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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 0 (+0/-0)
ccp: 57 (+59/-2)
votes given: 1875 (+1351/-524)
score: 57


insanitea 1 point 2.0 years ago

As a Canadian, I can say that it is quite stereotypically catholic, even among family. This awful country is what you get when salvationalism rots people's minds to the core. Mainstream religion, LGBT, furry nonsense, etc... they're actually all variants of the same thing: replacement identities that double as coping mechanisms, intentionally designed to suppress organic ones (mainly race), and often by mimicking social features of the latter. It's not surprising that they all promote weakness as a virtue. Not much left in western society is genuinely organic and exceptions to this rule aren't, and haven't been for a while, as common as people want to think.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=629a7397b049c

- loaded with corn syrup and sugar
- c cohnii oil (contaminated with hexane via extraction process)
- ascorbic acid (too cheap to use sodium ascorbate)
- cyanocobalamin (also because they're incredibly cheap)
- every other cheap synthetic vitamin/mineral you can think of

It's basically bugman formula.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=628023234a58f

Translation: The triple vaxxed are dying from the vaccine and COVID-19 doesn't exist. This boogeyman virus narrative is tiring.

/v/science viewpost?postid=623b17921bfa3

Well, Japan supposedly found metallic filaments in the jab. Remote mind control tech does exist. Seems to me that killing people could only be one of many intentions.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=612a8220a6767

In my experience White women have rarely done this. It's only been Indians and other non-Whites.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60e0a6f7bdc63

insanitea 1 point 2.9 years ago

I find women who don't wear makeup to be much prettier. Self-esteem naturally makes them more attractive. Only in clown world would caking yourself in cancerous synthetic sludge be considered appealing in the first place.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=60dfbb7434eb2

insanitea 1 point 2.9 years ago

(((National Judeographic)))

/v/news viewpost?postid=60c120fcbedd8

Imagine blowing through millions of dollars worth of donations and not even hiring a single competent developer.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=60c0cf521143b

insanitea 1 point 3.0 years ago

Plenty of guns and ammo but still can't help themselves.

/v/Canuckistan viewpost?postid=60b950df6fc73