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Member for: 2.9 years

scp: 146 (+146/-0)
ccp: 7431 (+7570/-139)
votes given: 18463 (+18443/-20)
score: 7577


Well that's just, like, their opinion, man. /s

/v/ClimateChangeSkeptic viewpost?postid=66441062513f3

Because Wi-Fi is so reliable when there aren't CMEs.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6644086ac954b

Duh, it's medically necessary in 100% of cases. If the boy doesn't ever take a shower or wash, it could get infected. Clearly a defective part of his body.

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=664346580643f

Those foreskin-based cosmetics bring in big bucks.

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=664346580643f

He's been getting closer and closer to the line lately. I wouldn't be surprised if they boot him, then there's no holding back.

/v/JewMedia viewpost?postid=66439177a0013

Is this with the narrative that he gassed 6 million jews, or that they were just camps to keep them separated?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6643d5ac5cbc0

She might look into some more "exotic" plants that have human "defenses" in them.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=6642c313f3940

That'll speed up the metamorphosis. Just don't open before it's complete because it's a gooey mess.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=6642d1bc540fa

With one essential difference: participation in Fakebook is voluntary.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=66407b953bfca

Isn't this just a list of shitskin characteristics?

/v/Memes viewpost?postid=664082d44f434

I read that third word as a different, shorter D word.

/v/kikes viewpost?postid=6640ac2ab7f7a

Just some regret at not knowing about it so I could see if it was visible.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=66406563b2f8f

Just goes to show, even if you aren't able to defend yourself from attack, carrying would have allowed this guy to fully aerate the nigger.

/v/NegroViolenceVideos viewpost?postid=66405d340a8e5

They probably thought the gas can would explode. Too many fake movies. They just needed to cover the end with a tarp.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=663ff78d790f1

At first I read that as 85 buildings torched once it was found out it was a hoax. But then I properly read it. :(

/v/LyingNewsMedia viewpost?postid=664012c270d46

> He was descending to a depth of 300ft in a dive suit in water temperature of 38°F. When he got to 250ft he lost all vision. Given that the 1st rule of diving is "never panic" he calmly relays back to surface re his loss of vision, the surface medic is a former military frogman and he tells Paul not to worry and that it's the nitrogen conversion in his blood stream (converting oxygen to nitrogen) which is typical. After 5minutes his vision comes back and he sees the cloud of light from his head lamp.

This is the kind of thing men need as a role model.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=663fc9e484e4b

Just persuade everyone else in the neighborhood to make similar modifications.

/v/Infographs_Lists_Blueprints_and_Diagrams viewpost?postid=663ec34f221ef

And the thing that will blow your mind, this PICTURE looks just like those as well!

/v/Christianity viewpost?postid=663ecbd735d60

It's almost like the same physical principles are at work in both, in terms of growth and surface area.

/v/Christianity viewpost?postid=663ecbd735d60

Might be better to keep the exterior the same looking as other houses. One surrounded by barbed wire with windows covered draws attention.

/v/Infographs_Lists_Blueprints_and_Diagrams viewpost?postid=663ec34f221ef

I think he got the last part wrong. More Whites equals less crime, period.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=663e774ca9c38

> Despite the lack of “real” gains, the Internal Revenue Service imposes capital gains taxes on such transactions. Nebraska has now opted out at the state level, declining to carry the IRS’s position into the definition of Nebraska income.

Interesting that a state can tell the IRS to shove it. Why can't they do this with other things?

/v/news viewpost?postid=663d67dcb92fa

This guy needs her to agree with him. He's so angry that she's questioning him.

It's pretty ridiculous, though. They need him to say the word "yes" then they've verified that he's a citizen, huh?

/v/NWO viewpost?postid=663dd883a7269