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Member for: 3.1 years

scp: 91 (+99/-8)
ccp: 965 (+1022/-57)
votes given: 4172 (+2781/-1391)
score: 1056


To be fair, most religions expect you to waste at least a day a week at a temple of some sort.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=644284ed6ebe8

It is more of a case of kikes using our strength against us. Empathy is wonderful for building a homogeneous society; less so when it is attacked from within.

/v/NationalSocialism viewpost?postid=643fcd3a5ae33

I was thinking of a different study btw, this one is "genetic distance".

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=643eb2b666528

I believe those would be different data sets. This particular graphic, if I remember right, is a charting of chromosome positioning, showing obvious variation in one particular group. Could be interpreted as that group not having neanderthal ancestors.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=643eb2b666528

Meanwhile there was another similar incident where some white chick got shot by an older white guy. I'm not buying that these old people are just out there shooting folks for no reason.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=643eb39297709

"Educate" and "niggers" is an unsolvable problem. Even if you have one that is "decent", his kids and his cousins and brothers and sisters and so on and so on are going to be ghetto fuckwits.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=643eaaa792917

They really shouldn't pull the thread of "but they get to do it" in reference to people of a different race. Or maybe they want people to start calling them niggers again, as they constantly do to each other.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=643bee03a4332

Actually I do. You, however, probably don't even know why Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden of Eden. I was raised Southern Baptist but ditched my belief in fairy tales when I grew the fuck up.

Either way you slice it, whether they were related to old testament jews by blood or not, is not the concern. In the Bible, the "unquestionable" words of "the highest power" in existence, the direct ties to jewish beliefs, desires and actions are there. I could not give less of a care if they were blood related. If you follow a doctrine of self defeat, you will lose. That is the issue.

You are still dodging by the way.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=641854d0b3060

Roy_Batty 1 point 1.2 years ago

Perhaps you've not made a post calling for conversion, but as a Christian there is a religious imperative to convert people. It is in the bible, and any pushing of the Bible is pushing its doctrine.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=641854d0b3060

So his mother wasn't jewish? He didn't go to synagogue and wasn't referred to as "rabbi" or king of the jews in the bible?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=641854d0b3060

Roy_Batty 2 points 1.2 years ago*

Ohh ok. So Jesus had no religious doctrine that he was brought up with? Didn't go to a specific religious place to learn, like, ohh I dunno, a synagogue? Also he wasn't circumcised either I assume. Why do you guys still go around chopping part of dicks off, again?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=641854d0b3060

Roy_Batty 1 point 1.2 years ago

Jesus was a jew... king of them, even.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=641854d0b3060

I understand fully, just like I understand why I have yet to get a single straight answer on this question. I'm not an oven, quit dodging.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=641854d0b3060

Inward, whose god did Jesus worship?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=641854d0b3060

Roy_Batty 1 point 1.2 years ago

Yep! I'm easily annoyed by spamming morons. Confirmed.

/v/dankhumor viewpost?postid=641737f43cc2a

Roy_Batty 1 point 1.2 years ago

Ffs, quit spamming your shitty site.

/v/dankhumor viewpost?postid=641737f43cc2a

Way to avoid the question. Your attempt to dodge says volumes about who is correct.

/v/Catholic viewpost?postid=6416531ee3d51

No, your response to him in the other thread was your rebuttal. This is you about to break your arm jerking yourself off because you think your flawed logic is perfect.

At the end of the day all this semantics bullshit doesn't matter. Whose god did Jesus pray to?

/v/Catholic viewpost?postid=6416531ee3d51

While civil asset forfeiture is by and large bullshit, read between the lines. It is a nigger, it called the safe deposit boxes her "private money place", and the bank they were using was targeted due to money laundering for drug dealers. Something is fishy.

/v/Universal viewpost?postid=6416ae6405406

Roy_Batty 1 point 1.2 years ago

Lack of foresight, by way of our forefathers.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=641668895098c

This is perfect! Now just send in some mountain lions to take care of the goats.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=640b7659ec137

They aren't sweet. The gravy is just normal gravy, though it often has sausage or bacon in it, usually a white gravy. Think s.o.s. but on much thicker, fluffier bread.

/v/aII viewpost?postid=640875d9ed99d

Roy_Batty 1 point 1.2 years ago

Ehh... I have downloaded plenty of shit because it was just simply retarded as well.

/v/TalkDev viewpost?postid=63fdd45d257a9

*Stay (((I missed jew)))?

/v/music viewpost?postid=63fcb2290bed8