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Member for: 3.2 years

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Gamers, parents shocked after popular kids video game (Sims 4) promotes new transgender ‘top surgery scar’ update     (www.msn.com)

submitted by Twodivinehipsters to ClownWorld 1.3 years ago


Troon spotted within first 10 minutes of a Disney special     (pic8.co)

submitted by Twodivinehipsters to ClownWorld 1.4 years ago


This is worse than I expected. And they think people will let their children watch this. Yea right.
“She’s pregnant obviously she’s going to gain weight”     (FatPeopleHate)

submitted by Twodivinehipsters to FatPeopleHate 1.5 years ago



Killing millions of adults isn’t enough for the HAES influencers. They want fat to kill everyone before they have the chance to be born.
Article admits teenagers are being brainwashed into troonery     (web.archive.org)

submitted by Twodivinehipsters to ClownWorld 1.9 years ago


From the article:
"Social media has been a significant catalyst for teenagers questioning their gender identities today.

“I think a big part of it is definitely the internet,” said Indigo Giles, a 20-year-old college student in Austin who has protested against the state of Texas’s abuse investigations of parents of transgender children.

Mx. Giles said they realized they were nonbinary after finding a community of like-minded people on Tumblr. “People who have maybe been having these feelings for a long time, but haven’t had the words to put to them, finally can see, in such a readily accessible way, others that feel the same,” they said."
You have vague feelings you can't put into words? Do you feel lonely and out of place? You're a troon, obviously!
This isn't even the first time I've seen them admit it's brainwashing from the media. They admit what they're doing to us, and act like it's a good thing. They use this as an argument for them being allowed to continue to brainwash them, if we cancel their media they'll never realize they were alphabet people.

I wish the US had an anti LGBT propaganda law that bans people going after kids. Other countries have already done this. This is a perfect example of why it's necessary. We focus so much on banning on teaching it in schools, with the don't say gay laws. It's not just the schools brainwashing them though. Maybe after enough don't say gay laws pass for schools they'll start looking at the other sources of LGBT brainwashing and make laws accordingly.
Candace Owens called for the US to invade Canada to stop Justin Trudeau cracking down on trucker protests     (www.msn.com)

submitted by Twodivinehipsters to politics 2.2 years ago


I literally said the same thing not too long ago on here. Why tf are we supposed to care about Russia when our neighboring country's leader is acting like that? The US already said a nationwide COVID vaccine mandate violated our rights. Our own crooked government acknowledged that! Canada's in bad shape over something we don't allow here. I'm more concerned with them, Australia, any other country who has vaccine or mask mandates. Time for the bullshit to stop. I don't care about Ukraine when half the world made the right to bodily autonomy illegal. Not that I really want war either but going after Trudeau makes more sense than interfering with whatever Russia is supposedly doing. It's nice to see mainstream media agreeing with me lol.
Horst Wessel Lied     (youtu.be)

submitted by Twodivinehipsters to music 2.3 years ago