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Member for: 1.6 years

scp: 18 (+23/-5)
ccp: 1407 (+1717/-310)
votes given: 962 (+641/-321)
score: 1425


There will be no civil war.
There is no line the White American is willing to defend off social media.

/v/DumpsterFireAmerica viewpost?postid=66345b5297888

Nope, not crazy, you're just applying too great a constraint to the consideration
You can dictate who is allowed to reside in your country with the understanding that affinity is a product of proximity.
The rest will take care of itself.

/v/QuotesToWakeWhites viewpost?postid=6633a252097ce

Guys want to fuck who they want to fuck.
All but the most potent indoctrination will fail when confronted by a teenage sex drive.
The solution is separation, not abstinence.

/v/QuotesToWakeWhites viewpost?postid=6633a252097ce

We're right in the middle of 3-5 years...
A percentage are.
Deeply abnormal shit is happening.
Everyone is blaming COVID, farts, sneezing, working out, spending too much time in the sun, etc.

/v/VaxDeathDiscussion viewpost?postid=66327e477957e

Fuck any treasonous faggot who EVER sided with Israel.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=6632f414278d0

And marriages.
And the offspring.
And the community that ingests excess excreted estrogen via the municipal water supply.
Hormonal birth control is a species level threat.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=663265e3c796c

I can't imagine blackmail is necessary for the vast majority.
Just pay them and threaten them with PAC opposition.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=66321a4eaaa28

What kind of self-loathing faggot adopts anti-White racial slurs as his linguistic default.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6630f1978ea01

Not when they realize the extent of the infestation.
There are over 100 million hispanics occupying the United States.
Over 90% of them are either direct criminal migrants or direct beneficiaries of criminal mass migration.
They are an enemy that must be expunged.

/v/Shitskins viewpost?postid=662d88f85aa78

I knew what it would cost, but I had made changes to several of my firearms and I needed some time with them.
Reloading is one more thing on a never-ending list of to-do's.
It is important, no question, but I'm just not able to take on more right now.
Eventually I'll have no choice.

/v/pics viewpost?postid=662bcf9dbac7f

These pathological ideologues destroyed our society and our people.

/v/Boomers viewpost?postid=662d0643d4c78

What you fail to understand is that if that statement is true, and we cannot know that it is, BUT if:
Then the overwhelming likelihood is that it will continue to get worse for many human lifetimes before it only slightly begins to get better.
Restated, it will get worse with every passing day for the remainder of your life.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=662b854c9623b

The fact that you are unwilling to accept that Tik Tok did not become an institutional problem until anti-Israeli economic and foreign policy videos became popular shows that you are either ignorant or bad faith.
China is a viable threat only because we have empowered them to that end for decades.
Russia is not a threat should we simply stop provoking them and incessantly vilifying them to partisan effect.
Israel is the most subversive and persistent enemy the United States has ever faced and we have become a tacit vassal State to that vile shitstain of a country.
How many times have you been to Israel I wonder?
Do you live there?

/v/news viewpost?postid=662be6b05d1c8

Last range day I had cost $500.
Wasn't even a month ago.
Wish I could afford to go more often.

/v/pics viewpost?postid=662bcf9dbac7f

How do you make this?
I want one.

/v/pics viewpost?postid=662bcf9dbac7f

I did two tours in Afghanistan.
I was a boxer for ten years.
And yes, I started cycling as endurance training for boxing.
Turns out I was good at it.
So yes, I'd happily say all of this directly to your almost certainly fat face.
This isn't flex, I've discussed this on voat long before this pathetic conversation.
Such a big boy...

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6621d7e240b3d

That's right, you crayon-eating manlet, get it all out.
You're a tough guy.
Nobody questions you on the internet.
You're mommy's little helper, you remember that.
Such a big boy.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6621d7e240b3d

Whoa there...
A social media tough guy!
Please don't downvote again, I swear I'll start to care eventually.
You faggot.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6621d7e240b3d

Maybe fifty years ago.
Not today.
I've personally killed more of them than I am willing to admit because no matter how much I hate those pathetic, terrible, fucks, I know exactly why we were there and who we were killing on behalf of.
So do they, and they will never forgive us for it, so don't be naive, they've decades of hatred built up that has everything to do with our own actions.
These non-muslim protestors hate jews in no small part because they appear white to them.
They don't make the distinction like we do.
The only thing that mattes is organizing the White European against the inevitable consequence of living in a conquered society.
We're not even past the common defense stage of identity yet, we sure as shit aren't to the point of making a counter-offensive.
Being martially educated in asymmetrical warfare isn't being a jewish shill just like being an ignorant edgelord does not make one a competent tactician.
Things are much worse than our internet echo chamber is willing to admit.
Fuck the abrahams.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662b059a1b9a6

Well, look at the car.
It's a shitskin without question but almost certainly it's a nigger.
As we all should know by now, niggers are definably not human.

/v/dogs viewpost?postid=662b48b7951d7

This is bullshit faggotry.
There is virtually no trace of American society, pre-1965 remaining in existence.
It's all been surrendered without a fight.
No ammo expended.
No romantic war fought.
Just 100% capitulation by a population perfectly unwilling to use those weapons.

/v/Health viewpost?postid=662b0f60f3c58