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Member for: 2.4 years

scp: 0 (+0/-0)
ccp: -49 (+26/-75)
votes given: 1 (+1/-0)
score: -49


fuck you stupid nigger i aint now jew!

i will use my faith to follow any calander i want

fuck everything

much love, dial


fucking niggers (goota keeop up)

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61c5ffbcdd24e

no one cares shit alt @system\\r\\n\\r\\nmight aswell post a nigger video\\r\\n\\r\\nand go hey look a nigger is being stupid, better yet a covid vid and call out jews, you fucking larp\\r\\n\\r\\n-dial\r\n\r\n\r\nhttps://youtu.be/aLAH2MiZehg\r\n\r\nnotivce @system, they are all here

/v/Crime viewpost?postid=61c5d9ffce42e


this site is a hive mind

a void of free thought


/v/ReportDial viewpost?postid=61c5d600f2ccb

as soon i talked mulbleberry aka AOU i get silinced\r\n\r\n-dial

you think i aint caluclated i know cyna is aou mubble is is aou...

i see this sdhit.

same shit i say aou was cyna on poal i got destroyed... account wise

gotta love them dv's to keep the normies


i think you have seriously understated me.... that was my choice


p.sd. truth will always win

/v/ReportDial viewpost?postid=61c5d600f2ccb

awww -10

17 now - @system

zero manipul;ation here

/v/ReportDial viewpost?postid=61c5d600f2ccb


lame boomer

/v/ReportDial viewpost?postid=61c5d600f2ccb

the funny part is that i distract you mumberry

yet i see from you censoring, am i blame?



i will come after all of you, fucking larps @system

and everyone that knows me is going oh shit, hes fucking serious....

/v/ReportDial viewpost?postid=61c5d600f2ccb

the fact you asked "if im drunk" tells you are a shit alt

are we solidified on this, if not

you are the one that needs help.


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61c5d269d7ab2


i meant that from heart.... take it fucking seriously

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61c5d269d7ab2

t6his is a game to them system, i am here to help... i know it isnt you




/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61c5d269d7ab2

its funny you cunt @sytem

they always come in critmas, you can feel the knuckeles cra

they want you you dead, let me voice what you are listening is nonsense since you let those back in.



/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61c5d269d7ab2

who ever you gave acces to admin accounts @sytem fucking fire them

this treatment wont last long

final warning, this exerem beyod cyna levels. you want this site to succed i can help, not kikes shut it own pircks with mod privalages the boost a post to front... been there don that


but when you or no you @system

stop my speech i will come don on you.... you run your shit how you want allow mw me to call you out

you are losing legit users because of thiis


i could crush this site but i dont, conder that a complant you fucking retard


/v/Covid1984 viewpost?postid=61c5a680707c6