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Member for: 2.7 years

scp: 118 (+128/-10)
ccp: 782 (+853/-71)
votes given: 3440 (+3316/-124)
score: 900


Oh do fuck off fedboi

We already know this is astroturfed by Soros.

Hegelian dialectic anyone? Beuler?

Ya it’s not going to work here.

Here’s an idea.

Go tell your fed suck boi Andrew Anglin that if doesn’t write about Soros funding this he’s going to lose all credibility.

Kill the gatekeepers.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662fa53dce0b0

I say this a lot around my house.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=662e553b13519

A better one, that could be memed is,
“jews aren’t white”

It’s a double attack. Because they either come out and say theyre white which in effect extends the jewish protections to whites, or they say they aren’t white, which ruins a lot of their propaganda.

Either way people will see the highlighted dividing line and start categorizing people as white or jewish.

First step is identify and isolate.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=662e553b13519

Just die already.

Your impotent narcissistic rage is showing.

Why don’t you go spend more of your kids inheritance and fuck off.

/v/Boomers viewpost?postid=662e51f3dab2f

They’re unrepentant and continue to threaten their children due to their impotent narcissistic rage.

The rest of the world is literally counting down the days until the last one dies off.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=662e5660018ec

Narcissistic abusers every single one of them.

You must be one of the completely lacking self awareness boomers we hate.

Suck a donkey dick and tell me where you’re gonna be buried. I’m going to make a special trip to piss on your grave.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=662e5660018ec

Fuck off the is voat

You should be smarter than that.

Dumb ass boomer.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=662e5660018ec

Boomers can choke on a donkey dick. Fucking assholes every single one of them.

Worst generation in history. They didn’t need the jew to help them with that.

Ffs I get the jew sucks, but they didn’t completely take over culture until the 70s at least. Well into the boomers lives.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=662e5660018ec

Falling for jewish tricks has nothing to do with breaking the generational pact of providing a better world for your children.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=662e5660018ec

Wow what a whiney faggot.

Type more.

Nobody hates boomers cause of what the jew did

People hate boomers because they are the only generation in history to climb the ladder then pull it up after them.

They broke the generational pact.

They got theirs and TO THIS DAY don’t give a fuck about their kids or grand kids.

The BOOMERS behavior has nothing to do with the jew or brother wars or any of that crap.

It has to do and ONLY has to do with the breaking of the generational pact. That we are supposed to provide a better world FOR OUR KIDS. They don’t/won’t do that. Fuck them and any whiney narcissistic fuck who supports them.

Generational abuse and narcissism have nothing to do with the jew.

Seethe more you dumb fucking boomer. The rest of the world will spit on your graves when you’re gone. We will build monuments to warn future generations of your narcissism.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=662e5660018ec

Let’s blame the end consumer who’s just trying to get a spatula without taking a credit score hit instead of the government policies and lack of tariffs and foreign price controls that enable this.

What a fucking ass.

Typical commie shit. Make up policies that hurt the people then blame the people for getting hurt.

/v/BushCamp viewpost?postid=6611a5c1dd340

I mean I guess it depends. In college I got an A in a test after only getting 40% right.

But that’s because it was advanced quantum mechanics and the test was graded on a curve.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6610ca3ce998c

There is a limited supply of bitcoin.

There is not a limited supply of crypto.

There is an unlimited supply of crypto as evidence by all the meme coins being produced daily.

Look bitcoins value, golds value and silvers value is all due to the tinker bell effect. The more people clap the more valuable they are. As long as people are clapping the value can “fly”. If people ever stop clapping the value will drop.

My guess is there’s a black swan event at sometime that plummets the economy, bitcoin sells off and stays sold off for 6 months to a year. MSTR goes insolvent and can’t service their loans forcing them to dump BTC and killing the company. Btc is permanently disabled and the value then settles around $5k to $10k where it sits for 10-20 years.

But good luck!

Again limited btc, unlimited crypto. Thus unlimited supply for the greater fool.

/v/Finance viewpost?postid=660968d373aed

They’re probably muddying the water with space based lasers. There’s no reason to believe they are space based.

Also this exists.


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65ee401fcd0c4

it is nice. plus the new walmart headquarters is there. plenty of jobs. good population growth. good demographics. but again, look rural. I hate people and that includes ALL suburbanites. but the rare occasion i do go in to town, at least it's clean and full of white people.

hell i went to silver dollar city and when we parked the stroller me and the wife looked around like, "are we seriously just gonna leave our shit here?" both of us coming from more dangerous places, and I SHIT YOU NOT, a nice older white guy said, "we don't steal here" and told us to just leave our shit.

AND GUESS WHAT?? NOTHING WAS STOLEN! It was so weirdly bizarre to be in a homogeneously white place where it's safe to just leave your shit out and nobody will fuck with it.

but ya, there's still the fucking trump supporters who are maybe worse than liberals, but at least there's not a whole lot of Israelipublicans. they're the worst.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=65eb1ad23600a

You need to determine if they're allowed to reclassify. Generally if you go to a place for 40 hours a week, or are on call for 40 hours, then you MUST be classified as W2. There is a reporting website for violations. Use a search engine to find it. Mis-classifying employees gets the employer in so much damn trouble and gets you crazy payouts.

IF you are truly a contractor, i.e. like a plumber or electrician that comes in for "JOBS", i.e. fix this, or rewire that, then you can be classified as a 1099 and you will probably want to ask for double or 2.5X your current pay rate. $40/hr as W2 is equal to about $80/hr contract.

AGAIN, if you are a contract type worker, i.e. plumber, electrician, AND you come in for specific jobs, i.e. rewire this, or replumb that, THEN you CAN BE 1099.

IF you are asked to come in to work in a "normal" 40 hour work week, WITHOUT specific projects or hours, THEN you MUST be classified as W2. If you are not, then you report it to the correct agency and the IRS sends its flying monkey's to fine the absolute living hell out of the company, get you backpay, etc...

Good luck!

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=65ea1800e25ef

Look up north a bit more. Bentonville, and I’d highly suggest the surrounding rural area.

You’ll find some niggers by the college, but you sound like you’d rather a place by the lake.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=65eb1ad23600a

Spouse is Romanian. That’s actually a pretty good representation.

Yes the border villages were run over by mongols and there were child tithings to the hoards for a while.

But we also got the solution to the foreign invader problem that worked pretty well there and has preserved the race and culture.

Just put the invaders heads on spikes.

Vlad the impaler was right. Dracula is vilified by the jews so people don’t learn from his example.

/v/WhiteGenocide viewpost?postid=65cec81cef07e

Mother fucking white trash neighbors that moved across from my property has a God damn pit that runs around my property no leash no collar. Also harasses the neighbors donkey.

Now I gotta decide, am I a good citizen and leash it and call animal control or am I the best neighbor and just shoot it and bury it in the forest.

I think calling animal control will be easier.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=65be26f6586d9

Why not do it online? It’s really not that hard. Plus they have Ai chat to help.

Remember when it comes to taxes, if you’re not cheating you’re not trying.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65be628279cb6

So start a fire at the intake and smoke em out. Better plan anyways.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65b00c4a44b31

Can’t discuss whether climate change is real until people acknowledge the spray planes that cover the skies.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65aa929da3068

I’m pretty sure some court ruled that unless it’s a club like Costco, NOT having your receipt checked is NOT sufficient to allow for shopkeepers privilege. That they have to have a realistic suspicion of shoplifting to prevent you from leaving, ie witness or video.

So just walk out and wave.

If I’m by myself and only have a few items then ya self checkout is great.

When I’m wrangling kids and have two baskets full of groceries, lol ya I need help. Not gonna self checkout.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65a997d07a4b6

Yes. https://www.psglearning.com/catalog/productdetails/9781284205251

But find a used copy for way cheaper. That shit covers everything from impalings to snake bites.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=659982f4bfc74