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Member for: 3.0 years

scp: -9855 (+6527/-16382)
ccp: -12566 (+4174/-16740)
votes given: 4721 (+4721/-0)
score: -22421


Owner of:
OccidentalEnclave, Playboy,
Mod of:

You're an idiot. Everyone that knows anything about this topic knows Terrorgram is Iron March-Atomwaffen offspawn. You might as well ask me to prove what color the sky is.

This is boring chaff though. I ALREADY refuted your nonsense about Terrorgram last year. People can look through the search tool if they are so interested.

Mostly though:

(insert meme here)


/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6629a0ce70420

Again, here you were with your 58.1 posts per day in 2019.


I wasn't even on the list -- and the low for those that were was about 20 posts per day.

I don't post 60 times per day. You do. Or a collection of the agents using your account did - or you are just one of the Pentagon's bots.

For that matter prove you're not a bot. I made some effort to prove I'm not one last year.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=662a9a5eec7ef

Might as well be a Trump 2024 sign.

That's the only tangible thing you offer.

I want to destroy the state. You don't.

I favor armed struggle. You don't.

My ideas make sense. Yours don't.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=662a8b574483d

Will note, as I have before, that the observation Wray account has referred to me in the past as a "savior". I get even tepid support sometimes from the US national security establishment. 1) because they are had by the balls, and 2) because they see the fuck n' suck as a possible needed way to remake society or as a means to head off massive violence.

You might eventually conclude that their effort against me ends up looking like a game played by the Washington Generals. But too soon to tell.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6629a5f4a6306

"When you chant "Death to America!" it is not just a slogan - it is a policy."

"In the new order that I am talking about, America will no longer have any important role. It will be isolated..." - Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Iran

Crowd: "Allah Akbar! Khamenei is the leader! Death to those who oppose the Rule of the Jurisprudent! Death to America! Death to England! Death to the hypocrites and infidels! Death to Israel!"



/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=662a8b574483d

OP downvoted in 24 seconds or less.

Whose bot hit this one?


/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=662a88f973b9e

Will note that KHK failed to supply a single media or critic example of anyone calling this film a "bomb".Can pretty much write off his nonsense. As usual. Does anyone listen to this guy? I know other glowniggers PRETEND to.


2024's most controversial film is here - and it demands a theatrical experience


/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=662a858986390

Yours of course glosses over the fact that Terrorgram specifically has been cited by US intelligence as a greater national security threat than ISIS, Russia, Iran, North Korea, China, drug cartels, etc. It is specifically white nationalists from the Siegesphere which they target. But you've said these types don't exist.

Just the existence of me is enough to refute that. But the threat will become more visible soon... but stop making stupid posts. I don't have time for them anymore. Literally don't have the time.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6629a0ce70420

Heck, I talk to them openly here!


/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6629a5f4a6306

"The possibility that the impoverishment of daily life might even render work relatively satisfying, due to the vacuum of substance elsewhere, is rendered unlikely by technology’s progressive degradation of work. There is no area of authenticity, no place to hide, and no one can miss this commonplace. The bumpersticker, “The worst day fishing is better than the best day working,” remains true, as does the also popular “Different day, same bullshit.”" - John Zerzan, Elements of Refusal

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=662854dc03993


/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6629a0ce70420

Britain to proscribe Terrorgram collective as terrorist organisation


/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6629a0ce70420


/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6629a0ce70420

Fortunately according to @FreeinTX Terrorgram doesn't exist.

UK To Ban Far-right Terrorgram Online Group


Terrorgram added to list of proscribed terrorist organisations


/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6629a0ce70420

First online terror group proscribed in the UK


UK to become first country to ban extreme right-wing group Terrorgram


Online neo-nazi group ‘Terrorgram’ banned by MPs


"Terrorgram": UK Government Cracks Down On Online Terror Network On Telegram App


Extreme Right-wing terrorist group Terrorgram to be banned in UK


What is Terrorgram? Extremist group chat the UK is trying to ban


/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6629a0ce70420

There is no reason to pay taxes. That presupposes government. This is anarchism. You don't pay taxes.

Work, as in wage labor, won't exist. Nine to five jobs, bosses, commutes, juggling various aspects of raising kids, going to school, dealing with teachers, dealing with hubby, family, other authoritarian institutions. None of that bullshit will exist in a meaningful way. Those are byproducts of bullshit society.

The average woman will spend her day getting fucked in the ass. And in the pussy. And in the mouth. Often at the same time. By a more or less endless train of men. The men will hunt, fish, or whatever. If you want to call that 'work'.


“No group on earth has more leisure time than hunters and gatherers, who spend it primarily on games, conversation and relaxing.”

This about sums it up:


Any weakness you can conjure up about the fuck n' suck will inevitably be met with counter-examples from bullshit society that in their own way are just as bad if not worse.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=662854dc03993

Who Would Win an Actual A24 Civil War?


‘Civil War’ Is More Real Than You Suspect


Alex Garland’s “Civil War” has been one of the most anticipated movies of the year


/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6629982cc1822


No one pays taxes in the fuck n' suck.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=662854dc03993

Still obsessed with me and posting these cherry picked strawman threads I see.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=662870b7da3a7

A compound just gets you surrounded. It's 90s Waco ideology. The 80s and 90s are full of cases of anti-government types getting sieged by the police that way.


If there is one thing that is clear in this - it is that being a stationary target won't work. Unless your aim is to actually get along with bullshit society rather than separate from or replace it.

A lot of this is reliant on secret technology though. And I'm not of the opinion you are open enough to the possibilities there to really be open to discovering what is going on. It's not so much that Putin wants to save us... it's more like US weapons development threatens everyone, including Russia. There was a very specific reason I was put in this position having to do with the US AI system being as few as five years from killing off a/o torturing humanity. Russia's own AI system empowered me to head this off and dial it all back. I'm not the average bear. Or even guru.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=662807a8e9c77

Let's examine that claim. How many tax returns do you think people will file in the fuck n' suck society for example?

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=662854dc03993

Would you like to explain how HAARP is going to be a factor here? My information - and the mainstream scientific view for that matter - is that the US government's ability to alter the weather is minimal. And my sources are pretty high up...

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=662854dc03993

If anyone is interested in constructive discussion on this I'm game. If you're going to just say I'm lying, am crazy, or am otherwise not legit you also need to explain convincingly how I came up with this stuff out of the blue over the last half a year on my own.

Answer: I didn't. But this is all to say that it'd be good to see some reasonable criticism here. Or arguments for why this isn't going to work... or why it shouldn't be attempted. Y'all are basically a bunch of do nothings. At best you're playing it safe - which is a dubious option itself. So it'd be interesting to see someone explain why this shouldn't be tried. Or ask questions. Or offer anything in the way of useful criticism. I don't think undercover feds will attempt to debate meaningfully. They know that's dangerous.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=662854dc03993

The fuck n' suck is very holistic. I guess it would be when Iran, China, Vladimir Putin, Lucifer, Jesus, and US intelligence are involved. There have even been cameos by Britney Spears, Kendall Jenner, Bella Thorne, Alexander Dugin, and a dead Marilyn Monroe and Sen. Joseph McCarthy (though unlike Marilyn Tailgunner Joe IS in heaven).

And by holistic I mean it makes a lot of sense - encompassing deep ideas in the fields of economics, geopolitics, demography, ecology, etc., - provided you accept certain classified elements in the field of technology and the supernatural. For that matter it makes sense even without the supernatural elements... or maybe it makes more...

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=662854dc03993

Will add this thread here:


/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=662854dc03993