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Member for: 3.3 years

scp: 26 (+26/-0)
ccp: 131 (+139/-8)
votes given: 283 (+270/-13)
score: 157

Did You Accomplish Anything Today?      (AskUpgoat)

submitted by GOATMAN to AskUpgoat 2.0 years ago


I fixed the mower. Had to tear the carburetor apart and clean it, new spark plug, new air filter. It starts on the first pull now. Really not a big deal but it feels good. What did you get done?
Rise in Non-Covid-19 Deaths Hits Life Insurers - WSJ     (12ft.io)

submitted by GOATMAN to DeathVax19 2.3 years ago


“The losses we are seeing continue to be elevated over 2019 levels due at least in part, we believe, to the pandemic and the existence of either delayed or unavailable healthcare,” Globe Life finance chief Frank Svoboda told analysts and investors earlier this month.

Among the non-coronavirus-specific claims are deaths from heart and circulatory issues and neurological disorders, he said. “We anticipate that they’ll start to be less impactful over the course of 2022 but we do anticipate that we’ll still at least see some elevated levels throughout the year,” he said.