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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 1060 (+1115/-55)
ccp: 1727 (+1761/-34)
votes given: 50106 (+50037/-69)
score: 2787


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Can the theory of relativity be based off of heliocentrism? Yes, but not the other way around.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65f0d6d071b5f

You are old enough to vote but too dumb to learn something new or your arguments would be fact based and you could admit your wrong. Both show that you have the ignorance and the ego of a child. So nana nana nana boo boo. I'm rubber, you're glue, nigger. Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you and stay away from my cocaine with a honker like that, grabbler.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65f0d6d071b5f

Based...Maybe, except the whole sun is the middle of the Universe thing. Gravity... definitely, except even in the fucking jews time we still didn't have anything but theories if jews formula worked and hey! Guess what? They don't. The people he stole from were on the right track for the science we had available at the time, but not anymore. Not only was the rat plagiarizer wrong but he has been proven a fraud 10 times over. More jewish tricks and yet the facade remains to the normie uneducated youth of today with their fucking participation trophies. Most of the young don't care, hence I said you have potential< not an insult. Tard< still not an insult. Grow up and learn to have an adult conversation.< not an insult. You fucking Alabama wind chime< insult

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65f0d6d071b5f

Yes and no. That is not a yes or no answer, at all.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65f0d6d071b5f

Okay, I'm going to be nice one more time. You have potential. The questions that you failed can be overlooked, but to be new here and doing nothing but insulting everyone and being an obnoxious ass is going to get you no where. You are turning yourself into a plaything to be insulted and ignored. Sit back, relax and observe. It costs you nothing. Learn most of all. You are on the beginning of this journey or you would be more informed. You won't last long here with the dumb shit you spew. They, and I do mean everyone you have interacted with is using you for amusement, nothing more. Grow up you fucking dumb trilobite. Learn something and stop taking offense to everything people say to you. Grow thicker skin and stop getting pissed off so easily. That's how I know that you are a child compared to most here. This will be the last time that I will respond to you because you are no longer fun to fuck with. Take heed and you will be accepted. Fuckwit< that was an insult.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65f0d6d071b5f

Dude, you know nothing of this place. We have had self hating jews here before. It's nothing new. Every question I asked had a reason. Everyone here KNOWS Einstein was a fraud, but you are to stupid to figure out that you are being baited and hazed. I don't need to insult you any farther as you have done it yourself. Jesus H. Christ you're dumb. READ NIGGER...READ.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65f0d6d071b5f

And who exactly said that I was trying to piss you off? Again, a child's mentality. lol.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65f0d6d071b5f

K. You see this is where you show your age. Call me whatever you wish and it means nothing because my Aryan blood makes me superior to you in every way. With your petty and might I add childish name calling, you have failed many tests. You aren't as smart as you think you are and all who read this will know what I'm talking about if you were an OG Goat. Run along now child. Run and open a book. jew fuckstain on a tunnel mattress.

It's almost to easy to expose your kind, jew.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65f0d6d071b5f

Not even a little jew. I just found your retort amusing and told you so. I notice you didn't call me a liar when I labeled you a millennial. What varity of nigger are you? Faggot, prairie, taco, rice, nose, heeb, curry, or potato?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65f0d6d071b5f

No. Just no. Try again.
And aren't you the little keyboard warrior. Keep it up, champ, I mean that, big guy. Your so close to calling yourself on your own bullshit you spew. It's wrong, but alllmost there.
Einstein stole his work from 4 different people and credited not one and he was still wrong. Just like jew are. Long nose tunnel rat kiddie diddler. Keep bringing the spice, you Bla bla baby dick baby dick gay bla bla nigger. "Blah" is how you spell that too, millennial.
I haven't decided if I like you or hate you yet, just keep bringing that spice and you just might find yourself turned into a nigger of all flavor hating White nationalist. You got potential just like FightNightHero.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65f0d6d071b5f

You're a special kind of retarded. First off, Einstein's theory was proven wrong and his wife did his math for him. This is known. 2nd: Your Tesla quotes are also wrong. 3rd: You are fucking stupid and you only double down on your idiocy with your jew tactics of deflection and lying. 4th: You Are Not Fucking Wanted Here. At all. You have proven your worth and have been left wanting. You are exactly the type of yid that is ridiculed constantly much to the great entertainment of literally every single person here. Study up and come on back when your arguments mean anything but gibberish. Bonus track: Stop sucking little boy penis and get a real fucking haircut rabbistienburgshecklegrabber. I love targets like yourself because you faggots are too much fun to make fun of. Now come on back with an insult that I will ignore, nignoramus fag fuck.

P.S. Try to refrain from posting your gay lover porn, niggeryid.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65f0d6d071b5f

Congrat's to Mr. and Mrs. Cunt. I miss having little ones around. I have 2 grandkids from my oldest daughter, but she moved away with her husband. Such is life.

/v/WhiteRepopulation viewpost?postid=65ec527067eb9

*Makes angry dial-up sounds*

The hell you say?!

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=65e8b2ad6943e

The tunnel rats just can't help but brag until it brings upon their own undoing. History does indeed repeat itself.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=65e67acacc269

Hey, I have no beef with you, old ones. Was just fucking around. Just letting you know.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65caffafa4483

You got this Con. Listen to some Rockey music and don't hurt the younin's too badly.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65caffafa4483

Con has entered the chat. Look out, Goats!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65caffafa4483

Yeah, maybe tomorrow. I gotta get to bed. I took tomorrow off for a doc appointment. Shit, normally I'd be getting up about this time and at work by 4 am. Have a good night iSnark and I'd still kick boff day asses. lol

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65caffafa4483

I've only submitted one poll and got yelled at for not having it in there, but to be fair I was shitfaced and the poll sucked.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65caffafa4483

Me. And you forgot Fuck You! in your poll.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65caffafa4483

As narrated by Sir David Attenborough: The American silverback pavement ape version of the Haka. as with everything they do, it exhibits this behaviour and sucks the normal people into watching the train wreck in motion, some with horror, some with glee and some with pure disgust. But the sheboons version is to test the limits of the stitching in those terrible clothes they have on. Some call it a mating dance and Whites call it a bathroom break, with beer and hot dogs. If you're a male nigger though, it brings on child support and aids and they can't resist the floppy flab. There will be tumbleweaves and brawling soon as it's part of what they call "Day Culcha" and it's a fight to the nearest prison cell. Truly fascinating behavior to behold.
Next year be sure to place your bets on how long it takes for heart failure or wardrobe malfunction/explosion to commence. And if you're there, don't stand in front of the fried chicken line. They must feed often. It's truly astonishing behavior from only the largest sheboons.

/v/cringe viewpost?postid=65ca7f28e2e52

I get it, but i still have some from 20 years ago that I still wear. Just sayin.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=65cab75a77db7

Carhartt and Dickies make a great pair of work pants. Not sure if they use niggers, but we both know the niggers don't work so that would be false advertising if they did.

I looked and seen one nigger on a Dickies ad.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=65cab75a77db7