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Member for: 1.2 years

scp: -109 (+3/-112)
ccp: -119 (+7/-126)
votes given: 12 (+12/-0)
score: -228


Stonetoss is a stupid bigot, and so are you for agreeing with him. He constantly equates trans people and drag queens to pedophiles.

Furthermore, he blames the shootings on trans people, rather than easy access to guns in America. It's pretty hypocritical for him to say he cares about children when he doesn't care about children getting gunned down.

America: Where it's fine for a 5-year old to get killed, but not for a happy and eager 5-year old to consent.

/v/Comics viewpost?postid=64236404d7596

IF you're fine with children getting gunned down, then you should be fine with 6-year olds being able to consent. See here for more details.


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6422a627158d8

Yeah, I'm going to believe a racist dipshit with no proof whatsoever.

Bigots get the wall.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=641fe08fe090a

whites love violence. For instance, Sean Connery openly bragged about beating women. But the losers on Voat are a bunch of misogynistic losers, and only care when black people beat others.

Also, if you use the term "Ooga booga" again, I'll come to your house and put a round in your head.

/v/movies viewpost?postid=64205b5030574

I agree.

Besides, why are whites scared of becoming minorities? They constantly tell us how good minorities have it. It's like they think being a minority is a bad thing.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=641fe2351112b

You have been reported for calls to violence.

Voaters are a racist mob that love crime. I wouldn't be surprised if many Voaters have been locked up before.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=64200d12b3bf8

Hopefully the cop is dead. The last thing we need are more bigots in law enforcement.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=64202011261fb

Nope, right-wingers are just violent losers that love crime. Just look at the Jan 6 insurrection.

/v/Truth viewpost?postid=641dba431a430

Don't use the term "autistic" as an insult. It's a horrible, ableist term.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=641dc3479828d

That's because lord_nougat is a shrimp-dicked fascist. You know he jacks off to CP too.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=641da606a0423

There are no premature deaths from the vax, you moron. Visit the CDC website for more details.

/v/LGBTQNPZ viewpost?postid=641d42b643bec

You should have died instead. I'd take a trans woman over a bigot any day.

/v/LGBTQNPZ viewpost?postid=641d42b643bec

Fuck off. There is no "mental illness" on display, you transphobic, ableist asshole.

/v/LGBTQNPZ viewpost?postid=641d42b643bec

The word "pedophile" is a slur. Quit witch hunting.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=641d14069ec5c

Fuck off. Racists get the wall.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=641dbee792afb

Don't use the word "tranny," It's a slur.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=641d8529594b4