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Member for: 3.1 years

scp: 0 (+0/-0)
ccp: 1085 (+1102/-17)
votes given: 16647 (+15774/-873)
score: 1085


Gotta admit, I've considered it, myself.

/v/news viewpost?postid=663e6f625e6c7

You think that’s bad, take a look at your own pope.

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=663e036b0ad1b

If this broad won’t understand hoeflation, she definitely won’t understand inflation.

/v/ThotPatrol viewpost?postid=663e1c49e0fee

This guy really should have been president. He’s the only one that if you told me he’d violate The Constitution and serve 4 or 5 terms, I’d probably just say “Eh, he’s upheld it more than any other president in history. Think we can let him take a mulligan.”

But I say that, pretty confident that he wouldn’t have done it at to begin with.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=663655a0d2682

Gaetz was one of the loudest voices against it. I don’t know that any of these gubmint tools are “our guy” but he seems to vote correctly on every issue that has come up. Even when there were only a handful that did.

He also was the voice for getting rid of McCarthy and far as I know, didn’t sign on for this Johnson cuck, either.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=663593e975b6c

They defined that "alleging jewish involvement in Jesus's crucifixion" is antisemitism.

Fucking clowns. This is the government white Americans have fought and died for, for generations.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=66338cdba1817

Making them the ONLY group legally protected against hurt feelings.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=6632f414278d0

But then they know you have it. Or you can get a 3D printer and...

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6632c26ac0484

Eh, good that they’re back to the logo of an actual ray than the previous one of the exploding yellow anus.

/v/Florida viewpost?postid=663037d9caf12

That cunt completely lost any credibility when she started a post with: "As a proud Zionist..."

I think of her like throwing a rattlesnake into an enemy's tent. Sure, the snake will bite your enemy, but it doesn't mean you and the snake are buddies now.

/v/news viewpost?postid=66299051cc568

I dunno, man. Thinking that those little girls' lives will be permanently altered because of the mass importation of the 3rd world...

As a dad of two girls (they're adults now, but the point stands) I can't imagine the absolute rage those parents must be feeling. Take the politics out of it, and just think of that heartbreak.

In the end, you're probably right, but still.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=66293daab6d45

Oh, now you’ve done it.

Somebody mark this guy!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66270b6e1a9fe

If not wild boars, then just kill pigs.

The infringey kind.

/v/Guns viewpost?postid=6626ff0b5d09b

Godzilla Minus One was a pretty good flick. No jewification. Just some people dealing with trying to survive in post-WWII Japan. Then this giant irradiated dinosaur shows up and starts fucking thing up right when people were starting to get back on their feet.

It’s overall a pretty good movie, even if you have to read it all because it wasn’t dubbed.

/v/movies viewpost?postid=6619fac0db78e

Top 3 would be
Casablanca, Jaws, and Top Gun.

Casablanca has everything you could want in a movie in it (other than tits, I guess) and every time I watch it, I catch some new small thing.

/v/MoviesWithGoats viewpost?postid=6617172d9a1ef

Probably the best action flick of all time.

/v/MoviesWithGoats viewpost?postid=6617172d9a1ef

And people will still carry their water because they don’t want to admit that : (1) they fell for the lies, (2) the people they think they are the intellectual superiors of did not, and (3) they are now forever fucked at the genetic level, that will carry on to any future offspring.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=66155b4fa1841

I always thought she was hot. I would totally hav fallen for the jew trap.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6612e0f2c5b41

Get real. Nobody craves anything from black people beyond their ability to destroy a civilization.

/v/random viewpost?postid=660efa0a0e4c6

Eh, she'll go onto her Onlyfans and show a bunch of strangers her butthole and make it back in a day or two. Sooner if she convinces simps to pay more for her mental anguish.

/v/clusterBbitches viewpost?postid=6606af3d25826

On one hand, this could be total bullshit.

On the other, this is pretty much in line with Nuland's fuckery.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=65fedc6a33156

Nah, see, what had happened was...

we wuz kangz.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=65e50b1520a13

Hmm. Just going from the title of the post, it gets me curious. What about intentionally infecting people with autoimmune diseases with measles? Might make their immune systems “forget” to target their own bodies.

I’m thinking this because I have MS, and the VA doc was talking about putting me on some super expensive (I’m not paying for it directly, but our taxes are) gene therapy treatment that effectively resets my immune system’s memory to that of about a 6 year old. I said no, but would something like this, effectively be the same thing?

Trouble is, I’ve also been immunized against measles, so I dunno.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65df22992c9d6