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Member for: 1.9 years

scp: 448 (+456/-8)
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score: 3029

A group called smith - "Baby it's you"     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by HelenHighwater to music 3 weeks ago


We could use some singers like Gayle McCormick today.
I have to use microshit products every day. It occurred to me that nothing functionally beneficial has been added to these products in over a decade.     (whatever)

submitted by HelenHighwater to whatever 4 weeks ago


In fact, they have actually gotten worse. Everything is cloud based and runs slower than ever. Crashes and lost data are much more common. Now they just release upgrades as "Try the new version" so they can debug the shitty code on the fly. (I don't use MS for personal use, I would rather just go outside than plug into big brother).
Taco Bell closes all dining rooms in Oakland. Guess why.     (www.foxbusiness.com)

submitted by HelenHighwater to Niggers 1 month ago


(((Billy Joel))) is a jew.     (whatever)

submitted by HelenHighwater to whatever 3 months ago


Just a friendly service announcement.
Bob Dylan was born (((Robert Allen Zimmerman)))     (Jews)

submitted by HelenHighwater to Jews 3 months ago


Bob Dylan was born Robert Allen Zimmerman (Hebrew: שבתאי זיסל בן אברהם Shabtai Zisl ben Avraham)[1][13][14] in St. Mary's Hospital on May 24, 1941, in Duluth, Minnesota,[15] and raised in Hibbing, Minnesota, on the Mesabi Range west of Lake Superior. Dylan's paternal grandparents, Anna Kirghiz and Zigman Zimmerman, emigrated from Odesa in the Russian Empire (now Ukraine) to the United States, following the pogroms against Jews of 1905
Anton Lavey (Author of satanic bible) had a brief affair with Marilyn Monroe     (whatever)

submitted by HelenHighwater to whatever 3 months ago


So many dots connect when digging around in popular culture of the past.

*Edit: Adding "Allegedly" as there is conflicting info on this.
Just a reminder     (Jew)

submitted by HelenHighwater to Jew 3 months ago


Levi's are a jewish company. Levi Strauss was born to a jewish family in Buttenheim on February 26, 1829.
Why would anyone want to do this?     (www.boston.com)

submitted by HelenHighwater to whatever 3 months ago


Diaper spa for adults to be treated like children.
he state of Texas has seized all city property along the riverfront at the border in the Eagle Pass area     (twitter.com)

submitted by HelenHighwater to whatever 3 months ago


Sorry about twixxer links.
Ladies and gentlemen, meet the “dream team” at the manufacturer that made the plane door that just blew off in the middle of a flight     (twitter.com)

submitted by HelenHighwater to whatever 3 months ago


The "Dream Team"
I had some middle eastern food for lunch.     (Jokes)

submitted by HelenHighwater to Jokes 4 months ago


Now I falafel.
You can almost see the lughtbulb flicker...     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by HelenHighwater to whatever 6 months ago


*Lightbulb. ugh. Stupid Keyboard.
By age 10, Perry started misbehaving. He stole money, smoked, let his grades slip, and beat up fellow student and future Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau.     (en.wikipedia.org)

submitted by HelenHighwater to whatever 6 months ago


haha. Every once in a while you can find some gold in wiki-jew-pedia.
Can't make this up - Biden compares Hamas attack to "Fifteen 9/11s"     (www.dailymail.co.uk)

submitted by HelenHighwater to politics 6 months ago


Jew math is geeting even Jewier.
Why do some posters on this board accuse aeveryone who disagrees with them a 'jew'     (whatever)

submitted by HelenHighwater to whatever 7 months ago


Seriously? It is tiresome.
The "vaccine" wans't meant to kill.     (conspiracy)

submitted by HelenHighwater to conspiracy 7 months ago


The covid genetic mutation injection was engineered for a much more sinister purpose. It targets the circulatory and neurological system of the body and delivers a payload of imminent failures, guaranteeing massive profits for the pharmaceutical industry. They don't want you dead, they want you slowly dying for the rest of your life. Yes depopulation is part of the agenda, but culling doesn't make a profit, editing life expectancy through dependency on drugs does.

The real abysmal knife twist is that this is genetically inheritable by future generations. They have guaranteed ever increasing revenues forever. This is why there was a brutal attempt to get every single human injected. The slow decay of the entire human race. (Except for those in control, of course. We all saw the videos of the fake injections of the (((ruling class)))).
A joke. The Pianist:     (Jokes)

submitted by HelenHighwater to Jokes 8 months ago


A man and his fiancée are planning a wedding, and the fiancée has (as usual) planned most of the event. Wanting her future husband to be more involved in the planning, she assigns him the task of hiring a pianist for the wedding reception. Not thrilled with the responsibility, he decides to ask around at his favorite bar to see if anyone knows a piano player. Everyone at the bar agrees that a local guy named Tony is an accomplished pianist, and the man contacts and promptly hires him, without even hearing him play.

The day of the wedding reception arrives, The pianist Tony shows up at the reception, dressed impeccably in a fine tuxedo. The man's wife is thrilled that he hired such a professional looking musician.

Tony sits down at the piano and announces "I am going to play a song I wrote, called 'Your Mother's a Cunt and I Fucked Her!". A gasp ripples through the reception crowd, but is quickly replaced with silence as he plays beautifully.

Tony continues to play, and to announce lewd and disturbing titles for each song. Embarrassed, the man's wife pulls the newlywed husband aside and harshly whispers to him "Where the hell did you find this guy? Do you hear the names of his songs? The last song he played was called 'Fuck me like a prison whore!'. As she was complaining, her eyes grew wide and she pointed to the pianist. In his enthusiasm he was standing and his tuxedo pants ripped open, exposing his genitals for all to see. "Oh my God!", the wife cried. The man assures his new wife he would take care of the situation.

The man approaches Tony and whispers quietly in his ear, "Do you know your pants ripped open and your fucking balls are hanging out?"

The pianist smiles and replies "No, but if you hum a few bars, I can probably figure it out!"
A young woman wearing a bikini top walks into a bar...     (Jokes)

submitted by HelenHighwater to Jokes 1 year ago


She takes a seat at one end of the bar, and lifts her arm in the air to wave over the bartender, revealing extremely hairy armpits. Many of the people near her are put off with the bushes of hair under her arms and promptly move.

At the other end of the bar, the local drunk sits, swaying over his drink. After watching the bikini clad woman order drinks for a while, he calls over the bartender, motions to the woman; and in a slurred voice says "Gimme another whiskey and water, and I'd like to buy a drink for the ballerina at the other end of the bar".

The bartender mixes the whiskey and serves the woman her drink. He then returns to the local drunk and asks curiously, "How do you know she is a ballerina?"

The drunk replies, "If she can lift her leg that high, she MUST be a ballerina!"
What is the most important quality you look for in a partner?      (whatever)

submitted by HelenHighwater to whatever 1 year ago


Obviously it isn't limited to one trait; however, what is at the top of your list?