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The big book of jewish tricks.     (whatever)

submitted by Merlynn to whatever 2.5 years ago


I envision the book as a quick,easy guide that gives people the basics of what they need to spot jewish tricks as well as some good examples of them "in action". So you can tell a misunderstanding from a deliberate derailing and when someone's just not thinking and when they're thinking really hard about how to get around you.
Data tiers. What should you trust?     (whatever)

submitted by Merlynn to whatever 2.5 years ago


What is truth? It's the factual basis of what happened. Intent,confusion,and belief can all be argued. What actually happened can't. So if it happened in meat space and not in head space,it can be defined and proven true.

But what levels of priority should each piece of information have? Here's a handy list to give you an idea of what priority a piece of data holds. This is a general list and doesn't cover everything,but it should give you an idea of what should hold priority over what.

1. Personal experience. This is shit you know happened because you were there and saw it with your own eyes. Maybe it was a shooting in a back alley. Maybe it was your YouTube comment that got disappeared. But you saw it and can confirm that's what happened.

2. Research to back it up. It's not as good seeing for yourself,but even "the lying media lied about this and here's proof" is pretty good. That proof might come in the form of the media's own past articles that claimed one thing at one point and compare it with a new article that says the opposite. Old forgotten reports can do wonders too. lot of data on the interwebs and it can't all be simply disappeared. People you know to be honest can go here too. But it's a good idea to double check if you have time.

3. The media. The media itself,despite being a massive well of misinformation,bad data,and outright lies,can be used as a witness against itself. If nothing else,you can prove they're gaslighting people with it. And you can count on it to be a normie tier "common knowledge" to build arguments against normies on.

4. Shit someone said. Most of the media falls into this catagory. Every journalist assumes they're now a physics professor because they parroted what an "expert" told them,but in the end,most journalists and people fall into this one. They might be repeating something they'd heard. They might be speaking from flawed knowledge. They might be telling the truth. And they might just be talking out their ass. Never trust this without proof.

5. Lies. Only useful for trapping liars in other lies. If you know it isn't true,it's use is limited.

So I hope this helps you to sort your info and make clearer choices made with better data.
Is it just me or is there no fun anymore?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Merlynn to AskUpgoat 2.5 years ago


It just seems like lately that there's nothing fun to be had anymore. Movies are so bad these days,it's more enjoyable to watch some nerd rage about it than to watch the movie. No good books,no fun video games. Nothing to do,no where to go.

It's not just the pandemic. It's been going on for a while. I don't think it's me because occasionally,I'll find something fun or nice or enjoyable. It's just everything mainstream is garbage lately.

I can't remember the last time a new song came out that made me happy. No one seems to want to go out and gather and celebrate. It's like there's nothing to be happy about.

Does everyone seem sad to you guys or is it just me?
So I was thinking about pagers.     (technology)

submitted by Merlynn to technology 2.7 years ago


See,the thing about pagers is,doctors use them because they don't emit radiation. As such,I find myself wondering what system they use to negate the need for it and if it would be possible to set up a texting system with it similar to how text messages on smart phones work. It would basically be a 2 way pager with a touch screen.

Would this work and why isn't it used by more people?
You know what's funny?     (whatever)

submitted by Merlynn to whatever 2.7 years ago


I've always been a big fan of comedy. I love the stuff. Monty Python,Marx brothers,cartoons of all kinds. As long as it's funny,I'll watch. So I know a lot of routines and gags and jokes. And once the red pill kicks in,I've noticed that lots of comedians are jews. And a lot of their "jokes" are step by step illustrations on how to jew. Needless to say,I don't find a lot of comedy funny any more. But it is very instructive.
Saints Row are kill.     (gaming)

submitted by Merlynn to gaming 2.7 years ago



Another one lost to the "just doesn't get it" brigade.
A reminder to our friends in the fed.     (whatever)

submitted by Merlynn to whatever 2.7 years ago


They don't care about you. You might think your service will save you but it won't. You're not jewish. You're their enemy. They're using you and will grind you up and throw you away when they're done with you. Look at how they treat the vets. The fuck makes you think they love your ass so much they won't do the same to you.

You're like those idiots who work for the villains in a Bond movie. You'll sit there and watch him murder one of his own men for no reason and go right back to work. The thought of shooting him and taking over as a far better leader doesn't even cross your mind. Hell,just shooting him and taking all his expensive shit would probably set you up for life. But you don't think about that.

Maybe you placate yourself with "honor and duty". Honor and duty for who? The kids you sick fucks rape and murder? Your jewish masters? It sure as fuck isn't for the people of this country. Gotta rape those kids to keep America safe!

And in the end,what will you have to show for it? You'll be another cum stained rag the jews toss without a second thought. And you deserve it.
So now we know,we should stop the covid bullshit.     (whatever)

submitted by Merlynn to whatever 2.7 years ago


The way to stop the government's covid bullshit is to sue the CDC (or your local "healthcare" government body) for a sample of the isolated covid virus. The media claims they've done it. So they should be able to provide a sample for examination. So sue them for a sample. When they can't provide one,even though the media says they've done it,you have set a precedence to declare the whole thing a fake and,thus,lift the restrictions.

Just remember to get a good lawyer and watch your ass. You know how jews love to make accidents.
I think I know why they're fucking up pop culture.     (politics)

submitted by Merlynn to politics 2.8 years ago


So as we all know,the goal of communists,according to 1984,is to create an "everpresent now where the party is always right".

One of the places history likes to hide is in pop culture. Pop culture itself is also historical. How many times has the party said something only for some nerd to pipe up "No,that's not what happened." So pop culture itself must be destroyed. The "nostalgia cycle" that offers even one generational bridge between young and old most go.

Anything based on even longer history must especially be destroyed. Hence the need to destroy the Marvel version of Thor. So we see,more and more of the "old" being destroyed to make way for the new. Unlike in 1984,however,there's just too much evidence laying around for the overworked jews to destroy all at once. So they make people uninterested in it. So as the grip on these is loosened,they may be collected and destroyed completely.

And that's my theory.
Why owning property is under attack.     (politics)

submitted by Merlynn to politics 2.8 years ago


Ok,it's like this. If you own something,it means you have a legally recognized right to it. It is "yours" and can't be taken from you. If you remove the right to ownership,you have no right to anything and it can all be legally taken from you. Your resources now belong to (((the people))),so you can't provide for yourself without land to build on and materials to build with. You have to rely on (((the people))) to provide for you. Which makes you a de facto ward of the state. They own you.

Put simply,giving up the right to own property is the first step to becoming property.
Red pilled movie discriptions.     (funny)

submitted by Merlynn to funny 2.8 years ago


Think of a movie,write a description that's red pilled. Here's an example:

Splitting Heirs: A jewish woman swaps a noble's son with hers and becomes the house cook to watch over him. The noble's real son finds out about his lineage and tries to figure out how to break it to his real mom what happened while avoiding her sexual advances because nobles are secret degenerates. Ultimately,after the jew mother dies,the jew son finds out what happened and willingly lets go of his claim to the noble line and all it's money. Fiction.

What movie descriptions can you red pill?
The media machine is broken.     (whatever)

submitted by Merlynn to whatever 2.8 years ago


I don't think a lot of people will argue that it's busted. News media trust is at a world wide low. No one's going to see new movies anymore. Even normies don't want to see the gay shit Hollywood is crapping out. So as a mind control system,it seems to be a bust.

I'm just wondering if it's not sabotage. It's no secret no one hates jews more than the people who work for them. It also only takes noticing the jew to notice a lot of what look like secret messages in media naming the jew. I'm more convinced than ever people in the industry are actively wrecking the media machine.

Kathleen Kennedy could be a raging incompetent feminist,I don't know her. But Kevin Smith? I know that fucker. He made a career out of being a huge nerd. He knows geek shit. He's known geek shit before it was cool to know geek shit. He could've easily made a decent He-Man show,fan or not,and boosted Teela and promoted black characters and all that shit. Don't tell me he couldn't have. Yet here he is,pushing out garbage and screaming at the fans like all the disconnected Hollywood hacks. He knows better. He knows this won't do anything but fuck his career. He-Man's done and he's already announced Clerks 3. He has no reason to die on this hill.

And it occurs to me maybe that's the point. Poison the franchises that endure. Hollywood has no original ideas anymore. All they have left is nostalgia. So destroy that and they have nothing. The illusion is broken. People don't have anything to distract them anymore. Anyone who can be woken up will awaken.

It makes a lot of sense,at least to me.
How Chad is it?     (whatever)

submitted by Merlynn to whatever 2.8 years ago


We talk about "Chads" and their "big dick energy" and how they "can fuck any woman they want". But when you think about it,is it really that Chad? All they're fucking is a bunch of worthless whores who only care about the social status of fucking a Chad. They don't really care about these Chads and the Chads don't really care about them. It's just 2 people using each other for attention and social bullshit.

Is that really all there is? People using each other? Is that what I'm working for? To be seen as a valuable enough resource to be worth a fuck? Do we aspire to no greater goals? I guess love really is a dead notion. At least for most people. I don't see love in their eyes,only fear and hate. And yet they call me hateful for the love I feel. We're beyond clown world,we've gone full bizarro. Everything's backwards. Kill your children,hate your spouse,destroy your home.

And all these "Chads" can do is try to get their dicks wet in some fuckhole for no reason other than someone told them to. No better than niggers,really. I will not praise the Chad niggers. They are as useless as the whores they hunt for. They're basically the same.

Don't look up to man whores.
So here's a fun idea to fuck with the SJWs and feminists.     (politics)

submitted by Merlynn to politics 2.8 years ago


When one of them complains about a modern movie not living up to their fucktarded gay diversity agenda,and they will. You know the bit. "X happened in the movie cause racism" or "Y happened in the movie because misogyny". You can fuck with their heads by pointing out that those directors and writers and actors most likely came from the same colleges that pounded the same commie bullshit into their heads,if not going to even more liberal schools. Which means not only are they completely aware of it,they're doing it intentionally to keep up the narrative of "systemic oppression". Ironically becoming the very oppressors they sought to overthrow.

I think we can pop a few heads with that.
Man,getting kicked off Twitter is looking more and more like a good thing.     (whatever)

submitted by Merlynn to whatever 2.8 years ago



I honestly don't think I'd go back even to troll them at this point.
How the media fools stupid people.     (whatever)

submitted by Merlynn to whatever 2.9 years ago


Step 1: Make claim. In this case "King James was a huge fag and he wrote his bible so he didn't have to pay gay fees to the church."

Step 2: Claim it was "well documented". Show none of this "documentation". Just claim it exists and imply it's agreed on by all the smart people without actually saying it. Phrases like "experts agree" and "our experts state" should be used to weasel out if anyone calls you on it. Imply,but don't directly state,that any experts who disagree are "fringe whackos who can't handle the truth".

Step 3: Keep repeating the lie over and over because "the entire media can't all be lying".

My brother is as clueless as normies get.
So all whites are racist.     (whatever)

submitted by Merlynn to whatever 2.9 years ago


If we are to take the narrative at it's word and assume that whites are not only all incurably racist,but so racist that simply existing in the same place as white people causes all the brown people to suffer from internalized racism,then would not the obvious solution be to separate from the brown people? Even being friends with brown people is "violence" against them.

So brown people should stay in their own cities and,ideally,go back to their homeland where they can be with their own people. Spics should go back to Mexico. Niggers should go back to Niggerland. Chinks should go back to China. And,of course,jews to Israel. They can be the middle east's problem.

It seems to me that's the only real solution to the problem. Unless you're going to say whites should be wiped out. In which case,you and me are gonna have a fight.
Lego drone.     (youtu.be)

submitted by Merlynn to whatever 2.9 years ago


Honestly,how is Lego not illegal at this point? You can make anything with this shit.
So Steam is running their "Season of Pride" sale.     (gaming)

submitted by Merlynn to gaming 2.9 years ago


I took the opportunity to mark every game on the sale as "ignore" to ensure I never bought them thinking they were normal games. I recommend you do the same while they're all highlighted.
How to resist the jew.     (whatever)

submitted by Merlynn to whatever 3.0 years ago


It all starts when you become aware of the jew. Once you are aware of the jew and his nature,you can start to resist simply by knowing he's lying to you and you shouldn't trust him. Once you stop believing the jew and start to look at the world with your own eyes,you start to see things as they are,not how the jew wants you to see them.

You start to realize your people are surrounded and out numbered. You start to see the propaganda and it's aims. You may even start to see that the brown people are being lied to as much as we are. That doesn't make them your friends by any stretch but it's something you might be able to use later. We might not be friends but nothing unites like a common enemy. And the jews are after all of us.

The jew's greatest weapon is his ability to seem weak. He can easily,with his small stature and scrawny or fat body,declare himself a physical inferior and therefore a target of "bullies" who "just want to push around the weak". He can hide his wealth and declare himself poor. He can declare his political machinations to be "seeking justice for little guys like me". After all,if he's poor and weak,how can he hold power over anyone?

So the first step is to not be fooled. To dedicate yourself to not believing the jew or his puppets. Even if there is a "greater evil" behind them,they are the puppet masters we can see. We know they're in on it. We know they're lying. It will suffice for this first step.

Once you know the jew is a liar and not to trust him,you must realize his real strength. He has begged,borrowed,and stole his way into power. He has subverted vast fortunes and used those to subvert more and more. All while portraying himself as a "simple,humble jew". His reach is far greater than he will ever let on. He has "friends" and hidey holes everywhere. He has escape plans within escape plans. And he will sucker in anyone to his ends by any means necessary. The jew wants you to underestimate him. He wants you to believe he is weak. But he is quite strong. And once you see his reach,you know what you must do.

Firstly,do not buy from the jew if you can help it. You may be in a situation where you can't avoid it,but always work towards getting out of that situation. Learn to be self-sufficient. The jews love dependent people. The more you can do for yourself,the less you rely on the jew. And thus you remove yourself from his control.

Learn to build things. Guns,homes,wells,farms. If you can build it,you can never truly be without it because you can always make another. And the more you know how to build,the more you truly own. Pass on what you've learned to your kids. Don't let the jew dazzle them with their cheap garbage. Teach them to make their own and they will soon find themselves without need for the jew as well.

The time will come when the jew's hand is forced. And his reach will be revealed. Use these times to point out the jew to your friends and family. They will resist. Their lives are comfortable enough they won't want to disrupt them. But start making those cracks. When the bullets and bombs are flying,it'll make it easier to get them out of harm's way. Some may even break through and join you. You're going to need all the help you can get and family is a good way to go.

Prepare. Hope is often an illusion,only hatred and faith sustains.

The simp-toms of simping.     (whatever)

submitted by Merlynn to whatever 3.0 years ago


1. Have you met her IRL in a one on one scenario more than once without paying her to be there? Being "that guy she waved at in a crowd of hooting dickholes" does not count.

2. Do lots of other men give her money?

3. Is her entire existence all about the next stream?

4. Does she even know your name?

Go down this check list and recognize the simp-toms of simping.
This video predicted Covid-19 3 years ago.     (funny)

submitted by Merlynn to funny 3 years ago


Random thoughts about the collapse.     (whatever)

submitted by Merlynn to whatever 3 years ago


Some say "get medicine while you can" and such. That's a bad idea because medicine,like everything else,goes bad. Learn to make medicine yourself and you'll never go without. Yes,this may mean setting up your own chem lab.

And that's good advice for anything. Learning how to make things will serve you better when society breaks down. The more things you can make,the more things you'll have. Building a bicycle,even out of wood,means you'll have bicycle at least for transportation. Knowing how to make guns will do the same. Generators,fuel,all that. The more you can make,the more you will have for trade and comfort.

Make friends with people who know how to build things. More people contributing means more things means more comfort. You will appreciate these comforts as you lose more of them. Getting them back will help a great deal in easing minds and helping people heal. Stability will be a very rare thing and people will flock to you if you can provide it.

Food is most important. Food means land. You need your own space. There's a reason the jews want control of the land. Control the land,control the food,control the people. Land will have to be bought in blood when money isn't an option. So be ready to fight for what's yours. By any means necessary. The jews will send their goyim for us. Send them back corpses. Let them eat that.

So,in summation,the more you can make,the more you will have. Knowledge is power,that's why they needed to destroy the schools. Take the power and be ready to use it.
A good primer for normies.     (whatever)

submitted by Merlynn to whatever 3 years ago



It's a start.
So my brother put up this shit when I asked for covid photos.     (whatever)

submitted by Merlynn to whatever 3 years ago



Most of it doesn't even look like the same thing. What do you guys think? Are they legit photos of covid?