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Member for: 2.9 years

scp: 356 (+391/-35)
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score: 526

My vaccine question: Is the spike protein in the delta variant identical to the spike protein in the alpha variant? How do you know? Doesn't that mean your understanding of the way the vaccine works is incorrect?     (Controlavirus)

submitted by Rayden to Controlavirus 2.9 years ago


The Navy Finally Pulls the Plug on the Railgun     (www.military.com)

submitted by Rayden to Gunnews 2.9 years ago


Petition calling for monthly $2,000 stimulus checks nears 2.5M signatures     (www.reddit.com)

submitted by Rayden to politics 2.9 years ago


I would have titled this 2.5 million lazy idiots beg for hyper inflation and starvation based on an imaginary victimhood status yet are willing to lower the quality of everyones life so they can be extra lazy and are asking the government to enforce it as law and the government just may because the one common thread in all of their legislation seems to be the internal destruction of the country itself.

But that's too long of a title so I didn't submit my suggestion to the original author of the article.
The reason everyone sees elves when on DMT is those are the beings one transcendental level of consciousness below our own. It is their society that makes up our consciousness in the same way that chemistry gives way to microbiology.     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Rayden to TellUpgoat 2.9 years ago


Do you think the reason people were so willing to wear masks is that some of us drank too much of the "we are free" Kool-Aid when really the majority of people just want to go along to get along and will follow most new rules? For example, everyone has to wear yellow shirts and then everyone does.     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Rayden to AskUpgoat 2.9 years ago


Old Gwen Berry photo of her holding American flag goes viral amid anthem uproar     (www.foxnews.com)

submitted by Rayden to Niggers 2.9 years ago


There must be a lot of people at the NSA who know Tucker Carlson is being spied on because the whistleblower would not have felt comfortable coming forward if only a small group of people knew about it     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Rayden to TellUpgoat 2.9 years ago


Remember when rainbows were symbols of science and light?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Rayden to AskUpgoat 2.9 years ago


Anyone who supports BLM but does nothing to help the TWENTY MILLION SLAVES ON EARTH TODAY is a hypocrite.      (www.endslaverynow.org)

submitted by Rayden to whatever 2.9 years ago


Thoughts on faking employment history to get a job?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Rayden to AskUpgoat 2.9 years ago



I am a good software developer but I've never found a place that I like working at. As my "career" of fixing other people's shit code and feeling like an idiot for not understanding the mess they created but never being allowed to create anything myself because that went to the people who created the existing messes progressed I ended up in worse and worse jobs getting disrespected by people I would dominate all day and night if coding were a sport and not some shitty political trend chasing group think clique. Yet it is that and skill is usually measured by who enjoys sucking dick the most. The cherry on top is when I was in college I would always say why the fuck are you making us learn this stupid shit that has nothing to do with programming and
NO ONE LISTENED TO ME and of course nowadays a few months in a code boot camp and you can get a job. Meanwhile I am now way above that skill level and the boot camp shitheads are getting jobs, people are saying "we can't find enough programmers", and no one will hire me. Not even as a code drone who is willing to fix all their broken shit. I could go on and on but I won't.

I've sent out several hundred resumes over the last year+ that I haven't been programming and basically had no interest. God this pisses me off because programming is what I spent idk half of my life getting good at and now these idiots won't even hire me to do basic bug fixes. You could say it's a bit of a slap in the face and also a bit of a betrayed by the society that told me to get a job doing this shit and they just chewed me up and spit me out and now I'm sitting here like an asshole with my dick in my hand. Let me tell you this. When I left my last dumb ass job I mentally compared myself to the other programmers and figured I could probably learn nothing new for five years and come back and do that job without missing a beat. Yet here the fuck I am out in the cold.

I think the problem is the last third of my employment history makes me look like a job hopper (in reality I landed three suck jobs in a row).

I have no respect for office drones but I understand them. They aren't thinkers they are protocol followers. So I have absolutely no ethical reservations about wholly lying to them so that I can get the job fixing their retardedly designed stupid shit.


Basically I'm going to roll my last three employers into one employer so I don't look like a job hopper.

I have two options here. One of the companies went out of business so I could say I worked there the whole time or I could make up a company.

If I make up a company I'll need to be able to fake a website and a business and boss phone number. Plus I'll have to answer the phone and disguise my voice and pretend to be different people.


PS we need to import more migrants to do these coding jobs am I right.

One of two things is true. Aliens have visited earth or we live in a simulation     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Rayden to TellUpgoat 2.9 years ago


Okay let's get to work:

- Sooo many habitable planets in galaxy.
- distance across galaxy ain't shit for immortal aliens, probes, or any entity that can travel fast enough.
- Aliens WOULD USE PROBES to keep pulse on the galaxy. There is a probe on every celestial body in the galaxy.

So aliens have definitely visited us and just chose not to tell us. I have no doubt aliens exist, they have probably shed their biology entirely and exist as either energy or as some type of computer, and they would definitely visit every part of the galaxy (uh DUHHHH).

So either aliens are choosing to keep silent or there are no aliens. Since there definitely are aliens given the number of planets in the galaxy (and not even taking the time to consider life in forms we don't currently recognize) we know if this shit is real then yeah, there's a lot of aliens who have plenty of time to evolve beyond our already late stage of exponential technological wherewithal.

So if we aren't talking with them it's either because they choose not to talk to us OR there is something very suspicious about "reality". For example, someone created a simulation but didn't put aliens in because they aren't needed for whatever the point of this simulation is.

Oh, also, I will accept God as a substitute for a simulation since the lord works in mysterious ways and believe my argument is valid in either case.
Why do you think God, if he exists, cares any more about you than the billions of other people who lived wretched lives in the past or the animals we raise for food or the weird little insects or Jessica's tits?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Rayden to AskUpgoat 2.9 years ago


No I'm being serious. You realize how many people lived totally wretched lives before you and God didn't give a s*** about them. Why would you think that you are any different?
To me freedom is just as much about your own ability to enforce self-imposed constraints as it is the ability to do anything you want.     (whatever)

submitted by Rayden to whatever 2.9 years ago


Often, when I have time to do anything I want it's because I followed my own constraints (saving money, eating right, working out, attempting to be a good person) long enough. I guess that's why they say freedom isn't free. You have to pay for it with SOMETHING. Those things I listed are the currency of freedom, not just having enough USD shitcoin.
G7 looks like a reality TV show.      (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Rayden to TellUpgoat 2.9 years ago


It looks a lot like there is a globalist agenda. They had to get Biden in so they didn't have to wait to start their plan. They are implementing their agenda right in front of our eyes with absolutely no concern for what we want. They are like sim city addicts on meth.
Local sheriff's office flying gay pride flag. Please advise.     (whatever)

submitted by Rayden to whatever 2.9 years ago


I thought about calling them but well you know how sheriff's can be and I'd rather not get into an argument with an entity that has been given mortal authority over my life. ...which is exactly why they should not be flying that fucking flag.

No adults.

So, just move right?
WOW! Boris Johnson Forced to Stop and Correct Joe Biden After He Already Introduced President of South Africa (VIDEO)     (www.thegatewaypundit.com)

submitted by Rayden to politics 2.9 years ago


From the looks of it Joe's handler is somewhere around his ...10:00 position
I'm living a loser's life but I'm not a loser.     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Rayden to AskUpgoat 2.9 years ago


I know that I'm smart and I know that I'm hard working and I know I have discipline.

Yet my life has been nothing but me getting screwed over and me trying and falling. I know that you're supposed to blame yourself if your life sucks but I don't. Because I've done a lot of the stuff that you're supposed to do and it didn't work out for me. I just don't fit into this society. I feel like I never had a chance to be my own person when everyone else around me has and it bothers me because I really do think I'm an above average person yet somehow I'm living the ultimate loser life.

People say that you should just focus on your family but that's one of my greatest losses. I don't really have a family.

If there is a judgment day and I'm judged by my works I will say what the hell did you want me to do you didn't give me anything to work with and you screwed me over at every opportunity. I spent my whole life in isolated anguish and desolation as people around me were given resources and community to work with. I tried but I never had a shot. I was set up for failure.

I try to think what can I do to make my life have some net positive effect on the world because at this point I'm just so angry and bitter I feel like I'm making the world a worse place.

I know in the grand scheme of things I really don't matter at all and very few people do. But at the very least I don't want to make things worse.

*Mandatory disclaimer: my mental health is fine and I'm in no way suicidal I'm just thinking about life.
and Alex Jones is the good guy     (www.bitchute.com)

submitted by Rayden to videos 2.9 years ago


No really I think he is that wasn't sarcasm.
Isn't the government just going to make cryptocurrency mining illegal?     (whatever)

submitted by Rayden to whatever 2.9 years ago


So as sure as we know the sky is blue we know that the government can never allow a competing currency. That's why they're already throwing shade on bitcoin by saying it's bad for the environment.

People say bitcoin can't be shut down but I'm pretty sure if they made it illegal to mine bitcoin that would do the job. Isn't the government, and by the government I mean whoever it is that controls the money, just going to make mining bitcoin illegal?
This is exactly the kind of thing the anal receivers at reddit would lose their shit over but I won't even bother trying. It'll never be heard. Biden rolls back Trump insulin discount.     (www.thegatewaypundit.com)

submitted by Rayden to news 2.9 years ago


MSM is basically trapped in a ponzi scheme of lies with respect to covid.     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Rayden to TellUpgoat 2.9 years ago