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The White Lion.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by CaptLukeNotaras to HDLunited 3 years ago


Russian Proverbs Regarding the jew.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by CaptLukeNotaras to HDLunited 3 years ago


- If you lack a devil in your home, invite a Jew in.
- Whoever serves a Jew will not avoid disaster.
- What God loves, a Jew discards.
- A baptized Jew is like a tamed wolf.
- A Jew boasts of things a gentile repents for.
- Let a Jew into your house for a day and you won’t get rid of him in a year.
- Wherever a Jew goes, misfortune brews.
- A Jew’s hands love the labor of others.
- Pandering to a Jew is no different from being a thief yourself.
- A Jew is always ready to cross himself if he profits from it.
- A Jew is nourished by mischief.
- Where a Jew walks, men’s tears flow.
- A Jew will say he was beaten, but will never say for what.
- A Jew in business is like a leech on the skin.
- A Jew’s love is worse than a hangman’s noose.
- You want to ruin a Jew, don’t do business with him.
- For a Jew, souls are cheaper than coins.
- While you drink, a Jew steals your money.
- A Jew doesn’t know what shame is.
- A Jew will even swing a censer, as long as coin flows.
- Run with Jews, wake up with sins.
- Where a Jew goes, bribes follow.
- First a Jew treats you to a drink, then he makes you a drunkard.
- A Jew takes you not by force, but by temptation.
- A Jew stinks as badly as he looks.
- A Jew is like a pig: nothing hurts, but he keeps squealing.
- A house is only good until a Jew settles in it.
- A Jew is honey-mouthed in poverty, insolent in equality and a fiend in power.
- Call a Jew a brother and he will call himself your father.
- A Jew swings his tongue while a man swings his hoe.
- A Jew works only with his stomach.
- Who buys from a Jew digs his own grave.
- A Jew promising healing is like Death promising life.
- What ends up in a Jew’s hands, disappears.
- Avoid friendship with a Jew and you will avoid trouble in life.
- Bow to a Jew and you break in half.
- Jews are like rats – only strong in packs.
- Jewish praise is worse than scolding.
- Trust your eyes, not Jewish words.
- Jews carry lies like fields carry wheat.
- When a Jew tells the truth, the Devil will die.
- A Jew sinks the truth with gold, but it always floats to the surface.
- A Jew looks at you like a fox, yet stinks like a wolf.
- When you weep with joy, a Jew weeps with envy.
- Even a sated Jew looks around with hungry eyes.
- A Jew stops sucking blood only when he tires of breathing.
- Better to lose with a Christian than to find with a Jew.
- A Jew trembles over every coin even with one foot in the grave.
- Jews sow usury and reap misery.
- Jews pave their way with money.
- You may complete your service to God, but never your service to a Jew.
- Around rich Jews, men wear rags.
- Locusts might devour your crops, but a Jew will rip your skin off.
- Who gives a Jew free will, sells himself into slavery.
- A leech will gorge itself and fall off, a Jew won’t.
- There are no good Jews, just like there are no good rats.
- Punch a Jew in the face and he will accuse you of murder.
- When a Jew appears in your village, tie your tongue and unleash your dogs.
- If you want to live, drive away the Jew.
- The jew will always tell you what happened to him, but he wont tell you why.
A Race Which Cannot Survive on its Own Will Die Out -- The Coming Global 'Mass Mortality Event'.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by CaptLukeNotaras to HDLunited 3 years ago


'Pathological Altruism' as it is often referred to is a quality unique to Whites in which they desire to help others to a degree which would be detrimental to themselves. This was once a powerful survival trait to promote collaboration among the homogeneously White tribes in the far North which required long term planning and team work to survive the winter. The foundation of the West's greatness was built upon that benevolence -- that generational sacrifice.

Today, that White benevolence is abused by every other race.

The helping hand of the White man has created a dependence world-wide that literally upholds other races which promoted their births beyond the capacity to support themselves, and Whites have thus invested an unspeakable evil into the future (no good deed goes unpunished).

What happens when the White man decides that he can no longer carry their burden and of himself with the declining birth rate? What happens when Atlas finally shrugs? Those races will suddenly return to an equilibrium with their genetic nature to support themselves, and thus a global 'Mass Mortality Event', the likes of which history has never recorded.

The law of nature dictates that any organism which cannot survive on its own should and WILL die out.

"B-but the jews are promoting it"

The only power that the jew has is to entice or provoke the White man to his own end -- White pathological altruism is abused even by the jew, but theirs is for the sake of their selfish prosperity, towards world domination, and petty Loxsim. If anything, the jew, in his legendary lack of self reflection, is literally helping the White man by quickly accelerating his altruism to extreme and unsustainable levels, without which we may go onto help those races without protest to infinity. The jew is literally our greatest ally in promoting the accelerationism that we need to break /our/ chains and bring about a new dawn.

Accelerate for a White future!

Mass Mortality Event - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_mortality_event