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scp: 2381 (+2439/-58)
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score: 3512


The last part is not true: they’ve given us all sorts of problems, might even give us WW3 soon, which will come with millions of deaths, and possibly the permanent destruction of our nation.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=6622bf55a5159

Warden 1 point 1 week ago*

We don’t need to support Candace, but we also have no reason to denounce what she’s saying. Any one who has the ability to influence large groups of people, who draws attention to the jews and their lies is good for our movement, even if it comes from a negress. Idk why people would take issue with what she’s saying here at all, it opens minds to the reality that we’ve been lied to about history, about who the real victims were in history, and who is steering narratives up to this very day….
This isn’t a bad thing.

/v/twitter viewpost?postid=6622fab48e4fe

Yeah, even if a few of our politicians don’t take money from AIPAC, most of them still vote in favor of any policy that benefits Israel/jews, whether it be wars that benefit Israel, or funding Israel, or some other bullshit that grows jewish power/control over the American people, like this new FISA bill, or going after TikTok.

The entire system is rotten.

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=662153cba45b2

AIPAC or this website?

There’s another very decent website for info about AIPAC called ifamericansonlyknew.org

There’s a documentary called “The Lobby” all about AIPAC also, worth a watch.

Representative James Traficant had a lot to say about AIPAC before they had him jailed and eventually killed.
Representative Cynthia McKinney talked about congressmen being forced to sign a pledge to Israel.

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=662153cba45b2

Warden 1 point 2 weeks ago

Every single one of those politicians needs to be dragged out of Washington and put on trial for treason. I don’t care if they’ve only taken a little bit of money from AIPAC, or they only took money once, they are traitors who need to be thrown in a prison cell for life, at the very least.

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=662153cba45b2

Warden 1 point 2 weeks ago

Google has CIA ties because CIA is Mossad West…Google is unit 8200. Google is a tool of Jewish mafia, not the U.S. Government, although ZOG is allowed to use Google to benefit ZOG agendas.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662106b22080b

Warden 1 point 2 weeks ago*

His kill switch didn’t work because they sent the condo building into the ground that housed his kill switch. Remember the condo building in Miami Florida that fell into the sink hole shortly after Macafee was killed? That was one of the places he lived, he owned a unit in that building, which makes the collapse very coincidental if he wasn’t hiding any data in there that could’ve been used to hurt ZOG.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=661da3ec870bd

Warden 1 point 2 weeks ago*

Same deal in NYS, absolute morons everywhere, wearing masks in their car’s by themself, stupid Ukraine flags everywhere, and that one yard sign (the WORST yard sign ever made for the most programmed NPC’s of all) that says “in this house we believe black lives matter, women’s rights are human rights, no human is illegal, science is real, etc etc”. Every one of those signs needs to be thrown into a massive burn pit, and every leftist who put that sign up needs to thrown in that pit while they’re all destroyed. These are the same idiots who forced the vaxx on their children, and desperately wanted to force it on our children.

Now I don’t consider Republican normies to be traitors, but the leftist in this country certainly were throughout the covid psyop. Those cunts willingly ignored irrefutable evidence showing government and media were lying their asses off, at least the right wing NPC’s questioned some of the lies. A huge portion of those leftists wanted anyone who questioned the narrative to be thrown in camps, as demonstrated by that one Rasmussen poll basically asking if mandate refusers should be forcefully quarantined, fined or imprisoned for their noncompliance. Based on how leftists behaved, and based on what they said openly on social media during Trump’s presidency and the covid psyop, the truth is, they wanted us dead, not just thrown in camps.

I’ll never forgive those fuckin idiots, and at this point, I’d love to throw them in camps along with their jew programmers.

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=661b091e5969b

Warden 0 points 2 weeks ago*

At this point, if anything major happens in the world aside from a few natural disasters, I just assume it’s orchestrated by Jews. Look at Iran’s parliament building, it’s a fuckin pyramid with 33 windows, just screaming out to the world “hey, our government is full of good goy Freemasons”, not unlike the pyramid on the top of the Israeli Supreme Court building, and not unlike all of the Freemason symbolism incorporated into U.S. government architecture and on our money.

Every powerful government in the world is controlled by Jews indirectly through their shabbos goy Freemasons. If they want the entire world to lockdown, it’s not a problem because government officials and politicians throughout the world are all all taking orders from the same Jews at the top…if they want a world war to reduce global population, a war that opens the door to global governance once the dust settles, I guaranteed it won’t be any more difficult than what they did with the Covid psyop.

There’s a reason one of the most revered Freemasons of all time, Albert Pike, was able to predict 3 world wars before the First World War ever happened.

/v/shitisraeldoes viewpost?postid=661bdb2a5b308

Warden 1 point 2 weeks ago*

Another good documentary that has been damn near scrubbed from the internet is called “GasHole”. Its basically about the oil-government complex, and talks about a couple specific inventions that would’ve revolutionized driving around the world.. like this one guy, who designed a special carburetor that gave his Buick Roadmaster 100 miles per gallon back in the 1970’s. That Buick weighed almost as much as a modern Hummer H3, so just imagine how many miles per gallon you’d get out of much lighter modern vehicles. Popular Mechanics covered the Buick Roadmaster test, and it was done under scrutiny of several engineers who were allowed to examine the vehicle for hidden fuel storage to make sure he wasn’t scamming people. 2 gallons of gas were measured out precisely, and he made the 200 mile trip successfully. Not long after the successful publicized test drive, the inventor decided to commit suicide in the desert. Strange how being a successful inventor will make a man suicidal if his invention holds the potential to rape profits from any major industry. Although most of the time inventors who do things like what the carburetor guy did, won’t commit suicide, they’ll just be forced to keep their invention secret under National Securty, like the 5,000+ inventions the public never saw because each of those inventors faced a GSO (Government Secrecy Order) with a threat of prison time if they didn’t keep their invention secret.

Anyway, it’s well worth a watch if you can find that documentary.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=661c944463689

Warden 5 points 2 weeks ago*

You obviously made the right choice, but I understand why so many people who were against it still ended up with that poison in their veins. It was a tough decision to make for a lot of people who weren’t like us. The right wing normies didn’t follow every alt media article and expert who put their career on the line just to speak their concerns, they weren’t fully aware of how corrupt EVERYTHING was/is, so even though they had us warning them and were naturally apprehensive, they also knew that millions had already got the shot and weren’t dropping dead all around them….so they took it when the choice came down to losing their job or getting the vaxx.

All I know is that lot of business owners, government officials, and media heads need to be tried for their role in the mass murder of Americans. I’m sure well over a million have died because of that shot by now, be it from a heart attack, stroke, super cancer, or whatever other health problems the shot caused

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=661b091e5969b

Warden 0 points 2 weeks ago*

I mean, I understand what you’re saying but it’s really no excuse. Show her how powerful a man is if she smacks you in the face, and I promise you, she won’t forget. That doesn’t even mean you have to give her a good stiff jab to the forehead where the mark will be obvious to outsiders, you can simply throw her ass into a wall if she crosses the line into physical violence. Bottom line, there’s no excuse for a dude who lets his girlfriend or wife assault him multiple times, I get that it can happen if it’s a surprise attack, but in general you should be able to see it coming before it happens, and they aren’t strong enough to assault you against your will.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=6616eaa0458e5

Yes, the George Floyd thing was a false flag. Don’t forget, there were several irregularities to that event, like how Floyd and the Derek Chauvin knew eachother, and how the EMT attending to Floyd had a gun which is completely against their rules.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=661913abe55d9

Warden 1 point 2 weeks ago*

And if they can’t find a legitimate one, the moment Whites start pushing back against the system like during the covid lockdowns, where boomers and other right wingers seemed like they had enough of cops arresting people for noncompliance, the jew will create an event like George Floyd, and then fund a bunch of riots and protests just to push the right back on their “back the blue” reservation.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=661913abe55d9

Warden 1 point 3 weeks ago

Women who beat men in relationships is surprisingly high, I’ll never understand how. Multiple studies found that female-on-male assaults account for 12% to 40% of injuries from domestic violence.

I’ve told every woman I’ve ever dated the same thing at the beginning of each relationship: “I don’t hit women, I’m respectful, but IF YOU hit me, I will show you why hitting a man is a bad idea.” Only once was I forced to demonstrate why it’s a bad idea. Women do shit to piss you off on purpose, but if you tell them your stance on physical abuse, they generally won’t cross that line. Don’t ever let a woman dominate you, not physically or mentally, it is your God given position to be dominant in a relationship.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=6616eaa0458e5

Warden 1 point 3 weeks ago

Prayers for your strength, Brother. I hope you don’t give up on life, like it sounds above…
Your family needs you, your wife needs you. There are a few comments here with what seem like good suggestions, but you have to want to live for anything to help. Ask God to ease the stress, ask him to give you the strength to fight and most importantly, ask him for advice on how you should proceed…..from that point forward, whatever comes your way that seems like a coincidence, it isn’t a coincidence, it is God communicating with you so don’t ignore him. God Bless you and yours. Christ is King.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6615e550e658f

Warden 0 points 3 weeks ago*

I heard the Mexican in his voice when he said “don’t come in here boss”. It bothers me a lot less knowing it was just some taco nigger instead of a White dude these pigs killed. Either way, it was handled all wrong, cops are far too aggressive these days. You can tell the IDF is where they’re getting a lot of their training from now, they behave completely different than they did in the 80’s.

Even though this particular ZOG murder victim wasn’t White, Cops did murder a sleeping 21 year old White man by the name of Duncan Lemp, while serving a no-knock warrant for the memes he posted, the fuckers shot him through his window from outside of his apartment while he was sleeping in bed, no threat to them at all….not a single pig was put in prison for that move, most of you probably never even heard his name before. Fuck every last one of those ZogBot cunts, cops are NOT your allies, and they won’t be until we take the system back.

/v/news viewpost?postid=661551461ae40

Warden 1 point 3 weeks ago*

It’s not our job to civilize savages…
Look at them to this day, they’re largely not civilized people even though they live in what we Whites call a civilized society.
The truth is, our ancestors fought for some of this territory and won fair and square, not to mention huge swaths of the land was acquired through legitimate deals with tribal leaders who didn’t fully understand the ramifications of what owning property meant to the White man. We sold them a few pelts, blankets and muskets to purchase the land, and they thought we were dumb to just give them stuff for something they thought nobody could own. The Indians were too dumb to understand these deals meant we’d be creating permanent settlements in that territory, it didn’t even dawn on them there was a problem selling the land until the herd of buffalo they followed everywhere came back to the territory they sold us, then they finally saw structures and communities being built on property they still thought they had access to…nope, ours now, unless you can take it back from us by force.

I don’t feel bad about it, they did try to take the land back and found out what Whitey is best at, organized warfare. We could’ve wiped them out completely and didn’t. We allowed these injuns an opportunity to benefit from our creation, to become a more advanced people than their ancestors were. The strong survive, its natures will, and God dictates nature….who are we to argue with God? There’s room for guilt here.

/v/History viewpost?postid=6616984372771

Warden 2 points 3 weeks ago*

I really wish our brand of right wing had a more centralized and coordinated movement, where we had money men, property owners, business owners, who actually did things to help out our brothers, like renting to our people at a reasonable rate any time they’re in need, or for starting our own localized communities full of OUR people, nobody else, hiring our people at our small businesses, etc….We could create cells of our people in every state, who are a lot more prepared to act as a community together if/when the SHTF.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=661692f1bc40e

Warden 1 point 3 weeks ago*

ZOG is incredibly fucking gay.
You can tell he’s gloating about a lot of this stuff, acting like he knows more than he does. It’s all compartmentalized., kinda like their faggot Freemason society, where only the adepts (33° Freemasons) are aware of the high level symbolism, rituals and agendas….and I’m sure there’s a level above those cunts who have a much clearer view of what their society is working toward, probably at B’nai Brith. Same deal though, Very few people in the ZOG see the full picture, or even larger parts of the picture, like Alex Jones working for/with ZOG to distribute bullshit narratives, something that Lt. Colonel Michael Aquino (PSYOP Research and Analysis Team Leader) called the “Mind War” and the “infowar”, which are terms AJ just so happened to adopt as his mantra shortly after Aquino coined them. “There’s a war on for your mind” at Inforwars.

/v/Zogbots viewpost?postid=6615e9db0a56a

He’s a jew, therefore impervious to facts that contradict his people’s agendas.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6614ba279362e

Warden 12 points 3 weeks ago*

What’s even more fucked up is that doctors in shit hole nations like Thailand don’t use a typical endoscope, they use newer technology, a large pill that has cameras in both ends. You swallow the pill and it takes video of your entire GI tract, so it does the same job as an endoscopy and a colonoscopy in one shot, plus there’s no pain or danger to your health to have it done that way.

I remember watching some show that talked about medical tourism, where the host flew out to Bangkok, went to Bumrungrad hospital (which literally looks like a 5 star hotel instead of a hospital), he got a couple of procedures and a battery of tests done while there, and within a few hours of completing that stuff on his second day there, a team of doctors called him in to go over the results. He then stayed in a hotel next to the beech for a week and the entire cost of the trip was only like $3,000.….the host came back to the U.S. and had the same exact procedures/tests priced out, and it would’ve cost his insurance company somewhere around $27,000 …just insane how fucked up our medical system is…..plus our hospitals are dirty AF, the doctors and nurses don’t care about your comfort, they aren’t very informative, they aren’t speedy at all with anything they do, and prices are a mystery until your done with your visit. I’m sure our surgeons are probably better at their job than the surgeons at Bumrungrad, but for anything that isn’t a major surgery, you’re better off in Bangkok, where multiple medical professionals will go over your case results and offer their opinions/advice.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=661252384a98e

Warden 1 point 3 weeks ago

If you read further into the article, they talk about how the recipe for this drug varies. They also say theres a big problem with graves being robbed right now, because ground up bone is one of the common ingredients.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=661164b1e5bc9

Guaranteed this drug was developed by jews

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=661164b1e5bc9

Warden 1 point 1 month ago

Yup…and yet a bunch of dumb shits no doubt think a dumb nigger like Puff Daddy was smart enough to orchestrate the blackmail op himself. No, he was nothing but another shabbos goy being used by jew mafia like so many other celebrities, not even close to the level Epstein and Ghislaine were at, actual members of jew mafia. That’s why they faked Epstein’s death, and why none of us saw any pics of Ghislaine in jail, both of them are free and clear of the crimes they were involved in. Puff wont be as lucky.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=660b2807844ec