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Member for: 5 months

scp: 194 (+199/-5)
ccp: 1061 (+1121/-60)
votes given: 1573 (+1144/-429)
score: 1255


Reported this before however Pfizer admitted on camera at Australian hearing they imported their own shots for employees and did not use those marked for general population.

/v/Covidicences viewpost?postid=664152e0692f8

Your meds need serious attention, perhaps add some lithium to the mix.

/v/science viewpost?postid=6640fcbd88a30

If they didnt go there how come we can bounce a laser off the landing site where they left a retro reflector.

/v/science viewpost?postid=6640fcbd88a30

Is that whats known as the Balfour declaration?

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=6640e77230259

Admitted in Australian hearing they imported their own doses for employees

/v/conspiracy viewpost?postid=664075cfad262

You mean the Soros goal, he wrote a paper on it.

/v/Ukraine viewpost?postid=6640797c50689

To get a better idea of whats really going on behind the scenes go watch Russell Brands latest interview with Mike Benz

/v/Ukraine viewpost?postid=6640797c50689

For every one of those 100 ukrop vehicles get droned. They are up to leopard #8 now.

/v/CombatFootage viewpost?postid=664094a8cf9f8

That response places you in the Paul Neri category of intellectual capacity 🤣

/v/funny viewpost?postid=663b08e3b858e

Another Safe and Effective medication brought to you by Pfizer

/v/Covidicences viewpost?postid=66401ad95dcc0

He just wants a way to stop the other senators posting cartoons which mock his inability.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=663da5039b456

Constantly spamming this site with links from the most far left media doesn't advance debate.

/v/Ukraine viewpost?postid=663da346e81f9

You gotta have two dicks, couldn't be that stupid playing with just one!

/v/Ukraine viewpost?postid=663da346e81f9

Well when you are constantly stroking your dick its no wonder people wont shake hands with you!

/v/Health viewpost?postid=663db4f08d4e6

Thats not a crash landing, nose gear failed to extend and plane skidded along runway.

/v/Diversity viewpost?postid=663be0b0e079c

Just watched a John Campbell video where he played a TED clip showing Gates boasting how mrna vaccines will be used for everything and they allow much shortened development time. That guy is beyond evil.

/v/GreatCovidReset viewpost?postid=663af87b7ac52

60’s machinery is the best kind if not abused. Im regularly finding fault with new equipment made by once great names such as Colchester, Bridgeport etc. i suspect they no longer have the engineers capable of designing the base machinery and these days just add modern electronics to 30-40 year old designs. Another problem is they are outsourcing their casting etc to third world countries for cost benefits and the quality is just not the same.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=663baff7f011e

Frizzy hair, no upper lip, big nose, jokers smile, wonder what race it comes from!

/v/funny viewpost?postid=663b08e3b858e

And there are still a lot to go, some diseases these injections cause may take a while to manifest.

/v/GreatCovidReset viewpost?postid=663af87b7ac52

Kilt making isnt the only master trade requiring preservation.

/v/Volk viewpost?postid=663aebecad190

Think they missed a few zeros off the number of deaths

/v/GreatCovidReset viewpost?postid=663af87b7ac52

Seriously, what are you some kiddie fucking pervert!

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=663abfd3d85ff