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Member for: 2.6 years

scp: 3991 (+7268/-3277)
ccp: 6468 (+12619/-6151)
votes given: 347 (+342/-5)
score: 10459


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TheGoyimNose, PaganFarmRemembers,
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Christ-Cucks: "Whites didn't exist before a Jewess shat Jesus out of her Jew-Cunt".

The Grand Finale of the Bible involves a Jew being tortured to death by European Pagans, you dumb faggot.
No Christianity is necessary.
No Pagan is going to stop you from curb stomping baby Jews.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=6632dfb665f49

Jews want you to believe there was no Germanic culture before a Jewess shat Jesus out of her Jew-Cunt.

Jews won't acknowledge a Germanic religion, indigenous to Germanic Blood and Germanic Soil, before Jesus.
Because that would legitimize Germanic Culture in the minds of those of us who want a pure Germanic Culture, free from Jews.

There once was a time when we were perfectly fine without Jews, and that implies a future that will be perfectly fine without Jews.

And once that idea catches fire, the Jews are done.
So, it can not be allowed.


/v/Jews viewpost?postid=6632da5cd1669

The Gods are flags we salute to declare alliegence to our Blood and Soil.

The Germanic peoples are 5,000 years old.
See: Battle Axe Culture
Odin is a representation of our White Blood and our White Soil.
When he was invented is irrelevant.
What is relevant is WHO invented him and WHO he represents.
Odin was invented by Germans to serve the imperatives of Germans.

What should we say about people who salute a Foreign Jew-God with Foreign Jew-Blood?

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=6632da5cd1669

Did you notice how instead of addressing the accusation, you redirected the conversation to something completely unrelated and unproven?

I mean, if you were White, I'd ask you why you are maligning your own White ancestors.
But, we all know you aren't White, I'm correct about this, aren't I, Rabbi!

So, let's put the smoke and mirrors aside and try again.
Jesus is just a 2,000 year old Jewish subversion.
And you got noticed, Rabbi.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6632add711e54

Ask yourself why you were never told this in Sunday School?
The only reason you are a Christ-Cuck is because you don't know what is in your Bible.

And while you are at it, Ask yourself why almost all authors of NT books were treated like Jewish Propagandists by European Pagans.

Would YOU like to torture a Jewish propagandist?
Guess what? The Romans liked torturing Jewish propagandists too!
They weren't martyrs. They were Jewish subverters.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6632c80a09336

ProTip: Every book in the Bible was written by a Jew.

Ask yourself how much you trust Jewish propaganda...
Then apply that heuristic to the Jews who wrote the propaganda piece called "The Bible".

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6632c80a09336

You worship a Jew who lived 2,000 years ago.
You aren't escaping Jewish propaganda.
You are just comfortable with the Jewish propaganda you were brainwashed to tolerate when YOU were a child.
The sooner you realize this, the sooner you can find the true exit to your prison as opposed to the false exit you think you found.

When you are ready, free yourself!

Heil Odin! o/

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6632add711e54

ProTip: There is nothing a Jew hates more than being called a Jew.

/v/based_department viewpost?postid=6632bb7cbe150

Oh no! I noticed you, Rabbi!
Time for you to pull the good ol' "I'm not a Jew, you are the Jew" routine.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=663265e3c796c

I don't care if you purposefully worship Jews, or accidentally worship Jews, or incidentally worship Jews.
You have the same slave morality as a Christ-Cuck.
Stop worshipping Jews.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=663265e3c796c

If the bottom 10% of white trash women and 100% of non-white women are destroyed, that's fine.

The connection to Christianity is that your slave morality is preventing you from being able to think about this constructively.
All you can do is parrot what your Jewish Master tells you to do.
In your case, Your Jewish Master is telling you to make more Christian Slaves for the benifit of Jews.
So, all you will hear is "birth control bad".
And that's the only perspective you can possibly have because Christianity turned you into an NPC.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=663265e3c796c

^This is a Christ-Cuck way of thinking about it.

You are told abortion and birth control are bad because you are a slave and you don't have a right to decide for yourself how many children you have.
That is up to your Jewish Master to decide.

The correct way of thinking about it is, we probably don't need 1 billion Whites, we can get rid of the bottom 10% and be healthier for it.

Meanwhile, we can use birth control and abortion to get rid of 100% of non-Whites.
But, once again, you are a Christ-Cuck slave, so you don't get to make the determination of how many non-Whites you have to live with.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=663265e3c796c

The three body problem just says the positions of three massive bodies become unpredictable in the long-term.
You can calculate a solution for a mission that is near-term.
See: Butterfly Effect
See: Strange Attractors

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6632952746c0a

We still had those back in the 80's.
It seemed cool, but most of the things you could buy didn't meet the hype.
See: X-Ray vision Goggles.
See: Sea Monkeys.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=663256066402b

I bet you can't find any reliable evidence that The Germanic Tribes, or the Romans, or Greeks, or Celts regularly ate humans.
This is something a Jew told you so you would hate your own White heritage.
And you unquestionably believed that Jew.

Meanwhile, Christ-Cucks symbolically eat the flesh and blood of their Jew-Christ as a holy ritual every Sunday.

This is why Christ-Cucks can't be trusted to live within the White Ethno-State.
This is why you will be thrown in the oven with your Jewish Masters on the Day of the Axe.

Heil Odin! o/

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=66304e0ebd915

Classic Christ-Cuck, pretending his Jewish God isn't a fucking communist.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=663166d0ad6e6

Congratulations, you just found out that Christ-Cucks aren't conservative.
What did you expect from people who literally worship a Jew as their Lord and Savior?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6630f778a5c36

So, when the Jews in the Bible distinguish between Jews and Gentiles, that's not racism?
Read your Bible Christ-Cuck.
You would burn it in an instant if you knew what us actually in it.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=663166d0ad6e6

Plot Twist: It wasn't even kick boxing.

/v/cringe viewpost?postid=6631606d55d0f

That sounds like something a White Nationalist Pagan would say.
In regards to Christianity, it is blaspheous.
Jesus would give them bread and fish and turn their water into wine.
Then Jesus would give them the same eternal salvation that you would get even though you are superior.

Have you considered forsaking the Jew-Christ and declaring White Blood and White Soil your highest power?

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=66304e0ebd915

Well, Christ-Cucks think Niggers have souls, and they act upon that traitorous belief.
Which is why Christ-Cucks can not be allowed into the Ethno-State and will be thrown into the oven with their Jewish Masters on the day of the Axe.

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=66304e0ebd915

My nordic nose is posted on /v/TheGoyimNose
Why don't you post a picture of your nose, Rabbi?

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=66304e0ebd915

Yes, that's a safe assumption seeing as they are the same thing.

It doesn't change the fact that they can't just answer the fucking question.

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=66304e0ebd915

Yeah, it's as if they are betraying their own blood and soil just to save the eternal soul of a Nigglet.
Never worship a Jew.

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=66304e0ebd915

What is your stance on Christ-Cucks who adopt retarded Nigglets?

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=66304e0ebd915