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Member for: 2.8 years

scp: 824 (+1341/-517)
ccp: 183 (+599/-416)
votes given: 862 (+862/-0)
score: 1007


**You were wrong. I caught you**. It was my meme I made. I only look in by logging in every 4 to 6 days, sometimes over a month. Once I left for over a 1 year!!! :


over a fucking year.

Shills like you want the intellectuals and meme makers to flee this dying site.


Jews and feds ruined this site.

People like YOU : https://www.talk.lol/profile?user=Artificial_Intelligentile&view=submissions

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=6448860c19017

**WRONG! You fucking paid shill!**

I MADE THIS MEME : https://files.catbox.moe/ct2ob2.jpg

I highly doubt anyone posted it hours before I did here.

**Quit lying you fucking paid shill.**

I make about 1,000 memes a year, across the internet, but not for this dead overrun by Feds and Jews site.

PROVE A LINK to a copy of my meme before I posted. : https://files.catbox.moe/ct2ob2.jpg , you cannot.


Jews and feds ruined this site.

People like YOU : https://www.talk.lol/profile?user=Artificial_Intelligentile&view=submissions

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=6448860c19017

**FUN FACT #562 : BITCOIN KILLED VOAT.CO (original voat) by making the owner so rich he mainly planned on how to disappear with tens of millions of web site donations before end of IRS fiscal year:**

/v/MeanwhileOnScored viewpost?postid=6448d8b40444d

NO. Wrong. This : https://www.talk.lol/viewpost?postid=6448860c19017&commentid=644926a724edc

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=6448860c19017


= = = == = =

I GAVE YOU MORE EFFECTIVE stuff than the following in emails, @system

= = = == =

I outlined how on OTHER sites now losing 80% of former members rapidly (from https://communities.win/c/Meta/p/16aT7mzD6M/do-not-buy-pro-yet--warning-pro-/c ) :

THE MAIN SOLUTION is to hide the last 3 hours of comment history and post history from all users, of any user who is not a handshake, or is a handshake who paid for PRO

= = = = =

A second feature would be to arithmetically NOT COUNT ANY DOWNVOTES to a post by a non-handshake's contribution for one hour, but to hold back the effect one hour on a new post. One hour is fair, currently my posts today to meta this week got downvoted in 5 minutes and again on another in about half an hour. I suspect user POST history was used. The downvoter personally would SEE the downvote register during blackout, but mathematically the site would ignore it until later.

= = = = =

A third feature would be to arithmetically NOT COUNT ANY DOWNVOTES to a post or comment of ANY USER for 4 hours, if the downvote came from an account associated with any similar IP/browser the last hour performing a USER HISTORY, and performing more than 2 downvotes to that target that day. But the Democrats could use one account to get user history, and another shill account to perform downvotes, so perhaps.

= = = = =

A fourth feature would be to warn a downvoter that the downvote will NOT BE ANONYMOUS to moderators, if it is the 10th downvote to a single user in 24 hours site wide, or 3rd downvote of CONTENT POSTS that are younger than 3 hours within the last day.

= = = = =

A fifth feature would be to lookup IP on community maintained VPN/PROXY/TOR IP lookup lists, and incorporate that result to any decision, by adjusting parameters of a li9ttle more than real IP paths

= = = = =

A 6th feature would be to cap downvotes of a target being picked on to 35 per 24 hours and if over 36 attempted in 24 hours REVERT ALL DOWNVOTES RETROACTIVELY by that toxic shill if the targeted user has never downvoted the toxic pest in 24 hours at all.

= = = = =

A 7th feature would be be in user stats DISPLAY TOTAL POST DOWNVOTE COUNT given by user vs TOTAL POST UPVOTE COUNT given per user, with any obvious ratio anomalies printed in bold red font. All could see how shameful someone is or is not.

= = = = =

An 8th feature would be in user stats to DISPLAY TOTAL COMMENT DOWNVOTE COUNT given by user vs TOTAL COMMENT UPVOTE COUNT given per user, with any obvious ratio anomalies printed in bold red font. All could see how shameful someone is or is not.

= = = = =

A 9th feature would requirement that DOWNVOTING a post under 3 hours old has no effect for 3 hours after the downvote unless the downvoter COMMENTED at least once somewhere in the thread

= = = = =

A 10th feature would be to warn a downvoter that the downvote will NOT BE ANONYMOUS to to this user, if they continue past warning, if it is the 10th downvote to a single user in 24 hours site wide, or 3rd downvote of CONTENT POSTS that are younger than 3 hours within the last 2 days AND ALSO........ THAT THE DOWNVOTER has downvoted more than 5% of his vote ratio on comments or posts. Normal people should then never see this warning to continue.

= = = = =

A 11th feature would be to BLOCK any downvotes entirely on POSTS until a user is less than 15.0000% post DOWNVOTES cumulative and less than 15.0000% post DOWNVOTES the last 24 hours.

= = = = =

A 12th feature would be to BLOCK any downvotes entirely on COMMENTS until a user is less than 25.0000% comment DOWNVOTES cumulative and less than 25.0000% post DOWNVOTES the last 24 hours.

= = = = =

A 13th feature would be in user stats to merely display the names of the top two EXISTING users they downvoted the most , if either had more than 4 post downvotes last 30 days, or 35 comment downvotes the last 30 days. If over 100 comment downvotes the last year, or over 20 POST downvotes the last year, then next to the name the TOTAL should be revealed.

= = = = = = = =


A 14th feature would be a non-Google CAPCHA :

to popup on anyone attempting to downvote more than 5 comments per the last hour of a single user who has not downvoted them in the last day

or on anyone attempting to downvote more than 5 POSTS per the last hour from anyone

or if any post is under 2 hours old AND the user has downvoted more than 3 topic posts by that target in the last week.

web captchas can be used in other manners as speed brakes, but this is the bare essential suggestion.

= = = = = = = =

TL/DR: @system WANTED Jew shills to destroy this entire site, provably, with sub 10 second auto downvoters of new funny memes. Funny memes bring in eyeballs.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=6448860c19017

**FUCK SBBH! 🚨🚨Eventually it was PROVEN they were run by LITERAL JEW SHILLS to attack Free Speech sites!🚨🚨**

REFER TO: https://scored.co/c/ConsumeProduct/p/16b5q8juSo/who-do-you-think-sbbh-owners-wer/c/4TsbEfqtDq4

= = = = = =

**FUN FACT #562 : BITCOIN KILLED VOAT.CO (original voat) by making the owner so rich he mainly planned on how to disappear with tens of millions of web site donations before end of IRS fiscal year**:

= = = = =

It is PROVABLE via goatpen lack of Jew memes out of all top 235 posts, that SBBH was ADL/JIDF/SPLC

/v/MeanwhileOnScored viewpost?postid=6448d8b40444d

WRONG! Thats only from fed Glowies. Actual Jews ALWAYS downvote new funny Jew-mocking memes, and I tested it every 90 days here.

All jew naming content is brazenly downvoted by paid leftist shills the admin , @system, permits to ruin his content post feeds.


OMG! Look! and its not just my Jew Naming posts not allowed on voat.xyz (talk.lol), its ANY post critical of Israel or Jews. I have proof of that in the following two links :


part two:


***OH MY GOD!!!!***

NO jew naming allowed to hit front page of voat.xyz site anymore, proven in those links!

voat.xyz site is provably fully subverted.

95% of voat.xyz users fled in 11 months after I left, from the Fed and jew shills as this "not too accurate" chart shows of the sites demise : https://files.catbox.moe/uzt995.png

Shills now let a COUPLE semi-tame Jew naming posts to hit front page of voat because of my exposure and these research link tests of mine. I outed the shills, so they let a couple Jew naming posts exist nowadays.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=6448860c19017

@system, 1.5 years ago I told you 6 simple tiny code changes to salvage this web site. You did none, 90% of people now gone from disenchanting paid shills. I then told you a couple more code changes in 2022 to do to totally stop destruction of /New ... and you ignored even that.

**THIS SITE IS NOW FULLY DESTROYED and populated with mainly glowies and Jews.**

It might still be saved if you do SEVERAL of my code changes.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=6448860c19017

not gunna doxx but I have hunch its highly intertwined with a major admin of poal/vid8.poal.co
and 11 videos on negro IQ were glitched on the backend to make them not play.

After I posted links on voat in a gripe post, to the glitched videos 07x said "oooops, I fixed them now for you" (paraphrased).

It takes a while for me to forget censorship of my science videos.

bitchute, and youtube keeps censoring them, so when gvid ALSO censored the same ones for over a year, I got bitter.

THE BANNED VIDEOS got recently UNBANNED in the following list :

Stefan Molyneux - The Neuroscience of Intelligence | Richard Haier and Stefan Molyneux : (famed scientist - Black IQ is well established fact)
https://gvid.tv/v/BrjxRY [**BANNED** 3rd time]

The IQ Problem | Jordan Peterson & Stefan Molyneux
was (iF8F7tjmy_U)
https://gvid.tv/v/UMKeS2 [**BANNED** 3rd time]

Race, Genetics and Intelligence | Richard Lynn and Stefan Molyneux:
https://archive.org/details/youtube-MxXPA9ZnDCc [archived momentarily for 1 year on archive.org!]
[****BANNED** again** on BitChute by SPLC! 57 minutes long]
https://www.bitchute.com/video/wUnAeLYrgB0U/ ****BANNED** 2nd time on BitChute**
https://gvid.tv/v/C6Ue8m [**BANNED**]

The Bell Curve: IQ, Race and Gender | Charles Murray and Stefan Molyneux :
https://gvid.tv/v/9jP1Mf [**BANNED**]

Race, Genetics and Intelligence | Helmuth Nyborg and Stefan Molyneux
https://gvid.tv/v/2s3B20 [**BANNED**]

IQ and Immigration | Jason Richwine and Stefan Molyneux [hysteria and slander of IQ and DNA in media and even colleges]
https://gvid.tv/v/Bvc0yn [**BANNED**]

Genetics, Race and Human History | Nicholas Wade and Stefan Molyneux
https://gvid.tv/v/Q2pky2 [**BANNED**]

Race Differences in Intelligence [Jared Taylor, amazing recent 16 minute presentation!]
https://archive.org/details/youtube-l31aQzcuxD0 [archived momentarily]
https://gvid.tv/v/Ysomd9 [**BANNED**]

In Search of a High IQ African Population - Do Africans Really Have an IQ of 70? (2013) :
https://archive.org/details/youtube-RxAhwYoZQKU [archived momentarily]
https://gvid.tv/v/M3LTen [**BANNED**]

Professor Philippe Rushton visited South Africa in search of High IQ African students in Africa's top universities . The results are shocking .

AustralianRealist - Prof. Philippe Rushton - "Latest Research on Race" [45 minutes longer!]
https://archive.org/details/youtube-t1mgrTGeDPM [archived momentarily!]
https://gvid.tv/v/AyjXrY [**BANNED**]

Dr. Jared - Race Crime Correlation VS IQ Intelligence. (Dr Jared Taylor)
https://gvid.tv/v/oMBqp [**BANNED**]

the programmer claims it was a backend file storage error, so I guess I can partially forgive, but it was suspicious as hell.

the links allegedly all were fixed by him for me

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6446e7d97a8c7

(((Jeremy Kauffman))) from LBRY is the one admitting that LBRY was a "bait and switch" 100% free speech conjob like ALL social platforms are to start and attract using "free speech" lure: (reddit, youtube, digg, twitter, facebook, etc).

timecode offset 10m:02s:



(((He))) plans on going 100% kike censorship once $$$ funded more, and he said so Sept 29 2020 in this long Corbett Report "extra" interview at timecode offset 10m:02s !

Odysee.com and LBRY.com both to soon shoah and de-platform antisemitic facts, or science videos on IQ DNA and Africans (just like BitShit also did in Aug 2020) !

FUCK LBRY! The crypto chain is secure but Odysee.com and LBRY.com https portals are all kiked and censoring.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6446e7d97a8c7

interesting. He would get kicked off for naming Jews there too I bet.

FUN FACT #714 : ALMOST NO FREE SPEECH! In 2023 only 4 video sites were not yet owned by Jews and still allow 99% of HOLOHOAX fact videos and Jew Naming! Just 4 sites!

Odysee.com and LBRY.com both to soon shoah and de-platform antisemitic facts, or science videos on IQ DNA and Africans (just like BitShit also did in Aug 2020) !

Why do Jew owners kike every platform?! Why?

(((Jeremy Kauffman))) from LBRY is the one admitting that LBRY was a "bait and switch" 100% free speech conjob like ALL social platforms are to start and attract using "free speech" lure: (reddit, youtube, digg, twitter, facebook, etc).

timecode offset 10m:02s:



(((He))) plans on going 100% kike censorship once $$$ funded more, and he said so Sept 29 2020 in this long Corbett Report "extra" interview at timecode offset 10m:02s !

Odysee.com and LBRY.com both to soon shoah and de-platform antisemitic facts, or science videos on IQ DNA and Africans (just like BitShit also did in Aug 2020) !

FUCK LBRY! The crypto chain is secure but Odysee.com and LBRY.com ht t p s portals are all kiked and censoring.

In 2023.04.24 (((they))) banned GoyimTV streaming :


ONLY 4 known PROVEN free speech video sites

https://goyimtv.tv/ (never once deleted Jew Namers, but some are suspicious this even exists)
https://gvid.tv/ (free speech, but associated with a non-free-speech proponent)
https://worldtruthvideos.website/ (rarely deletes Jew Namers channels, thousands of Jew Naming vidos)
https://vid8.poal.co/ (free speech, but run by a non-free-speech proponent)

So the ONLY 4 known PROVEN free speech video sites are :

- https://goyimtv.tv/
- https://gvid.tv/
- https://worldtruthvideos.website/
- https://vid8.poal.co/

One day those 4 sites will sell to (((overbidders))) and the new (((board))) will censor Jew Naming.
For now those 4 have barely ever deleted Jew Naming videos.


https://www.goyimtv.tv/videos/jewish-question (25% of Jew naming Videos there appear here)

**HARD-RIGHT worldtruthvideos channels (unsorted order):**

https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40ChristIsKing (very good stuff)
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40_ghost_ [shoahed dead]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%4014HailVictory88 [shoahed dead]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40AntiJewKing [shoahed dead]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40beach_life [shoahed dead]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40BlackCrimesMatter (great stuff)
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40ChristianReformationist [shoahed dead]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40Colinburke ( good stuff) [shoahed dead]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40Cozumel [shoahed dead]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40CrackerJack [shoahed dead]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40DanTheOracle [shoahed dead]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40DARRYL [shoahed dead]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40DrawdyClan [shoahed dead]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40EpicSellouts [shoahed dead]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40EuropeAwake (mein kampf audio book) [shoahed dead]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40HandsomeTruth [shoahed dead]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40HATE_ [shoahed dead]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40hocuspocusfocus [shoahed dead]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40HolocaustLiesExposed [shoahed dead !!!]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40JackRipper (was very good stuff [shoahed dead])
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40juda_verrecke [shoahed dead]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40Lever_Action [shoahed dead]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40life_without_niggers [shoahed dead]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40Love_Master [shoahed dead]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40MessengerCharles [shoahed dead]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40milhouse [great clips]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40natall (National Alliance)
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40Nick [shoahed dead]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40NIGGERSAREAPES12 [shoahed dead]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40RaHoWarrior (Joe Lowsac
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40RainRainLorisGreenHaruPin [shoahed dead]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40Salamandren [shoahed dead]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40Schutzstaffel [account seized shoahed]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40staffel [shoahed dead]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40TheWesternCivilizationLibrary [huge audio books]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40TheWolfDen (LoneWolfOne) [shoahed dead]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40TruthPrevails [shoahed dead]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40Vermillion292 [shoahed dead]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40yardfowl [account seized shoahed]
https://worldtruthvideos.website/%40Zeron999 [shoahed dead]

= = = = =

also support 5,000 more here :

and :

= = = = =

3,675 based videos on jews and Germany :

= = = = =


Feds or someone SOMETIMES un-shoahs a dead link, proof :
was dead for MONTHS yet in 2023.04 it magically has "mein kampf" audio book restored and all links back.

= = = = =

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6446e7d97a8c7

thnx. more now coming out... it was a Jew Bitch last week filing **"ANTISEMITISM WORK ATMOSPHERE"** :



Jews and CIA mockingbird were moving in to de-bank him and cancel him.

The reason? His infamous recent news segment on Democrats giving Ukraine nuke weapon mfr technology and enrichment tools.

Tucker stopped WW3.

Jews hated that.



= = = =

THE INFAMOUS INTERVIEW LAST WEEK that cost Tucker his job :


= = = =

You'll find NO ONE but me discussing those tow things above.

I gave you the hard facts about the real cause.

= = = =

40% of fox viewers will flee without Tucker.

My hero :


TL/DR: The real news is only on voat.xyz, and from me, and in this thread, and in this comment.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=644720c29c51f

Most polls are satire or to make a point.

**That person is not me ( @try )**

Also, I never ever lie using this persona (FUN FACT SCIENTIST) ever.

And there are meticulous and complicated reasons I must always appear as "strange autist". Refer to revelation in a bio thread :



"I am a forced persona with a specific set of affectations enforced on my typing style"

I am also not your punching bag. People globally provably have died (lack of access to various sars-2 effective cures), and societies destroyed (voter fraud firmware dissassemblies), when my research has been buried by glowies and then goes unheeded.

its not a fucking game, despite me making 1,000 funny memes a year:


handly mini lists :

its not a fucking game

BTW mocking Jews on scored is no longer allowed on nearly any remaining nook left in 2023.04 ! The ADL/SPLC seems to call the shots on (((scored.co))) , proof :


FUCK IT. The Jews and Feds come at me from all sides on all sites and not one of my good Jew mocking memes was allowed on c/Funny by that Jewish mod.

= = = = = = =

A LIST of 109 deleted memes I reposted on my hidden little boutique area : 109, majority by me :


= = = = = = =

TL/DR: I miss the happier times. I miss the world before Jews took over every single web site. Even 4Chan and Gab and catbox all delete over 10% of my jew-mocking memes.


/v/SoapboxBanhammer viewpost?postid=6444d749d809a

I repaired the link to the archive of the archive that messed up 2023 voat site code, so here is fixed : https://www.talk.lol/viewpost?postid=6444cada04049&commentid=6444d18e7a998

/v/MeanwhileOnTwitter viewpost?postid=6444cada04049

sure. I dont care. Versions of me are on every site, but I cant be doxxed due to this precaution :

FUN FACT #939 : I am a simulated affectation to avoid Doxxing by Leftists and Jews

I ought not to reveal this fact, but I am a forced persona with a specific set of affectations enforced on my typing style for this account.
To prevent real life doxxing, and because I never ever lie about myself (for near-pathological personal thrills), I have to thwart any tools used by Feds and nation states to Identify me.
Otherwise I'd leave too many calling cards leading to my real world self.

I have to laboriously maintain for each persona on all web sites , and all alts :

- 1 - vocabulary choices, and gerund favorites
- 2 - grammatic style
- 3 - tone and use of passive voice vs "I" and active voice
- 5 - portray an IQ and education level one level lower than my actual IQ , which of course is logically possible, vs the other direction!
- 6 - uses of markedown/markup language for section headings
- 7 - punctuation habits (semicolon vs colon, periods, comma rules, ellipses, quotation mark usage, etc.)
- 8 - regional dialect / idioms / slang
- 9 - attitude and emotive consistency
- 10 - Topic preferences, hobby preferences, art preferences
- 11 - Blatant typos, and forms of typos, possibly including consistent misspellings.
- 12 - far more deceptive "ways and means" I shall not reveal at all

Many are basically peeking behind 'the Wizard of Oz's Curtain" and asking me to alter this persona, **to look less "schizo" to their tender eyes**.

Fear not, when its gone in a few months, my next persona may or may not use less of the style that seems so brash to your eyes.

Certainly you can understand you are requesting an impossibility for this strenuously maintained specific account. I spend a lot of deliberate effort on every sentence, to not accidentally use style from an older memorized persona.

Sorry, I will keep your complaint in mind for future personas I may or may not use here.

Typically after revealing similar admissions to all of the above actual facts, site admins become overly paranoid and wary of my existence, and palpable dislike somehow is fostered. So now I bear another anchor around my neck here, to appease you with an honest answer.

Honesty is my primary weakness across all my online personas. I may never answer a question, but I NEVER EVER BEND FACTS, unless an obvious humorous statement.

My concern for you all here against the hordes of paid Leftist enemies, and keeping the embers burning of this "Free Speech hate thought" beacon of hope, are fully half my motivations.

The other is fostering an UTMOST trust in veracity of all my statements, to garner rapid trust of any upcoming wikileaks style revelation I may release here first, to give my news story "legs" into the media, but without using PGP delivered in steganography images to The Guardian over untrusted chains of VPNs. This roundabout avenue is more direct to a front page news desk if I reveal enough corroboration.

The amount of GOD-DAMMED labor for me to curate personas like these is immense. This persona is called the "FUN FACT SCIENTIST". Whatever. My only fans are the ones I help in the real world.

My real world would come burning down, (not just figuratively), and my company(s) in turmoil, if I were doxxed and attacked by ANTIFA Jews! FUCKING JEWS!

**And no, I am NOT an A.I. Instance or construct of a GPT-3 chat bot, nor have I used GPT-3 for corpus padding on this site. I also do not on this persona refilter output through GPT-2 or GPT-3 in strict paraphase mode to obfuscate**

Lies are hard to keep track of across many web sites and personas, so being 100% truthful is actually partially beneficial to my workload.

I have no Idea why I even gave people the bizarre courtesy of revealing all the OpSec details of this persona account, other than you are perplexed by spotting a High IQ schizo autist smacking the keyboard unconventionally.

**At no point in any history on any site, have I used a second alt the same time period as another alt. NEVER. I also never once downvote, but that is a bizarre "tell". And those are also all true facts.**

**personas on many sites**:
- mr one sentence
- Southern macho guy
- highschool kid pretending he's not in high school
- focused nigger hater
- **FUN FACT SCIENTIST (this one)**
- gun and hunting fan
- my bookish overly read historian
- the two sides devils advocate
- the hands on craftsman
- MAGA loyalist
- the bible thumper religious dude
- gender unknown possible rare woman
- NatSoc guy
- asian college dude
- WP fan
- Netherlands guy
- etc etc etc.

= = = = =

TL/DR: I don't exist exactly as I portray myself, but never lie , never downvote, and never run simultaneous same-site accounts. This makes me a easy target for Jew paid downvoters though.

/v/MeanwhileOnTwitter viewpost?postid=6444cada04049

Here is over 2 years ago me shrieking again about CD8 t cells in Oct 2021, :


See? Oct 2021, but thats nothing compared to my 2020 stuff on old voat. And my frequent national news events I ground broke on old voat often.

Here the FBI gave a life saving post -83 downvotes using 83 alts to try and suppress my science facts on old voat : HORRIFYING fed infestation.



I posted dozens of hot breaking news stories on many sites on many topics, that was just one that cost lives

If you read that old voat thread you can see the 80 FBI glowies seething and raging and pathetically trying to denigrate that factual breaking science news. After the feds burnt 80 alts downvoting, the people running voat.co realized how many FBI alt glowniggers infested free speech sites.

Amusingly a real glowie fed related to the -80 downvotes reached out to me for other alternate pharma advice, as seen in old voat archives, knowing I would even spare lives of vile feds. In the searchvoat.co archived thread is a proven drug that stops COVID-19 few scientists know about to this very day, but I tossed the glowie a charity bone, because I sensed he had no elite connections to pharmacies and seemed desperate. I did not ballyhoo this until today, its in the archives, but If feds did not enrage me that week, that other proven info would have saved 100,000 lives, and is a GRAS non regulated drug in any nation, and it was not even the main thrust of my actions. My actions were to expose the FBIs seizures of pharma.

Any science post downvoted by fed shill that hard -80 legitimizes it, but it was a time critical warning to mankind post with a 1 day time window for pharmacologists and physicians to act, a 1 fucking day warning. After 3 days it was too late for anyone in USA to act on my "sky is falling" very very detailed post. Then dozens of laws blocking dispensing hydroxychloroquine+Azithromycin across USA were emergency enacted by countless governors, then Feds, to prevent return to normalcy.

refer to my thread the Feds attacked savagely.

By the way MACROLIDES are not too commonly used in medicine, but Azithromycin is a MACROLIDE, not only an antibiotic, so that 2005 paper in that thread I posted March 2020 goes from 90% efficacy to 100% cure with a MACROLIDE, and by happy luck Azithromycin is a macrolide! Teh entire covid shit wold have been avoided for mankind if my thread were more widely known, and now 100 or more papers prove that exact dosage 100% cures SARS-2 even in the dying, if the sickness is COVID-19 and not end stage cancer or other unrelated things.

Thats not the only account and only news release glowniggers buried.

Eventually I posted PRE-EMBARGO PRE-PUBLISH efficacy study HCQ papers to voat not available from ANYPLACE ON EARTH. Only on voat for 50 days!!!

I did so many things for so many.

I am burned out.

I gotta shut my mouth before i fucking doxx myself.

glownigger feds just gave my comments here downvotes.

fuck this whole dead site. The paid shills and glowies can have whats left.

fuck it all

/v/MeanwhileOnTwitter viewpost?postid=6444cada04049

= = = = =

About 2 years ago, I , ("@try") , was probably the first MD to ever warn about these cancers, complete with mechanism cause and printouts of CD8 tcell level, years ago on poal, but then a reference was found of some other MD who posted 2 weeks before I did. Those 2 weeks matter. I almost was the very first publisher.

= = = = = =

If you take the covid vax, you can NEVER achieve full immunity again – government stats unveil the horrifying truth



= = = = = =

**NOTE THE CD8 T-Cell type column!!!**


See? I annotated it. It concurs with many large studies.

CD8 starts above norm healthy then DEVASTATED!!!! Look at range column! Sub acceptable CD8 T-cell type!

CD8 kills off little cancers found in body early. 40% of CD8 are gone for a year or more after you take a clot-shot.

Without CD8 , anal cancer will spike, HPV cancer, cervical cancer.

Immuno-oncologists have discovered that T-cells also seek and destroy cancer cells all the time, which keeps the body in a state of equilibrium.

The discovery of the role the immune system plays in fighting cancer highlights the importance of T-cells recognizing cancer cells as invaders.


US Cancer Statistics dataset for 2020 and 2021 AND 2022 are shoahed : United States Cancer Statistics (USCS)


**SEE!! GONE**

HPV cancers like 'Squamous cell carcinoma of the anus (SCCA) ' will be the one to watch in jabbed vs unjabbed

and 'average annual percentage change (AAPC) ' for next month vs last year or year before same month.

But 2019 , 2020, 2021, AND 2022 is now offline at CDC. Shoahed due to the volcano brewing in the jabbed for cancers about to skyrocket.

Other US cancer registries exist though. As do other nations.

Squamous cell carcinoma of the anus (SCCA) is the most common histologic subtype of anal cancer, and more than 90% of incident cancers are associated with human papillomavirus (HPV) , thus I predict , if HONEST database records, a 100% or more jump in SCCA cancer in MAY 2022 vs MAY 2019. ESPECIALLY MAY 2023 VS MAY 2019
= = = = = =

I was RIGHT in my old early 2021 long ago prediction!:

US Military snitch tweet Jan 25 2022, from one cancer tally of "billing codes" database :


The news in more detail.




or archive of the archive of the censored article ...


you need that archive because the Feds forced theblaze.com to delete the story!
that URL breaks the talk.lol ( voat.xyz ) 2023 site code, if not escaped vie "<>"

**The feds even took down a catbox link of that of mine!!**

Poal, the day I posted these facts, the poal.co admin inexplicably deleted the big news story and the catbox url
**National Security TLAs keep interefering with me.**

= = = = = =

US Military data from trusted billing code databases showed a 988% increase in reported diseases and injuries, from 1.98 million in 2020, to 21.5 million in 2021



registered diagnoses for neurological issues increased 10 times from a five-year average of 82,000 to 863,000 in 2021 and an increase from 2020 to 2021 in the following conditions: hypertension (2,181% ), diseases of the nervous system (1,048%), malignant neoplasms of esophagus (894% ), multiple sclerosis (680% ), malignant neoplasms of digestive organs (624% ), Guillain-Barre syndrome (551% ), breast cancer (487% ), demyelinating (487% ), malignant neoplasms of thyroid and other endocrine glands (474% ), female infertility (472% ), pulmonary embolism –(468% ), migraines – 452% increase, ovarian dysfunction (437% ), testicular cancer (369% ), tachycardia (302% )

= = = = = =

**CLOT SHOT ruins immune system for months or years!**

Mayo Clinic-trained Doctor Says Covid-19 Vaccines Suppress the Immune System, Making People More Prone to HIV, Shingles and Herpes

CD8 cells



Dr Cole added that he has also seen a massive spike in cancer. He warns that there is now 20 times the normal average of certain types of cancers ever since the Covid-19 vaccine programme started.

> “Now most concerning of all is there’s a pattern of these types of immune cells in the body that keep cancer in check,” Dr. Cole says. “Well, since January 1 in the laboratory I’ve seen a 20 times increase of endometrial cancers over what I see on an annual basis – a 20 times increase and I’m not exaggerating at all.”

= = = =
**VAIDS cancer skyrocketing**

Rapid Progression of Angioimmunoblastic T Cell Lymphoma Following BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Booster Shot:




= = = =

Dont bother engaging me on this bitter topic. I did my "chicken little" style warnings about CD8 Tcells destruction and loss of cancer control 2 years ago and the world recoiled to mysteriously silence me.

fuck everyone. fuck it all.

I make fauci memes for my own therapy and bitter mood:

- https://files.catbox.moe/3vyi2x.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/bywd95.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/7dh21p.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/0hpnhb.jpeg
- https://files.catbox.moe/7gvslb.jpeg
- https://files.catbox.moe/p0pp0h.jpeg
- https://files.catbox.moe/ijhb21.png
- https://files.catbox.moe/79820j.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/pmfqhj.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/lqcagp.jpeg
- https://files.catbox.moe/2fjx9e.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/maiz9q.jpeg
- https://files.catbox.moe/guhnd2.jpeg

many of those are mine and I made 40 more

excuse site code of voat ruining all the preceding old pasta without insertion of phrase "<>" in one problematic URL...

/v/MeanwhileOnTwitter viewpost?postid=6444cada04049

Thanks much for that!
I like Joker memes, and sometimes make them.

https://files.catbox.moe/mr6454.png (mine)
https://files.catbox.moe/7ccna9.jpg (AI uprezzed massive)

/v/AI_art viewpost?postid=644460f8ee13e

me too.

FUN FACT #184 : Even many Jews are repulsed by the famous Jewish Talmud text that defines Judaism. Goys are stupefied by its depravity

All society needs to understand the Jew is the following SHORTER version of Talmud printed and released to the Goys :

**Jew Talmud excerpts [many Child Molestation quotes]**

(Talmud, the book that in Yebhamoth 11b says its ok to have sex with 3 year old girls but NOT boys):

- Ketubot 11b: When a grown-up man has **intercourse with a little girl it is nothing**, for when the girl is less than this, it is as if one puts the finger into the eye.
- Sanhedrin 55b: **A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition**, and if her deceased husband's brother cohabits with her, she becomes his.
- Sanhedrin 59a: "A goy (Gentile) who pries into The Law (Talmud) is guilty of death."
- Yebhamoth 11b: "**Sexual intercourse with a little girl is permitted if she is three years of age.**" [four year old girls are just like 18 year olds]
- Sanhedrin 54b: **Pederasty with a child below nine years of age is not deemed as pederasty with a child above that** [fucking 8 year old boys is fine].
- Schabouth Hag. 6d: "Jews may swear falsely by use of subterfuge wording."
- Hilkkoth Akum X1: "Do not save Goyim in danger of death."
- Hilkkoth Akum X1: "Show no mercy to the Goyim."
- Choschen Hamm 388, 15: "If it can be proven that someone has given the money of Israelites to the Goyim, a way must be found after prudent consideration to wipe him off the face of the earth."
- Choschen Hamm 266,1: "A Jew may keep anything he finds which belongs to the Akum (Gentile). For he who returns lost property (to Gentiles) sins against the Law by increasing the power of the transgressors of the Law. It is praiseworthy, however, to return lost property if it is done to honor the name of God, namely, if by so doing, Christians will praise the Jews and look upon them as honorable people."
- Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17: "A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them."
- Baba Necia 114, 6: "**The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts**."
- Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."
- Nidrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L: "Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. **The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night**."
- Aboda Sarah 37a: "**A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated.**"
- Gad. Shas. 2:2: "**A Jew may violate but not marry a non-Jewish girl**."
- Tosefta. Aboda Zara B, 5: "If a goy kills a goy or a Jew, he is responsible; but if a Jew kills a goy, he is NOT responsible."
- Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 388: "It is permitted to kill a Jewish denunciator everywhere. It is permitted to kill him even before he denounces."
- Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348: "All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which, consequently, is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples."
- Tosefta, Abda Zara VIII, 5: "How to interpret the word 'robbery.' A goy is forbidden to steal, rob, or take women slaves, etc., from a goy or from a Jew. But a Jew is NOT forbidden to do all this to a goy."
- Seph. Jp., 92, 1: "God has given the Jews power over the possessions and blood of all nations."
- Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 156: "When a Jew has a Gentile in his clutches, another Jew may go to the same Gentile, lend him money and in turn deceive him, so that the Gentile shall be ruined. For the property of a Gentile, according to our law, belongs to no one, and the first Jew that passes has full right to seize it."
- Schulchan Aruch, Johre Deah, 122: "A Jew is forbidden to drink from a glass of wine which a Gentile has touched, because the touch has made the wine unclean."
- Nedarim 23b: "He who desires that none of his vows made during the year be valid, let him stand at the beginning of the year and declare, 'Every vow which I may make in the future shall be null'. His vows are then invalid."
- Sanhedrin 59a: "**Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal**."
- Abodah Zara 26b: "Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed."

JEWS WILL TRY TO DENY THOSE on various apologist websites meant to mitigate the spread of those Talmud quotes. Even a few Evangelical Christians try to soft-ball those actual Talmud quotes.

THE JEW WILL USE 'SUBTERFUGE WORDING' but has no out on any of the above. They are from their Talmud and associated texts!

**Talmud sources :**
https://archive.org/details/TheBabylonianTalmudcompleteSoncinoEnglishTranslation (over 9,000 pages)

or in your local Library, or Synagogue.

Image of text from paper copy - https://files.catbox.moe/9urqju.png

Jews claim anti-semitism when they are proven racists themselves from their own book of cultural laws the talmud shown in part above.

Hundreds of child molesting permissions are in the Jew Talmud, but these are just SOME of them with references :

>Sanhedrin 55b
>A **maiden aged three years and a day** may be acquired in marriage by coition, and if her deceased husband's brother cohabits with her, she becomes his.



>Sanhedrin 54b
> Pederasty with a child below **nine years of age is not deemed as pederasty** with a child above that.



[Pederasty = fucking 8 year old boys is fine]

>Ketubot 11b
>When a grown-up man has **intercourse with a little girl it is nothing**, for when the girl is less than this, it is as if one puts the finger into the eye





From special side book on Talmud :

> Hilkkoth Akum X1: "**Do not save Goyim in danger of death**."

> Hilkkoth Akum X1: "Show no mercy to the Goyim."

**"Akum" = non jew**
**"Hilkkoth" = chapter spelled in English by Jews as*** :

X1 = chapter 10 , 1st part, and nearby

found in authoritative ancient side books about talmud : Decisions or Dissertations. Separate books of Holy Scriptures and of the Talmud by different Rabbis: Maimonides, Beshai, Edels, Moses of Kotzen, Kimhi and others

in chapter 10 of Hilchot Akum in Maimonides’ work

**Hilkkoth Akum** is a compendium of Jewish law composed in the thirteenth century in Egypt. Maimonides’ work was a fundamental basis for practical Jewish law until the Shulchan Aruch was written by Rabbi Joseph Cairo, about two and a half centuries later.

Hilchos Akum (Akum is an acronym standing for *Oved Kochachim U’Mazalos - worshipers of stars and constellations) is a section of laws that deal with Jewish relations with their non-Jewish neighbors: CHRISTIANS

> "**Do not save Goyim in danger of death**."

In the first section of Chapter 10, (Hilkkoth Akum X1) Maimonides does bring down a law regarding a **non-Jew who is drowning in a river who should not be saved!!!**

Disgusting! Sucking baby dicks is mandatory, not optional! :

>We learned in the mishna that one sucks blood from the wound after the circumcision was performed on Shabbat. Rav Pappa said: A craftsman who does not suck the blood after every circumcision is a danger to the child undergoing circumcision, and we remove him from his position as circumcisor.



A video of a Rabbi explaining why the Critical Importance of Sucking every boys penis after Circumcisions!:

Another shocking video :
2012.07 Jew Yossi Gurvitz, the rare honest jew, explains the anti-human nature of the Talmud! 12mins

Also, side note : The Talmud is not the Torah, in case any upset jew here starts kvetching at my entire Talmud spiel and becoming verklempt. The Talmud does take precedence though. :



TL/DR : Observant Jews and their Talmud encouraging child molestation should should be exposed to non-Jews!

/v/JewishPrivilege viewpost?postid=6444115dc0eaa


Modern Jew DNA is nothing related to old Judean skeletons unearthed the wider region, plus.... Jews were not pyramid builder slaves.

**Pyramids built by paid labourers, not slaves**:

Daily Commercial News January 13, 2010

Discovery of 4,000-year-old tombs believed to belong to people who worked on the Great Pyramids of Giza is debunking ideas that slaves built the ancient monuments.

New evidence found in tombs

CAIRO, Egypt

Discovery of 4,000-year-old tombs believed to belong to people who worked on the Great Pyramids of Giza is debunking ideas that slaves built the ancient monuments.

The series of modest nine-foot-deep shafts held a dozen skeletons of pyramid builders, perfectly preserved by dry desert sand along with jars that once contained beer and bread meant for the workers’ afterlife.

The mud-brick tombs were uncovered last week in the backyard of the Giza pyramids, stretching beyond a burial site first discovered in the 1990s and dating to the 4th Dynasty (2575 B.C. to 2467 B.C.), when the great pyramids were built on the fringes of present-day Cairo.

The ancient Greek historian Herodotus once described the pyramid builders as slaves, creating what Egyptologists say is a myth later propagated by Hollywood films.

Graves of the pyramid builders were first discovered in the area in 1990 when a tourist on horseback stumbled over a wall that later proved to be a tomb. Egypt’s archaeology chief Zahi Hawass said that discovery and the latest finds last week, show that the workers were paid labourers, rather than the slaves of popular imagination.

Hawass told reporters at the site that the find, first announced on Sunday, sheds more light on the lifestyle and origins of the pyramid builders. Most importantly, he said the workers were not recruited from slaves commonly found across Egypt during Pharaonic-times.

Hawass said the builders came from poor Egyptian families from the north and the south, and were respected for their work , so much so that those who died during construction were bestowed the honour of being buried in the tombs near the sacred pyramids of their Pharaohs.

Their proximity to the pyramids and the manner of burial in preparation for the afterlife backs this theory, Hawass said.

“No way would they have been buried so honourably if they were slaves,” he said.

The tombs contained no gold or valuables, which safeguarded them from tomb-raiders throughout antiquity. The skeletons were found buried in a fetal position, the head pointing to the West and the feet to the East according to ancient Egyptian beliefs, surrounded by the jars once filled with supplies for afterlife.

The men who built the last remaining wonder of the ancient world ate meat regularly and worked in three months shifts, said Hawass. It took 10,000 workers more than 30 years to build a single pyramid, Hawass said — a tenth of the work force of 100,000 that Herodotus wrote of after visiting Egypt around 450 B.C.

Hawass said evidence from the site indicates that the approximately 10,000 labourers working on the pyramids ate 21 cattle and 23 sheep sent to them daily from farms.

Though they were not slaves, the pyramid builders led a life of hard labour, said Adel Okasha, supervisor of the excavation. Their skeletons have signs of arthritis, and their lower vertebrae point to a life passed in difficulty, he said.

“Their bones tell us the story of how hard they worked,” Okasha said.

Associated Press

= = = =

**2021 : Pyramid workers were paid locals. Yet historical narratives and Hollywood films have made many believe the Jews built the pyramids while enslaved in Egypt**:


= = = =

**Giza Secret Revealed: How 10,000 Pyramid Builders Got Fed**:

> This meat-rich diet, along with the availability of medical care (the skeletons of some workers show healed bones), would have been an additional lure for ancient Egyptians to work on the pyramids
> They probably got a much better diet than they got in their village

= = = = =


> Surviving written records, including papyri discovered in 2013 at Wadi al-Jarf on Egypt's Red Sea coast, indicate that large groups of workers — sometimes translated as "gangs" — helped bring material to Giza. The papyri found at Wadi al-Jarf tell of a group of 200 men headed by an inspector named Merer

> used to bake large amounts of bread, slaughter thousands of animals and brew copious amounts of beer

= = = = =

**Great Pyramid tombs unearth 'proof' workers were not slaves**:


= = = = =

**BBC Science : Contrary to popular belief, it wasn’t slaves who built the pyramids**:


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=642df503ed879

OP is correct, DNA of CURRENT Jews matches almost NO buried Judean region DNA. none.

FUN FACT #818 : Jews hate DNA. In recent years actual DNA analysis of Jews show that they are over 51% from Khazars far to the east, & 40% from just 350 people from 700 years ago in Flanders, and most of their own origin story is wrong.

This is a very sloppy FUN FACT, and avoids links to FST genetic core papers from the last 3 years, but...

These modern articles that LEAD TO DNA (both mother mcDNA and father Y-DNA) show that MOST of their DNA is east of Turkey :


Science papers by Archeologists show the Jews were ALMOST in Levant (Israel), but mostly about 350 miles to the east of egypt or further.

So a real bible thumper knows this factoid and is not phased by biblical paradoxes and errors, and it does not fluster them as much as you think. DNA in Jews shows that they are part ancient french region, part russian region, lots of turkish region, and due east of levant

DNA does not lie

You know who does lie?

**Jews. Jews lie, and their biggest lie is that slaves , not paid workers, built the pyramids, and the bigger lie, that jews were the slaves.**

I guess one thing is true and that is that of the many tribes of what became jews, some wandered in from various far far away regions. It makes you wonder why they got kicked out of so many various regions.

Jews hate DNA and archeology facts

It is a FACT they were not part of egyptian region history

Here is a lot of ancient jew maps by a nutty NON-scientist and NOT based on archeology and NOT based on DNA, but his page has the most migration maps :


But one map shows KHAZARS and now we know DNA proves many Jews came from KHAZARS :

**Jews are partly Khazars**


Jews hate hate hate layperson pages like that, but also hate the DNA papers they are founded upon.

But Jew scientists doing DNA (extensive DNA) also hate khazar admixture. Here is a large paper on Jew DNA focusing only on Jews in 1000BC and now :


(PDF) https://files.catbox.moe/dnrvaz.pdf

In fact ISRAEL MADE DNA ILLEGAL to prove judaism percentages, in Israel, out of white hot rage against science facts.

**Ashkenazi Jews have more East Asian DNA than Whites:**

Both Ashkenazim and Sephardi have genes from all over, but lighter on Cro-Magnon (Caucasian European).

And though "asian DNA" made it eventually into all non african humans... it especially is in Ashkenazim from a very RECENT remixing genes

A genetic contribution from the Far East into Ashkenazi Jews via the ancient Silk Road: 2015 :

> Ashkenazi Jews supports an East Asian genetic contribution, likely from Chinese. Further evidence indicates that this connection can be attributed to a gene flow event that occurred less than 1.4 kilo-years ago (kya), which falls within the time frame of the Silk Road scenario and fits well with historical records and archaeological discoveries

Eastern Eurasian haplogroups N9a, A , M33c and M33c2 from asians into Ashkenazi

**In 2020 Jewish High Court now Allows DNA facts**


Jews have to give PERMISSION for you to test your DNA in Israel.

But Jews (not sephardic) are moslty east of Turkey, and some ancient France DNA added 700 years ago, and 3% ancient lavant (isreal) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levant

**Ancient France/Flanders ?** Yes... the little bits of European DNA Ashkenazims have was in one paper shown to France epicenter. Minor bits up to 40%. It could be correlation from ENTERING region from Khazars and mating though.


Inbred heavily : All Ashkenazi Jewish are 30th level cousins from 700 years ago:


> the researchers determined that a population bottleneck of approximately **just 350 Ashkenazi Jewish individuals occurred in central Europe about 700 years ago**



Eastern Turkey is a fact : ancient lower teeth DNA core sampled DOES NOT LIE.

Jews Lie though. They keep lying for decades about them not being Khazars from east of Turkey... but archeology and DNA shows they are in-arguably from eastern Turkey.

**The DNA of Ashkenazic Jews can be traced to “Ancient Ashkenaz” – an intersection of trade routes in eastern Turkey**

A different source, a jew essay using papers more than 10 years old, not a DNA biology paper, is trying very hard to hand wave and LIE about Khazers not being their MAIN ORIGIN!!!! :
*The Genetic Origins of Ashkenazi Jews*:

Jews keep hand waving and kvetching about not being Turkish but in 2021, large trusted DNA bioinformatic tools and large human DNA population source databases prove origins of all tribes of all people , not merely by Y-DNA, or mcDNA (mother), or even GENES ALONE!!!!

Seriously ! not even even GENES ALONE! How? The ARRANGEMENT ORDER of genes on a chromosome are used, as is "junk DNA" to track FST distance.

One thing that pisses off Jews far far more than calling them Khazars... is the cold harsh fact, backed up by ancient skeletal DNA... that they have almost no JUDEAN DNA!!!!!

Bwah hah hah hah hah!

WHY DO JEWS LIE? THE BIBLE! They want the myth of pyramids tied to them, irrationally.

The Israelites were never enslaved in Egypt and the Pharaohs were White.

The Old Testament was pieced together from different castes writings, which were pieced together from Sumerian mythology and Egyptian history.

The writing of the Old Testament was a propaganda tool to make the God of the Israelites seem more powerful than even the White pharoahs. Same tricks, thousands of years apart.

The New Testament came along and destroyed the credibility of the Old Testament by stating the obvious... "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." This idea is hated by the Israelites, both past and present as they believe in enslaving those not of their faith.

Everything muddies under the concept of Judeans, tribes, Israelites vs Jews , proto-pagan-Jews, etc.

TL/DR: Jews legally claimed a few times in federal court and SCOTUS rulings that Jews are not White and are a unique Race.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=642df503ed879

This site dies due to dark mode. Its science.

All the top 500 most popular web sites ranked on Alexa last year are BLACK body text on LIGHT or WHITE background.

The first 200, and probably the rest up to top 500th.

Every shitty website in history with light fonts on black WENT OUT OF BUSINESS or rebranded without shitty darkmode. No top 200 web site uses fucking white fonts.

Psychology published papers, comprehension studies in hard cover books, conference proceedings, and multiple doctoral thesis papers, ALL CONCUR that the fastest reading speed achieved by humans, due to retina design, is BLACK FONT on White background.

The top 500 ranked and rated for traffic sites on Alexa , all 500, are BLACK font on nearly white background. This is not a coincidence.


none are white font crap. none! It is not a coincidence how those 500 rose to the top.

Top 500 sites : all black or dark dark font, not white font : the list of 500 April 2022:


Feb 2023 list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most_visited_websites

Science and Psychology papers with copious amounts of published reading comprehension timings are obviously not persuasive to those not versed in science, or art fags.

If any web site seeks to be the first non black font over white on the top 500 site list : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most_visited_websites

then it has slim odds. The human mind has preference for reading comprehension.

Anytime a large site messes with font contrast and does grey on grey it sheds users until it is bankrupt or irrelevant. AOL.com recently went grey font (80% dark grey) a couple years ago and AOL LOST ALL ITS VISITORS to its news pages !

Idiots! Bwaaah ha hahh hahah!

When you visit a book store, EVERY book uses black ink. It is not a coincidence or tradition.

Science has proven countless times for over 70 years that the fastest possible achievable speed records in reading comprehension tests is with BLACK letters on WHITE background.

Its established psychology even for computer screens. In fact hardcover psychology books based solely on reading comprehension test metrics exist, as well as phd masters theses. If you can construct a reading timing test that proves otherwise, then you can become very famous. But you can't, its been proven so many times before. The human brain , or retina, prefers black on white for reading comprehension.

Autists who don't like to look up science research vote with Reeeeeeeeees and downvotes and fingers in their ears typically.

I can inverse my entire montitor pallete to reverse all gammas using Apple OS X built in keysequence on all macintoshes for decades called : "COMMAND+SHIFT+CONTROL+8", to make rare dark-only sites bearable... but most people do not know that and just run from ugly voat.xyz and its illegible crap when it DEFAULTS to shitty dark mode.

THIS was the old workaround before a user toggle switch added for normal mode :

That should be the DEFAULT, not dark mode as default.

VOAT.XYZ chases everyone away with its shitty fucking HORRID DEFAULT DARK-MODE LOOKS!

All the top 200 sites agree.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=642cb5d26c70c

I am referring to downvotes of CONTENT submissions.

I PROVED conclusively that too many downvotes were applied on great content in my testing here. REFER to all of :


Other sites with downvoting never downvotes good on-topic content, but this dead dumpster fire of Jews and Feds chased off all the good former content providers.

Fixing the /New feed from paid shill downvoters can rapidly rebuild the remnants of this site.

I am correct. Paid shills downvote to disenchant users into leaving, and shills upvote other paid shills junk content.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=642d11f6d5511

another more important fix:
FONTS for the choices are WHITE atop light grey when not viewing in DARK MODE. It needs to be far far more contrast, such as jet black font.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=642cb5d26c70c