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Member for: 3 years

scp: 850 (+1113/-263)
ccp: 303 (+581/-278)
votes given: 657 (+584/-73)
score: 1153



[Fort Hood Shooting Conspiracy](https://www.theepochtimes.com/article/fort-hood-shooting-conspiracy-theories-false-flag-articles-pop-up-hours-after-incident-599583).
[Major Hasan of Fort Hood, a Patsy in a Drill Gone Live](http://tarpley.net/tarpley-hasan-a-major-patsy-in-a-drill-gone-live/).
[Everything About Nidal Malik Hasan Screams “Patsy”](http://www.prisonplanet.com/everything-about-nidal-malik-hasan-screams-patsy.html).
[The Fort Hood Hoax, Agenda Pushing Propaganda and Outrageous Lies](http://rockthetruth2.blogspot.com.au/2009/11/fort-hood-hoax.html).

The November 5, 2009 Texas Army Base Shooting Was a PsyOp.


[Omar Mateen is an Actor](http://www.ernestdempsey.com/orlando-shooting-questioned-as-hoax/).
[Orlando Florida LGB Nightclub Shooting Fake](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TNyTwgO23U).
[100% Proof Orlando Shooting Was a Staged Hoax](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiLk-V9DFpc).
[Orlando Pulse Shooting Hoax Presaged on X Factor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfuwDIN0ye8).
[Orlando Gay Nightclub Shooting Another Blatant Hoax](http://educate-yourself.org/cn/Orlando-Gay-Nightclub-Shooting-Is-Another-Blatant-Hoax12jun16.shtml).
[Orlando Shooting Hoax for Gun Control, Absolute Proof](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDijCAunJeo).
[The Orlando Shooting Didn't Happen, Crisis Actor Exposed](http://www.ign.com/boards/threads/the-orlando-shooting-didnt-happen-crisis-actor-exposed.454785720/).
[Pulse Shooting Hoax, Crisis Actor Patience Carter is a Fox News Intern](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IiU89LNUD8).

The June 12, 2016 Alleged Pulse Niteclub Shooting Was No More Than an Elaborate Hoax.


[The CNN Reports of Additional Bombs](https://www.whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/POLITICS/OK/CNN.html).
[The Official Oklahoma City Bombing Story is a Lie](https://crimesofempire.com/2016/01/06/the-oklahoma-city-bombing-part-one-the-official-story-is-a-lie/).
[Multiple Bombs in Murrah Building Prove Inside Job](http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=118588).
[Oklahoma Bombing Inside Job, Timothy McVeigh a CIA Patsy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vrv8WmMTw3w).
[The Same [Nuclear] Bombs Used on 9/11 and Oklahoma City](https://norfidid.wordpress.com/part-2-of-4-were-mini-nuke-bombs-the-cause-of-the-wtc-destruction/).
[Micro Nuclear Devices Placed by FBI & ATF Used in OKC Bombing](https://paperzz.com/doc/8504179/hard-evidence-repudiates-the-hypothesis-that-mini).
[Proof the April 19, 1995 OKC Bombing Was an FBI / ATF Special Op](http://www.whale.to/b/deagle112.html).

The April 19, 1995 bombing of the Alfred P Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was a False Flag, Timothy McVeigh who was executed for his role in the affair was a patsy.


[JCN: Jews Did 9/11](https://jewishcrimenetworkdid911.blogspot.com/).
[Wikispooks: Israel Did 911](https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11/Israel_did_it).
[Unz.com: 9/11 Was an Israeli Job](http://www.unz.com/article/911-was-an-israeli-job/).
[SteamCommunity: The Jews did 9/11](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=829497397).
[FortRuss.com: Israel Did 9/11, Not Moslems](https://www.fort-russ.com/2018/09/israel-did-9-11-not-muslims-and-anyone-who-thinks-otherwise-17-years-on-is-an-idiot/).
[LostScribeMedia: 9/11, Israel’s Masterpiece](http://www.lostscribemedia.com/news/911-israels-masterpiece/).
[800 Pound Gorilla: Israel Did 9/11, All The Proof You Need](https://ehpg.wordpress.com/israel-did-911/).
[Victor Thorn, Israel’s Central Role in the Sept. 11 Attacks](https://ehpg.wordpress.com/tag/victor-thorn/).
[JNJ.org: Israel did 9/11, Islam Was Framed by Zionist Jews](http://www.jesuswasnotajew.org/israel-did-9-11.html).
[ChristopherBollyn: The 911 Attacks Were by the CIA & Mossad pdf](http://www.bollyn.com/public/Review_of_Solving_911.pdf).
[GoonSquad: 9/11 Was by Israel & Traitors in the WH, Pentagon, CIA, FBI & NSA](https://careandwashingofthebrain.blogspot.com/2016/04/911-was-israeli-masterminded-false-flag.html).

Jews were the 911 terrorists, there were no hijackers the planes that struck the WTC Towers were piloted by remote control using hardware developed by [Rabbi Dov Zakheim](https://100777.com/node/1836), who with Zionists [Jerome Hauer](https://rense.com//general80/key.htm) and [Michael Chertoff](http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/washington/2005-01-11-chertoff-side_x.htm) engineered the whole project.


[The Boston Marathon Bombing Was Staged](https://jamesfetzer.org/boston-bombing/page/5/).
[Proof Boston Marathon Bombing was Faked](https://educate-yourself.org/cn/bostonbombingdidyouthink20apr13.shtml).
[Boston Marathon Bombing Conspiracy 10 Facts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWsPFo3nycA).
[Staged Boston Marathon Bombings / False Flag 2013](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-WWUiIDQsg).
[Absolute Proof Boston Bombing Was a Staged Hoax](http://freemanunchained.blogspot.com/2013/04/absolute-proof-boston-bombing-was.html).
[Alex Jones, "the FBI Staged Boston City Marathon Bombing"](https://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/false-flag-alex-jones-boston-marathon-bombing-family-231742713.html).
[April 15, 2013, Boston Marathon Bombing All Fake Injuries](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWhGYZHD5xw).
[Boston Bombing "This is a Drill" Announcement Heard Live](https://www.facebook.com/groups/VoicesFor911Truth.Radio/permalink/1626342990727943/).
[No One Died in the Boston Marathon Bombing, Nor Was Anyone Hurt](https://www.goodnewsaboutgod.com/studies/political/newworld_order/boston_marathon.htm).
[Explosive Proof! Boston Marathon Bombing is Staged Terror Attack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxQeIa6RDDw).
[Colonel Potter Exposes the Boston Marathon Bombing Staged Attacks](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xz4jru).
[Boston Marathon Bombing Illuminati Conspiracy Staged False Flag Attack](https://www.theguardian.com/world/us-news-blog/2013/apr/24/boston-marathon-conspiracy-theories).

Whatever anyone says the alleged April 15, 2013 Boston Marathon Bombing was as fake as a three dollar bill, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev who was [sentenced to death](https://www.npr.org/2021/03/22/979951518/supreme-court-to-hear-appeal-of-boston-marathon-bombers-vacated-death-sentences) for his alleged role in the affair was a patsy.


[Florida Shooting was a Drill](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBjfMNsZTeA&list=PLXTH0umrilidb5UU89l4uNKD1f-RZzn4G&index=13).
[Florida Shooting False Flag](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-UAp5UISOQ&list=PLXTH0umrilidb5UU89l4uNKD1f-RZzn4G&index=20).
[Florida School Shooting Fake](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x13PaMGyAic&list=PLXTH0umrilidb5UU89l4uNKD1f-RZzn4G&index=12).
[Parkland Florida - False Flag in America](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJDakBZpBN0).
[Parklanders Admit They Are Crisis Actors](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlvkmUq9ItU).
[Parkland Shooting False Flag Hoax 100% Proof](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xs9blW8Ux98).
[Parkland Shooting, Problems With the Narrative](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1I_rpG7WSM).
[Parkland's David Hogg is Sandy Hook's Adam Lanza](http://magaimg.net/img/7tu7.png).
[Parkland Florida School Shooting a Proven False Flag](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zt4YOUeLVxM).
[North Miami Officer Says Parkland School Shooting Was a Hoax](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6kmcUSNWPI).
[Shocking Revelations on the False Flag Florida School Shooting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zt4YOUeLVxM).
[Sandy Hook's Adam Lanza & Parkland Anti Gunner David Hogg Are the Same Person](https://i.postimg.cc/5t9Fprz8/Adam-Lanza-is-David-Hogg.jpg).

The alleged Parkland school massacre was still more bs .. [Wolfgang Halbig](https://www.redpillinfowar.com/2018/03/04/wolfgang-halbig-weighs-in-on-the-parkland-florida-psyop-in-the-broward-county-school-district/) who outed the alleged Sandy Hook School Massacre as a hoax says the whole thing was a psyop. Edit.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=655229339a517

My understanding is sexual deviates stick those things pointy end first up their arse to heighten sexual pleasure .. if BFD is into that kinda thing wellllll ..

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=655172b2460d5

>Do you know where claims of Hitler being Jewish first came from?

I would say his mother probly told him he was a Jew.

>The US had open fire orders on any German vessel .. and had sunk, captured or imprisoned entire ships.

Around here you post links if you have evidence .. so what links have y' got??

/v/History viewpost?postid=654c22d0e4b23

The Nazis knew full well treaty obligations penned by Jews who had infiltrated the political establishments of both countries, would bring England and France into the fray in response to the German invasion of Poland .. the whole WW2 thing was a beat up by Jews, they had the infrastructure in place and appointed Hitler who was a [Jew]( penned by Jews who had infiltrated the political establishments of both countries) in any case, whose role was to go about waging unwinnable wars on all and sundry in the name of Germany.

Despite Germany was already at war with Britain, France & Russia, Adolf Hitler as German Chancellor arbitrarily [declared war](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/hitler-s-speech-declaring-war-against-the-united-states) on the United States Dec. 11, 1941, following President Roosevelt's [declaration of war](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lK8gYGg0dkE) on Japan three days earlier, in response to the [False Flag](http://dockersunion.net/vb/forum/false-flag-terrorism/95-there-were-no-japanese-planes-at-pearl-harbor-dec-7-1941) Pearl Harbor attacks, while after having [declared war](https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/italy-declares-war-on-france-and-great-britain) on France & England June 10, 1940, Benito Mussolini [declared war](https://italianmonarchist.blogspot.com/2015/12/italy-declares-war-on-america.html) on the US on behalf of Italy on the same day as Hitler.

[Stalin's Jews, by Sever Plocker](https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3342999,00.html).
[The First Soviet Government Was Predominantly Jewish](https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/1st-soviet-gov-t-was-80-jewish-says-putin-1.5282900).
[Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili aka Joseph Stalin Was a Jew](https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?t=16).
[Mass Murderers Stalin & Kaganovich Together in Jewish Attire](https://i.postimg.cc/Jz0CXL1Y/Stalin-Kaganovich.jpg).
[Eustace Mullins - The Real Holocaust Was by Jews Against Russian & Ukrainian Christians](https://rense.com/general86/realholo.htm).

**As well you must understand the Soviet decision making and policing apparatus had been in the hands of [Jews](https://www.timesofisrael.com/russian-tv-series-claims-jewish-trotsky-masterminded-the-bloody-1917-revolution/) since the sham 1917 Revolution.**

WW2 was a Zionist sponsored exercise in white genocide, Jews who were pulling the strings on both sides of the Germany Russia conflict that began when Hitler invaded the Soviet Union in Sept. 1941, that took millions of white lives on both sides, knew the Axis war effort would go bust since they had set it up to do just that, and that under the terms of "Unconditional Surrender" they would be the ones calling the shots a la reparations etc.


And as for the claim H had achieved some kind of "economic miracle" nothing could be further from the truth, he appears to have been the sole administrator of the Rothschild banking inheritance, that meant he had access to trillion$ in hard currency ..

/v/History viewpost?postid=654c22d0e4b23

All of this pro Hitler "hate the Jews" stuff is False Flagism to give the impression there's NeoNazis under every bush .. there are however the NeoNazis just like the Nazis of old are Jews .. the case I have against Jews for which I call for the trial, prosecution and execution of millions of Jews under US Law is re their guilt for the 911 attacks, not withstanding they caused both World Wars, the US Civil War and the US War of Independence, whereas thru history they have sponsored warlords in the stamp of Charlemagne, William the Conqueror and Napoleon to bring war and carnage to the non Jew [white] world.

/v/History viewpost?postid=654c22d0e4b23

**You have actually produced an [oxymoron](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/oxymoron) .. you say you hate Jews then carry on about how much you love Adolf H who was a Jew himself.**

[DNA Tests Reveal Hitler's Jewish & African Roots](https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/2010-08-24/ty-article/dna-tests-reveal-hitlers-jewish-and-african-roots/0000017f-e987-d639-af7f-e9d7be940000).

Gallery ..


*Of Jewish descent, or being related to Jewish families were: the Leader and Reichschancelor Adolf Hitler; his representatives the Reichsminister Rudolf Hess; the Reichsmarshall Hermann Goering; the Reichsleader of the NSDAP Gregor Strasser, Dr. Josef Goebbels, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Heinrich Himmler; the Reichsminister von Ribbentrop (who pledged close friendship with the famous Zionist Chaim Weizmann, the first head of the State of Israel who died in 1952); von Keudell; field commanders Globocnik (the Jewish destroyer); Jordan and Wilhelm Hube; the great SS-Leaders Reinhard Heydrich, Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski and von Keudell II, who also were active in the destruction of Jews. [Before Hitler Came pdf](https://ia800908.us.archive.org/16/items/BronderBeforeHitlerCameAHistoricalStudyenglishTranslation1975_20190328/Bronder%20-%20Before%20Hitler%20Came%20-%20A%20Historical%20Study%20%28english%20translation%29%281975%29.pdf), by German Jew Dietrich Bronder.*

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=654ac8d0ea37d

[Why the US Used HAARP Against Japan](https://geopolitics.co/2011/06/30/why-the-us-used-haarp-against-japan/).
[HAARP Japan Earthquake Tsunami Attack](https://archive.org/details/H.a.a.r.p.TptbJapanEarthquakeTsunamiAttack-2011_03_11).
[NASA Points to HAARP Connection in Japan](https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/haarp/esp_HAARP_47.htm).
[Japan Threatened With More HAARP Attacks](https://geopolitics.co/vital-issues/ben-fulford/japans-government-threatened-with-more-haarp-attacks-pays-60-trillion-yen-to-feds/).
[Japan's 3/11/11 Mega 9.1 Earthquake An Illuminati Production](https://educate-yourself.org/cn/japanquakemanufactured12mar11.shtml).
[Video: Man Made Quakes - HAARP, Japanese Earthquake & Tsunami 11 March 2011](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl8cxrWpTC4).
[HAARP: Magnetometry Data Shows the March 11, 2011 Japanese Earthquake Was Induced](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20140716125825-163605418-haarp-magnetometry-data-show-that-the-earthquake-in-japan-was-induced).


The earthquake and tsunami that devastated Japan March 11, 2011 taking around 20,000 lives were [HAARP](https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/was-haarp-a-factor-in-the-fukushima-earthquake/) driven, while the nearly simultaneous explosion that devastated the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, was caused by [nuclear charges](https://www.henrymakow.com/theargumentfukushimasabotage.html) that had been placed by an Israeli firm under cover of security camera installation. [Benjamin Fulford, Fukushima](https://geopolitics.co/vital-issues/ben-fulford/gnostic-illuminati-targets-bloodline-elite-2021-offensive-begins/). [Link](https://www.csmonitor.com/Science/2014/0523/HAARP-project-winding-down-Was-it-all-a-huge-conspiracy).

[There Were No Japanese Planes at Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941](http://dockersunion.net/vb/forum/false-flag-terrorism/95-there-were-no-japanese-planes-at-pearl-harbor-dec-7-1941).

/v/shitisraeldoes viewpost?postid=65497e917a5e4


[How Israel Created Hamas](https://www.dispropaganda.com/single-post/2016/04/16/how-israel-helped-create-hamas).
[Hamas Created by Israel's Mossad](https://politicalvelcraft.org/2015/06/28/hamas-created-by-israels-mossad-this-stranglehold-has-got-to-be-broken/).

And as for ISIS ..

[George Soros funds ISIS](http://www.nationalwriterssyndicate.com/george-soros-funding-isis-ukraine-debacle/).
[ISIS is a US Israeli Creation](http://www.globalresearch.ca/isis-is-a-us-israeli-creation-top-ten-indications/5518627).
[ISIS Admits Getting US Funds](http://www.dcclothesline.com/2015/01/31/isis-mercenary-admits-getting-funds-us/).
[ISIS is a Subdivision of Mossad](https://atrueott.wordpress.com/tag/israel-secret-intelligence-service/).
[George Soros Funds Islamophobia](http://drrichswier.com/2016/09/30/george-soros-funded-rethink-media-pushed-islamophobia-propaganda-after-san-bernardino-slaughter/).
[George Soros Funds BLM Protests](http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jan/14/george-soros-funds-ferguson-protests-hopes-to-spur/).
[ISIS Has Links to the US State Department](http://21stcenturywire.com/2016/06/21/who-are-the-syria-white-helmets/).
[British Intelligence, the CIA & Mossad Created ISIS](http://mwcnews.net/focus/politics/56125-isis.html).

It is well known ISIS which stands for [Israel Secret Intelligence Service](https://www.gov.il/en/departments/units/mossad) and its various offshoots [ISIL, IS and Daesh](https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-34988145/is-isis-isil-or-daesh-what-should-we-call-the-jihadist-group), are funded by George Soros and armed by the US .. now all that is left to do is bring the Jews who are behind it all, who machinated the False Flag Hamas rocket attacks in the first place who have imposed the i'net blackout in Gaza, to just trial and lawful execution.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=653d61fb6b438

>Australian government effort to nip toxic masculinity in the bud, to end violence against women and children. [News.au](https://www.news.com.au/national/politics/extremist-influencers-australia-throws-35-million-at-tate-problem/news-story/fb8f162b5462f5b0ede05fd106c67d60).


Make me spew .. as one who has experienced violence and abuse from four generations of women in my family, that's my grandmother, my mother, my sister and her daughter .. makes me believe there are just as many if not more woman abusers than men, torture, bashings and filth is what we are talking about all from women, as well the whole lot of them were abortion killers I got out and away from them at age 15 yrs. [Evil Women - Deadlier Than the Male, by John Marlowe](https://www.amazon.com/Evil-Women-John-Marlowe/dp/1788280245).

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=653cc3f4297ba


Yeah, good post by Elon on this occasion, nor does the statue war only target Confederate monuments - "All Statues to Whites in America Must Go," Kate Smith Statue in Philadelphia Removed Because of Her Perceived "Racist" Songs from 1930s, [Unz.com](https://www.unz.com/sbpdl/all-statues-to-whites-in-america-must-go-kate-smith-statue-in-philadelphia-removed-because-if-her-perceived-racist-songs-from-1930s/).


This is outrageous they are altering the historical record .. I ask when will the statues of Martin Luther King be brought down, he with his wretched wife, black Secret Serviceman Abraham Bolden and Andy Warhol, stood with shooters on the Grassy Knoll at the murder of President John Kennedy in Dallas TX. Nov. 22, 1963. [Link](http://dockersunion.net/vb/forum/the-kennedy-assassinations/92-the-assassination-of-john-f-kennedy-59-yr-update).


/v/news viewpost?postid=653bf780efd0b

My understanding is Jesus lived from Dec. 25, in the "15th year of Tiberius" according to the Gospel which is generally reckoned to be 01-02 BC, until the total solar eclipse that blocked the Sun over Jerusalem for 4 minutes 6 seconds in April 33 AD. [CBSNews](https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/solar-eclipses-in-history/6/).

/v/religion viewpost?postid=653a25b2a8fb9

[Pat O'Brien](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFesXHXKsc0) formerly of Cannibal Corpse is another virtuoso guitarist who never made the RS list.

/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=653774b242eed

>"Hendrix was not a good player"..

I always thought Jimi Hendrix was quite a nice fellow, however after his dismal performance of Star Spangled Banner at Woodstock with a woefully out of tune guitar his playing never cut the mustard with me either ..

/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=653774b242eed


Build Your Own Nuke - From the armaments of shot down attack helicopters or from spent ordinance recovered at battle sites find Depleted Uranium rounds, acquire redundant 175 mm High Explosive artillery shells then reduce the captured DU to swart with a lathe, remove the fuse and base plate from the shells and drill holes into the HE.


In an argon purged environment to prevent the DU swart from spontaneously combusting, pack it into the drill holes then replace the base plate, fit the primer and detonator and voila a home made nuke .. reason the tremendous heat and pressure generated when the HE detonates inside the artillery shell case enriches the DU and precipitates a nuclear blast.

/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=6531db8b883ba


I am opposed to flooding the Pacific with firearms .. the cannibal nations of Tonga and Fiji have been at war for over a thousand yrs slaughtering and eating each other as the opportunity arises, New Zealanders no less yearn for the days of "catch and kill" that dominates the cannibal mindset .. there's f--- all love lost between the various tribes that make up the Maori nation as I can see .. the translation of the Haka chant they go thru at the football fr instance is "we are gonna come to yr longhouses and kill and eat yr children in front of you," they are nothing but savages across the entire region, I have the whole treacherous lot on a warning to be no closer than one rifle shot to me and my household at any time.

/v/Mildlyinteresting viewpost?postid=6531b494a7692

Yeah well the last time but one Japan got nuked was when the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station blew up [March 11, 2011](https://www.henrymakow.com/theargumentfukushimasabotage.html), the time before that was when the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - that had the largest [Christian](https://www.stmartin-in-the-fields.org/a-tale-of-two-japanese-cities-hiroshima-and-nagasaki/) demographic in Japan which brings Jew spite into the equation - were nuked by the US in 1945, whereas the impetus for hostilities was the [false claim](http://dockersunion.net/vb/forum/false-flag-terrorism/95-there-were-no-japanese-planes-at-pearl-harbor-dec-7-1941) Japan had "fired first" at Pearl Harbor .. so what in yr estimation have the Japs done this time to deserve a nuclear attack??

/v/videos viewpost?postid=652afa0dde759

>The white man who put the black boogie-woogie sound into country music..

I do not subscribe to the notion that anything musical at all came from "blacks," the same rhythms and phrasing we hear in such numbers as GB have been in use in European music since forever.

/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=6529eb98cfa7a

[Bonus Video - Tommy Emmanuel at HSB 2023, Introductory Medley 9m27s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKp6gHgmGqc).

/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=6529eb98cfa7a

[Guided Missile at the WTC](https://i.postimg.cc/85GsggcW/Missile-WTC-911.gif).
[Cruise Missile at the Pentagon on 911](https://i.postimg.cc/PxqMx0L5/missile-pent-1.gif).

Yeah [Jews](https://www.sott.net/article/215222-Israel-Did-9-11) rocketed America in NY and at the Pentagon September 11, 2001 as well, let's don't forget that..

>"Whoever owing allegiance to the United States levies war against them or adheres to their enemies giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death." [US Code 2381 - Treason](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2381).

The US should have replied to Israel in kind as soon it became obvious they were the attackers and that the Moslem hijacker's story was pure fiction, that the entire US political, law enforcement and news dissemination apparatus turns from the evidence, means the whole lot should suffer arrest, trial and execution all under the auspices of existing US Law.

/v/Israel viewpost?postid=65279e1f9c2c2

>I personally want to bomb Iran ..

[John Bolton, March 2015 "Bomb Iran Now"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcwGqPSj0Z8).
[John Bolton Wants to Bomb Iran, Jan 15, 2019](https://theintercept.com/2019/01/15/john-bolton-wants-to-bomb-iran-and-he-may-get-what-he-wants/).
[John Bolton May 7, 2008, We Must Bomb Iran Now](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__jVRnmmHJs).
[June 2007 - John McCain sings Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-zoPgv_nYg).
[Donald Trump Says May 14, 2019, "Iran Risks Devastating War"](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2019/05/14/iran-trump-bolton-dragging-tehran-devastating-and-unnecessary-war/3664144002/).

So you have clambered aboard the hate Iran bandwagon, and you have nothing to say regarding the brutal murder of Iranian General [Qasem Soleimani](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qasem_Soleimani) and nine others, in a drone strike Donald Trump ordered as President Jan. 3, 2020 which was a crime of the first order, while it is an open secret that Jews have been running Iranian & US politics since the year dot.


This latest bout of Lindsey Graham inspired saber rattling is from Zion don't have any doubt about that either, he you and everyone else who wishes to identify as an American patriot, should be screaming about missiles at the WTC and the Pentagon on 911, launched by the very same [Zionist Jews](https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11/Israel_did_it) and American war mongers who were then and still are making warlike noises against Iran. [Link](https://www.newsweek.com/lindsey-graham-threatens-iran-war-ayatollahs-backyard-over-hamas-1833258).

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=6525bc49aeb8d

[TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/discover/ashli-babbitt-fake-shooting-was-fake): The Ashli Babbitt shooting was fake!


Gif shows Ashli who was supposedly "murdered by the state" Jan. 6, 2021, alive and well at a Trump rally in October 2022.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6525903f9c4e3

[Stockholm Truck Attack Hoax](https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=6BD4HUG24BNS&play_list=25).
[Stockholm 2017 – False Flag](https://bjorkbloggen.com/2017/04/12/terrorattack-med-lastbil-i-stockholm-2017-false-flag-nato-ovning-eller-akta-fake/).
[Stockholm, Sweden April 2017, Hoax Attack](http://www.searchforthetruth.co.uk/false-flag-terror).
[Sann Ingen - April 7, 2017 Stockholm Truck Attack Hoax](https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=UDH5688493D2&play_list=25).
[Ole Dammegard Breaks Down the Stockholm Truck Attack False Flag](https://noliesradio.org/archives/130494).

Ebba Akerlund was allegedly the youngest of five victims killed in an April 2017 Stockholm truck attack blamed on "Islamist" terrorists, which is bs as the above links demonstrate .. she was named in the "manifesto" released by alleged NZ Mosque Massacre perp Brenton Tarrant which was total bs as well. [Voat Link](https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=63bb2f4704acd#comment_63bb358c14478).

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=652238e56d9e8


Seth Rich lives .. he is fella in the image above with his paw near his jaw neatly framed between Melania & Donald Trump in company with French President Emmanuel Macron, who achieved office May 14, 2017 nearly one year after Rich's July 10, 2016 alleged assassination, at an official red carpet engagement as per the reflection in his and Melania's sunglasses, his hair the watchband around the wrong way and the hand to mouth mannerism are identifying features.

>In reply to those who will decry the image as fake .. witness French President Emmanuel Macron at right front in perfect focus whereas POTUS' focus is somewhat less well defined, while the focus on Melania's hair at extreme left is grainy at best.
>The Rich character is less well focused than the first three while the two background figures are less well focused still. As well it would be difficult to shop the reflection of a red carpet walkway into their sunglasses, so for that reason and knowing of the foibles of long distance digital photography I put the image in the ok folder.


Rich is seen in another undated image that has him seated in the back seat of a limousine, in the company of Rudolf Giuliani puffin' on a cigar in the front with another big wig type similarly puffin' away to his right .. says he could have smoke inhalation but he's definitely alive.

[Disciple of Bugs Bunny 14](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCciHCGN4k7K9xbPsXW_yAvg) commented on the [Deborah Tavares](https://www.youtube.com/@StopTheCrime) video [Plan to Burn Up Northern California Disclosed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHKIBN2my2Y), "it’s possible Rich isn’t even dead, according to the late [Robert David Steele](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCBi-iw9LmM) Seth Rich was never pronounced dead at the hospital and had no autopsy.

The former CIA op claimed Seth Rich was a Mossad agent giving Trump a gift by releasing those emails from the DNC then “disappearing” back to Israel, that’s why the Rich family who are Israeli citizens don’t want his death to be investigated."


The Seth Rich case has been a celebrity issue from the very start whereas Voat no less has [acres of bandwidth](https://searchvoat.co/v/SethRich) extolling his virtue, and has had a shot of him up front all done up in a stars & stripes costume since well before his alleged murder, which makes one wonder just how a clown like that ever got bandwidth .. as well wonder how an alleged murder victim came to be in company firstly with the Trumps in France as per the top shot, then with Giuliani who similarly occupies a sensitive spot - [as a 911 co conspirator](https://youtu.be/arVPrp5OzVs?si=QWv7WLrR7OlNL58A&t=106) - in the US scheme of things.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=651b53e1377a8

This is a massive escalation .. the Ukraine / Russia situ has been choregraphed by Zionist Jews on both sides working in unison, the "War" is a distraction whence civilian infrastructure has been targeted on both sides, and mercenary militias have gone door to door slaughtering indigenous white Russians and Ukrainians, whose inheritance is turned over to Jews on behalf of the twin concepts of white genocide & Greater Yisrael .. they want to cause global war like they did in 1914 and 1939.

[Israel did 911](http://www.jesuswasnotajew.org/israel-did-9-11.html).

[Jews](https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11/Israel_did_it) incensed by the license granted in the Talmud perpetrated the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks upon the United States, full prosecution will take the wind out of their sails .. see the current conflict as a struggle between US and Talmudic Law, thus true patriots will continue to demand millions of Jews be brought to arrest, trial and execution as 911 traitors under [US Law](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2381), while they will carry on doing whatever they will under the aegis of the Talmud .. we are gonna see who wins out.

/v/War viewpost?postid=6514bad61034b