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Member for: 1.4 years

scp: 0 (+0/-0)
ccp: 6 (+6/-0)
votes given: 10 (+10/-0)
score: 6


Riots against journos, doctors and politicians has been the globohomo plan from the get-go. I knew that lizard people want politicians to hang when the latter started to recommend off-label use of the vax on children. Politicians are usually the children's best friends and usually they know that the well-being of their offspring is the line in the sand for most people. Globohomo endgame will commence soon. If the plan does not come together, lizard people will push the "NUKES"-buttons. Simple as.

/v/DeathVax19 viewpost?postid=63c33316cfada

- Early life -- attended four schools, all of which deny that he did

- first job as shop assistant at a pet store, fired for conducting animal fights with betting

- dishonorable discharge from mandatory army service for dynamite fishing with handgrenades

- door-to-door salesman for lingerie; major sex scandal after affair with repeat customer who was mayor's wife

- supporting role as "Dr Bayreuth" in "My Pet Santa"; stole every scene with unscripted antisemitic statements cremation jokes. (Movie title changed to "Ho-Ho-Holocaust" by distributor)

- corpse of surgeon general in drag found in anon's apartment; released on bail, escape to Mexico

- Zetas put out contract on anon for reasons unclear to this day

- fake death; doxxed two weeks later after masturbating on chat roulette

- painting "michelle o's dick in mixed media" auctioned off at tate gallery for 560,000 british pounds -- highest price ever scored by a shit finger painting

- shot by zeta henchmen during interview with Geraldo

- body donated to us necrophiliac association for "posthomous spitroasting"

/v/4Chan viewpost?postid=63b5707b03408

Grandma uses that for waldorf salads

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63b3a036d2b3d

DIY bottom surgery. His pronouns are no/dick now.

/v/religion viewpost?postid=63b4afb9aedea

Not quite red deer, but hopefully quite some shit for normies. My own prophecy: 2023 will be the year when at least one major sporting event will be aborted after the third athlete drops dead. This will happen in summer, so the spin will be "dehydration caused by global warming", but the majority of normies will have serious doubts at that point.

/v/VaccineVictims viewpost?postid=63b41025b383e

"Nobody wants to see your black face; show your red bum, miss baboon!" (Actual quote from the alehouse, mostly retired construction workers. Patrons were watching some news channel; one guy was commenting on the ethnicity of the female anchor.)

/v/funny viewpost?postid=63b407967fdcc

I've been doing 4000 - 6000 IU a day since sep 2021. No coof yet knock knock knock but I also do quercetin and zinc. I drink vit c squashes from fizzy tabs and tap-water from the fridge as well, up to a gallon a day. (Cheapest soda ever. <1$ for a tube with 20 tabs, 600mg each, no sugar, no laxative sweetener, no bullshit. Lasts for 2-3 days.)

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63b471770c0dd

cute bear fren loves being with the men contributing

/v/funny viewpost?postid=63b46a52a17c8

Happy New Year 2023, anrach! My arm is out and erect for you!

/v/introductions viewpost?postid=63b49e0b968c9