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Member for: 3 years

scp: 8 (+10/-2)
ccp: 4 (+26/-22)
votes given: 8 (+8/-0)
score: 12


Sucks that he's right about women.

/v/ThotPatrol viewpost?postid=61ce6e2d01ed0

They want every White countries leadership as occupied with jews as ... Well, pick your western country.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=61ce2fdca3f84

>oh no our female golem that isn't comfortable with trannies (but actively supported foreign invasion and White replacement) is getting popular again! OYY VEYYY

Rowling is still a dumb cunt but whatever. Seems like women will tolerate almost anything but trannies. At least they've got that going for them.

/v/Collapse viewpost?postid=61ce02580c671

Inbred semites own a big portion of it, tragically.

/v/WakeUpWhitePeople viewpost?postid=61ccbf1d5b5a6

Ironically, you'd raise them better on your own. Single mothers are criminal factories.

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=61ca660a2979b

Okay. Decent enough. Usually it's pitiful white knights who write this shit but make no mention of how much women suck. But I'm kinda disappointed you've defaulted to, "uh yeah they're dumb animals that need men to correct them because a fat asian dude said so."

You can do better.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61ca4f3e2ee7b

Now tell me how you feel about women so I can consider respecting you.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61ca4f3e2ee7b

It's fear. You can just imagine it too. "oy veeey the white goyim still won't disarm themselves it's like anudda holocaust!"

/v/Christmas viewpost?postid=61ca4cad2631e

I'm seeing a lot of weird responses to this. Do you guys ACTUALLY think this is some magical conspiracy created to demoralize you? A story like this isn't farfetched at all. It's probably not common, but it's not an impossibility at all with the standards we've accepted to live with.

Women have gotten very used to acting without consequences in the West. Especially when it comes to marriage. Modern marriage, for men, is effectively agreeing to fork over everything you have, including your time and your children, to your woman and she can fabricate anything to make this happen more quickly if she wishes it. Of course, there are measures one can take to prevent this, but when a woman claims to be your partner and goes through the whole 'Til Death Do Us Part' bullshit, you can't imagine that she'll just drop all these divorce-rape measures on you the very next day. But women can do that. And since they can do that, they will. Women are not obligated to the same standards of morality and decency than men are and the evidence of this surrounds us since the dawn of recorded history. They live life on a different, more easier method that permits them to use others freely. Because that's the environment we've permitted them.

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=61ca660a2979b

Women do not get suicidal. Women get upset that they're not being worshiped.

[Men get suicidal. Men actually commit suicide.](https://i.imgur.com/p60NycK.jpg) And no one cares. Certainly not their women.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61ca5614674a5

>ADL and Paypal announce they'll work together
>time passes
>"sorry guys free speech is too tough we're just hobbyists give us money thanks bye"

Hmmm interesting.

/v/MeanwhileOnRuqqus viewpost?postid=6115d4bacd294

Woman moment - thttps://twitter.com/ScottMGreer/status/1413326491027390465

/v/4Chan viewpost?postid=60e8867d9baa0

They burnt Dresden and every innocent soul there that they could.

Now they and their daughters shall suffer.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6096b506e3b9b

They're also just slightly less hazardous than blacks.

/v/Hiddenlol viewpost?postid=6095d5eb18087