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Member for: 7 months

scp: 43 (+44/-1)
ccp: 183 (+203/-20)
votes given: 1780 (+1780/-0)
score: 226


The current reality is; we're so suppressed that it's helpful to have the bugs help spread the word to expedite the turning of tides.

/v/HitlerWasRight viewpost?postid=65e98f3eb9b19

saladino is rat phenotype. Tell me I'm wrong.

/v/Health viewpost?postid=65e9f2f396580

Dumb sluts never seen dumb and dumber? The horse faced ones initial reaction was worth it all.

/v/ThotPatrol viewpost?postid=65ea4ef4873df

Def fake. "he" is talking way to much and over-reacting like a woman.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=65ea5fe029703

You're on to something. I hate to trash my people, but is the forehead not telling?

/v/Health viewpost?postid=65e08bb5f3169

Move to what? The next tower?
In major cities they span every 100 meters across the entire city.
This is all assuming she can't afford to live outside of a city.
Faraday cage/cover to sleep in, aluminum siding and faraday paint on interior walls/ceiling may be an option. If this route even works, I'm no expert.

/v/Health viewpost?postid=65e08bb5f3169

Goldshekelnosejobski sounds pretty White to me.

/v/NutziHiveKickers viewpost?postid=65d66373397b5

Oh yeah? Well I'm the only one with my surname!

/v/NutziHiveKickers viewpost?postid=65d66373397b5

Into the abyss, my sweet prince.

/v/Wildlife viewpost?postid=65d45a3485862

Bro, did you not have your new found wood sword at ready!?

/v/videos viewpost?postid=65c972d902b25

>All the good goats have decided to focus on living in the real world and directly impacting their community in a positive way.
I share this sentiment.

>The rest continue to rant online, living mostly in their heads.
I'm certain there's at least a few capable of balance.

>I will turn in to see what's going occasionally
Come here for the entertainment and news.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65c721873ace7

What the fuck is going on here? So all the toppings just fuckoff when you flip it? Why didn't you just mix it all into the meat, and make a big batch of it. Why the fuck aren't you cooking it on a BBQ?

/v/CookingWithGoats viewpost?postid=65b7093f0cba8

> Looks tasty.

The good ol' chinese chicken eh? You a slant? haha

/v/pics viewpost?postid=65b4be76c0af0

You have no use for outdated farming equipment?

/v/askanon viewpost?postid=65b2213a36288

> answer: Someone PAYED him to.

gee, I wonder (((who)))?

Tell me he's not The Rat phenotype.

This shit is worth a kek too: https://paulsaladino.com/

/v/Food viewpost?postid=65b1cccf10a57

Anyone tried the pex to copper plumbing melt? Sure wouldn't want to bury this behind drywall.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=65b2dc57396ec

Double what? I just see 2 pics of the same dude.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=65b3558ae888f

I can just picture the deranged poo with no pre-frontal cortex whatsoever, clicking the buy button and spending the equivalent of 2 months salary on this, even thought it will hardly be able to afford tomorrows food rations.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65af0ffadbec8

Fucking TOOL man. Their newest album was just about to be released and we were hoping to be one of the first to hear one of the new songs. Nope.

Pretty light show and all that, and all the band members did play great, except the lead singer, he put in no effort. All the best parts of the songs where he was supposed to belt out, he would full blown skip it, stay silent and let the crowd sing it. Fucking faggot.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=65ab2f4a6883a

Borax has 1 ingredient; Boron. It comes right form the earth. Is there impurities added intentionally or due to the refining process? Maybe. It is worse than drinking out of plastic bottles or other shit you overlook? Probably not.

It's cheap as fuck for a massive box and will really help deodorize your pitted out shirts when added to laundry. Makes bath towels smell fresh like they were hung outside.

I have no reason to believe Borax is a risky alternative to boron supplement's and consume a tiny pinch of it each day For over 2 years. It has successfully lowered my elevated SHBG levels.

/v/Health viewpost?postid=65ab8cbcca06a

I haven't seen this since I was a child. Oh the nostalgia.

/v/SaturdayMorningCartoons viewpost?postid=65ac35380ccd0

Oh them faggots will show up to "rock his shit" alright.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65a90367b65e1

For what it's worth; the article says he offed himself.

/v/RIP viewpost?postid=65a92b8edb346

Why is this so funny? Damn old coot still got it.

/v/SoapboxBanhammer viewpost?postid=65a955e976d7f