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score: 1880

Hey feds coming in and still trying to stir violence against "democrats", you're the only one that uses the word democrat. This is why we call you glowies. You glow. Not just that but your job is gay. You got it by being the best faggot.      (Glowniggers)

submitted by Dindu to Glowniggers 1 day ago


And not just gay but you're likely a straight up big nose goblin jew. Your thoughts about men's anuses aren't normal. I don't have them. It's just you and your worm brain faggot friends. So go transition your son like you were programmed, put on a dress and suck cocks in your gay little fed mobile. No it isn't cool or interesting. You're just a fag.

Edit: if it's just a dnc staffer trying to get a scoop or find some shit to report lol you're even more of a faggot than I thought the fed is. You probably rape kids.
Constant solo nigger violence in NYC. I understand individuals being brave and staying, but I don't understand guys letting their girlfriend live there and go to work like this.      (twitter.com)

submitted by Dindu to Niggers 1 day ago


I used to read the police blotter everyday in NYC and never worried because nothing happened in Manhattan. But if she was going to work there now, with these niggas, I'm not going to be wondering everyday uncertain about her safety, which, I now hate the bitch but I do remember having feelings.
The jewish nose. Example included. What is it? How is that human? What bird from hell bred with these people?      (twitter.com)

submitted by Dindu to Jews 2 days ago


Turns out all niggers had to do was slap Steve buscemi and rik moranis. Now everyone sees the problem with random nigger violence. Praying for Howard stern next     (Niggers)

submitted by Dindu to Niggers 2 days ago


I had Matt Walsh pegged for an eternal cuck but I am starting to think it is temporary. Dude is probably contemplating naming the entire jew right now.      (twitter.com)

submitted by Dindu to Jews 2 days ago


Saw commie sibling on mother's day. She says with glee "Some people are even saying that Hitler was right!!" Lol at this rate she will say in 2028 "Some people are saying niggers aren't even human and benefitted immensely from slavery!!" I guess better late than never.      (whatever)

submitted by Dindu to whatever 2 days ago


For context our biggest 2020 fight was because I called Netflix "jewflix".

While she had to use that qualifier "Some people are saying" hey at least she is secretly willing to agree, as long as someone else says it first

But yeah that nigger one isn't happening. She is way too invested in niggers. Lol she is all in.

This dude gets passionate about jews in public. Pulse never goes above 80     (twitter.com)

submitted by Dindu to Jews 3 days ago


Crowd is ready to lynch dude for attacking women. The last time this happened was the Bronx too.     (twitter.com)

submitted by Dindu to Niggers 5 days ago


Change in demographics from 80s to now     (whatever)

submitted by Dindu to whatever 1 week ago


The context here is "finding a wife" or even "trying to find decent food service".

80s - white as fuck. Any fat meant you are fat. Any foreigner was a cartoon character. Some skanks but they were metal. Good food service

Early 90s - niggers going crazy. White girls being skanks and not even being metal. Lots of Indians all the sudden. Spics also more common.

Late 90s - niggers calmed down. Everything became corporate. Wiggers. Indians. Skanks. Some fags. Fats were fatter. Lotta spics

00s -more gays, more spics, more indians. Chinks are still cartoonish. skanks got tattoos, wiggers had kids, niggers stayed chill. Overdoses became a real problem for whites

Late 00s - same but on the internet now. Calm times. Ever more fats and Mexicans.

10s - noticeably surrounded by fats, plenty of indians. spics now wanting to be heard, niggers going crazy again, way more skanks, but now there's also whores, drug overdoses calmed down, hipster whites, reddit snark

Late 2010s- whores everywhere. Even the retarded girl greeter at Walmart is probably fresh off a tinder date. Mixed couples everywhere. Tattoos everywhere. Niggers out of control. Mexicans everywhere. Indians everywhere. Faggots everywhere, but also trannies now. Neutered straight white dudes calling me racist even though it is just the two of us here. Straight up obese people everywhere. Drug overdoses return to white america. Service sucks.

Early 2020s - ^ this shit but doubled plus real economic worries and way more trannies, also zombies
Look at this. Reminding you there was a slew of vehicular attacks by niggers in Chicago in 2021. When they disreported that the waukesha driver was running from police, it was out of habit of running cover for these cases.      (www.google.com)

submitted by Dindu to Niggers 1 week ago


There were five of these in a very short period right on my streets, which I consider from Irving to Belmont to be my streets. So I started paying attention and noticed them releasing these kids who were stealing cars and running people over on purpose. It was always reported as an accident.

When the big one happened I was not surprised they ran cover immediately for this guy. Just like in hospitals they report to someone above them and are told what to do. This is so much bigger than Watergate or Catholic priest rape it's insane. Our institutions are practiced in war against us and they're protected in courts, media, all of it.
How is he unable to explain this? He sounds like someone who is NOT in control of our money would sound. That is how my neighbor would answer this!!     (twitter.com)

submitted by Dindu to Jews 1 week ago


Have any two things ever been more parallel than niggers and pitbulls?      (Niggers)

submitted by Dindu to Niggers 1 week ago


Especially in packs. They will kill you or at least destroy your head with zero provocation. Which one am I even describing? You can't say for sure.

The living victims of niggers and pitbulls could populate a small town. Maybe if we saw them all togther we could fully appreciate the disgusting consequences of these beasts. Shit, if zombies were to attack they would be the third most dangerous of the three. I'd be so glad to see it is only some zombies.

Trying to show someone video proof of this danger is met with "holy fuck why are you showing me this turn it off bro jesus christ!!" Again you don't know if I'm talking pit bulls or niggers.
Uh oh fellas we are getting our first previews of our enemy battle training.      (twitter.com)

submitted by Dindu to videos 1 week ago


A good explanation of how we got where we are. "Everything you are trying to control is bourgeoisie (or racist or cis) until you control it"     (twitter.com)

submitted by Dindu to videos 1 week ago


Far as I can tell, the prevailing modern education is "I don't believe in anything but we are here to hand over society to losers." How does the last bit jive with the first?     (whatever)

submitted by Dindu to whatever 1 week ago


This idea of the fortunate being born lucky is to me opposite of reality. Chance plays a part in the births of poor people. They are the random ones. The higher up you go, the less random births become.

So to repeat the title differently, are we here to punish people who planned births and planned lives in favor of losers because we don't believe anything but we're totally going to own the less "educated" along the way?
We knew the left would eat itself but wow we just get to sit and watch and feel no stress about any of it. Only we get to do that. Everyone else is at a crossroads lmao.      (ayylmao)

submitted by Dindu to ayylmao 2 weeks ago


Even a classic republicuck who may think he is just staying the course supporting Israel and hating leftists, that dude is now identifying specifically as an Israel supporter. That is all he is now. That has got to be not good for your internal organs

The real hope is for people to realize they are not that interested in any of it and start to focus on what is really important. This may reveal the true nature of intelligence and mental health, even more than the vaxx choice.
More video from UCLA brawl. This makes 2016 look pretty chill     (twitter.com)

submitted by Dindu to videos 2 weeks ago


Battle at UCLA reminiscent of 2016     (twitter.com)

submitted by Dindu to videos 2 weeks ago


Can you tell me what happened with this cop?      (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Dindu to AskUpgoat 2 weeks ago


About 130am years ago in south jersey I had been drinking and I bought a 40 oz and drove home. I was almost home and I got pulled over. He said he had to bring me in for an unpaid ticket in another city.

He did not mention the 40 or whether I had been drinking. It was just me at the station with him. Some little back road police station. I was not read my rights or fingerprinted but he cuffed me to a bench and set a date for me to go to New Brunswick and pay this ticket.

I had been pulled over plenty of times between the time of that ticket and the time of this weird half arrest. After he set me up with the court he let me go and just dropped me right back off at my car

Weird how they talk nonstop about "the effects of slavery still being visible", but they don't talk about the effects of being freed still being visible. Nice car nigga how many people died for you to have that?     (Niggers)

submitted by Dindu to Niggers 2 weeks ago


3 times I accidently caused black homeless dudes to schiz all the way out. Wow life is long and these incidents pile up!     (Niggers)

submitted by Dindu to Niggers 2 weeks ago


1. NYC 2004 - A train above Harlem somewhere

I don't know how I ended up in a conversation with this guy but he ended up begging me to sponsor him and invite him into my house. He yelled "i want my life back!" And to my cucked sensibilities it was sad. But then I tried to get off the train and he grabbed me by the backpack and the door halfshut with me outside and my back pack still on the train. So I got pulled back in. Then he said "I'm not gonna hurtcha!....... alright I am gonna hurtcha." And started shadow boxing with the pole. I got off the next stop and he allowed it. Lol no one helped either. They just watched

2. NYC 2015 lower east side

Got in a fight with my girlfriend drunk. I had a sandwich from Vanessa's dumplings and a tall beer. I suddenly didn't want them so I gave them to a black bum walking by. About 5 minutes later I hear him on the other side of the street yelling to himself "oh I see we're going to have a problem about this beer. I will have you know I was GIVEN this beer!!" I really should have ran over and told him not to drink the beer if he is struggling with sobriety.

3. Chicago 2021 Milwaukee Ave

It was real quiet on Milwaukee and this young schizophrenic nigger bum was on the other side cursing at people in my neighborhood. I yelled over to him "listen nigga youre not going to be cursing at people in my neighborhood. Chill the fuck out." Avondale is a quiet neighborhood. Look it up. No murders or anything. I remember it being nigga but in 2021 I was very crazy and it may have been a hard r. This is around the time I shot that video for you guys of me walking up Milwaukee counting closed up shops. Anyway he just shut up and stood there staring at me.

But the next day I see the guy and he recognizes me and he cried out "yo man I know people can be fucked up but you're CRAZY!! You are fucking CRAZY man!"

That one made me kinda sad too. Poor nigger bums
When I'm in this town I attend a thing I call the racial round table. I gave up 3 months sobriety at that table once but last night I did it sober and killed it thusly:      (whatever)

submitted by Dindu to whatever 2 weeks ago


It is 2 indians, an arab, mexican woman, black woman, columbian, old pervert jew, me and exmiltary jerry the rino cuck. There were a couple new people so I had to get them into my pocket with some softball hemingway stuff. They all had food and drinks. I just had an empty table in front of me and I knocked on it I say

"Oh! I ran into the director of the convention in the elevator and he gave me some inside information. He said (bend in and whisper) that it - is - going to be a GREAT convention!"

It doesn't sound like much but it knocked them dead and with everyone in my pocket i could start getting really racist.

Someone mentioned the pyramids and how they were built so i offered "egypt was built by blonde haired blue eyed supermen." I got really good at being silent between proclamations. No sputters or poor timings. Just wait for your gap. Briefly compare my phone to Jerry's to restore softball tone

The Indian goes off about Indian supremacy and how they run England, how Germans perverted the swastika, etc. He drew a swastika on the napkin to illustrate. I said

"If indians are so great then how do you explain Perkash (point at Perkash who is a hated man and we want him off the table. This one made people nervous and giddy it was damn explosive) I used this momentum to go on a barrage

"All that hindu stuff was started by blonde aryans. And if you really want to have fun, put the swastika over here between me and jerry for when the waitress comes back." I pulled the napkin over to our part. Jerry panicked at this. He was always distancing himself from anything I say so I ask "why do you sit next to me? I'm your only friend in this world jerry you are my passenger. Show some solidarity"

The Indian opened up the napkin and spread the swastika on the top of my head. So I went "time to do my stretches!" And started firing off Romans with both arms "I always stretch my arms before dinner!"

The columbian fell out at this and never recovered and I used his conniption as a chance to excuse myself.
The full absurdity of taking the vaccine is that by the time it came out, you and everyone you know had already survived the first year! I guess that's where the lol variants came in. Lmao those rofl variants.      (Vaxtards)

submitted by Dindu to Vaxtards 2 weeks ago


I didn't want to get sick either but I figured out by June of 2020 that all the fat girls working at Walgreens were still alive. Those were my canary in a coal mine. Various fat people working at the places I bought beer. As long as they were alive I was not worried.
If shit hits the fan, suicide vs random death.     (Shtf)

submitted by Dindu to Shtf 2 weeks ago


I feel like suicide breaks a rule, as if you are watching a movie but decide to jump through the screen and be the director

I'd rather an animal kill me than a person. I respect animals. I don't respect people and can't bear the insult of being killed by one.

If I go instantly I don't care when to be honest lol. But in a survival, scrappy situation, when exactly do you kill yourself? What if everything gets better right after you do like the end of The Mist?

But if anyone can surprise me at any time and leave me with my guts hanging out for hours? Maybe my imagination is running away here but I might neck it real early on in the battle. And it's against my rule.

So how bad do you want to see the end of your movie if shit hits the fan and your situation is not ideal for surviving. I mean my place has a sliding glass door I'm a sitting duck wouldn't even sleep
At this point, if the vaxx killed every leftist (including almost everyone I've ever met) I'd be okay with that. Their words aren't opinions or beliefs. They're little acts of war. I'm tired of being disgusted      (whatever)

submitted by Dindu to whatever 2 weeks ago


I cant look at twitter at all. Any utterance either from them or for them, I don't want to see. I can tolerate people that want to destroy any threat to western civilization and that's all I can tolerate.