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Member for: 2.9 years

scp: 14 (+43/-29)
ccp: 231 (+271/-40)
votes given: 141 (+125/-16)
score: 245


People won’t want to hear it but it’s just absolutely true. Before Christianity whites didn’t have an ethos of forgiveness. The ancient aryans would have just hung you if you cucked out to niggers or jews.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=620e0b53365c6

It’s just that the acceptance was hijacked to pertain to other races as well.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=620e0b53365c6

Yeah it’s called slave morality. Every time you see the cripple in the commercial heralded as super powerful? Slave morality. Hellen Keller you were taught about in school? Slave morality. The weak shall inherit the earth? Slave morality. It’s literally just an honest reading of Christianity. If you don’t agree you’re retarded. It teaches humility, forgiveness and that pride is evil. So called “white nationalists” here cant even tell a jew proven to be from Israel to fuck off. What does that say about their ability to kill them? You think ancient aryans would be making exceptions for “good jews!” Christianity was the beginning of the end.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=620e0b53365c6

Let me guess, Anglo Saxons were the real jews from the Bible.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=6209178ba582a

Nah because when you die you go back to being like it was before you were born.

/v/tlolocaust viewpost?postid=620ad10466d4d

They sad part is that they won’t even know they were wrong.

/v/tlolocaust viewpost?postid=620ad10466d4d

Funny how the overlap with people who accept fkh after he was exposed and christians are 100%. Probably a coincidence and nothing to do with the damaged psyche from following a jew religion. Turn the other cheek.

/v/tlolocaust viewpost?postid=620ad10466d4d

Lol muh atlantis and muh white jews. Anything to deny you worship a jew.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=620ad81476ccc

Whites are much older than 5000 years old. Cromagnon remains from 28kya that are physiologically white. And by that I mean their form and not just their skin color. WHG were european caucasians even if they had tan skin.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=620ad81476ccc

There’s much more hybridization in anrthropoligy (through rape not “multiculturalism) than western modern anthros would ever admit. The out of africa bullshit about niggers moving out of africa 65kya, killing off all other hominids on earth while mixing and then staying in one spot until they all just mutated into mordern races is all debunked and retarded. And modern whites are mainly 3 different descendants of cromagnon that had distinct groups that came back and merged in europe (WHG EHG yanmaya).

/v/videos viewpost?postid=620ad81476ccc

LOL. You’d think people would learn a single thing.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62095a8c29a53

“If niggers just had Catholicism they could be just like whites.” - EMJ

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62095a8c29a53

Nobody respects a race traitor. You’re mentally fucked.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=6209178ba582a

These people think they can fight in war and they can’t even shun a literal jew over the internet. Christianity destroyed our race.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=6209178ba582a

It’s funny how it’s always the same thing every single time from the christcuck. I literally went to a private school and the Bible was a subject. You’re coping. This is a jewish book written by jews for jews and the only reason you care about it because your parents raised you and you believed it. Later in life you had to somehow rationalize how a universal religion made by jews for jews was actually based and so you have to believe that the jews of the Old Testament are actually aryans. You’re a moron. Now tell me again how I’m a jew slave for not worshiping a literal fucking dead jew. It’s so funny watching Christians squirm by just posting their own cuck book at them. It’s always a wall of text explaining how it’s actually not cucked as fuck. Christianity is dead faggot and good riddance.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6206db4268e09

ITS TRANSLATED WRONG! Cope more and worship your dead jew.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6206db4268e09

Dude at the end of the day wanna know how they believe this shit? They think the jew from the Old Testament were white. I’m serious. This is the final cope from the Christian who later in life became a nationalist. They can’t accept that their religion is jewish so they double down. They are literally the Qtards of metaphysics.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6206db4268e09

Yeah no shit. It’s written by jews and these people just because their parents told them it was true believe it lollll.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6206db4268e09

It’s funny how these people worship a literal jew. No he wasn’t white he was a semetic jew. And then they hate our ancestors who lived for 30k years before any sniff of a semetic religion and they would hang them all to worship a jew. Why? Because they were raised believing a Jewish religion. They literally care more about something that doesn’t rven exist anywhere other than in the minds of men over genetics.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=620660317d065

You seem to think that Israelites were white when they weren’t. As I said it’s always some cringy as fuck cope about how it’s a mistranslation.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6206db4268e09

Oh and the jews from the old testiment were actually aryans weren’t they?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6206db4268e09

The mental gymnastics are always hilarious. I get second hand cringe seeing Christians say how obvious cuck shit is actually based.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6206db4268e09

The funniest thing is watching them try to rationalize how the Bible isn’t universalist. My favorite is WE WUZ THE JEWS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6206db4268e09

Dude some people are still defending him and I’m the next moment will say how they are badasses who are gonna hang jews when we win. HAHAHAHA

/v/Voatstapo viewpost?postid=6205fa3b9976e