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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 0 (+0/-0)
ccp: 300 (+340/-40)
votes given: 710 (+558/-152)
score: 300


Cockroaches and Roaches should be Roachniggers

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60ed242103b04

After the next gibs, they swear theyll not be niggers


/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=60ed26c534dc9

Larry Lalonde is underrated

Primus - Hamburger Train

/v/music viewpost?postid=60ec19d7ba787

He put in ten years. Paid the dues

/v/music viewpost?postid=60ebc5a5eada2

So, youve seen antartica from a plane? Post photos from an optically-correct camera lens.

The earth cannot be proven to be a sphere, via the internet, either.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=60eb26f2d17a0


/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=60eb26f2d17a0

Its turtles all the way down, even beyond the Salvia barrier

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=60eb26f2d17a0

"Gravity" machines of alien technology. This a zoo.

Even if it aint flat. The moon is fake and we're at the center of the universe.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=60eb26f2d17a0

They know its satire while not being satire.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60eb332a4a922


/v/music viewpost?postid=60ea6395ad975

Korean girl hate!:



/v/based_department viewpost?postid=60ea1620c99d2

Theres no way to network filter only posting. Its either your browser or account

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60ea2601ae8fc

Women are inherently liberal. Big hint: theyre different animals. The kikes are a whole nother thing, their animal inflicts different damages.


"If I have seemed to concentrate on the accomplishments of women in politics, it is because they afford a particularly striking example of intelligent use of the new propaganda to secure attention and acceptance of minority ideas." - Propaganda by Edward Bernays

"Women will always, in any situation, in any country, support whatever harms the country – if they are allowed access to foreign propaganda.

Women are incredibly susceptible to the influence of propaganda. There is literally no way to stop them from making decisions entirely based on their emotions, and foreign propaganda is totally capable of influencing their emotions. Thus it is that a foreign intelligence operation that is able to spread propaganda in a country like Poland is able to turn a huge portion of the women in the country against the country.

You might say that the solution to this is to ban foreign propaganda. Maybe that is a solution, I don’t know. But it’s not the ideal solution. For one, it is very hard to do. For another, it necessitates violating the freedom of speech of the people.

The much better solution is to simply ban women from participating in public society. This ensures that women are not able to destroy the society, while also ensuring the freedom of the people."


/v/4Chan viewpost?postid=60e8867d9baa0

DO NOT LOOK AT THIS. Theres telepathic parasites:

SIMBAD Session Results with Serbian Abductee


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60e8918761124

Buhbye Nevada to Maryland, we don't need you! We the 5th biggest country in the world! #CaliPride

/v/news viewpost?postid=60e79012ca06e

And completely unnecessary. Thats the secret. They got free labor, and you now think it was adulting skills. Youd do it right anyway after puberty.

/v/ShowerThoughts viewpost?postid=60e7319fe9466

@system Wayback Machine links janky

/v/Tyranny viewpost?postid=60e559af44683

Now that the facility of the digital tooling is more granular and refined, and theres no shortage of weak-minded grunts that are powertrippin to do what theyre told, by the telepath aliens in human disguise or transdimensionals with the ability to manipulate all digital processes or the government, as zealous intern lords over the online conversation or jannies of pre-crime trends, this is all now easier to implement when it will matter the most to our future: silencing anti-alien dissent after "arrival."

The Roswell trojan horse and social infiltration to pressure the farce of 2020, is paying off. Abductees/contactees with negative experiences of the 40+ species will also be flagged as "agents of disinformation" and limited for "preemption of public criticism."







"The fact that he is now censored by Big Tech and outright being erased from scientific history is a crime in and of itself, and something that should worry just about everyone... If Malone can be erased, what chance do the rest of us have to not encounter the same fate?"


/v/Tyranny viewpost?postid=60e559af44683



Based on the SS Werwolf Combat Manual, here is SS Paladin. 1 book with all the information needed for the modern Nat Soc Guerrilla warrior.


I. Introduction – 6

II. Ideology and mindset – 9

III. Guerrilla Tactics – 26

1. The art of guerrilla warfare - 26

2. Sniping and Marksmanship - 27

3. Combat skills - 27

4. Basic Security - 28

5. Mission Planning and Execution – 33

6. Interrogation - 38

7. Counter-Intelligence – 38

8. Psychological Operations/Warfare - 52

9. Armed Propaganda – 56

10. Development and Control of 'Front' Organizations - 57

11. Initial recruitment – 57

12. Organization of Cells for Security – 60

13. Persuasion in Chats or Speeches – 63

14. Oratory Basics – 67

15. Creating a new identity - 71

IV. Equipment and Weapons - 75

1. Equipment if available – 75

2. Gear and Tools – 77

3. Unarmed Combat - 82

4. Assassination – 85

5. Car and Truck Bombs – 103

6. Caching – 111

V. OPSEC – 144

VI. Guerrilla Intelligence – 163

VII. Secret Meetings Guide – 180

VIII. USB Dead drops – 183

IX. Tactics against Law Enforcement Officers – 186

X. Modern Weapons Outline – 189

XI. Home-made Explosives – 205

1. Molotov Cocktails – 216

2. Swiss army knife blueprint – 219

XII. Enemy Tactics and Guerrilla War – 223

1. Guerrilla Mini-Manual – 223

2. Jihadist Training Manual – 257

XIII. War Tactics and Background Knowledge – 283

XIV. Nerve Gas – 287

XV. Firearms Manufacturing – 324

1. Building a pistol from scratch - 362

2. Building a 9mm SMG from scratch - 379

3. Building a 12 Gauge Shotgun from scratch - 403

4. Ammunition – 432

1. Manufacturing Ammunition – 445

2. Primers – 454

3. Cartridge Assembly – 465

4. Casting your own Bullets – 480

5. Cartridge Cases – 492

XVI. Explosives – 531

1. Blasting Caps – 571

2. Fuses and Ignition – 591

3. Manufacturing Grenades – 614

4. Manufacturing larger bombs and advanced bomb making – 631

1. Atomic Bombs – 632

XVII. The Art of War by Sun Tzu - 635

XVIII. Booby Traps - 657

XIX. Body Armour - 659

XX. The Enemy – targets and background - 661

XXI. Bibliography - 665







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/v/books viewpost?postid=60bf9785251e5


/v/MGTOW viewpost?postid=60e4ad4fe42d8