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Member for: 2.7 years

scp: 10 (+22/-12)
ccp: 0 (+36/-36)
votes given: 3 (+3/-0)
score: 10


It's pretty much inevitable given how many generations ago he was.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=612327bd7471f

> Those Christians should die first


Hitler was right about Christians.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6121dee5eb6a0

The world IQ is falling, that's literally the human race's biggest problem.

/v/politics viewpost?postid=6120b9d1ec2a2

You don't smoke jenkem, you huff it.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=611f9fe69b2a9

> they never do anything original

They don't need to. The goyim eat up the propaganda like cattle eat grass.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=611f9fe69b2a9

Zoomalis are not even niggers.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=611f9fe69b2a9

Both are panic-fuelled phenomena based on a massively exaggerated threat.

/v/Psychology viewpost?postid=611f644e6dfd6

I think you can definitely get tolerant to particular strains, which is why I like to switch it up. There's definitely much more to it than mere THC/CBD levels, although I think that THC is more of a spiritual sacrament than CBD is (CBD being more of a physical medicine).

/v/Occult viewpost?postid=611f5c70c4985

Fair dues my dude, smoke hard! If you wanted to do the peace pipe ritual, you might have to mix some of that superpowered indica with a blend, like the Cali Medi Mix or similar.

I wish we had indicas like that in NZ!

/v/Occult viewpost?postid=611f5c70c4985

I am still amazed at how many books MPH wrote, since he was known for his lectures. MPH's books track the descent of the secret doctrine through time, amazing stuff.

/v/Occult viewpost?postid=611f5c70c4985

I think the main thing is to cultivate gratitude. Congrats for having such a low weed tolerance though!

/v/Occult viewpost?postid=611f5c70c4985

I've done the Ahnenerbe thing myself, having returned to the countryside a decade ago.

/v/Occult viewpost?postid=60c0ff63f0a53

> The taliban are not your friend.

How low we've sunk that this even needs to be said.

/v/politics viewpost?postid=611b26d975fc2

Great post. Imo the will to subjugate women is the classic sign of the low sexual market value male, who knows that he cannot compete in a free market.

Abrahamism is cancer, in all its forms.

/v/politics viewpost?postid=611b26d975fc2

> How long until Ben Shapiro comes out?

When shabbos goyim stop listening to him by the millions

/v/TheEternalJew viewpost?postid=6115fcac1028b

Control freaks getting out of control.

/v/HolocoughHoax viewpost?postid=611e668282929

Excellent post - I assume that Suasso is related to the Sassoons of the Opium Wars?

/v/TheEternalJew viewpost?postid=61192dd16b2a3

I just found out about it, it's managed to pick up from where the previous Voat left off, already superior to Reddit!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=611f1d5f4a88a

I was writing years ago about how it was time for gays to lose their victim status because there were so many openly gay Members of Parliament: https://vjmpublishing.nz/?p=896

Got a death threat for that one too.

/v/introductions viewpost?postid=611e4feed87cb

But this means that they will not survive - they will become so diluted that "Jewishness" is meaningless.

/v/TheEternalJew viewpost?postid=611d0dd637be4

Shit. We're on Level 4 cuckdown right now which means I have to wear a cuckmuzzle to go to the supermarket. Gay!

/v/introductions viewpost?postid=611e4feed87cb

> Are you afraid of retaliation for putting yourself out there like this?

I'm already dead, mate, I'm just going through the motions. Playing the role of a human being.

> Regarding your masters in psychology, how do you feel in regards to lobby groups in western nations pushing for psychologists to prescribe psychotropics?

When it comes to psychotropics, a distinction has to be made between spiritual sacraments (like cannabis, psilocybin, LSD, DMT etc.) and pharmaceuticals, which are designed to maximise profit over time.

The vast majority of psychologists are materialists, so they don't understand the spiritual angle at all.

/v/introductions viewpost?postid=611e4feed87cb