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Member for: 3 years

scp: 116 (+117/-1)
ccp: 1023 (+1105/-82)
votes given: 2977 (+2971/-6)
score: 1139


Redhairin 1 point 1.6 years ago

Okay, so you found out what became of the expropriated guns. Good sleuthing. Next up is to find out what happened to all the Aussie boys confiscated nuts and spines!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=634a4dab537aa

Actually it is. Behind EVERY anti-white scumsucker, a jew is either acting as puppetmaster, cheerleader, or financier.

/v/Oligopoly viewpost?postid=634a655618458

Rafiki never had that problem with Simba...maybe because he had the cub pointing away from him!

/v/ThotPatrol viewpost?postid=6349e211913f4

I think they are more doomsday cultists that fervently buttlick the jews to insure their beloved Armageddon prophecy.

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=634b06b19030a

Xtians all together now.....REEEEEEEEEEE! Homo-sex-u-ality is unnatural and no animals can ever exhibit it, and how dare you suggest our LARD could ever make a homo-sex-ual dog, and you will burn forever in hellfire for even suggesting it, and, and...REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=634a1b8843e25

'Healthy' as a code word for out-of-shape? Pudgy? Portly? Once upon a time the 'buxom' was the standard of beauty (still is with the skunkapes!), as shown by all the butterball bitches in museum paintings. Fortunately, guys finally wised up to the false bill of goods being peddled by lazy landwhales, wanting to brainwash prime beef into thinking blubber was beautiful.

If the above were 'cougars' that done hit the wall, their chunky bods could be understandable, but as is, these young gals are simply too lackadaisical to get in shape, and likely given to believe their twats exempt them from needing to.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=634b04bdbe9ab

Redhairin 1 point 1.6 years ago

Sounds like even the supposed nazis are pro-jew!

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=634b0654d5e39

Redhairin 1 point 1.6 years ago

**Who even knew there were jews in Oklahoma?**


The more you know!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=634ad679cc514

Sounds like someone in the company screwed up, and released the policy change prematurely, before they were ready to deal with the backlash. Bet it will return later on. I'll keep the account for as long as I can, since most eBay sellers require it, and it's one of my last sources of reasonably priced shit, since I flipped Baldo Besos the Big Birdie.

Besides, I see no advantage between me closing the account, and Paypal closing it. I ain't stupid enough to trust them with any money, I'll dispute any attempt to take money via my credit union debit card, and since I never keep much more in there than needed to cover my purchases, Paypal will not get more than $50 anyway!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=634b5aadb715c

Not even our resident Dragon Queen could print up enough pussy passes to cover this ones imbecility....but likely mighty amusing to watch her try! Go for it galpal!

/v/ThotPatrol viewpost?postid=634b037811d60

Time for an apologist white knight to leap to her defense, and of course a 'pussy pass' is de rigueur. Now who here prints up pussy passes by the cargo container full? Who indeed!

/v/195 viewpost?postid=634b0581d7052

Israel has done worse...hell I'm sure even the US-based jews like JDL has done worse. Jews are only libtard until it conflicts with their true allegiance (commies), then they go all Stalin on Trotsky's ass.

/v/news viewpost?postid=634ac916206f3

Redhairin 1 point 1.6 years ago

When you don't have squat to bitch about...anything at all will do.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=634a498db8e4b

Redhairin 1 point 1.6 years ago

Life is cheap to them that risk it for an adrenaline rush. Buy some hashish or ayahuasca...you will live longer.

/v/Mildlyinteresting viewpost?postid=634b3194a87ed

Redhairin 1 point 1.6 years ago

'A man can have what he can take, and keep what he can hold'.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=634a8900b24e9

Redhairin 1 point 1.6 years ago

Why do the old or scrawny ones feel empowered to put hands on them they have zero chance to deal with? I could see it if a bully was preparing to punch you, because then a first strike is your best shot, but for a wimp to start shit? Idiocracy is here!

/v/195 viewpost?postid=634afeac7c7fa

Either way, it won't matter. If he dies, the cow will blame anything/everything but the clotshot. If he lives, she will (like a carnival barker) hawk him as proof the clotshot is safe.

/v/DeathVax19 viewpost?postid=634b03c32615c

The electric grid is easier to sabotage that thousands of gas pumps?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=634b23d524028

Redhairin 1 point 1.6 years ago

Either way, he supplied a good wakeup call to provaxxers...although most will now go back to sleep, and tomorrow schedule their fifteenth booster.

/v/VaccineVictims viewpost?postid=634b00dc4afad

Two days later....a long 30 minutes. Imagine it in the Spongebob Squarepants narrator voice!

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=6340c51702d6f

Indeed...why DO so many bitches love to sleep with their mouths gaping open? Sounds like a question only PostWallHelena could answer.

/v/WTF viewpost?postid=634299e1ea286

If it sows any dissension in the skunkape ranks, or conflict within BLM, I approve. We need more Candace Owens and Thomas Sowells to combat the commie propaganda of Soros and his posse.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63425b272b84b

I doubt SloJoe would even barely comprehend what it meant...humiliate the DNC maybe, but that would just give them extra incentive for ballot fraud in 2024.

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=6342c083d267e

Must be invisible trolls since the site is blank.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=6341e24b6bfdd