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Member for: 2.9 years

scp: 1025 (+1041/-16)
ccp: 1041 (+1133/-92)
votes given: 137 (+91/-46)
score: 2066


Indians are basically Jewish Niggers. They lie for profit.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=640a53d9a27c0

Portland is synonamous with satan. Nothing from Satan should be a surprise at this point, just move along and mock it.

/v/based_satire viewpost?postid=640aa1bf44598

Don's son was never 1/1000th the quality of the original so not much to feel bad about. No one wants his interview, no one wants his opinion. This video linked will be seen by 400 people, and 90 will come from here. This is irrelevant. He's an abused soul, he's been told by all Jew media that he's a white supremacist and now he's looking to deflect by bringing up the jews as his friend. The Jewish bamboozle worked on him. He's weak, confused and he never mattered. He's never run for anything and doesn't represent America first Republicans, he only thinks he does.

/v/Republicucks viewpost?postid=640aaddf065e3

Good. Fuck them all. I don't care how big a company is, when you suddenly lose over 1 billion dollars in less than a year, every department feels it, everyone fucking notices and now every investor gets 80% less. Fantastic. Sympathy for the Jew always has a price, now you get 80% less, you fucking faggots. No one gave a shit about addidas except slavs and niggers, and you just lost the niggers.

/v/news viewpost?postid=6409036099470

Take their money and hand them a print out in card stock from the pdf of the vaccine card, scribble in whatever bullshit you want for the vax numbers. Use older batches since those were never put in a database to confirm or deny. Lie and take their money, eventually they'll get over this nonsense. Dont suffer over bullshit, and definitely don't get the fucking shot. If they require another shot down the line, ask the online lawyers for the template of requesting religious exemption. Everyone I know who did the exemption the right way was granted, even healthcare workers. Don't write up your exemption yourself, don't be an idiot. You gotta use the right terminology to get a bulletproof exemption. If they turn down your perfect exemption you get to sue them and they'll either hand you a sack of cash to be quiet or they'll suddenly forget about your vaccine requirement.

Last piece of advice, actively avoid working for any major companies who have a diversity and inclusivity program. These dumb cunts are hopeless and will constantly get worse. They will actually attack their most productive and push to replace you with fucking door knobs. Never work for someing openly acting as your enemy, take your brilliance and energy to someone who deserves it. Let these dumbfuck companies continue to implode and red pill themselves, but never at your expense, just avoid them from the start and watch the buildings crash around you.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=63e659b60195b

Father says "the world would be a better place if everyone was as color blind as she was"

Your daughter would still be alive if you weren't color blind you moron. You failed your duty to protect by allowing yourself to be willingly blind. You have blood on your hands.

/v/WakeUpWhitePeople viewpost?postid=63e657d9859f7

> Ever noticed how the COVID deaths massively decreased after the vaccine?

You fucking mongoloid. Ever notice how every retard who took the shot still got sick with covid anyway? Ever notice the sharp rise in "sudden deaths", myocarditus, strokes, blood clots, but ONLY with the motherfuckers who took the shots? Notice how I call them shots and not a vaccine? Because it's a not a vaccine. A vaccine trains your body to kill the invader, the covid clot shot doesn't kill anything, it changes your cell behavior which doesn't stop covid, doesn't stop spreading covid and doesn't stop dying from covid in the elderly or obese. The shot (not vaccine) does nothing except cause problems because, drumroll, they SKIPPED the SCIENCE. They didn't do the required science to study the long term effects which we are beginning to see is heart failure, myocarditus, blood clots that look like calamari & rubber bands and who knows what else is coming. It's only because most shot recievers are so fucking lazy in their day to day behavior that they haven't red lined their system enough to discover their own death yet. Athletes are dropping like flies, and that same destiny is waiting for you with your mud blood you fucking idiot.

/v/Health viewpost?postid=63e5fcb03528f

As am I. We will remember the FBI held Hunters laptop with video and photo evidence of him fucking underage family members. He fucked his underage niece. What was on his laptop was not only CP, it was evidence of his own participation. We also have video of his father sniffing children and saying inappropriate things while his daughter Ashley's diaries were found talking about taking late night showers to avoid her fathers interruption. FBI ignores this 100%, but suddenly they can perform raids and perform complicated security measures to discover this on other's devices? It's all bullshit folks. I don't doubt monsters exist and they actually do find some, but I would never rely on the FBI to be the spearhead doing diligent work in any respect. Everything they do must first go through the filters of their superiors who run each case through a fucking plinko machine of exceptions to the rules. This is why Trump gets raided for legal documents, and Hillary & Biden who actually have classified documents just get their stories pulled from the news while TV talking heads try to soften the blow. The FBI is partisan, and certainly tied closely to Obama & Clintons still to this day. With this bludeon of control, they keep the rest of the rats in line. You remove this secret power and their whole house of cards implodes in their face. To suddenly take away the power of the FBI would literally make Hillarys face melt like the guy in raiders of the lost ark. Their propaganda and spy access to get everything ahead of the competition, even their opponents speeches, would be destroyed. Whats fucking hilarious in all of this, is knowing Hillary spied on Trumps campaign, knew what his talking points would be, knew what the moderators questions would be, and she still got her ass kicked. This is how pathetic the intelligence community and bad actors actually are. Even with everything in their hands they still get butt fucked in front of the whole world. America will not be corrected until these twerps are extracted.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63db193040e43

Zelenski is Jewish and controlls a massive white population in Ukraine. Biden sucks Jew cock and brought in a 98% Jewish Cabinet and set of advisors for his stolen election. He signs executive orders written by jews to send all weapons to Ukraine. The big Jewish scheme is simple, watch white Ukranians go into a meat grinder with white Russians, use their Jewish media to lie to everyone about bravery and stage photo ops, siphon your childrens future to themselves and get a 2 for 1 by stopping the very based Putin publicly. Or not stopping him but lying about the process every step of the way. Putin has bypassed the Jewish method of control because he never left his seat of power to let some Jewish faggot take over, he stayed and slowly learned the global game. He's now threat number 1 to the Jewish spell being cast on the world. The Jewish UN hates him, the Jewish american leaders hate him, the Jewish Ukraine leadership hates him, the Jew controlled Germany hates Russia. Russia keeps embarrasing these faggots over and over again and now he's taken their energy. They used to use Ukraine to control Russia since his pipelines had to go through Ukraine, so they taxed the shit out of him. When he got big idead like making his own pipeline through the ocean, they fucking blew it up because it represented the ability to no longer control him. They have fear of Putin, fear of his power, fear of his knowledge. They're ready to start nuclear wars to stop him, make no mistake. The fallout caused by them will be their next excuse to usher in more climate change lies and lockdowns. They love invisible enemies, covid, radiation, etc. Things you can't measure but have to trust them about.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=63db9eb9af12a

Fucking retard, no one uses google anymore

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63db7f410833c

It's a wise move on his part to not allow his emotional opposition to be mic'd full time, they would just yell over his logic as a defense tactic. It's also unnerving for many to have a microphone shoved in your face by someone else, especially when being asked a question they don't know, for it tells the room they don't have an answer if they don't speak up quickly. Little psychological tricks

/v/FatJewHate viewpost?postid=63d8537d92201

> It’s funny that every jew becomes unhinged when their lies are confronted.

It must be maddening for them to go from having super powers with all idiots to having every attack get 100% deflected while the opponent laughs effortlessly. The anger is internal, they realize there is in fact an intelligence gap, there is in fact a racial difference and nothing in their toolbox can flip the situation, so they play hail mary and attempt to swing bystanders with fake tears instead of acknowledging the opposition. The move of cowards and weaklings.

/v/FatJewHate viewpost?postid=63d8537d92201

'Holla' and 'It's your boy". Sometimes my children watch youtube and if I hear that in the intro to what they're watching, they know the rule is they have skip that video and then we say out loud the correct english for introductions. We're not adopting their culture, we're correcting it.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=63d92e9ad631f

Lol did you read what I wrote? Nothing I wrote was mainstream or reddit, if anyone brings up Desantis on reddit your post is removed because they think he's a nazi who murders immigrants. Your antenna is so bent you stopped thinking straight

/v/Shitneoconssay viewpost?postid=63d769c3015df

Dumb title, if Desantis was controlled they would have never signed off on him sending illegals to Marthas Vineyard and then being promptly humiliated in front of the whole world as they immediately kicked out all the illegals within 24 hours. Desantis isn't controlled, thats also why they use the fake news to put smears on Florida constantly, making up fake covid statistics and fake approval polls to slander him every turn. The literal nigger faggot who was caught smoking crack with other gay men was supposed to be the FLorida Governor, this is one of the swamps extreme fuck-ups. Florida single-handededly stopped their ability to fuck the supply chain. When there were 1,200 shipment boats sitting off Californias coast, it was supposed to spark food and supply shortages to create the fear and chaos they needed to ring in more dependancy. Desantis turned into De-santa Claus and announced to the world to just send all the boats to Floridas harbors instead. They did, fake crisis over. Believe me they fucking hate Desantis, he's not controlled, he's one of the biggest thorns in their side. He literally makes them shriek out in pain. Same thing with him going to that school and telling all the kids to take off their masks on live television, to which they happily did. That's not controlled opposition idiot, this guy is the real deal. He's the opposite of controlled. He also told Disney to stop acting like faggots and took away all their tax breaks. Again, Desantis isn't in their fucking club of controlled opposition. Fucking Mitt Romney is Controlled OP. That's what controlled op looks and sounds like. Some of you conspiracy tards have either gone full retard, or you're contolled op posters to sites like this to trick the populations to hate the legit actors. Desantis is legit, stop being a fucking idiot.

/v/Shitneoconssay viewpost?postid=63d769c3015df

"social smoker"

A pothead, and probably dropped out of community college. He takes a toke and imagines his ideas are engineering marvels, but then can't find the energy to build anything, so he takes another toke and stares at his tinder apps.

/v/tinder viewpost?postid=63d12d70965bb

It proves Jews have enormous influence or direct control over the UN and WEF, both of whom dictate Austrailia's laws and culture. If Austrailia suddenly speaks on behalf of Jews, this is the mouth of WEF and UN speaking, which means the globalists are in fact Jews or at minimum hypnotized by Jews. We will also remember that Austrailias prime minister just stepped down and was immediately seen being shuffled around with top member of Blackrock. The happy merchants control Austrailia and successfully disarmed them.

All the atrocities and crimes against freedom are what awaits America if they ever move to sieze our guns. Never surrender, keep putting these retards in their place, and never be afraid to speak up. They're attempting a form of global mind control where they give out the false perception that you are the odd man out and quietly hope this fake perception will make you fearful and quiet. It's all a charade, speak up, mock them and call them out constantly.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=63d0c6e22940b

If it wasn't the power of hard work, Jews would have their fake money printing operation doing awesome in Africa. Why don't they bother? Because there's no fucking work being done, there's no businesses, there's no honor, there's looters every day, chaos, theft, murder. The money has no value because people steal what they want anyway, or they ignore it and take another shit in the mud river next to them.

Fiat systems only work among obedient hard working populations where everyone obeys the idea that the dollar has value and they delay what they want until they have enough to buy it. Once this system of attitude is in place, the power to print has a purpose. What good is printing money that no one cares about and no business honors? The US is only great because of its hard working population of white people. Period. Everything wrapped around it since is a grift to take some of that energy. If you remove all the banks and the dollar implodes, the only thing of value to rebuild anything or any system is the white people and their willingness to do hard work. Across all civilizations and spans of time, wherever white people cluster, they take over in cooperative power, war capability, and coordinated teamwork. That is the only value of any system. Not the jew bucks. Jew bucks have no power in shit societies.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63c459160739b

If it wasn't the power of hard work, Jews would have their fake money printing operation doing awesome in Africa. Why don't they bother? Because there's no fucking work being done, there's no businesses, there's no honor, there's looters every day, chaos, theft, murder. The money has no value because people steal what they want anyway, or they ignore it and take another shit in the mud river next to them.

Fiat systems only work among obedient hard working populations where everyone obeys the idea that the dollar has value and they delay what they want until they have enough to buy it. Once this system of attitude is in place, the power to print has a purpose. What good is printing money that no one cares about and no business honors? The US is only great because of its hard working population of white people. Period. Everything wrapped around it since is a grift to take some of that energy. If you remove all the banks and the dollar implodes, the only thing of value to rebuild anything or any system is the white people and their willingness to do hard work. Across all civilizations and spans of time, wherever white people cluster, they take over in cooperative power, war capability, and coordinated teamwork. That is the only value of any system. Not the jew bucks. Jew bucks have no power in shit societies.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63c459160739b

reddit has always been gay, but back when it was 1/4 it's gay level that it is now, the subreddit r/whitebeauty was a collection of images so stunningly beautiful that the envy of the kikes and chinks who bought reddit decided to ban it from existing. Oh you could have subreddits about all black shit, blm shit, but whitebeauty?, an image subreddit? They couldn't handle it because to witness it meant instantly acknowledging the absolute canyon of genetic gap between all races and the white race.

/v/QuotesToWakeWhites viewpost?postid=63c19ec575228

boogienight 1 point 1.3 years ago*

most of the ones I tried didnt work. To be allowed to use an app to text means the phone carriers restrict those numbers leased within a special range that they know came from apps. Big tech companies have become savvy to which numbers fall within that range and then auto-reject them. The annoying bit is, even if you find an odd one that lets you go through, most of these apps will auto expire your access to that number after a couple months and you'll lose access to the number forever, then one day out of the fucking blue, twitter will won't log you in unless you can confirm the text they just sent, probably after your questionable tweets. Bye bye account. Burner phones bought paid cash are probably the quickest way in. But keep in mind, if anon is your goal, you can never use the twitter "app" on a phone. Just use a disposable phone to get registered and only log in through a secured linux OS running through the TOR network with at least 3 bounces. Tails, parrot OS, etc.

Build a droptop. Take an old shitty used laptop, rip out the hard drive. No need for storage on this. Put tails or bootable parrot on your usb keychain. This is your travel laptop. If it ever gets confiscated, it can't boot because there is no fucking hard drive, there's nothing stored to clean, every time you use it, its vapor, it was a temp boot on a secure OS and nothing could saved if it wanted too. Bonus points for hardware older than 2012, they had a lot less back doors. Pick up a usb wifi adapter with enlarged antennae to support 3ghz and 5ghz since the old shit wont have it built in.

Being a ghost requires learning linux. Mac, Windows and Android log everything you do and send telemetry data about you every few seconds. Even using pi-hole wont stop all their shenanigans. Learning to use linux is fun and will be more and more useful to know as time marches onward.

/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=63c0aa2d5cee9

Perfectly described. The jew relies on hoping that an honest answer will make people hesitate. They smear lies and fake narratives all day long on the fake news in hopes that people begin to believe that THEY are the odd man out. The hard working american way of life is the standard. The jew and its fake news networks has always been the odd man out, the snake in the shadows, the hooded thief who stabs you in the back, and it's getting kicked in the ass with the worst ratings in history across the board. They thought they could pivot into internet control and are failing miserably.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=63c09904d5ab7

California must be important because when Newsom was recalled for a new vote, the whole DC swamp went down and they stole his election back. They also had the nerve to call Larry Elder, the black republican, a white supremacist. Think about how desperate they were to steal that election back, their whole thing would have flipped on its head with a black man telling californians to have self responsibility.

I do find it hilarious though, that their attempts to cause a supply shortage were immediately thwarted by Ron Desantis offering all the boats to come to Florida instead. Do you know what kind of bullshit we'd be dealing with if they had full control of the shipping containers? Imagine if Florida wasn't run by a good guy right now?

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=63be8f8adae90

Anyone claiming to be "based" doesn't live in the democrat shitholes you described.

/v/basedblacks viewpost?postid=63bd6959d30ad