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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 1520 (+1609/-89)
ccp: 931 (+959/-28)
votes given: 8470 (+5936/-2534)
score: 2451


Canada is the funhouse mirror version of the United States to which globalists salivate.

Ever notice how dominate Canuck banks are here now? TD Arena? What do you think the "Dominion" in TD really means? What about BMO Harris Bank? It's like an evil reverse manifest destiny.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66341146588e7

The bill directly and literally includes a reference to the Biblical account of Jews killing Jesus as being anti-semitic. There is no wiggle-room here, it is black and white.

/v/news viewpost?postid=6633c43d16337

She is in fact the size of a house. She is totally disgusting.

/v/MeanwhileOnGab viewpost?postid=6631d79725962

Typical north-eastern liberal scumbags. I know that accent so well and it makes my skin crawl when I hear it.

They're exactly the opposite of the "tolerance" they screech. Their skin is so thin and in this case it's both figurative and literal.

/v/LeftistMinds viewpost?postid=662df9ca88b3c

This is the best thing ChatGPT has ever written. I just wanted to see how easy it was to write an NPR style article. I tweaked it a bit. ChatGPT seemed convinced that President Trump was still the current President. Perhaps ChatGPT is smarter than we realize.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662cfe04f34f5

Today on NPR: How Trump's MAGA white supremacists are using Climate Change to roll-back LatinX Holocaust survivors' constitutional right to gender affirming care.

/v/news viewpost?postid=662b97e5ca60a

By the same token, socialized healthcare gives the government and deep state what they have always wanted: total power over life and death. Look at Canada, with doctors still to this day being asked to euthanize the "mentally ill", poor, depressed or otherwise indigent. The Canuck government is salivating at more dead bodies, more suicides, more death.

What they want in socialized medicine, and what they've achieved in Canada, is far more evil than simply tying work to healthcare. They want you to choose legal suicide, and eventually they want to do the deciding themselves.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=6628bfbb2f988

Best thing I've read this year. Succinct and revelatory. Thanks.

/v/conspiracy viewpost?postid=662627439059a

Lidnsey Graham is the textbook picture of what I imagine a child molester to look like.

1) Smooth, moisturized skin inappropriate for a man his age.
2) Looks as if he has never worked a day in his life or done any physical labor ever.
3) Weird Jared Fogel (Subway) type lips.
4) General "creep" vibe.

/v/Memes viewpost?postid=661b2d5c27176

I was not expecting something so badly written. The stream-of-consciousness of a moron. This book had an editor?

/v/BushCamp viewpost?postid=661aa77a9210a

Thanks. Can't believe they buried the whole stabbed and shit twice thing...

/v/WTF viewpost?postid=6617cc8fa689d

Non-archive link? Archive.is doesn't work for me.

/v/WTF viewpost?postid=6617cc8fa689d

Non archive link? Archive.is just times-out for me.

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=6617c1db59a58

Finally, we can achieve man's greatest dream of blocking out the sun.

/v/science viewpost?postid=6613cd1144787

Some say I'm a dirty hippie,
They're not the only ones
Hey isn't that Mark Chapman?
Oh I think he has a gun....

/v/owned viewpost?postid=66117f0e1e49a