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Member for: 1.2 years

scp: 216 (+332/-116)
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score: 238

The video game industry is so corrupt that back in the 80's when it crashed the companies buried thousands of unbought copies of games in the desert let that sink in for a minute.     (whatever)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 13 hours ago


I wonder how many unbought copies of woke games that still have a disc are being buried in the desert or destroyed even.
Las Vegas shooting 2017 potential breakthrough.     (whatever)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 1 month ago


Stephen Paddock had a camera in the hallway connected to a laptop in room 32-135. What for? One would think to know when SWAT is coming. What for? To kill them or to kill himself? Stephen Paddock is said to have killed himself. The Sheriff who is now governor said Paddock planned to escape. If you planed to escape police after committing one of the most heinous crimes in history why kill yourself? Originally Joe Lombardo said police shot and killed Paddock but then the coroner said he committed suicide. Something is rotten here. I don't think Paddock committed suicide or police shot him to death. If Paddock planned to escape why stay in the scene of the crime and wait for police to find you? He had to have been dead before police arrived to his rooms. Who killed Stephen Paddock? Because it sure wasn't police and he sure didn't kill himself because Joe Lombardo lied about the cause of death first saying police killed him then the coroner said it was suicide but Paddock had an escape plan according to Lombardo.
Time to go after woke companies like how they went after Trump in NY love him or hate him.     (whatever)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 1 month ago


I'm talking revoking business licenses, college degrees from CEO's, corporate disgorgement, and putting CEO's in prison for censorship, pushing DEI and ESG, and meddling in elections.
I see YouTube banned another fucking account of mine. When i haven't used it in 2 fucking weeks. Why the fuck is YouTube, Google, Sundar Pichai, Neal Mohan, and probably Susan Wojcicki again out to get me?     (whatever)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 1 month ago


What the fuck did i ever do to you? In particular the first time you came after me? And the second? Alphabet is starting another fucking feud with me. Fuck them mother fuckers and niggers fat retards fat botch lotch of crotch.
I'm going to do to Sundar Pichai and Neal Mohan what i did to Susan Wojcicki which is to say turn the web against them and get them fired for controlling police, feds, and speech, discourse, and politics in America.     (whatever)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 1 month ago


They have way too much power and abuse it too much at the littlest of things.
Neal Mohan the CEO of YouTube is another Susan Wojcicki. Nigger head who hates free speech and abuses his power. All of YouTube and Google are rotten mother fuckers and Sundar Pichai is a rotten egg head.     (whatever)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 1 month ago


Shut down YouTube and Google and fire Sundar Pichai and Neal Mohan. They control too much politics and discourse in America and are why republicans and democrats aren't getting along. And somehow they have way too much control over law enforcement and feds in America and use them to go after dissent on their platforms.
We need to start a campaign to get Sundar Pichai and Neal Mohan fired from Google and YouTube. Sundar Pichai is the marxist CEO of Google and Neal Mohan is the marxist CEO of YouTube.     (whatever)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 1 month ago


Fuck them i hate them and their products. They have way way way too much power over America and it's law enforcement and federal police. If you post something they don't like to YouTube they literally send the feds and police after you even if you didn't break laws and they always go after the most innocent, vulnerable, and low hanging fruit for no other reason than they get off on it. They want the police and feds who they somehow control to kill people they don't like and they use the police and feds to kill people who post stuff they don't like to YouTube even if it's legal under the first amendment. The police and feds and Google and YouTube in particular control to much of the speech in America we must fight their power and take our power back. I'm going after Google, YouTube, Sundar Pichai, and Neal Mohan hard now and raising awareness and starting a campaign of awareness and name calling against them and you should too. Google and YouTube as companies are officially dead and bankrupt, they don't deserve to have more power than the government and we need to stop using them and tell everyone we can to stop using them. And if possible we need to call them personally and tell them to step down from their jobs. They need to be hated by MAGA for interfering in our politics and elections around the world. After Susan Wojcicki Sundar Pichai and Neal Mohan are next. Don't fuck with MAGA and don't fuck with gamers. Faggots.
1,800 cops caught being pedophiles. Where are your children? And you wonder why we need are guns to protect us from police in Americastan. All gun confiscation is committed by cops so they can rape our children and infants.     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


And you wonder why lots of people nowadays want to start using the guns against the god damn cops for no reason other than they're cops and all cops are pedophiles.
Theory time.     (whatever)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


The video game execs have shrinks and casino execs consult on game development to make games more addicting and how to monetize the games with stuff like internet access, always online, microtransactions, DLC, loot boxes, tokens, etc. Shrinks and casino owners are why games suck now and they profit off it.
Kotakuinaction is reporting that the FBI and DHS is going to start coming after gamers because of GamerGate2     (whatever)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


How are they going to go after gamers in other countries? What about going after criminal police and criminals in their own ranks? Rank and vile. Gamers really are over the target and taking flak.

Canadian Governments Investment Readiness Program, Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund, DARPA, DiGRA, Blackrock, and Vanguard fund and social engineer via Common Core.     (whatever)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


Joedollf Titties Xittilin. Meme this on X and 4chan.     (whatever)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


Joe Biden plus Adolf Hitler plus doll which goes with the tin in Xittalin like Putin and Russian nesting doll plus Xi Jinping plus Ritalin and it almost sounds like you're saying shitting or shittalin.
Joedolf Xitler launched multiple investigations and arrests against me multiple times before i ever started using social media. He loves persecuting the innocent and not only his political rivals.     (whatever)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


He's a mafia don career criminal who loves hurting innocent people. I hate him. He loves his kangaroo courts and witch hunts. He's trying to look like a tough macho man he just wants to measure his dick and try and show he's a big man. I wear his false persecutions and witch hunts against me like a badge of honor. I'm proud his cops and feds beat and tased me when i was a kid and as an adult. They use me to try and scare others around me saying look what happened to him? Do you want us to kill you too? What they're doing to me is like what Putin did to Alexi Navalny.
Moscow terror attack imminent according to US and UK embassies in Russia. internet runs wild with speculation.     (www.infowars.com)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7vBol8wud0 COD MW2 No Russian Zhakiev International Airport.

Ok one of those attacks in the link is fake and fiction from a video game but you get the idea what the US and UK embassies are hinting they think they know about and with the recent school shootings in years Russia needs to be cautious. I hope Russia's security forces minimize their own civilian casualties because as you can also see from the links they have a history of killing their own people on purpose to kill the bad guy terrorists and shooters. Pray for the Russian people because i hope this is lies from the west and i hope this doesn't happen. I hate their government and Putin but i'm cool with the citizens of Russia despite what's going on in Ukraine. I have no knowledge of anything imminent happening in Moscow and i'm not from Russia, will never go to Russia, and do not hate Russia except for how violent their security forces and Putin are. I'm not anti Russia i'm anti parts of Russia i hope the Russian people can live in a constitutional republic and capitalism like the US some day and be free. And i hope these terrorist attacks around the world and all the shootings end someday. No to war with Ukraine or Russia no to war period.
I believe and this ish what i actually believe.     (whatever)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


I believe Zoe Quinn called Eileen Mary Holowka to get the greenlight to metoo Alec Holowka knowing he wasn't well and to intentionally bully him to death with false metoo accusations to steal his money and split it and do what ever with it. I believe exists texts and one of them has got to have a diary like Ashley Biden. And i think if Alec some how had not committed suicide they would've sued him wrongly for his money.
Canadian Government's Investment Readiness Program connected to Sweet Baby Inc?     (whatever)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


"Currently in development with support from Weird Ghosts and the Canadian Government's Investment Readiness Program, our not-for-profit community publishing program is a regenerative model for supporting the pre-development, production, launch, and post-launch of member games through funding, project management, audience development, and platform support."

this is the State connection
there is probably a sister program for CGIRP in the US
somebody find it
How health insurance corporations are abusing AI wrongly to rape us all.     (www.businessinsider.com)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


I'm going after health insurance nest too.     (whatever)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


I planned on it ever since recently my father has to have back surgery and the health insurance companies denied him coverage for the surgery because he needs 2 surgeries they need to go in trough the front and back in 2 days to fix something he was born with that's causing him immense pain to the point he's on disability. And my moms retired i have to help them with everything now
Mother of all fucking son of a bitches. Kotakuinaction on reddit looks like it got doxxed and Kotakuinaction2 on reddit just went private. The memory holing has started.     (whatever)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


Something went horribly wrong with the relationship between consumers and corporations back starting in 2013-2014 about 10-11 years ago and now the relationship is inverted. There have been signs for years like the launch of PS3 in 2006.     (whatever)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


And how Microsoft handled the Xbox 360 Red Ring Of Death and how Microsoft started to push for always online and DLC and jacked the price of games up to $59.99.
GamerGate2 is a consumer revolt against bullies and feminists subverting our favorite hobby not a harassment campaign.     (whatever)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago



submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


Ladies and gentlemen.     (whatever)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


White European Christians spent 14 centuries starring down the barrel of annihilation, slavery, and subjugation from the Muslim world. Millions died, were enslaved, or forcibly converted and raped. Just because Europe "won" no one gave a shit. You don't have America and therefore the degenerate way of thinking without the sacrifices of millions of Greeks, Hungarians, Polish, Spanish, Italians, and the crusaders. If you changed all the agitator propaganda around from "white" to "black" and said things like black toxicity, black privilege, black fragility, black bigotry, toxic black masculinity, black misandry, etc people would be pissed and there would be riots and violence in the streets. What makes alright to do it to whites?
Media in WI is corrupt. They all circle the wagons when something happens.     (whatever)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


Action2 News, Local 5, NBC26, The Post Crescent all lie and cover up what's really happening and peddle propaganda it's all exploding with bull shit i'm right at bullshit junction and bullshit lane. Bullshit is everywhere. Bullshit is bursting at the seems for everyone to see. They will never cover the constant police harassment and local violence at Chimera Hobby Shop in Appleton and Fond Du Lac. If parents saw the shit happening at Chimera Hobby Shop they would never let their kids go there and would keep a closer eye on their kids. The price gouging, back room trading card rip offs, bullying, profanity, violence, language, drug dealing, porn, discrimination against whites especially the disabled and mentally impaired is like something out of Lord of the Flies. Kids and employees are terrifying heaps of heebee jeebees hebophile bullshit. And of course the FBI is involved.
More companies like Sweet Baby Inc.     (whatever)

submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 2 months ago


Black Girl Gamers. Hit Detection. Balance Patch. Silverstring Media Group. Stone Maiar Games. GaymerX. James Mendez Hodes. Dragon Baby. Anita Sarkeesian. Weird Ghost. Infinite Ammo. Baby Ghosts. Gamma Space. Cozy Comet. Brand new whatever.

These corporations are all connected and do the same thing as Sweet Baby Inc.