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Member for: 3 years

scp: 6321 (+6857/-536)
ccp: 8163 (+8664/-501)
votes given: 12228 (+8998/-3230)
score: 14484


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TraditionalLatinMass, CatholicaRomana, GEN_X_Pub_n_Grill, Made_In_America, GenerationX_Radio, Artisan_and_Craftsmenship,
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I guess the the Barristers will no longer be "Wiggers"... See what ah did there...

/v/news viewpost?postid=664aa6378c5f9

iSnark 1 point 5 hours ago

Because deep down inside they KNOW the Truth about God, and, it wrecks their narrative and their misguided understanding of reality!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=664a8a6b72c38

>God isn’t real

How can you say this! Do you actually believe that everything in existance accidently happened without a Creator? The entire Universre, with its percision greater than that of the finest of Swiss watches, and YOU, think it just popped out of nowhere and self formed...

What you're essentially saying is that the pieces and parts of wercked cars that litter the US highways from accidents, can arrange themselves and self-assemble to make a pristine Lamboghini.

Can't be done! The Universe was designed, for this to happen, there must be a designer of unfathomable intelligence! God exists weather you choose to acknowlege Him or not.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=664a8a6b72c38

Tell me you're brain dead without explicitly saying that you're braindead!

/v/FeminismIsCancer viewpost?postid=664a93a3ab07f

Dumb is risking Eternity, because you're too damn Arrogant & Ignorant to realize that God is the Creator, and Jesus is our Savior. I got ya pegged didn't I StabANazi! Did you enjoy your time away?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=664a8a6b72c38

So you made it back StabANazi...

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=664a8a6b72c38

A four day old account.

Glad you had a nice day! I went to Mass this morning, It was really good! You should try it some time...

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=664a8a6b72c38

iSnark 1 point 7 hours ago

You had me for a minute there, when you said "solar system", I immediately though of space, which led me to "Men in Black", where they have an entire universe in a piece hanging a cats neck. (YouTube It) In all that sounds like a pretty smartly built system. Best of luck with the future mods.

/v/technology viewpost?postid=664a6b56e6494

iSnark -1 points 7 hours ago*

And no one will care that you had a white sounding name...

And to be frank, you won't either! There are only two choices in the afterlife, Heaven or Hell.

In either case your whiteness will mean nothing. What matters is were you a good soul! It's the equivalent of a can of coke, so proud that his can is red, not realizing that AFTER the contents of the can are consumed, the can gets thrown away, or in the cans case recycled, where the contents of the can can comeback as Sprite, Mountain Dew, or Seven-Up, in which the contents of the coke can will never know that it was once Coke, it'll just be proud to be what it is at that time!

NOW! Full disclaimer, I'm NOT saying that when humans die, that they are reincarnated, I'm using it as a simplified story, to explain how little skin color matters on the scale of eternity!

I have my fire suit on, and I have broad shoulders, so flame away...

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=664a86aa53acc

iSnark 0 points 8 hours ago*

I did in-fact look at the picture, Not sure what you want me to see... What's your point?

Did you ever stop to think that the moment you die, your "white" skin goes away forever!
When someone walks past your tombstone, they will not know that you were white, they wont even care!
You're hyper-focused on skin color, and you shouldn't be! Does that mean that I think blacks & whites should intermarry, and procreate? **NO**

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=664a7e9da96b6

Abraham found favor with God! He was a good and noble Man! It wasn't until many generations later that the Jews became the plague on humanity that they are today! There is a line of separation between the "People of God" and the corrupt plague that calls themselves Jews today! Where that line is, I don't claim to know! Better be careful with your beliefs, you could end up in the jewish section of Hell for all eternity! I'm telling you, check your arrogance, and come to the one true God! Jesus is your Savior! White Power is NOT what's important, a clean soul is!

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=664a7e9da96b6

iSnark 1 point 9 hours ago

Good on YOU! Nicely Done!

How do you afford the electricity to keep that setup going>

/v/technology viewpost?postid=664a6b56e6494

iSnark 0 points 11 hours ago

I didn't think it was possible to "murder" a Bee Gees song, in fact, I thought they were self-murdering right out of the gate...

/v/music viewpost?postid=664a463e38860

iSnark 2 points 11 hours ago

I bet you're just waiting in suspense for the answer...

/v/Jokes viewpost?postid=664a5ac0933e5

iSnark 1 point 11 hours ago

I like our version better:


/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=664a4dffeef3c

iSnark 1 point 12 hours ago*

And in other news, AJ has been K|ll3D in a mysterious helicopter accident! Foul play was NOT suspected...

/v/funny viewpost?postid=664a27ffb3572

iSnark 1 point 12 hours ago

Sorry, I lose track of the conversations I have online, I do believe that it was you that recommended it. Thanks for that heads-up, It's a very strong & resilient OS, I Love it! Again, I really appreciate that you recommended it.

/v/Computers viewpost?postid=6648e87fbc300

iSnark 1 point 16 hours ago

I haven't, but odd that you should ask that! I've been looking at really getting to relearn a non-MS database application. I was thinking Postgres related or Libre/Open office Base.I had to put that on the back burner because I've been busy with real world stuff. I think I'll take a look at that later today. I also installed MX Linux, about three weeks ago. I'm really liking it. I'll let you know how it goes.

/v/Computers viewpost?postid=6648e87fbc300

iSnark 1 point 17 hours ago

Oh Gowithit,

Here's some useful advice that might help you get over those delusional episodes: ;-)


/v/VoatFmRadio viewpost?postid=6649b4b95f45f

Everyone knows it's "Egg Consumption"...


/v/RIP viewpost?postid=6648c308829a1