraine CIA+SBU - to shoot over 145 - AA 1 - 40 died - MASSACRE IN RUSSIA.mp4](https://files.catbox.moe/b4f0u9.mp4)
- [2024.03- Tajikistan muslims paid by MOSSAD to false flag Ukraine CIA+SBU - to shoot over 145 - AA 2 - killing.mp4](https://files.catbox.moe/p3qwi2.mp4)
- [2024.03- Tajikistan muslims paid by MOSSAD to false flag Ukraine CIA+SBU - to shoot over 145 - AA 3 - FLAMETHROWER lit.mp4](https://files.catbox.moe/7zdk31.mp4)
- [2024.03- Tajikistan muslims paid by MOSSAD to false flag Ukraine CIA+SBU - to shoot over 145 - AA 4 - burning down upper roof sections1.mp4](https://files.catbox.moe/ijf06x.mp4)
- [2024.03- Tajikistan muslims paid by MOSSAD to false flag Ukraine CIA+SBU - to shoot over 145 - AA 5 - burning down upper roof sections2.mp4](https://files.catbox.moe/na74p8.mp4)
- [2024.03- Tajikistan muslims paid by MOSSAD to false flag Ukraine CIA+SBU - to shoot over 145 - AA 6 - Firemen find dozens more murdered.mp4](https://files.catbox.moe/4rcslf.mp4)
- [2024.03- Tajikistan muslims paid by MOSSAD to false flag Ukraine CIA+SBU - to shoot over 145 - AA 7 - lit concert hall on fire 1.jpg](https://files.catbox.moe/fs73le.jpg)
- [2024.03- Tajikistan muslims paid by MOSSAD to false flag Ukraine CIA+SBU - to shoot over 145 - AA 8 - lit concert hall on fire 2.jpg](https://files.catbox.moe/thic7i.jpg)
- [2024.03- Tajikistan muslims paid by MOSSAD to false flag Ukraine CIA+SBU - CAUGHT - BB 1 - SUSPECT 1 - Aridouni Shamsidin - with translaltion - born 1988 not 1998.mp4](https://files.catbox.moe/0pfc2t.mp4)
- [2024.03- Tajikistan muslims paid by MOSSAD to false flag Ukraine CIA+SBU - CAUGHT - BB 2 - SUSPECT 1 - Aridouni Shamsidin.mp4](https://files.catbox.moe/7u56gg.mp4)
- [2024.03- Tajikistan muslims paid by MOSSAD to false flag Ukraine CIA+SBU - CAUGHT - BB 3 - SUSPECT 1 - Aridouni Shamsidin - flew from turkey to russia.mp4](https://files.catbox.moe/b51okw.mp4)
- [2024.03- Tajikistan muslims paid by MOSSAD to false flag Ukraine CIA+SBU - CAUGHT - BB 5 - SUSPECT 2 - CAUGHT.mp4](https://files.catbox.moe/shmlhr.mp4)
- [2024.03- Tajikistan muslims paid by MOSSAD to false flag Ukraine CIA+SBU - CAUGHT - BB 6 - SUSPECT 3 - CAUGHT.mp4](https://files.catbox.moe/1f72dw.mp4)
- [2024.03- Tajikistan muslims paid by MOSSAD to false flag Ukraine CIA+SBU - CAUGHT - BB 7 - SUSPECT 4 - KILLED.jp](https://files.catbox.moe/pn16si.jpg)
- [2024.03- Tajikistan muslims paid by MOSSAD to false flag Ukraine CIA+SBU - CAUGHT - BB 8 - SUSPECT 4 - KILLED.jpg](https://files.catbox.moe/pcd4x6.jpg)
- [2024.03- Tajikistan muslims paid by MOSSAD to false flag Ukraine CIA+SBU - CAUGHT - BB 9 - Accomplice 1 interrogatiion.mp4](https://files.catbox.moe/v4z45x.mp4)
- [2024.03- Tajikistan muslims paid by MOSSAD to false flag Ukraine CIA+SBU - CAUGHT - BB 10 - Accomplice 2 - ready to torture.jpg](https://files.catbox.moe/i1qpvi.jpg)
- [2024.03- Tajikistan muslims paid by MOSSAD to false flag Ukraine CIA+SBU - CAUGHT - CC 1 - SUSPECT 1 - Aridouni Shamsidin - HIS FASHION.jpg](https://files.catbox.moe/vilhtt.jpg)
- [2024.03- Tajikistan muslims paid by MOSSAD to false flag Ukraine CIA+SBU - CAUGHT - CC 2 - caught being paid to drive to ukaine border 1.jpg](https://files.catbox.moe/1f3jq1.jpg)
- [2024.03- Tajikistan muslims paid by MOSSAD to false flag Ukraine CIA+SBU - CAUGHT - CC 3 - caught being paid to drive to ukaine border 3.jpg](https://files.catbox.moe/liaxh0.jpg)
- [2024.03- Tajikistan muslims paid by MOSSAD to false flag Ukraine CIA+SBU - CAUGHT - CC 4 - caught being paid to drive to ukaine border 2.jpg](https://files.catbox.moe/u90yee.jpg)
- [2024.03- Tajikistan muslims paid by MOSSAD to false flag Ukraine CIA+SBU - CAUGHT - CC 5 - CNN admits CIA warned moscow.jpg](https://files.catbox.moe/q1vtjf.jpg)
- [2024.03- SUMMARY 01 - Abdul Hakim al-Shishani was the destination MOSSAD paid the terrorists to drive to meet.jpg](https://files.catbox.moe/qwdief.jpg)
- [2024.03- SUMMARY 02 - Live on RT Israel promised to attack Moscow Citizens for being White NAZIS. Then MOSSAD achieved it this week.mp4](https://files.catbox.moe/84nzjq.mp4)

โ€˜Purimโ€™ holiday celebration coincidence overlap?

only 90% correct ctranslation..., video with overlays is correct version

[INTERROGATOR]: What were you doing at Krokus?
[SUSPECT]: I shot someone.
[INTERROGATOR]: What? You shot someone?
[INTERROGATOR]: Who did you shoot? Why did they give you the order?
[SUSPECT]: People.

[INTERROGATOR]: Why did you do it?
[SUSPECT]: They paid me. About half a million.
[INTERROGATOR]: Half a million of what?
[SUSPECT]: Half a million rubles. I haven't received all of it yet, just half.

[INTERROGATOR]: Where did you receive the money?
[SUSPECT]: It was transferred to my card.
[INTERROGATOR]: They transferred it directly to your card?
[SUSPECT]: Yes. But then they took everything, including the card, along with my clothes. We didn't have time to retrieve it. We lost it.

[INTERROGATOR]: Where did you get the weapons?
[SUSPECT]: They brought the weapons themselves.
[INTERROGATOR]: Who are "they"?
[SUSPECT]: I don't know. They contacted me anonymously through Telegram, without any names or details.

[INTERROGATOR]: How did they contact you? Did you reach out to them or did they find you?
[SUSPECT]: They contacted me first.
[INTERROGATOR]: Why did they choose you specifically?
[SUSPECT]: I don't know. I was attending some lessons on Telegram.

[INTERROGATOR]: Lessons? What kind of lessons?
[SUSPECT]: Lessons on how to do certain things.
[INTERROGATOR]: Like what? What exactly did they ask you to do?
[SUSPECT]: They offered me money to carry out killings.

[INTERROGATOR]: What? Who did they want you to kill?
[SUSPECT]: They provided all the details. Just random people.
[INTERROGATOR]: How did they specify whom to target?
[SUSPECT]: They didn't. It was up to me to choose the targets. I just had to go in and do it.

[INTERROGATOR]: Wait, wait. Can you give me your full name, patronymic, and date of birth?
[SUSPECT]: It's Khariduni Shamsiddin, born in 1998.
[INTERROGATOR]: Full dates, please.
[SUSPECT]: September 17th.

He's from Tajikistan. He can barely speak russian
He probably wanted to say 1988 instead, which would make him 36

= = = = =

some OSINT forums revealing MOSSAD connections to the weapons supplied are being disrupted or shut down Sat March 23 2024.

Why MOSSAD and not CIA+SBU? Simple... Israel wants NATO to ramp up against Muslims.

ISIS is dead for years
Russia is engaged in a war
The world is focused on Israel, the greatest enemy of Muslims
Suddenly an ISIS terrorist attack happens in Russia, enraging the West against Muslims
Israel PROMISED Moscow would be attacked by them, claiming Russians are NAZIs, on live TV : https://files.catbox.moe/z2r9o3.mp4
โ€˜Purimโ€™ holiday celebration coincidence overlap?

/v/news viewpost?postid=65ff5e1820db4

It is MOSSAD!!


**(news)๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ Over 2 dozen great links !! MASSACRE IN RUSSIA ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ - VERY FRESH , VERY RARE, videos and photos. All real. ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ**


upvote if you want more hot info dumps

/v/videos viewpost?postid=65fedc6a33156

PART 2 of 2:

= = = = = = = =

FUN FACT #672 : PART 2- Bonus facts proving the Noble Savage was a monster. **INDIANS WERE monsters!!!**

The "noble savage" more often than not :

- **Raped 6 year old girls**. (though anatomy requires rectal rape to prevent death typically) They still do this often in Alaska.

- **Ate other humans (cannibals!)** , documented in human fossil feces and scraped long bones of every area, every tribe across all of north and south america! http://heretical.com/cannibal/namerica.html

- **Infanticide!** (they killed baby females often, after birth, and did so in horrific ways, sometimes 50% of all females were killed). estimates of children killed by infanticide in the Mesolithic and Neolithic eras vary from 15 to 50 percent. Thanks Indians! So noble! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infanticide

- **Born Alcoholics**! - Indians sadly are born with DNA genes linked to alcoholism. It was illegal to trade them Whiskey OR BEER (or New York baked cookies!) for hundreds of years. Even today, stores will not sell cases of beer to Indians near reservations. Indians are lazy drunkards (genetically). https://alcohol.addictionblog.org/the-genetics-of-alcoholism/#The-Alcoholic-Gene **Injuns Love their Firewater!** https://alcohol.addictionblog.org/is-native-american-alcoholism-genetic/

- **Liars and Deal breakers!** The backstabbing and "Indian giving" on trades is legendary and widely recorded

- **Communism and THEFT**! Indians stole from one another claiming no one should own any stored food, preserved meat, excess hides, too many hunting weapons, etc. NO PRIVATE PROPERTY OWNERSHIP!!!

- **LAND THEFT!** Indians not only genocided and stole entire USA from White people's, long extinct, around 13,700 years ago, in the late 1600s they kept reinvading land purchased in New York at great cost, paid to older Tribal elders years before.

- **LAZIER THAN NIGGERS, almost!** Example : lazy and improvident Indians were legendary in the year 1767 lazy indians learned to trade a SINGLE BEAVER pelt for a heaping blanket covered in massive amounts of valuable trade goods. ONE PELT!! It was so bad thousands of French WHITE fur trappers had to go and trap millions of priceless Beaver Pelts after 1767. Indians were communists and had to give all to their tribes, creating typical communist laziness. ONE PELT A YEAR!

- ***Mutilation of captured enemies**. Rape is the nicest thing Indians ever did to tribal enemies. They amputated, blinded, scalped, and CASTRATED enemies often, even young teen male enemies. In USA west, the FEMALES did the castrations of bound enemies! Comanche Indians were masters at torture and mutilation.


- **Crippling both feet of captured enemy slaves** The Pueblo indians not only often ate Human flesh (well proven) , they also possessed many crippled slaves.


- **Slavery.** Almost all indians throughout history enslaved others, even young sex slaves. Little girls they captured became fuck toy slaves, and often their faces mutilated, to make it "OK and official"

- **Criminals Twice as much as Blacks!** American Indians are almost impossible to keep out of the prison system once they have a taste of incarceration. **Many US statewide averages show a recidivism rate of 62%**! A 62% chance within a year of committing more felonies and judged guilty. This is DOUBLE the rate of Black criminals. Feather nigger savages cannot be civilized! **For Alaska Natives, itโ€™s 74 percent felony recidivism!!** : Its been over 72% for over 40 years in Alaska!

- **Low IQ**! Countless studies from hundreds of researchers estimate no native north or south american area having an average IQ above 87. To put that in context, its higher than any african nation, but the definition of RETARDED for decades was IQ 84. Indians are on average practically RETARDED!. Caribbean natives and Polynesian natives are even LOWER than IQ 87 ave, and in fact IQ 84... RETARDED!!!!, And this has been studied to death, hundreds of times. NATIVE AMERICANS ARE USELESS to society.

The list of disgusting savagery the Indians did is endless but the worst....


Holy Shit, look at the list of all the major listed species Indians killed to extinction (the animals had little fear) : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_North_American_animals_extinct_in_the_Holocene list includes some animals killed by spics, chinks and whitey too, but most significant in list are from natives and eskimos

- **DESTRUCTION OF every tree of five tree species!!!!!**

Not only did Pueblo Indians cut down every tree of five tree species for over 500 miles in diameter, creating a 500 mile new desert, Pueblos and almost every indian race across history burned and killed not only animal habitat, but deliberately killed to EXTINCTION all the mega fauna, and all the large flightless birds wherever indians migrated to.

Indians did the OPPOSITE of nature conservation! Indians hunted in the most wasteful way too, sometimes running thousands of buffalo off a cliff to die, to eat just 4 buffalo!

- **POLLUTION!** Most of the dirty coal burned to power Los Angeles is cleverly placed in powerplants on Indian Reservations, such as the horrific air pollution maker near the Grand Canyon!
Four Corners Power Plant, New Mexico is responsible for dirtying the air in Grand Canyon and 15 other national parks in the Southwest.
Filthy soot air created from just this ONE of many (Reid Gardner power, etc) belching reservation exempt ecological disasters play a big role in obscuring the views of many beloved landmarks in national parks across the country including Glacier, Big Bend, Sequoia and Yosemite. Its so bad, because of these filthy polluting Indians, the farthest a person can see on a given dayโ€”in most of the western United States is now about one-half to two-thirds of what it would be without man-made air pollution (about 140 miles).

- **POLLUTION!** Turning coal into Bitcoins on purpose!:
The Shiprock, New Mexico Navajo Nation, burns coal to create BITCOINS - 24 coins per month consuming seven megawatts of power each month -- enough to power 19,600 low usage homes, and polluting the world. Filthy redskins!:

- **INDIAN CASINOS** maliciously placed near cities, corrupting the poor and stupid and redirecting billions of welfare dollars from gambling from Black innercities into Casino Indians' hands.

Countless large books and essays, prior to 1992, exist by brave authors detailing all the above true facts. After 1990, woke (((academics))) tried to fabricate apologist fake propaganda to mitigate all the above vile Indian facts.

TL/DR: **Indians RUIN Nature, and should all be killed for being the fucking drunk vile child-raping heathen savages they are.**

/v/funny viewpost?postid=65fedd0083881

> and they score much lower than niggers on tests. kek

yes. USA (mixed) Blacks have ave IQ 85, but native americans are stupider, and IQ 81

= = = =

Here are some solid 100% facts Native people usually do not know, in TWO big FUN FACTS....



We know about 90% dying off from extensive science studies, and written testimonial of entire abandoned dead indian areas near boston and outward. DISEASE killed off the 1,150,000 pre 1492 in USA region natives and left them with about 150,000.

One third of feather niggers declared war on Whitey and were paid to kill Whitey during revolutionary war!!!

Others killed Whitey from across water in buffalo region.

Indians (some tribes) cause lots of trouble despite indian entire population so low.

They make up outlandish myths and try to hand wave and excuse the WRTTEN NEWSPAPER STORIES of indian attacks on white towns. Often entire large towns wiped out by indians. Over 500 whites mutilated to death in โ€œMinnesota Uprising" times and before. **Filthy murderous heathen savages!:**

250 Whiteys killed in a day : 1791 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Clair%27s_defeat#Battle

500 Whiteys killed in a day August 30, 1813 : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Mims_Massacre

50 Whiteys killed in a day : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Seminole_War

140 Whiteys killed in a day : 1857 : "Mountain Meadows Massacre, Utah"

500 Whiteys killed in a day , 800 in a week : 1862 : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dakota_War_of_1862

**Hundreds of settlers killed in attacks**

65 Whiteys killed in a day : 1865 : Bloody Point Massacre , Oregon, One man survived

**Prior to 1791?** (first 10 amendments of Constitution) -- Indians murdered white villages just as often as the list above.

78 out of 140 Whites killed in a day in 1622 : Wolstenholme Towne in Martin's Hundred (Virginia). 1622!!!


Hundreds of times, heathen savages attacked and murdered White women and children in North America.


FUCKING FEATHER INDIANS LOVE TO LIE more than the jews about genocide.

20 times more Indians now, than when the American nation was created in 1780s

Its true! every decade the Indian lie gets bigger and bigger, when in reality in the USA it is proven there are more living Indians carrying credentials or claiming heritage, than existed in 1776.

Some indians now claim a whopping past value of 114 million, totally not based on anthropology or any sciences.

That 114 million could be 8 million and is pre-disease pre-contact pre 1492 and EXTERNAL to USA (South america, central america, Caribbean, central america , canada, alaska, etc.

Remember, even that 8 million at best is not USA, is pre-disease pre-contact pre 1492 and EXTERNAL to USA.

I regularly confront those lying fucks and argue to their lying redskin savage faces with rage and FACTS!.

The heathen savages are well over TWICE the population in USA than in 1776. **TWICE as many alive today.**

In 1650 it was 5 million tops WORLDWIDE. For USA pre-disease pre 1492 it was 1,150,000 according to 1928 science calculations by Mooney in 1928 publication in "Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico"

1,150,000 pre 1492 in USA region, one TENTH or less after diseases of 1500s, then census of 1900 showed 230,306, and TODAY this year in 2019 the number of USA Indians on welfare alone is about 2 million (have tribal card, official document)


ANY feather niggers dead before 1776 is on british hands, not the american legacy.

230,306 was the exact precise true count in 1900 according to very accurate reservation and US census tally.

230,306 was higher but similar to the 1776 value.

IN USA official census (and reservations were accurately counted due to fed programs) :


The 1900 census was the first census all Native Americans were enumerated, regardless of tribal affiliations or where they lived : 230,306

230,306 in 1900.

523,591 in 1960.

1.42 million by 1980

1,878,285 people identifying themselves as American Indian in the 1990 census (almost twice as many as in min 1570s pre-USA.

5.2 million in 2010

9.7 million in 2020, a 86.5 percent increase in 10 years!


**Thornton, R. 1987. a American Indian Holocaust and Survival: A Population History Since 1492. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press**

**Meyer, M.L., and R. Thornton 1991. The blood quantum quandary. Unpublished paper presented at the 1991 Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association (Pacific Coast Branch), Kona, HI.**

There are 562 total American Indian and Alaska Native tribes that are federally recognized. It is a massive WELFARE PROGRAM of which the majority of the over 2 million official living native americans organize their REPARATIONS and "free gib me dats" and spend all their time boozing it up on alcohol and telling stories about the evil lazy white man.

For the heathen injun population to almost triple from 1960 to 1980 ??? WELFARE GIBS, COLLEGE PREFERENCES, ILLEGAL ALIEN HISPANIC INVASION, etc. It Tripled.

WELFARE CARDS. Calling yourself indian gets you gibs, even if you are 25% indian. Free 'gibs me dat'. The us census is precise enough, and online census tables concur.

FAR FAR MORE INDIANS, over 20 times more, now than when American nation was created in 1780s.


Twice as high reincarceration (recidivism) rate as niggers! Twice! In some states Indians have 74% reincarceration rate!!!!

Indians love to keep committing endless felonies their entire lives!!!

39% reincarceration rate (74% for Indians in Alaska) !!!!

The ice-niggers in Alaska have three times the felony recidivism rate as CONUS niggers do. THREE TIMES!

You doubt that jaw dropping statistic? It's true. The ice-niggers in Alaska have three times the felony recidivism rate!!! Alaska is fucked by feral ice-niggers.

**Fun Fact!**

**Eskimos SEEK PRISON ! For Alaska Natives, itโ€™s 74 percent felony recidivism !!!**

Its been over 72% for over 40 years.


Eskimos go back to prison again and again nearly three times as often as black thugs.

The left's solution? **Drop charges all the time against Eskimos (Indians)!**

Ice-Nigger Indians actually are only now arrested for murder and child rape. Its futile to arrest ice-nigger Indians in alaska, the state prisons have PS5 and XBOX and nice libraries and lounges.

Niggers can only dream about matching the crime rate of an Indian.

Niggers can only dream of the Free Gibs Indians lavishly get, and the hilarious empathy stories of Indian genocide that are actually easily proven myths. Indians are special animals.

Indians live life on EASY MODE.

TL/DR: **USA INDIANS NOWADAYS make up outlandish Genocide lies and coverup 90% of them died from disease in 1570**, and over TWICE as many alive today since then. **TWICE AS MANY FEATHER NIGGERS ALIVE THAN IN PAST**.

P.S. : Do not even get me started on other atrocities of vile feather nigger heathens, their astoundingly low IQs, their infanticide, their genocide of other tribes, their depravity, cannibalism, child rape, Mutilation of captured enemies, Communism, theft, slavery, DESTRUCTION OF ENTIRE ANIMAL SPECIES, desertification by deforestation of millions of acres, and far far more vile atrocities!

*Jingle, jingle, star swiping in*

> "The More You Know!" ๐ŸŒˆ โ„ข ยฉ ยฎ


end part 1

/v/funny viewpost?postid=65fedd0083881

Firstly, I am not asserting evidence Torba was involved behind the seizure, It was related relevant info on Jew censorship.

Secondly, I myself have not logged into Gab in 1.5 years, and do not track how Jew loving Torba is nowadays, if at all, but I have lots of evidence of long-past Jew love and Fed love. My post did not assert Torba currently still loved Jews, even if he might.

Torba in the past, before Jews enraged his company, BANNED Jew Namers!

Torba frequently BANNED Jew Namers from Gab in the past for invalid reasons!

In 2023 he still bans anti-semitic memes by hiding them.

= = = = = = =

FUN FACT #328 : Gab banned Jew Namers. **Gab never invited them back, or apologized.**

Gab.ai banned a political candidate that at one time had 18% of poll number at peak.

https://gab.com/gab/posts/41584631 [admin post DELETED BY JEW PUPPET GAB and then memory holed]

Patrick Little was banned on Gab for a false allegation by Gab admins, invented 25 days after the banning. He was a Jew Namer. He was banned. When pressured gab.ai claimed he committed some form of crime. The crime was provable free speech and not a direct threat of any crime.

Gab refuses to apologize or let Patrick back onto Gab.

Politician Patrick Little is a victim of Gab deletion and censorship and banning, for 100% legal USA speech that agitated Jews, but he also is an infamous JEW NAMER.

Gab interfered with USA elections and deleted and censored and banned political speech by Patrick Little.

Patrick or someone on his thread stated that he hoped someone would deface a jewish holocaust memorial in the next 365 days or less. Neither of the two SCOTUS tests for https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imminent_lawless_action are met ! Provable free speech.

The US Supreme court ruled MANY MANY TIMES that to be illegal speech and a call to imminent violence or crime, an utterance needs TWO components :

1 - A SPECIFIC TARGET OR TARGETS not including a complete class of targets.

2 - AN IMMINENT TIME PERIOD LESS THAN 365 days from now.

NEITHER condition was met by gab.ai preposterous post-ban claim, and the utterance is wholly free speech.

BOTH criteria for illegal speech (plea for imminent lawless action) that any first year law student is taught:

Famous SCOTUS Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969)


SCOTUS Hess v. Indiana, 414 U.S. 105 (1973) [must be less than 12 months] :


There are like 68 or more holohoax memorials in usa all over and not naming a subset or viable target also makes the speech into FREE SPEECH. Patrick did not name a specific target, or subset, making it free speech according to US law.

He also did not name a specific time.

**Patrick Little was a Senate candidate!**

And (((Gab.ai))) got caught deleting two posts by Patrick Little !!!

The posts were NOT ILLEGAL under US LAW!!!


Gab.ai banned Patrick Little, despite Patrick knowing cleverly what is legal or not to type in the USA, and Patrick using a non imminent time of 365 days or less, rather than 364 days or less to make it a legal protected speech claim under well worn well established SCOTUS rulings. Patrick is also a shit lord by picking a **class of targets wider than the focus needed to make it an illegal statement** by including all objects in the class of targets : namely all 68 us holohoax memorials, rather than a named selection. Patrick knows how to skate the line !


After first blaming Domain Name registrar, Gab later admitted (((big tech))) (Microsoft), ordered him to delete the Jew Namers from Gab, OR ELSE MICROSOFT CLOUD WOULD DROP GAB!!! (Just like Parler problem in later years)

see ? :


Gab later admitted that de facto JEWS RUN GAB, and JEWS and Gab together shoahed Patrick Little,

Patrick Little had 18% polling in polls less than 6 years ago. His past interviews mentioning how xx % of government is fully run by jews, cost him though. Even Republican Party tried to stop him and Democrats did not want to try and partially advance him in jest, as they did with Trump (backfired).

The left (socialist) is the Nazi party, (refer to https://www.dineshdsouza.com/books/the-big-lie/) but they tried to brand this guy as a National Socialist when his polling hit 18% : https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2018/05/03/neo-nazi-california-senate/579612002/

look at the link format!!! It actually claims a RIGHT wing guy is a socialist ! Naughty MSM.

That's USA today that stated :

> Patrick Little got more support than any other Republican candidate in an April 27 SurveyUSA poll. Little polled at 18%, compared with Feinstein's 39%. The next highest-performing GOP candidate came in at 8%.

18% to 1% ... Amazing what the deep state can achieve against a guy.

**GAB.AI weeks after banning LIED! (25 DAYS later)**

**Hurray For Patrick Little!** The protector of FREE SPEECH!

Fuck lying Jew no-free-speech Gab.ai.

Ask voat.xyz's @chrimony, or ask @DirectPressure or @NewWorldEbola, about their experiences seeing Gab delete Jew namers.

By the way : Patrick Little's non-deleted jew-naming content still allowed on BitChute (BitShit deleted 20 videos) : https://www.bitchute.com/profile/pog2EPByxzRc/

Censor? Don't trust Gab's Torba, Or Epik's Rob Monster, not even a little:

Gab and Jew Epik CEO Rob Monster censor together sometimes, for Democrats. The Christopher Cantwell incident :

Torba is anti Trump in 2021:

Gab since 2021 GIVES POLICE and FEDS your personal info **WITHOUT a court order**, often! :

Also gab.com was originally "gab.ai", and gabbai (Hebrew: ื’ื‘ืื™โ€Žโ€Ž) is someone that assists jews:

"gab.ai" is the original name of gab.com, and "gab.ai" was no accident they chose that domain name.

https://gab.ai/ See? that still works! Try that link!

Gabbai is coincidentally also a jewish last name. The Gabbai (Gubbay, Gabbay) family of Baghdadi jews was literally in bed with the SASSOON family and they moved to India in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

EVERY WORD I typed above is 100% factual and backed up by various links and news articles. Gab indeed has at times deleted Jew Namers.

TL/DR: Under US Law speech is free speech, except for well defined situations, and **Gab now admits Microsoft asked them to delete Jew Namers**, but one time Gab LIED and smeared provable free speech by a Politician and banned Patrick Little

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Four reliable groups to poach users and bring them to voat.xyz... :

- The Anti-Jewish Meme Repository : https://gab.com/groups/5195

- National Socialists : https://gab.com/groups/248

- The White Protection League : https://gab.com/groups/1685

- Memes, memes, and more Memes [no jew teasing] : https://gab.com/groups/511

misc other :

- Le Happy Merchant : https://gab.com/groups/1793

- JEWS : https://gab.com/groups/2776 [SHOAHED INTO PRIVATE GROUP]

- Antisemitism is Self-defense : https://gab.com/groups/2714 [SHOAHED INTO PRIVATE GROUP]

- New nigger meme repository - https://gab.com/groups/5847

- Nigger Things - https://gab.com/groups/45811

- **ConsumeProduct on Gab** - https://gab.com/groups/46907

- Burn a pride flag today - https://gab.com/groups/65639

- Meme Warfare [tame] - https://gab.com/groups/30

- Jews Are Not Allowed to Join This Group - https://gab.com/groups/45965

- AntiZionistLeague - https://gab.com/groups/40333

- Jews Hate White People - https://gab.com/groups/65129

- Aim Low, Avoid Disappointment [normie humor] - https://gab.com/groups/49922

- https://tv.gab.com/playlist/murdoch-murdoch-61121d7b4e78f42f9e531e25 [ murdochmurdoch SHOAHED by (((Gab)))) ]

- https://tv.gab.com/channel/kellycasey [ murdochmurdoch SHOAHED by (((Gab)))) ]

gab shoahs from people not logged in?

https://gab.com/Spartan_118 ( thread HIDES https://gab.com/Spartan_118/posts/111358693211815581 !!!)
https://gab.com/Spartan_118/videos ( subpanel HIDES https://gab.com/Spartan_118/posts/111358693211815581 !!!)

Gab will not show if not logged in!:

- https://tv.gab.com/channel/blackcrimesmatter [ BlackCrimesMatter SHOAHED by (((Gab)))) ]
- https://tv.gab.com/channel/blackcrimesmatter/view/six-million-watermelons-60838066262968b0192d7bfd [ direct shoahed link too]

- https://tv.gab.com/channel/amrenaissance [ amren SHOAHED by (((Gab)))) ]

- https://gab.com/OlinLive

- https://gab.com/redvoicemedia

- Name The Jew! https://gab.com/groups/45915

- Anti semites against Anti semitism https://gab.com/groups/71293

- Freemasonry is jewish - https://gab.com/groups/81165

- [humor] Judge Dread and the Credible Threats Boogaloo Boi Band๏ธ - https://gab.com/groups/4786

- Daily laugh (normie memes) - https://gab.com/groups/12040

- Grumpy Old Boomers (normie memes) - https://gab.com/groups/36154

- Conservative News (normie) - https://gab.com/groups/514

- Awake Canada - https://gab.com/groups/52479

- [private 1.6K members] - Sooper Seekrit FlammenWerfer Klub - https://gab.com/groups/3937

- [private 170K members] - Guns of Gab - https://gab.com/groups/157

- The Noticing - https://gab.com/groups/69727

- National Socialists - https://gab.com/groups/68977

- AI Art Posting On Gab - https://gab.com/groups/80984

- Sigma Male Activity - https://gab.com/groups/66326

- We Love Trump - https://gab.com/groups/5819

- humor - https://gab.com/stonetoss

- humor - Harry and Joulupukki's home for Shitposters, Proud racists and Stolen memes - https://gab.com/groups/64396

- remembering the reich on gab - https://gab.com/groups/5989

- Life with Blax - https://gab.com/groups/3656

- Alaska Patriots - https://gab.com/groups/6466

- Black On White Crime - https://gab.com/groups/4451

- Racist Girls Are Prettier! Get whitepilled - https://gab.com/groups/61516

- Mudshark Hate - https://gab.com/groups/46369

- Thot Patrol - https://gab.com/groups/557

- Misogyny Club - https://gab.com/groups/50545

- [cute] All kinds of ANIMALS - https://gab.com/groups/778

- Pro Nose Naming International - https://gab.com/groups/70400

- Memes Reich - https://gab.com/groups/63948

- https://gab.com/BlackCrimesMatter

- The Donald [ allows Jew naming!] - https://gab.com/groups/22

- WallStreetBets [stocks] - https://gab.com/groups/4204

- Red Wave Riders - https://gab.com/groups/40263

- SELF-HATING WHITES EXPOSED - https://gab.com/groups/62376

- AInspiration - https://gab.com/groups/71144

- Scalps of Gab - https://gab.com/groups/45318 (tracks butt-hurt centrists)

TL/DR: Fuck Gab. Poach their users.

/v/news viewpost?postid=65ae43f21262e

**Fuck off, disenchanting shill. Be grateful I even decided to warn users of this site**. I only log in every couple of months, or 90 days on average, to estimate its shill level.

This is a MAJOR critical news event from today. I posted it hours after Epik admitted stealing kiwifarms domain. Jews did it again.

/v/news viewpost?postid=65ae43f21262e

> you faggots do nothing but propagate this shit. you JUST spread it around and HELP the jewish tranny agenda.

**WRONG!!! Today I Just got SALTY CRACKER to feature my video clip to START A BOYCOTT**

You are a disenchanting shill. I get things done, as proven in this Salty Cracker link from TODAY :


Fuck off paid shill. My efforts worked, and the Jews now will sell less Vodka

/v/funny viewpost?postid=656395a9adc1f



Thanks, Jews!

/v/funny viewpost?postid=656395a9adc1f

**The Gay Sex Santa Claus commercial** by (((Norwegian Government))) might top it : https://www.theguardian.com/media/video/2021/nov/24/norwegian-christmas-advert-goes-viral-as-santa-claus-gets-a-boyfriend-video

/v/funny viewpost?postid=656395a9adc1f

**ATTN all**

GOODBYE EVERYONE, until 2024 or another two whole years. ]

-12 downvotes for a new unique funny meme from alts of SBBH? Fuck this shit.

Site rule-violating brigading by literal SBBH Jews ( who ban you on SBBH from defending yourself, violating a actual hard site rule) is the main factor :


Solution? Downvotes of known brigaders must be nullified, and SBBH forced to cease ruining the remains of voat.xyz



See? Facts are facts. FacelessOne is a paid shill, and needlessly attacking the best site builders here.
= = = =

I made 950 exclusive memes for scored.co (ConPro) , 750 of them in this list :
[750 exclusive new memes list](https://scored.co/search?query=(humor&community=ourgreateststrength)

I was on a roll to do the same for this site, and bring in many other White content builders from other sites I am on... but fuck it. SBBH Jews need to go.

TL/DR : my last comment, until @system does something about SBBH brigading again (these proven SBBH Jews also coordinate offsite)

**good bye**

/v/funny viewpost?postid=64de3379436e7

**I @try, left voat.xyz a full 2 years ago due to literal Feds and paid Jew shills downvoting me, and BUILT UP ConPro rapidly in 90 days, tripling its size**

I just came back to voat.xyz this week, to salvage and repair it with edgy humor memes, and Fed and Jew shills are seething, it seems.

If @system cant't contain these Feds and paid Jews ( https://archive.ph/FGTLE ) , then this site cannot be rebuilt.

Jews hate me for my great FUN FACTS about Jews :

**ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT JEWS** (some FUN FACTS) ยกuสop วpแด‰sdn สŽส‡วแด‰ษ”os dแด‰lษŸ puษ ส‡dnษนษนoษ” sสวลฟ

= = = =

Feds hate me for my Fed doxxing with citations : https://archive.ph/FGTLE

= = = = =

Feds hate me posting humor to draw in youths to Free Speech sites : Here is archive of over 750 funny memes of mine among 800 I made for scored.co alone :


[750 exclusive new memes list](https://scored.co/search?query=(humor&community=ourgreateststrength)

wow! 750 unique memes! (I never posted yet remaining 200 left to archive, 950 in a year for one site of 7 )

= = == = = =

Feds HATE fun fact in this long list of fun facts (FUN FACT #941 : ALL PEOPLE CAN BE FULLY PACKET TRACED) :

THREE PART FUN FACT LIST , save these three links to a file:

Feds really hate FUN FACT #941

= == =

**FUN FACT #941 : ALL PEOPLE CAN BE FULLY PACKET TRACED SINCE 2021 when reading a specially created packet sent to you, or passively read by you! They find you, for under $300 by Hackers and spies using backbone sieve databrokers like "Cortex Xpanse"!**


= = = = =

You SBBH shills are starting to downvote my new humor memes I made EXCLUSIVELY for voat.xyz this week:

some of my voat.xyz 2023 memes this week :

- https://files.catbox.moe/bml3uw.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/z9o2zz.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/rxaxjg.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/bcm2f8.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/5nlti6.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/vu73aj.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/cm4ugi.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/lcgte0.jpg

those were just some of my new memes I made just for voat

hopefully , hundreds more will be redirected to voat by me, but I think this comment is my last non-PM communication until 2024 unless @system does something about this brigading forum.

It is a VIOLATION of site rules to ban users from a brigade forum, and whip up smears, when the non-shills cannot retort.

Either I remain unbanned, or THE MODS OF /SoapBoxBanHammer WILL BE FORCE REPLACED by @system. This site has few rules, but that is a firm rule.

= = = = =

2 years ago ...
I proved https://preview.goatpen.co ( SBBH site ) was 100% Jew run, exposed it, and imploded it.

EXPOSED!!! Jew-Infested Goatpen! NOT ONE single Jew Named in 235 of 235 posts! Proof supplied!

Time of 235 posts in images : 2021.09.03 10 AM

**Goatpen PROVEN 100% controlled by Jews!**

Out of Top 235 posts shown in these images,
NOT even a token pot shot allowed against Israel or Jews!

**SBBH ran the most Jew friendly social site on earth. PROVEN.**

Goatpen became a proven ADL/SPLC/MOSSAD/JIDF/ShareBlue Dumpster fire!

In order from post 1 to 235, all Topmost posts, 100% free of Jew Naming, 2021.09.03 10 AM Proven!

[goatpen part 01 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png](https://files.catbox.moe/j9mjuu.png)
[goatpen part 02 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png](https://files.catbox.moe/cusb33.png)
[goatpen part 03 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png](https://files.catbox.moe/1v7gmq.png)
[goatpen part 04 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png](https://files.catbox.moe/urtnpb.png)
[goatpen part 05 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png](https://files.catbox.moe/6c0zu2.png)
[goatpen part 06 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png](https://files.catbox.moe/zvwd8d.png)
[goatpen part 07 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png](https://files.catbox.moe/cb5kp8.png)
[goatpen part 08 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png](https://files.catbox.moe/324fj5.png)
[goatpen part 09 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png](https://files.catbox.moe/fj4z31.png)
[goatpen part 10 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png](https://files.catbox.moe/9u4gkv.png)
[goatpen part 11 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png](https://files.catbox.moe/jcbq0t.png)
[goatpen part 12 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png](https://files.catbox.moe/jwfrki.png)
[goatpen part 13 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png](https://files.catbox.moe/02w3yc.png)
[goatpen part 14 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png](https://files.catbox.moe/u9zt2q.png)
[goatpen part 15 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png](https://files.catbox.moe/eqhlne.png)
[goatpen part 16 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png](https://files.catbox.moe/nsr3c7.png)
[goatpen part 17 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png](https://files.catbox.moe/0q5mi0.png)
[goatpen part 18 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png](https://files.catbox.moe/o84dqi.png)
[goatpen part 19 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png](https://files.catbox.moe/rqku92.png)
[goatpen part 20 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png](https://files.catbox.moe/zv6517.png)
[goatpen part 21 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png](https://files.catbox.moe/v9rx1c.png)
[goatpen part 22 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png](https://files.catbox.moe/n1tw3r.png)

See?! Not one post critical of Jews or Israel, IN TOPMOST 235 POSTS!!!! not one.

I cannot believe how foolish the goatpen SBBH Jews were to not even allow a token innocuous Jew naming post.

Now these literal paid Jews are back on voat.xyz in 2023 (upgoat).

= = = = = = = = = =

**I AM LEAVING UNLESS LEFTIST BRIGADING IS STOPPED (all downvotes by known brigade alts nullified)**

Fuck this Fed and Jew infested site for brigading against the main conservative true patriots, like me. Fuck It. I Left for two whole years and this site suffered. Now I leave again until 2024.

The Jews won, they always seem to win. I tried to help this site. Fuck it.

I was gonna poach people from 4chan, other chans, gab, and even ConPro, to come here in Sept 2023. No more. That effort will remain in limbo, until SBBH proven-Jew ringleaders are banned or castrated here.

FUN FACT : I am fucking leaving unless all the exposed downvoter alts ( Feds or Jews ) are banned by @system , or downvotes by them disabled. SBBH was proven to be Jew-led in late 2021

/v/SoapboxBanhammer viewpost?postid=64de5009b6e39

**I am no glowie! Feds HATE me for doxxing their efforts with ample citations**


HOLY SHIT! Look at all of THAT exposing the Feds here.

Plus I make funny Fed Posts sometimes, like these Fed Posts I made (over 95% of these were mine:

- https://files.catbox.moe/17bblr.png (a meme i made)

- https://files.catbox.moe/zby2t9.jpg

- https://files.catbox.moe/snmy56.jpg

- https://files.catbox.moe/71bvxk.jpg

- https://files.catbox.moe/mz7w5d.jpg

- https://files.catbox.moe/3y8f8d.jpg

- https://files.catbox.moe/y428oa.jpg

- https://files.catbox.moe/gicuqr.jpg

- https://files.catbox.moe/orybh6.jpeg

- https://files.catbox.moe/wqmfoc.jpeg

- https://files.catbox.moe/jzrsp5.png

- https://files.catbox.moe/p7sr59.gif

- https://files.catbox.moe/7w6jlt.png

- https://files.catbox.moe/ujurhb.jpg

- https://files.catbox.moe/9k729h.jpg

- https://files.catbox.moe/pci29v.jpg

- https://files.catbox.moe/fg3ce0.jpg

- https://files.catbox.moe/aa9hdk.jpg

- https://files.catbox.moe/hcwupp.jpg

- https://files.catbox.moe/d4685v.jpg

- https://files.catbox.moe/8r1rir.jpg

- https://files.catbox.moe/gh5t4d.jpg

- https://files.catbox.moe/lgtlrj.gif

- https://files.catbox.moe/bgdp38.jpeg

= = = = ==

I am the least likely Fed here..... **FEDS NEVER MAKE NEW MEMES**

I make over 1,000 high quality memes a year for 14 years, across 7 sites I use.

I made 950 exclusive memes for scored.co (ConPro) , 750 of them in this list :
[750 exclusive new memes list](https://scored.co/search?query=(humor&community=ourgreateststrength)

I was on a roll to do the same for this site, and bring in many other White content builders from other sites I am on... but fuck it. SBBH downvote brigading Jews ruining this site need to go ( https://archive.ph/FGTLE ).

-12 downvotes of this funny new nice meme I made for voat?

No more.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=64de3379436e7

> Antiliberalsociety is a child rapist

The Fed shill Antiliberalsociety (also known as JosephGoebbels5) was-perma banned here on voat twice for downvote brigading and overt toxicity

**my JosephGoebbels5 memes:**

- https://files.catbox.moe/5y04am.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/7pt4eu.jpg ( 8K : https://files.catbox.moe/h6hm4q.jpg )
- https://files.catbox.moe/090evr.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/2p7115.jpg ( 8K : https://files.catbox.moe/onkfr3.jpg )
- https://files.catbox.moe/q51735.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/qjjb2h.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/bo1cym.jpg ( 8K : https://files.catbox.moe/lc6dcc.jpg )
- https://files.catbox.moe/6y90o1.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/gs48sw.jpg ( 8K : https://files.catbox.moe/d6i1en.jpg )
- https://files.catbox.moe/284bv2.jpg ( 8K : https://files.catbox.moe/mxjh1d.jpg )
- etc, etc, etc.

= = = = =

The Fed JG5 mainly posts 7 year old 4Chan memes, and boring memes so the youth wont be attracted.

75 mostly boring old 4Chan memes in under 24 hours that all are NOW DEAD LINKS, flooding the site to hide edgy humor ;

- page 1 of 3 of 75 old boring 4Chan memes per day : https://archive.ph/wGIj9
- page 2 of 3 of 75 old boring 4Chan memes per day : https://archive.ph/T4tro
- page 3 of 3 of 75 old boring 4Chan memes per day : https://archive.ph/g9vuh

See? 75 a day. JosephGoebbels5 mixes in a couple funny old memes, if not Jew mocking, then HE DELETES THEM ALL in under 24 hours typically!:

ALL THOSE 75 LINKS DIED in under 1 week

He used to use old 4Chan posts that were locally stored or on catsbox, from his Fed supplied meme pile to create new shill accounts.

But, now the Feds upload ancient crap onto 4Chan, make a link to the temp CDN image cache, and post THAT self expiring link here.

I suspect these Fed CDN 4Chan images are sent in timed burst stream to doxx IP paths across VPNS.

refer :

FUN FACT #941 : ALL PEOPLE CAN BE FULLY PACKET TRACED SINCE 2021 when reading a specially created packet sent to you, or passively read by you! They find you, for under $300 by Hackers and spies using backbone sieve databrokers like "Cortex Xpanse"!


Basically, if a large image is sent in mysterious delays, its being staccato-delayed upstream to expose full IP packet path across tor or VPN or proxies to your house.

= = = ==

**ALS (JG5) Fed team DOWNVOTE BRIGADED all my new humor on ConPro**

He floods and his Fed coworkers use his alts to DOWNVOTE others.

After 15 days with no new memes, I gave scored.co 2 dozen new funny EXCLUSIVE memes, COPIES seen in this archive link, safe from his pollution : https://scored.co/search?query=(humor&community=ourgreateststrength

My ConPro versions got each -5 to -10 downvotes by this Fed team recently :

- NEGATIVE 7! - (total score -1) https://scored.co/c/ConsumeProduct/p/16bj0gzScN/

- NEGATIVE 8! rapidly - https://scored.co/c/ConsumeProduct/p/16bj0fsier/

- NEGATIVE 8! rapidly - https://scored.co/c/ConsumeProduct/p/16bj0fsiWd/

- NEGATIVE 10! - https://scored.co/c/ConsumeProduct/p/16bj0fsiWf/

- NEGATIVE 6! - WTF! https://scored.co/c/ConsumeProduct/p/16bj0fsRXc/

- NEGATIVE 6! - https://scored.co/c/ConsumeProduct/p/16bj0h0pvk/

- NEGATIVE 5! - https://scored.co/c/ConsumeProduct/p/16bivsOYRY/

- NEGATIVE 11! - https://scored.co/c/ConsumeProduct/p/16bivsNRqh/

- NEGATIVE 11! - https://scored.co/c/ConsumeProduct/p/16bivsNB8K/

- NEGATIVE 10! -

- NEGATIVE 9! - https://scored.co/c/ConsumeProduct/p/16bivsNB4D/

- NEGATIVE 12! - https://scored.co/c/ConsumeProduct/p/16birKoBxn/

- NEGATIVE 9! - https://scored.co/c/ConsumeProduct/p/16birJfnJF/

- NEGATIVE 8! - https://scored.co/c/ConsumeProduct/p/16birJfnJD/

- NEGATIVE 11! - https://scored.co/c/ConsumeProduct/p/16biTrDRvk/

- NEGATIVE 15! - https://scored.co/c/ConsumeProduct/p/16biTnoXQ4/

- NEGATIVE 10! - https://scored.co/c/ConsumeProduct/p/16biTnmt7v/

- NEGATIVE 12! - https://scored.co/c/ConsumeProduct/p/16biTmgQ0x/

- NEGATIVE 9! - https://scored.co/c/ConsumeProduct/p/16bPZkM3Ev/

- NEGATIVE 10! - https://scored.co/c/ConsumeProduct/p/16bPZjDNbO/

- NEGATIVE 12! - https://scored.co/c/ConsumeProduct/p/16bPV8DptQ/

etc, etc

I QUIT ConPro until 2024 due to that Fed

Dangus is right.

TL/DR: Upvote and post new edgy humor to rapidly rebuild Free Speech sites. Fuck the Fed Antiliberalsociety

yes, Feds : https://archive.ph/FGTLE

/v/Cats viewpost?postid=64ddc18f0abd9


Everyberg Singlestein Timeowitz

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64de31d70ab75

**My map meme is about LOCAL PROBLEMS**:

WEST COAST : ANTIFA FIRES and powergrid turned off during heat waves, to suburbs

EAST COAST : FLOODED beach fronts of illegal summer homes built on sandbars... and JEW SUBVERSION

SOUTHER EDGE : RACE MIXING INVASION of beaners, and hurricanes


trucks are all over, but my map is about lack of problems in the heartland.

thanks for thr criticism, as any meme I admit "is my meme" I seek all comments, for revisions. I will revise this to make it more obvious (I flooded east coast but its too unclear). My meme is too confusing.... I liked it though.


/v/funny viewpost?postid=64de2cbb8f982


I am not "@HeyJames", and unfamiliar with voat.xyz activities the last 2 years. I am the esteemed FUN FACT SCIENTIST (known here as @try , from 2 years ago when I rage-quit)

A Test meme I made unburied @try


+75 vs -0 , provoked me into targetting some of my quick effort new memes to talk.lol/voat.xyz

That one single test meme I drew (I added the blond kid and wrote the joke) made me come back to this shill infested site.

It can be rebuilt quickly.

= = = =

some of my voat.xyz 2023 memes this week :

- https://files.catbox.moe/bml3uw.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/z9o2zz.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/rxaxjg.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/bcm2f8.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/5nlti6.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/vu73aj.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/cm4ugi.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/lcgte0.jpg

those were just some of my new memes I made just for voat

hopefully , hundreds more will be redirected to voat by me if @system takes care of -12 shills on this thread ( SBBH Jews )

(I spread my stuff to 7 sites each week, but as exclusives)

Others are supposed to repost them.

I made 950 exclusive memes for scored.co (ConPro) , 750 of them in this list :
[750 exclusive new memes list](https://scored.co/search?query=(humor&community=ourgreateststrength)

I was on a roll to do the same for this site, and bring in many other White content builders from other sites I am on... but fuck it. SBBH Jews need to go.

= = =

voat.xyz can be saved now that paid Jews and Feds can't suppress newly posted edgy humor (A new 2023 Directive by US DHS to DE-RADICALIZE White Hate Thought sites by making them boring to US youths) : yes really :


= = =

TL/DR: Don't slander me please. I know 0% about HeyJames. I never ever lie, downvote, or thread-sockpuppet... I am the famous @try ( The FUN FACT SCIENTIST persona ) , and I believe we can all rebuild this site rapidly by posting and upvoting NEW humor that Feds and Jews hate. Nor am I female, as the vile corrupt Cynabuns claimed and spread. I never lie.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=64de3379436e7

Yes... So true for normies...

**I created a funny meme!:**


/v/technology viewpost?postid=64de2e1f1fcb6


*Driver Posts Video Rolling Coal on Cyclistsโ€”and Is Surprised by the Consequences*



/v/funny viewpost?postid=64de2cbb8f982

hand rubbing intensifies


/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=64dda77ac6fcf

The real puzzle is "Who brainwashes low IQ nigs to nog? Who in the media and schools?"




/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=64dda77ac6fcf

Cats have to be real, because I make a lot of CAT MEMES! :

**Cat memes of mine:**


Thousands of other peoples cat memes are on the internet, but those are a few of mine from one site : scored.co, before I recently rage quit there (until 2024) due to antiliberalsociety cramming -14 onto every new funny meme of mine, and ignoring downvoting memes not made by me.

Normally my "DAD JOKE" memes (not those above) go to many other sites, not scored.co but I can't self doxx myself further. You can spot my "DAD JOKE" memes on 9Gag, iFunny, Reddit, Twitter, etc, if you have a good eye for my font and color choices.

/v/Cats viewpost?postid=64ddc18f0abd9

Med school forensics, omitting gut biome side effects of deep rectum probe (gut biome creates false heat and is not an organ, it is feces) :

Wheeeeeeee! Time of death.

Maybe Disney can make a song and musical.

/v/Jokes viewpost?postid=64ddb9765dc17

hah. I was going to say the center of the liver, but you got me.

have an upgoat

/v/Jokes viewpost?postid=64ddb9765dc17