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Member for: 1.4 years

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score: 3


muhd 0 points 1.3 years ago

We're all waiting for the deluge of shit brother. Last dip in propaganda made some people too nervous. We're closer to winning than anyone would believe.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63f5b659b9cdf

muhd 1 point 1.3 years ago

It's a semi-managed account that many people share. There are many uses for it, including demoralization and data mining. The best example of the bots, and where the account originates from, can be found at godlikeproductions.com which is GLP.

The off topic responses in this thread are telling.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63e7daf04f9eb

muhd 1 point 1.3 years ago

This is so accurate, thanks.

A jew could meet another kike for the first time and automatically "sync" together to subvert the objective at hand. And when that is complete, they move on to their tribe's main objectives.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63e4bf0054587

muhd 1 point 1.3 years ago

Joe, we all observe how you push the White "domestic terror" narrative. No White person would want a civil war which would damage our own resources. Take the government talking points back to Reddit.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=63e5ec7379754

muhd 0 points 1.4 years ago

Of course he wouldn't.

/v/Russia viewpost?postid=63e0c6a101196

muhd 0 points 1.4 years ago

This is the right way. It's okay to call out the bot for the purpose of notifying the rest of the forum, but don't waste any energy replying to it.

One of the best examples of bots posting is on government run and owned godlikeproductions.com (also reached at godlike.com). Many people have posted over the years about this psy-op forum.

@Conspirologist is the most subversive account on here, partially bot-run. It's primary goal is posting info that could potentially be plausible, but is not and only in interest of the State. It's also staff of the above website, abbreviated GLP (to make future searches of this critical information easier).


/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=63e00da8cffd0