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I thought that it had pretty much died out. Then (1950?) there was a campaign to revive it, with language lessons being compulsory in school. The children went through the motion of learning because the had to, but learned very little. (source: friend from Ireland)

/v/Irish viewpost?postid=66325ae7169f3

I like watching videos of people playing with charismatic megafauna. So naturally I see videos like this

Why I don’t go in with the brown bears! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3Jxb4X9biyU

(It is a happy video, he doesn't fuck around and doesn't find out :-)

Thus I know that you only get to play with bears that you have hand reared from cubs. It also shapes my perception of humans. I end up thinking that every-one who would want to take a selfie with a bear would know this.

Which gets me thinking about René Girard and his theory of memetic desire. We don't have our own desires, we copy what others desire, even though they don't have the own authentic desires and are themselves copying the desires of others... René Girard takes this too far, and makes it a theory of everything.

I guess that memetic desire works as an explanation here. Daft tourist "wants" a selfie with a bear. How come they don't know the danger? They have copied what they "want" from other people. And it is a superficial copying that doesn't include copying the knowledge of the dangers.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6630802976a6a

Are mandatory vaccinations violent crime? Yes.

Even if the vaccine is safe and effective? [still yes](https://saidit.net/s/corruption/comments/8u63/an_argument_against_mandates_for_safe_and/)

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=662f95091a307

I think that is a "summer heat" thing. The window is full height and opens in like French Doors. The iron work is the railing to stop you walking out of the second floor window after too much wine.

/v/America viewpost?postid=662105f8232f4

My memory tells me that one of the Golden Era editors, John W. Campbell, or Hugo Gernsbach, pushed his authors to write science fiction stories by changing just one thing. Don't go building a whole new world, that will be too much for readers and will not sell. Pick a single scientific wonder and follow the human consequences.

I've read your story, and I'm thinking that "Blink Date" is right in the center of the Science fiction tradition. I've spent the last hour hunting for a quote to back up my recollection. I couldn't find one. I had to ask a friend, a science fiction buff who would certainly know. Whoops! My memory is just making things up. Oh well, I will just get spooked by my memory playing tricks in the context of just having read "Blind Date".

/v/books viewpost?postid=661bddae37111

My name is weirder than you can imagine. I have been corrupted by [this sinister cult](http://barefooters.org) and my toes are happy because I don't wear shoes and go barefoot 360 days of the year.

What is sinister about the cult is that on the mailing list some of the members claim to be diabetics and claim that going barefoot has improved the circulation in their feet and reversed their peripheral neuropathy.

It is not an impossible claim. When you go barefoot you end up having to change your gait to avoid landing heavily on your heels. You end up using your calf muscles more. This squeezes the veins than run through the calf. Since the veins have non-return valves, this turns them into little pumps that help with the circulation. So maybe there is something in it.

But I'm aware of the "hoof to paw" transformation. Start going barefoot and you need to change from treating your foot as a hoof, for stomping and crushing, and treat it as a paw, for grasping and feeling. Fail to make the change and you will get lots of minor injuries (because you are no longer protected by shoes). Fail to make the change when diabetic and you will get gangrene and die.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=66181cf33172b

No!!!! He has to hang on and die of blast, burns, or radiation sickness in WWIII along with the rest of us.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=66181cf33172b

I like this article, especially this paragraph

> Some studies weakly suggest that people with lower total blood cholesterol levels may be more likely to be depressed, violent, or have suicidal thoughts, but other studies do not. All of the studies on both sides are “epidemiological” studies, which are incapable of showing cause and effect relationships—they can only point out possible associations. So, *even if every epidemiological study* showed a link between low cholesterol and psychiatric problems, the apparent connection between the two could simply be a coincidence. At this point in time, there is no clear scientific support for the notion that low blood cholesterol increases risk for depression, violence, or suicidal thinking.

Best bit: even if every epidemiological study showed...

Confounders will confound every epidemiological study the same way. More of the same cannot fix it.

/v/Health viewpost?postid=6617c05919d99

Notice how Q-anon has soured people on prophecy. On patriots.win, some-one announces "breaking news, X is about to happen" and they get mocked by a sarcastic chorus of "two more weeks".

I'm guessing that this is going to be a problem for Christianity. Jesus is supposed to return in glory to judge the quick and the dead. Trying telling people that now and you will just get "tWo MoRe WeEkS". I'm expecting attempts at a Christian revival to fail hard, because people are sick of prophecy.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66185b4186dda

I doubt that they A/B test it to know for sure.

/v/ThotPatrol viewpost?postid=66168dda8a90d

I found this mildly amusing and only laughed out loud at the twist at the end.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=660db07486028

> $ uname -v
> FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE releng/13.1-n250148-fc952ac2212 GENERIC

*Sigh*, I'm missing out on operating system drama again :-(

/v/Linux viewpost?postid=66089380de3d2

It is fake and scripted up until after the pot falls on his head and it really fucking hurts, much worse than he expected, and he holds still, unable to regret his bad life choices because of the intense pain.

/v/FunnyVideos viewpost?postid=6601197b6ad49

I'm Scottish on my mother's side, and English on my father's side. I was born and brought up in England, but the family moved to Scotland to be nearer my mother's relatives, and I've lived in Scotland for the majority of my life. I'm about as accurately half English, half Scottish, as it is possible to be.

/v/Scotland viewpost?postid=6600d5ef05e86

I don't understand what you just said. Please explain. Idol? Idol worship? Is the idol Jesus or Hitler? I'm so confused.

/v/NationalSocialism viewpost?postid=65f9eb019902f

Second link works. (I clicked it first because I'm old and larger text is easier to get the mouse on)

/v/anything viewpost?postid=65f5d67b55838

When I was young and healthy, I did the faggy windsurfing thing, with the tight fitting, neon coloured wetsuits. It is exciting and feels dangerous, but when it goes wrong and one falls, it is a fall into water and doesn't break anything.

You maybe have a year or two of physiotherapy ahead of you. Concentrate on swimming to rebuild strength and mobility. Then take up windsurfing. You can get your required ration of "feels dangerous" but not get injured again.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65f4b2295abf6

The basic trick is that at the end of each war, they redraw boundaries, getting it wrong, to create problems to kick off the next war. For example, at the end of the 1914-1918 war, Poland got created. And created large with a significant German population. Great way to get people riled up and help start WWII.

At the end of the White versus Red Russian Civil War that followed the 1917 revolution, the Bolsheviks create Ukraine as a region of the USSR. Come the collapse of the USSR in 1990, suddenly Ukraine is the biggest country in Europe. How did that happend? A bit of Poland, a bit of Hungary, lots of Russia. Really bad borders as though some-one was thinking "I like war, how can I tee up another one."

White people could start by noticing the badly drawn borders trick.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65dbf3719c8fb

I was expecting this to be about water vapor being a lifting gas. With two hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom, a water molecule weight 1+1+16 = 18. But for nitrogen the calculation is 14+14 = 28 and for oxygen 16+16 = 32.

To see the implications, picture a hot air balloon with the air heated to 200°C. If it were steam instead of air, the gas would weigh about half as much and the balloon would generate much more lift.

Now worry about humidity and wet bulb temperatures and whether people will die when the heat and humidity get too much. The neglected issue is the water vapor is lighter than air and tends to rise, so the feared problem of high humidity *at ground level* goes away, literally up into the sky.

I've read stuff about climate models being wrong because they ignore water vapor being a lifting gas. This strange article doesn't mention water vapor being a lifting gas, but the issue it discusses is humidity failing to increase like the models say it should, which is exactly what you expect to see if the models ignore that the water vapor is rising up and away from where humidity is being measured.

/v/ClimateChangeSkeptic viewpost?postid=65d3dd324529e

I'm struggling with escaping the closing parenthesis at the end of my URL's.
Either I don't understand how to end a post, or using %29 doesn't do the trick. Trying % in a comment.


[found the score on IMSLP](https://imslp.org/wiki/3_Valses%2C_Op.31_(Cui%2C_C%C3%A9sar%29)

Well, I've got it to work, but when I go to edit my comment the text shows the HTML entity and the edit box shows the percent sign that the entity encodes. *shrug*

/v/Classical_Music viewpost?postid=65d1012965eda

The big danger with hypoxia is that you don't realize that anything is wrong. You maybe get a bit giddy and silly and other people can notice, but from the inside it all feels normal ... then you fall unconscious, essentially without notice. See https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6474450/ or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjzhDiWFURI

Remember what it says on the airplane safety card: put your own oxygen mask on first.

The idea is that a parent might try to fit their child's oxygen mask first, and pass out himself. The naive and incorrect expectation is that if the parent tries to put on their child's mask first, and this is taking too long, then the parent will start suffering from respiratory distress that will force them to put on their own mask, before they return to putting on their child's mask. But respiratory distress is caused by the build up of carbon dioxide, not the lack of oxygen. With hypoxia the parent may fall unconscious, essentially without notice.

This danger is also present in chemical plants. The usual fatal industrial accident goes like this: there is a big tank that usually contains hydrocarbons. It is empty in the sense of having been drained for maintenance. It gets left for a while, maintenance is not urgent. The oxygen in the air combines with the hydrocarbon residue and gets used up. The maintenance worker goes into the tank, breathes the air, with is now mostly nitrogen, and passes out without realizing that anything is wrong. His safety buddy goofed off during training and doesn't realize what's up. He goes in to rescue his work mate. The second man also passes out without realizing that anything is wrong. They both die before they are found.

I'm old and have always been curious. It is a weird experience, seeing people tell stupid lies that contradict well known stories about how the world works and how to avoid being killed by it.

/v/news viewpost?postid=65b4c682802f1

I scrolled down until the top of the lake was off the top of my screen. Suddenly the strange little boat became a vent brick in a wall.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65b08c1021d79

I'm puzzled by people who oppose helmet laws riding their motorbike without a helmet. I'm against helmet laws: we have too many laws, and a helmet law sets a precedent that lies to yet more laws. We need less collective decision making and more individual decision making. The fact that my individual decision would be to wear my helmet on my head doesn't change the need to repeal helmet *laws*.

/v/WatchPeopleDie viewpost?postid=659943c68ddf1