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Member for: 2.2 years

scp: 28 (+49/-21)
ccp: 289 (+315/-26)
votes given: 900 (+788/-112)
score: 317


Horrux 0 points 8 months ago

EXTREMELY pukeworthy.


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64fb49aabbeac

Horrux 0 points 8 months ago

That's because there is literally no evidence that this is a dirty bomb.

There is a column of plasma however, which cannot come from a dirty bomb, so there is ample and CLEAR PROOF that this is not a simple dirty bomb.

/v/Universal viewpost?postid=64fb07eca0974

Horrux 0 points 8 months ago

Yes, they give off radiation. Not all types of radiation given off by a nuke activates a camera's CCD.

Moreover, I never mentioned the fireball ONCE because I know there's other ways to create one (DUH!!!!)

What about the column of plasma? How many ways do you know of creating one, O great all-knowing nuclear physicist?

/v/Universal viewpost?postid=64fb07eca0974

Horrux 0 points 8 months ago

Yeah that's what I've been thinking too, but the fact that they ARE another layer of kikery is a fact I've had trouble confirming until this.

/v/conspiracy viewpost?postid=64fae8f5886e8

Horrux 3 points 8 months ago

Radioactive iodine is one of the primary byproducts of nuclear fission, and because the body absorbs iodine very readily and accumulates it in the thyroid, causing thyroid cancer, having good iodine on hand is a good way to prevent that sickness. It isn't supposed to be a complete solution, but just in case you are in a remote area and are able to keep living, it's nice to know you aren't going to choke to death on your own thyroid swelling up with cancer and blocking your airway.

It's not meant to be an ultimate solution but it can be the difference between life and death. And it's very inexpensive.

/v/Universal viewpost?postid=64fb07eca0974

Horrux 0 points 8 months ago

OK so... The footage from the 1940s is fake, therefore ALL NUKES ARE FAKE AND GAY.

You see one fake gold coin THEREFOR ALL GOLD IS FAKE AND GAY.

I think you are fake and gay.

/v/Universal viewpost?postid=64fb07eca0974

Horrux 0 points 8 months ago

So you know the exact design and characteristics of the device used? That is very impressive! Which secret service do you work for, to have such in-depth knowledge? And why haven't they arrested you yet?

Wait, you are going off the propaganda videos made in the 1960s. That video you linked is CLEARLY NOT a nuke. Please, if you know less than nothing about a topic... You should just STFU and learn something.

/v/Universal viewpost?postid=64fb07eca0974

Horrux 0 points 8 months ago

Yes, I am well aware of the fakeness of the early "test footage" and other shenanigans.

Doesn't mean they're not real today.

/v/Universal viewpost?postid=64fb07eca0974

Horrux 0 points 8 months ago

So... You know precisely at which moment neutron or gamma radiations happen for this detonation, So obviously you know all the technologies of all the nuclear devices that exist in the world? That is beyond impressive, because you just put a giant crosshair on your head with most of the government secret services worldwide aiming at exterminating you, given that you know all these secrets.

Or you don't and you're just going off what 1960s' videos about early nukes told you. And yes most of those videos are re-posts. I saw the originals, but couldn't find them in time to save them. I don't save the entire internet on my PC.

These are definitely nukes given the plasma column that is clearly visible.

/v/Universal viewpost?postid=64fb07eca0974

Horrux 4 points 8 months ago

Hey that is an excellent image.

Can somebody edit it and add the names of these guys?

Also, can confirm: I took one half of one of those pills once, instantly made me want to murder people.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64fb044ddfa39

Horrux 1 point 8 months ago

Hot war with both Russia and China.

And then blaming shortages of EVERYTHING on that.

And then, icing on the cake, fake aliens.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64fa8c3cc4dbf

Horrux 1 point 8 months ago

I know a guy who's always going on about the Jesuits and how they're "worse than the Jews". I'm like, no... The worst thing is the Jew. According to this, they're one and the same?

This is very interesting.

/v/conspiracy viewpost?postid=64fae8f5886e8

Horrux 0 points 8 months ago

Oh looky here: https://realnewscast.com/is-the-adls-nazi-circus-more-than-meets-the-eye-whos-pulling-the-strings/18170/

/v/WhiteNationalism viewpost?postid=64f4b8fea30ec

Horrux 0 points 8 months ago

Because you can't SHOCK people into following you. Any such shock will result in an absolute denial of any form of support or association. But using honeyed, innocent-sounding words, just like (((our enemies))) do, now that will win over support.

When you start saying, "yes voting is cool and all that, but the media needs more objectivity otherwise THEY decide the election. And look, the media bigwigs are all dual-citizenship people." instead of "kill the kikes", it sounds A LOT BETTER and people can get behind that. From "kill the kikes" the slogan becomes "Objectivity in media!" Who will openly be against this?

/v/WhiteNationalism viewpost?postid=64f4b8fea30ec

Horrux 0 points 8 months ago

The guy speaks relatively well, but with his tattooed face and neck, he definitely looks like a thug. And that Swastika pendant, is that supposed to endear him to masses?

And then that other dude with the tattoo-covered face and the other moron with the swastika flag.

The image is that of unhinged thugs with 3 brain cells between the lot of them. They're doing the exact contrary to what would work to "start a fire": using logic and manners aligned with the respectable character of our cause.

/v/WhiteNationalism viewpost?postid=64f4b8fea30ec

Horrux 0 points 8 months ago

This is the first time ever that I hear that Bidet supporters, aligned with the kikes in Ukraine, approving of the 8-year-old pre-war shelling of civilians and against the peaceful white people of Russia are on the RIGHT SIDE and likely not being paid because they're not with Russia.

I've seen stretches of the imagination, and wild flights of fancy but this... This is beyond all of that.

/v/WhiteNationalism viewpost?postid=64f4b8fea30ec

Horrux 3 points 8 months ago

Red & Yellow vs Blue? I don't get it? They're attacking each other?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64f4d6e1aa331

Horrux 1 point 8 months ago*

Adopt a style, a language, a demeanor that speak refinement. Use understatements continuously.

Talk about the housing crisis and how the state must do more to ensure that population and housing are more in balance. Jobs and costs.

Instead of:

War on the white race. Directly blaming immigration, etc.

Talk about the concentration of media information and power instead of naming the Jews.

This is of course just a small example, but you get the idea. Present as "we are just reasonable true conservatives who want decency." Of course, there can be no decency while joggers and (((others))) run rampant. We all know that. Heck, there might even be some adherents who don't understand the subtext.

Call it the "Return to decency" movement or something innocuous like that.

/v/WhiteNationalism viewpost?postid=64f4b8fea30ec

Horrux 1 point 8 months ago

Factory farming doesn't produce the best meat. Grass-fed, pasture-raised does. And the equipment required is: a barn and a field.

/v/NutziHiveKickers viewpost?postid=64f347d5f3d9b

Horrux 0 points 8 months ago

In Canada there was a "protest" this week FOR the RETURN of mask mandates. I'm sure this was all funded by Gill Bates or some other power-hungry dipshit, but the legacy media reported on it as being grassroots, obviously.

/v/America viewpost?postid=64f181299ab4b

Horrux 1 point 8 months ago

Because somebody will pull a Fauci and say "You have no idea what you are talking about" when shown fake proof and getting called out on it.

/v/America viewpost?postid=64f181299ab4b

Horrux 0 points 8 months ago

In this instance literally is used to demonstrate a contrast and opposition to "virtually" or "symbolically" being the spawn of Satan.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64ee5c1f15cf5