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Member for: 1.7 years

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votes given: 3 (+3/-0)
score: 0


SpiralOut 1 point 1.4 years ago

They're traumatized by a male figure with a penis. If it's a disconnected penis it's okay, if she looks like a male it's okay. It's the two combined.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=6397e286b7b07

Vaccines were never forced, they didn't kick your doors down and make you take it. Gay rhetoric.

/v/DeathVax19 viewpost?postid=6384c255523c2

Mer de noms is a masterpiece. Orestes and 3 libras woof. Too bad Maynard was used like the tool he is to push covid nonsense and his permanent lung injuries because of it. He just released fear innoculum too, no idea what he's afraid of.

/v/music viewpost?postid=637ce39362b7a

And by jews you mean satanists.. like the Vatican, council of 300, WTO, WEF etc etc. If you think the Satanists claiming to be jews are actual jews your brain is broken. Sure the normal jew can be annoying, a cheat, money hungry etc.. but it's the Satanists who pretend to be jews that are your enemy.

If you think what is against us is of flesh and blood and not authorities and principalities you've got your head so far up their ass you're blind.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=634e9eb4383e2

Her lyrics state explicitly that she "wears skulls and bones". Don't trust her.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=634821b1ee72d

It's thought that the khazarians originated in what is now known as Ukraine. I imagine they want their land back like they wanted Israel.

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=63358bdf6b679

Most women aren't mentally grown up(same with most men) until their 30s. If you taught them right, sure. The best women aren't at bars or out at places. They're recommended to you by their family because they see your value.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=632c6f714d070

SpiralOut 1 point 1.7 years ago

Sound like a Jew. Just work hard, don't pay others to work for you and the buy low sell high shit is a job for a weak man with no actual skills.

Buying land is good tho.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=632c7360786a9

SpiralOut 1 point 1.7 years ago

An image by definition is not a photograph. An image is not real, just like everything out of NASA, SpaceX etc. Stop being faggot retards over deceptions.

/v/Space viewpost?postid=632bdf8244237