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Member for: 2.7 years

scp: -201 (+473/-674)
ccp: -119 (+2612/-2731)
votes given: 562 (+504/-58)
score: -320


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Evolution would suggest that we as humans are descended from monkeys. Showing a bunch of niggers acting like monkeys does not support your argument. In fact, it suggests a lack of evolution.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=6638c28d1acc8

"you've been" suggests that xyz is something that's been happening.

How else would you address something that's happened in the past?

Sure, if you're talking about waiting for a red light to change you might say you "want" it to change to green. If we're talking about something like jews, how is it not acceptable to say that "I've been wanting them to get what they deserve?"

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6632aaf7ac059

Because you don't believe it's possible for someone to get upvotes and call you a retard?

/v/cringe viewpost?postid=6632af4054b03

Unless he's denying the Holocaust, Alex Jones is just a Mossad shill.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=66323f7ea8d20

Space is fake and gay. Anyone that believes we went to the moon in 1969 is retarded. Anyone that believes we went but the government is lying about what happened is even more retarded.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6632952746c0a

The cop treated you as if you turned yourself in. He could have arrested you or you could turn yourself in.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=66324a932f6b4

The protesters are a bunch of tranny kikes being used to make protesting Israel look shitty and stupid. Stop playing the kike game and call anyone who doesn't deny the Holocaust a retard.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662fa53dce0b0

Stop crying about it and do something about it yourself. You're alive today. Why aren't you changing the world?

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=662e5660018ec

You do realize that most people on this site are JDIF shills pretending to be anti-semitic. The people blaming boomers for everything are the same people telling me that Einstein was a genius and Tesla was insane.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=662e5660018ec

jews need to be victimized. They control their opposition. If this protest does not deny the holocaust, then it is a jewish cointelpro operation. It's that simple.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662b059a1b9a6

What they are doing is not commendable. Those particular people are too stupid to realize what they are protesting. They are the controlled opposition. Of course people are going to protest Israel, who better to protest Israel than the puppets that Israel controls.

/v/news viewpost?postid=662a3587d7120

Lol. Remember that time they got caught spying with a satellite strapped to a balloon? It's like they forgot that those things are supposed to be in outer space.

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=66291a63e7cc7

Lol. Why would someone "do something" about your car? This is America. You are allowed to be a retard. Only niggers lack the self-control to recognize someones lack of intelligence and realize how stupid it would be to argue with an idiot that feels like they need to put that many stickers on their back window. To obstruct your back window in such a way means that you care more about other people knowing what you think than your own safety. I could have guessed you got the jab based on that alone.

/v/pics viewpost?postid=6628b3bc4d6a4

People are starting to figure out that Jesus isn't the son of a jewish god. He was a person that opposed jewish communism and stood against it and was murdered for it.

If we're going to acknowledge that jews are liars, it would be pretty stupid to assume they told the truth in their Bible. That being said, it doesn't necessarily mean that Jesus didn't exist, but it means that they are lying to you about Jesus.

/v/Christianity viewpost?postid=6627d7c4e9f0a

Lol. A worthless degree. It's like when the tin Man asked the wizard for a heart without knowing that he already possessed one.

/v/Israel viewpost?postid=66279bc0a638a

Of course you'd be a retarded spherical planet.

/v/owned viewpost?postid=6626d09f5b7d9

Dangus lives by the jew Einstein.

/v/flatearth viewpost?postid=6625a4ac97c09

>your whole forum is drowned by fake Nazi fed posts

That's true but that doesn't mean jews are good. It just means that you have to be better at discerning what is relevant and what is not.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=662407a041457

>What I care about is that a major company, for WHATEVER reason, publicly stood up to the crybullies and said, "That's it. No more. Not here."

This is what I have a problem with. This has always happened when somebody criticizes Israel. It's nothing new.

If anything it shows you how easy it would be to shut down this kind of kikery but the fact you only see it shut down when criticizing Israel tells you that Israel runs the company.

Imagine a dirty cop from a corrupt family. He's been a dirty cop all his life. One day, a no good crackhead tries to expose the corrupt family so the dirty cop arrests the crackhead for being a crackhead. You are proud of the cop for doing his job for once.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6622d2efdb38b

Lol. jews are retarded. If we were to ever see world war 3, I'm pretty sure they would get expelled from this world. It's called the final solution for a reason.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6623e5a4014fe

Space is fake and gay and China is as jewish as the US.

/v/Space viewpost?postid=66236fa1e052f

>it's a start

How? These protesters were protesting Israel. I still think they're idiots because they don't truly understand what Israel is But it's not new for someone to face negative consequences for speaking out against Israel. It's not new for jew companies to be hypocritical.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6622d2efdb38b

If you had to answer the question as to how we would even know the world is round prior to space flight, what would the answer be? Everything you know about outer space came from the same time That they were doing MK ultra and operation mockingbird. They performed experiments like the kosh and milgram studies. They tell you we knew the world was round for over 2,000 years but they'll never tell you how we knew.

/v/Newsoftheweird viewpost?postid=662261d84b3e7

I guess outer-outer-space with extra aliens.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6623089dce107

What's outside of outer space?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6623089dce107