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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 665 (+691/-26)
ccp: 2762 (+2924/-162)
votes given: 188 (+126/-62)
score: 3427


You mean a neck and double chin race.

/v/CovidWorldOrder viewpost?postid=661c25da4a3b1

They don't have a culture to steal.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=661c4368c8152

First off,Rome had a whole pantheon of gods. The stars and planets were named after them. Secondly,Jesus wasn't a jew,he was galilean. He was opposed to jews. Much like Hitler,jews try to push the idea that anyone you see as good or right is "really one of us". They really want you to worship them. Makes it easier to rob you and murder you.

So he pushes the lie as hard as he can and mocks christians for good measure. And that's why we hate them.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=661cd668e799a

Yeah,those guys would be sex tourists.

/v/ThotPatrol viewpost?postid=661aa1f5bce5f

Be a real shame if something happened to a plane full of high level jews.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=661af0cead405

The difference between passport bros and sex tourism is the passport bros are looking for someone to marry,not just fuck.

/v/ThotPatrol viewpost?postid=661aa1f5bce5f

And they lost. So what's that tell you?

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=6619ea77916ec

You do realize you have to give up beer,sodas,tea,and fruit juice,right? Hope you like milk and water.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=6619ea77916ec

No,there's too much shit that's good for us in plants for this to be true. We're omnivores. We need both. Stop trying to curb our diets to one or the other. We need both. It's all about balance.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=6619ea77916ec

And she's probably still gonna fuck him.

/v/ThotPatrol viewpost?postid=661961881c57f

Funniest shit I've seen all day. Was she this funny on the show?

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=661914409ee5b

And the russians will slaughter them too and prove they're completely jewed.

/v/War viewpost?postid=661787b2bedac

Women before the assault: "I'm a strong,independent fish that don't need no bicycle!"

Women after the assault: "Why didn't anyone help me?! I'm just a girl!"

/v/videos viewpost?postid=661748aa2bdd6

You gotta out sneak the sneaks.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6615f7cac5165

Yeah,they're moving out to the country under the pretext of "getting out of the city".

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6615f7cac5165

It's important to know your neighbors. Specifically which ones will rat you out.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6615f7cac5165

Well,then stick to neutral and play up whichever way you think they'll go.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6615f7cac5165

And jew wouldn't lie about that,right?

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=6613a8eeb9043

Yeah,that's why I said we need another way to communicate. Gotta get the word out and all that.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6615f7cac5165

There's 2 kinds of men in the world. Those who've dated single moms and those who knew better.

/v/ThotPatrol viewpost?postid=66168dda8a90d

I don't even want to watch old movies anymore. All I see is jews and propaganda.

/v/NewsoftheFucktards viewpost?postid=6615d2953a621