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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 0 (+0/-0)
ccp: 86 (+155/-69)
votes given: 59 (+41/-18)
score: 86


d1a 1 point 2.5 years ago

Muh Fox News muh Cucker Tarlson

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=617bb55d9879a

d1a 0 points 2.5 years ago


kys faggot

/v/videos viewpost?postid=617977d0eda3f

d1a 0 points 2.5 years ago

Put your glasses on gramps

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6176a1ac90cd4

d1a 9 points 2.6 years ago

This is so fucking stupid.


/v/newz viewpost?postid=61712b68e175c

d1a 0 points 2.6 years ago

Oh. Yeah I get what you mean now. Well, I still think it's a worthwhile investment even if double the cost, for now at least.

/v/Covidicences viewpost?postid=6170e00c99117

d1a 0 points 2.6 years ago

Huh? What's J&J or any specific vaccine got to do with it? It's going in the trashcan anyway, and Shaqwanda is happy with her 100$.

/v/Covidicences viewpost?postid=6170e00c99117

d1a 1 point 2.6 years ago

You sure you're not the wife?

/v/Knitting viewpost?postid=6170f4ec29d13

d1a 2 points 2.6 years ago

I don't understand why you guys don't figure something out with the nice black nurse at the blackest bumfuck vaccination centre

/v/Covidicences viewpost?postid=6170e00c99117

d1a 0 points 2.6 years ago

"Politicians have power. Of course they do."

So they are puppet actors, controlled by the omnipresent zog, whose behavior is entirely scripted... but they have power. Cool, cool. What kind of power? To get a free corndog in the white house? To get free scholarship for their children? Such power... Or are you insinuating that they have a say in what happens to their country/peoples? HahHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA

Not only that, but you are also doing a serious dissemination of the behavior you yourself say is scripted. I guess that's "actual intelligent right wing discourse" for ya. Very beneficial discourse, thank you for your contribution, tard.

If you respected the movement in any way you would
1. shut the fuck up
2. spread your legs for a good white man and bear his children
3. care for your family

Instead you are 30+ (40?), single and childless, spending most of your days here, leaving dogbrained comments in an attempt to think, and all this in a desperate endeavour to try to emulate a man, since you are well aware that you failed at being a woman. You know what kind of women enjoy spending time with men who are not their family/partner? Sluts and dykes. You know which of the two you are, I don't care to ask.

This website is a honeypot boomer echochamber, full of shills. Nothing valuable ever gets posted. No meaningful discussions ever take place. You seem to love it here though - which says a fair bit about you. I rarely visit here anymore. But when I do, and I see a dumb bitch like yourself trying to emulate a man, I will piss in your hypocritical whore face every single time, because you very well deserve it, as in essence, you are no different than the blue haired art hoes. A different flavor, but equally as damaging.

Pray tell Helena, what would your place be in a healthy all white society? Oh that's right, in the gutter, because you have no eggs, and no sane white man wants to listen to an eggless roastie's hysterical rambling caused by hormonal imbalances.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=616e3859bb959

d1a 1 point 2.6 years ago

Women trying to be funny never ceases to make me want to commit unspeakable atrocities.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=616f63b3916b2

d1a 0 points 2.6 years ago

That's a jew. You like jewish facial structure.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=616fac2652564

d1a 0 points 2.6 years ago

"How many white people, when put in a position of power like Dan’s, will go full stanford experiment, as he has, if they feel they can?"

"Now Trump was special because jews are really good at deflating gentile lobsters with contempt and scorn through the media"

"But see how fast that Berjerklian bitch folded when a little scrutiny was thrown her way. "

What else can one conclude from your braindead comment other than that you genuinely think politicans have power, that what they "express" are their unique thoughts and beliefs, and that you want to lick Zognald Trumpstein's asshole?

If you said "he was funny to watch" it would have more credibility than your serious behavioral assessment of scripted behavior. How valuable of an assessment! Thank you for your input, hole.

You will never be a man, and it eats you from within on the daily.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=616e3859bb959

d1a 0 points 2.6 years ago

Imagine unironically believing that Trump, Dan Andrews or any politician in the world for that matter is anything more than a professional actor. Democracy exists and the populace voting does something. Yeeeeees. Alright.

Stop trying to think, hole.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=616e3859bb959

d1a 0 points 2.6 years ago

Yeah, but you can see that she genuinely wanted to help the man that's recording. And in turn he manipulates and patronizes her. That's pretty fucking scummy.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=616d5fc166663

d1a 4 points 2.6 years ago

Aw, that lady doesn't seem like she deserved that.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=616d5fc166663

d1a 1 point 2.6 years ago

Still justifying yourself like an ultra cuck I see. Democrats are the REAL racists!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6169862448705

d1a 0 points 2.6 years ago

They do it to con retards like yourself into unironically believing that a man with so many ties to Israel, with all of his children married to jews, that fucked whites every chance he got while in office... IS ACTUALLY ANTI-ZOG!!! Hahahahhaha

Like are you fucking serious man? It's like you believe that what media/Hollywood/bigtech says is what they think.

Not to mention that you fell for the fucking democracy psyop out of all things. Yeeeees goy, people choose the presidents. Yeeeeees goy, politicians have power. Yeeeeees goy, cattle populace can influence things! Jews are controlling the entire world, all of media... BUT POLITICIANS EXIST THEY ARE REAL PEOPLE NOT ACTORS ONONONONO THERE IS A DIPLOMATIC SOLUTION BRO THEY STOLE THE ELECTION BRO NEXT GUY THEY PLANT TO RUN FOR "PRESIDENT" IS GONNA SAVE US BRO!!!!!!! WWG1WGA AM I RIGHT FELLOW CONSERVATIVES?

... get a fucking hold of yourself, please.

/v/Memes viewpost?postid=6135660b4bac0

d1a 1 point 2.6 years ago

It's a 4chan copypasta boomer

/v/funny viewpost?postid=616506320608e

d1a 0 points 2.6 years ago

Yeeeees, it's Biden's fault...

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=615fa35c49c28

d1a 3 points 2.6 years ago

Our generation is asleep at the wheel too for the most part. Boomers may be retarded and disgusting but don't delude yourself into thinking that the average member of the generations after them is any better.

/v/RedPills viewpost?postid=615eb5bb6da5b

d1a 2 points 2.6 years ago

You can be married and fuck other women. Your wife would never say it but she hopes you do.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=615ed91e877ad

d1a 0 points 2.6 years ago

huh, now that you mention it..

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=615a9d5a7d183

d1a 1 point 2.6 years ago

At the cost of (masterfully) subverting anyone who watches it when it comes to things that actually matter.

Funny scenes haha south park offend everyone haha.. When?

When did south park portray jews as foreskin mutilating goyim baby sacrificing reptilians?

When did south park portray blacks as criminals?

Oh look, the only two white kids that arguably have some life in them, Cartman and Kenny, have terribly dysfunctional families. Interesting. Kenny is piss poor, eats fucking dog food for dinner, his parents are alcoholic methheads.

Cartman? His mother is a meth/crackhead whore, who fucks anyone on sight, and it's a lot of niggers. He is disgustingly fat, he is ugly, he has a small penis, nobody likes him, he is humiliated time and time again on the show.

Who's the only womanizer in the show? That's right. The fucking school cafeteria 500 pound nigger. He's the womanizer. And - you guessed it, in the show he fucks exclusively white women.

Which family is the richest, most stable, whose parents are most down to earth, calm, responsible? Token the nigger's parents. Never once in the show have I seen them express ANYTHING that could even remotely be perceived as negative.

Quite interesting, no?

These are just things off the top of my head.

The show is a fucking zogfest.

EDIT : ah yes and of course Cartman is the only racist/nazi sympathizer in the show :) this association simply had to be made

/v/videos viewpost?postid=615a3e14b5913

d1a 0 points 2.6 years ago

Interesting. I just found it weird that you equate elves to asians. Generally speaking people associate elves with whites.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=615a9d5a7d183

d1a 0 points 2.6 years ago

I've watched the episodes in the first 15 seasons at least 20 times each.

I loved that show as a kid, and loved it even more when I rewatched it years later at 17. Until I started seeing it for what it is, a load of fucking kike tripe.

Then I was like, alright, the new seasons are utter cringe trash, but the old stuff is still gold.

I go to rewatch the first season after a few year break. Nearly every fucking scene even in the first season is anti-white demoralization propaganda.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=615a3e14b5913